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Obsessive Compulsive Posters

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 20:59:31

At 12/4/03 08:45 PM, biteme2514 wrote: Anyone here have any theories about that?

It is a fact that most of the people around the world who surf the BBS have no accounts: Maybe they just like pictures.

Now get back to studying, slacker!


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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 22:14:47

*Mandatory weekly post*

Sorry for not hanging around much.... winter has definetely started, and I've been spending all of my free time taking advantage of that fact.

Mal is feeling depressed? That's no good.... we must cheer him up at once. Quickly, Ben, let's start cracking stereotypical Canadian jokes involving us! Konrad and Stash, join in too! You know damn well what I'm talkin' aboot!

hem.... that's enough partial madness for now. For the news section:
I have delayed all major Flash projects untill the start of Christmas break. This is due to the fact that I have to do a huge amount of animation for a planned English project.

Also in the news here.... Andrew is joining the terminal illness fad! Look... I used the 'Italic' button, and it gave me HTML AIDS!
Sorry if that seems in bad taste.... and I'm truly sorry to Chris if he's telling the truth about being HIV positive.

Clock crew-involved news:
Someone managed to hack into clockcrew.net, forcing Biological Clock to shut the site down for a while and fix some of the more obvious security flaws. A person (believed to be the same hacker) then went to clockgrounds.com, and caused some stir by taking my account, changing the password, and trying to provoke people. Luckily, everyone realised it was the hacker, and an admin fixed the problem. I was told later that people realised that the hacker had taken my account because I'm 'too nice' to post the hatefull stuff that he/she was posting. Huh.... neato!

.... and, as is usual after eating a nice, relaxing pizza (I think I'm addicted, and I find it extremely interesting that it's possible to become addicted), I have no idea how to end my post. Oh well.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 22:31:14

I was not around today... went wandering for a little bit, now I've got to deposit, and study for some tests.







I'm angry at the tests.


BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 23:02:37

At 12/4/03 10:14 PM, muh_not_stooped wrote: Konrad and Stash, join in too!

Sorry Muh, but I have already been drafted to the provoker team.

Sorry if that seems in bad taste.... and I'm truly sorry to Chris if he's telling the truth about being HIV positive.

He just said something about being pricked with a needle so I doubt he's being serious.

I'm 'too nice' to post the hatefull stuff that he/she was posting. Huh.... neato!

Yup, you are the model Clock.

I have no idea how to end my post. Oh well.

How about something like "Muh out..."?

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 23:04:08

At 12/4/03 10:31 PM, -mad- wrote: I'm angry at the tests.

I guess you are wise call yourself -mad-.

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-04 23:38:04

At 12/4/03 11:02 PM, Painbringer wrote:
He just said something about being pricked with a needle so I doubt he's being serious.

Good to know that he likely doesn't have it!

Yup, you are the model Clock.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to carry a lot of weight in the Clock Crew... I'm still pretty new to it (7 months or so), and n00b opinions aren't taken quite as seriously as they could be. I have gained some respect by being a good artist, though, so it equals out (more or less) in the end.

How about something like "Muh out..."?

Over-used sayings make me do the sad dance.
We're the OCP! Hello, we run the convenience store across the street, Communism, and your boss's daughter!

I also planned to post a bit more, anyways. I just had to show you this.... I found this quite a while ago. It's possibly the trippiest site intro I've ever seen. Much respect to the guy who made it....


Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 00:17:42

At 12/4/03 11:38 PM, muh_not_stooped wrote: Good to know that he likely doesn't have it!

He should still get tested though.

I have gained some respect by being a good artist, though, so it equals out (more or less) in the end.

That's the main reason I consider you a Clock.

We're the OCP! Hello, we run the convenience store across the street, Communism, and your boss's daughter!

That could work.


That must have been hard to make. My comp froze after it finished.

BTW, did you hear that Pyromaniac30 is no longer among us? He was a good veteran too. :-(

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 00:27:07

At 12/5/03 12:17 AM, Painbringer wrote: BTW, did you hear that Pyromaniac30 is no longer among us? He was a good veteran too. :-(

What happened? Did his account get deleted or something for that little spam spree he pulled off in General shortly before I left? You know, it's not even the first time he's done something like that. I used to have this screenshot of how he was the last poster for every single topic on the front page of General but for some strange reason, I deleted it. You never know you need a picture until you delete it. Sucks. Oh well, I guess this weird picture will have to do...

