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Obsessive Compulsive Posters

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 03:32:47

At 12/7/03 02:53 AM, TearDropped wrote: and hey, little spammy dude that thinks ben would even consider letting him in,

Woah, calm down girl. I don't know what atrocities he has done to you in the past, but I am starting to question your sanity. Tell me, what has he done to you?

stupid mal. i wish he had left someone his fucking aim- or could get his comp up again.

Maybe this whole computer trouble thing was a cover for him to commit suicide and not let us know about it because we care for him so much. If so then he has successfuly pulled it off and is happily rotting in his grave (or crying in Hell).

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 03:33:57

You know, I just realized something. With PyROmAnIAc30 deleted, TearDropped's now more or less the only Lv. 2 regular on the Newgrounds BBS. Granted, she's not really a regular just yet, but you all know what I mean. By the way, TearDropped, don't worry about the hot chocolate. Thanks for apologizing though. I just wish you'd lay off Canuckfan in here. I mean, you may find him annoying and everything in real life, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's to keep your real life and your BBS life separate from each other. At least on a personal level. And don't worry about the spammer we had in here. Tanner's already done his job. Might as well make this my log-out post too. I'm off to bed now. Here are my posting stats for the night of December 6th, 2003...

Last night: 10,504 in total (36.230 per day)*
Tonight: 10,509 in total (36.122 per day)
Changes: + 5 posts; - 0.108 PPD

By the way, this is just something that's been bugging me for a while, but if anyone can tell me how you get that little "1/2" sign to represent a half, it would be greatly appreciated. You know, how to get it as just one symbol instead of three? Man, I don't even know if that question makes sense. Hopefully, someone will understand me. Anyways, I'm getting the hell out of here before maintenance sets in, so I'll be seeing all you guys tomorrow. Oh, and Painbringer? Your thread may "have more rules" than Thread Endorsed By Testerline, but just remember, game threads don't really have a history of lasting for a really long time. Either way, good luck, dude. Later, all.

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 03:36:06

At 12/7/03 03:18 AM, TearDropped wrote: wait a second here. im kinda lost. its anout 12:15am, and thats quite abit past 6:30. also, the skate is over.

Well no shit. :-)

YOU WONT BE COMING. im sorry to be the one to break it to you, but someone had to, and its better to know now than later.

Just try to stop me from coming next week.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 03:49:41

At 12/7/03 03:33 AM, biteme2514 wrote: By the way, this is just something that's been bugging me for a while, but if anyone can tell me how you get that little "1/2" sign to represent a half, it would be greatly appreciated. You know, how to get it as just one symbol instead of three? Man, I don't even know if that question makes sense. Hopefully, someone will understand me.

hahahha nice way of explaining it ben. hahah. well i think these is what u whant to see ½ instead of 1/2. well these is how you do it
Alt+0189 = ½ hope it helped u

You lost your way and now you find you gave up your life you surrender your mind you arent who you wanted to be your just a reflection of society

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 04:15:56

At 12/7/03 03:33 AM, biteme2514 wrote: With PyROmAnIAc30 deleted, TearDropped's now more or less the only Lv. 2 regular on the Newgrounds BBS.

She better watch out 'cause she may be next on the hit list.

By the way, this is just something that's been bugging me for a while, but if anyone can tell me how you get that little "1/2" sign to represent a half, it would be greatly appreciated.

You mean this: ½? just hold down Alt and type 0189 on the number pad. It's just one of those things like Alt 0165 = ¥.

Anyways, I'm getting the hell out of here before maintenance sets in, so I'll be seeing all you guys tomorrow.

I think the error storm was the maintainance because I haven't experienced it in over a month.

Oh, and Painbringer? Your thread may "have more rules" than Thread Endorsed By Testerline, but just remember, game threads don't really have a history of lasting for a really long time.

I think my thread will just get buried like most other ones.

Well, here are my stats:

Yesterday: 6,154 in total (15.819 per day)
Today: 6,176 in total (15.835 per day)
Difference: 22 in total (+0.016 per day)

Hell yeah! A positive number for the first time in weeks.

I'm not going to sleep just yet.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 08:02:08

¥ coolness, i dint know that stuff. Is there a guide or what to tell what other things that i can do with all these numbers ??? Well i think im gonna be working on my flash soon, after i get some food im starving, lol. So i might or might not be around much today, i dont know depends on how i feel.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 08:03:07

At 12/7/03 03:49 AM, CheapSex wrote: Alt+0189 = ½ hope it helped u

There's an "easier" way:

Alt+171 = ½
Alt+172 = ¼

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 08:39:28

bitme2514, I have decided that I do not have time to do this club justice. I just can't keep up with you people. Peace, l8r.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 11:55:35

See ya then Lemming mate. Since there is a few flash animators here i decided to kill 2 birds with one stone...How the hell do i do decent lip synching ??? Anyone any tips ??

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 13:25:55

At 12/7/03 03:13 AM, TearDropped wrote:
humbug. sorry man, im just in a really fucking bad mood, and i come in here and the top of the page is some fuckoff that thought iwould be a great way to bring his posts up by going into this thread nd scribbling.

Thats ok. I understand. People have there bad days and people have there good days. Its all part of life.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 13:51:52

At 12/6/03 06:52 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Shit Feelfree your taking that compulsive posting to new levels

I did another 110 today.

im proud of you.


Im not really into the MC forums anymore


Hope you get to top poster spot soon,

Look below. *grin*

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 14:25:57

At 12/7/03 08:03 AM, alexsmolik wrote: There's an "easier" way:
Alt+171 = ½
Alt+172 = ¼

I swear, with all the members we have, we know just about everything there is to know about the forums. Thanks a million though, guys. Good to know that I always have a few resources handy here.

Anyways, I'm going to be online for the next few hours but I'm going to have to leave pretty soon to get some more studying out of the way. Got a Biology test and a Math test that I need to take this Tuesday so today probably isn't going to be fun for me. We'll see how it goes though. I plan on spending quite a bit of time on the BBS today. And I'll be starting with that reply to the Movie Viewers Association thread that I've been meaning to make ever since I saw Gothika...

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 16:23:38

At 12/7/03 01:51 PM, Feelfree wrote:
I did another 110 today.

Man thats alot.




I'll be back

Look below. *grin*

Man thats good, i hope you stay there but im gonna be there sometime and just post rapidly to catch you mate.

I seen a few movies last night i hadnt seen before XXX which wasnt as bad as people said it would be. Insomnia which i thoroughly enjoyed i really liked the twists in it.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 17:09:24

At 12/7/03 08:02 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: ¥ coolness, i dint know that stuff. Is there a guide or what to tell what other things that i can do with all these numbers ??? Well i think im gonna be working on my flash soon, after i get some food im starving, lol. So i might or might not be around much today, i dont know depends on how i feel.

Here u go here is the list of symbols and how to make them WEll hope u find what u needed. damn stupid 56k modem truly SUX ASS. and with these layout it takes FOREVER to load a page. ohh well one more week to go till i get dsl back up and running. untill then ADIOS>

You lost your way and now you find you gave up your life you surrender your mind you arent who you wanted to be your just a reflection of society

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 23:21:41

heh, you should be quetioning my sanity. hell, in questioning it too... wait, no im not. i know im crazy. but konrad, dont you know that too? dont you come in through the mirror in my basement, through the living room covered in clothes, up the staircase that has the same carpeting it did when the house was first built, through the other living room covered in art supplies by a mother that is trying to forget all the mistakes shes made, and is still making, into my bedroom where i spent the majority of my time? i sit, and walk, and write, and listen and think. i just usually sit there, listening to the same cd as i did an hour before, maybe the same song many times because it sescribes how i feel at the exact minute. so i sit there, listen to the music and think. can you hear what im thinking konrad? you hear me thinking of what i could do or say- just anything i could do or say. things i could tell elyse, maybe ben or kayla or madelaine, things i could do to stop myself from becoming how i know i will- things ive promised myself, then broken no more than afew hours later. and, yes, sitting and contemplating suicide. but i obviously havent yet- but not because of some peoples reasons. see, its not that im scared, cause i sure as hell arent. its not because

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 23:22:23

Well, looks like ben will be back soon, so I guess I will start my first OCP post of the day now.

Well, It's been almost exactly four days since Mal last posted and still not a trace of him on the entire internet.

Oh, and I just checked his profile on Spasmbot and found that his AIM name is actually MALforPresident, so check for him when you have the time.

I think I'll send him an e-mail if that isn't broken too.

BTW, I made a topic in the BBS called "Would You Rather 2004" and what sets it apart from the rest is the rules I added for it. So check it out.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-07 23:33:01

At 12/7/03 11:21 PM, TearDropped wrote:

can you hear what im thinking konrad?

No, but I just saw you sitting on the floor of your room, knees bent so your feet are behind you, and you were facing towards the south wall of your room.

Tell me if any of this is accurate.

My head hurts.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 00:14:52

sorry for not finishing off my last thought, but i didnt think it was worth it.

huh, i think i was earlier... if i was crying, then you you are correct.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 00:41:12

At 12/8/03 12:14 AM, TearDropped wrote: if i was crying, then you you are correct.

Well now it all makes sense - I think I'll try it again sometime later.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 00:55:16

At 12/8/03 12:41 AM, Painbringer wrote: Well now it all makes sense - I think I'll try it again sometime later.

lol okay then. but hey, are you coming out next weekend? heh, im having fun in the love topic in general- its cool cause someone thought i was smart. and i think he actually meant it, which is rare in my case... but is ti just me and you in there? im glad i have mals aim now, im gonna try him tomorrow or in the next few days.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 01:29:37

Well, I just got back from having dinner with my grandparents. Forgot to mention that in here, but yeah, went out for sushi, and then I came home to watch an old copy of Four Weddings and a Funeral that I rented. Not quite as good as I thought it would be, but then again, it was made in 1994. Maybe I should have just rented Hellraiser after all...

So yeah, guess I'm going to go check out General now. Once again, I've been gone for a good five or six hours so only God knows exactly how much it is I missed. The stupid thing is, all I have is an hour left before I need to get my ass off to bed. Better hurry then, huh? I'll be around...

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 01:40:08

At 12/8/03 12:55 AM, TearDropped wrote: lol okay then. but hey, are you coming out next weekend?

This time I will try full-assed instead of half-assed like the other times.

heh, im having fun in the love topic in general- its cool cause someone thought i was smart.

I checked it out, but never had much interest in all these love concepts.

but is ti just me and you in there?

In where, the love topic?

im glad i have mals aim now, im gonna try him tomorrow or in the next few days.

I'll try again too.

I wonder if anyone has depostited for him. I also wonder why Mal's agent hasn't said anything yet.

Oh, and I just checked an obituary site, but didn't find him.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 01:58:12

can i get member?

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 03:15:55

So yeah, guys, looks like I'm going to be logging out now. I didn't spend all that much time posting today but for some strange reason, I'm in another one of those sappily romantic moods again. Must have something to do with watching Four Weddings and a Funeral a few hours ago. But yeah, I'm actually quite proud of my last post in that No Such Thing As Love thread. Don't ask me why, I'm not sure myself, but it sounds as if I know what I'm talking about so I figure that might be a factor. However, the more likely explanation would be that I'm just stupid. But yeah, logging out now, so here are my posting stats for the night of December 7th, 2003...

Last night: 10,510 in total (36.126 per day)*
Tonight: 10,516 in total (36.023 per day)
Changes: + 6 posts; - 0.103 PPD

Holy crap. It's already past midnight. I need to be at school in about eight hours and I still need time to sleep and all that other crap. I better hurry the hell up. I guess I'll take care of erpherman's membership request tomorrow. Then again, I might not at all. I seem to remember me nominating him for a Spammer Of The Day award a while back. Usually not someone I'd want joining this club. Oh well, if he asks again, I'll deal with it. I doubt he really wants to join anyways. You can just tell with some people. So yeah, I guess I'll be seeing all you guys tomorrow after school and after that damn Senior Activities Committee meeting that I have to go to. Until then, people. Later.

*May or may not be completely accurate. Yet another educated guess.

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 03:55:58

Well, Biteme's gone again and looks like nothing much has happened today...

Nothing except making a topic only to have it locked a few hours later just because it's predecessor got locked for no stated reason.

Just because it's predecessor got locked - What kind of babyish excuse is that, Tanner? It is these story and game topics that keep the citizens at peace and out the moderator's business.

Yeah, I truely believe the NGBBS is communist, but unlike most disgruntled veterans I'm staying.

Well, that's enough of my political rant, now for my daily stats:

Yesterday: 6,176 in total (15.835 per day)
Today: 6,192 in total (15.835 per day)
Difference: 16 in total (0.000 per day)

My PPD is frozen. Well there's a first for ya.

Goodnight guys.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 03:57:02

I havent posted in here in a while so I will now.

Well whats going on peeps? Or has everyone gone to bed?

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 06:03:54

At 12/8/03 03:57 AM, Incitic wrote: Well whats going on peeps?

Not much, but I was right all along that Shrapnel is a woman: I first suspected it from Bedn and then the "Shrapnella" photos, but now she has come clean in her account - Take that Ben.

Or has everyone gone to bed?

Nope, I was just looking at a shitload of free gay porn for two hours straight. Well, I'm leaving now so goodbye.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 06:38:42

At 12/8/03 06:03 AM, Painbringer wrote:
Nope, I was just looking at a shitload of free gay porn for two hours straight. Well, I'm leaving now so goodbye.

Stop doing that ok. Your still a young guy, you have a future. Wow you guys all seem sensitive because Mals been gone for a while, maybe he did die, huh, lol, no way hes kidding you lot on. Hes away on holiday for two weeks i bet.

Im just listening to some queen just now and im in a great mood, wo wo wo wo oh explode burning through the skies yeah.....Supersonic woman of you.

Still grafting away at my flash and im just gonna say, lip syncjing is quite difficult for me, its the first time ive attempted it and dang im struggling.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 11:41:33

Ah, my grades are heeere...

I'm very estatic about not failing a single subject, but then again, whatever.

math- 70
english- 93
italian- 75
bio- 85
global- 85
religion(I go to a catholic school, fewel)- 88

Averaged out at 82.700.

absences- 2
Really three or four... but it looks like someone's asleep at the button.

latenesses- 0
I was late about 9 times. They fucked up everyone's attendence records.

Now you share.

I don't have school today, so I'm going to have to do a couple of essays from over the weekend today.


BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-08 11:53:58

well done -MAD- im happy for you mate. Well doesnt look to busy right now so im gonna work on my flash, since theres nothing else to do.