By the way, I'm back for now, but chances are, I'll be logging off, like, an hour early tonight to get some more studying out of the way. Apparently, trying to work with really large groups isn't a good idea when you have a test the next day. I just ended up talking with them the entire time.

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 00:45:14

At 12/5/03 12:27 AM, biteme2514 wrote: What happened? Did his account get deleted or something for that little spam spree he pulled off in General shortly before I left?

Damnit Ben, I wanted people to think he was dead and now you ruined the fun.

Oh, and although Pyro is an unperson, he will be imortalized in NGBBS Character Battle (topic and game) and Veteran Trap. So go check those out if you're interested.

I just ended up talking with them the entire time.

Your weakness is people. Well, it's too late to ban yourself now.

BTW, I won't be coming on saturday because three hours just isn't worth my parents' gas money - Got any major plans for Sunday?

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 01:57:00

At 12/5/03 12:45 AM, Painbringer wrote: BTW, I won't be coming on saturday because three hours just isn't worth my parents' gas money - Got any major plans for Sunday?

Probably not, but since I'm using up my Saturday doing a bunch of stuff for the community, I might just want to take a day off and do what I want to do. Knowing me, that's probably just a trip to the theatres again. I'm kind of curious as to how bad The Last Samurai is actually going to be. I mean, I've heard some bad things about that movie already but still, no one I know has really seen it yet so I don't even know why I'm listening to them. But yeah, this Sunday, I'm probably just going to go out and do my own thing. Think you want to try for next week, dude?

Oh crap, I'm supposed to be studying, aren't I?

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 02:30:39

At 12/5/03 01:57 AM, biteme2514 wrote: Think you want to try for next week, dude?

What's wrong with Sunday anyway?

Oh crap, I'm supposed to be studying, aren't I?

Take the blue pill and study time ends. You will be left on the forum doing whatever you want.

Take the red pill and you go deeper into the books and become something greater.

So what will it be, Biteme?

*Sees Ben reaching for the red pill*

Remember, there is no turning back.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 02:56:34

There's nothing really wrong with Sunday. I just don't like having such a rigid schedule to follow on my weekends. I mean, I get two days a week when I don't have to worry about school or all that other crap, and if I plan everything I do down to the second, then it'll just be another week where I go back to school all pissed off for not doing the things that I wanted to do, you know what I mean? Wow, that's a really confusing sentence. I'm just exuding sleepiness right now, aren't I? Might as well log off now so I won't have to spend so much time studying before I get to sleep. I'm tired as hell right now. Something tells me I should be getting more sleep than I am. Here are my posting stats for the night of December 4th, 2003...

Last night: 10,487 in total (36.422 per day)*
Tonight: 10,496 in total (36.327 per day)
Changes: + 9 posts; - 0.095 PPD

Just hoping I did the math right there. I really am tired, you know. But yeah, tomorrow, I should be back online pretty early. Since I have that French test tomorrow, I doubt I'll be getting too much homework from that class. As for my other classes, well, I barely get any homework from them at all. I'll be seeing all you guys tomorrow afternoon. It's really a shame about PyROmAnIAc30 though. Then again, I'm sure he doesn't really care all that much anyways. Judging from some of his previous posts, he didn't think all that much of the Newgrounds BBS anyways. Oh well, I leave you all tonight with yet another random picture off my computer. I seem to have an endless supply of these things... Later.

*May or may not be 100% accurate. Educated guess.

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 03:23:49

At 12/5/03 02:56 AM, biteme2514 wrote: There's nothing really wrong with Sunday. I just don't like having such a rigid schedule to follow on my weekends.

Rigid? It's only 13:00 at Blenz and the rest is random. Well, I'm happy to know that you value your human freedom so I'll just let you go without any bitterness towards your decision. Besides, I might have already interfered too much with your life - Nah.

Tomorrow is the day said Mal said he would die, so I'll be checking his AIM for any life signs.

Changes: + 9 posts; - 0.095 PPD

I guess this would be a good day for you - And now mine:

Yesterday: 6,130 in total (15.839 per day)
Today: 6,144 in total (15.834 per day)
Difference: 14 in total (-0.005 per day)

A little better I guess.

I'll still be around a little longer today if anyone needs me.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 08:32:29

Howdy folkaroonies, hows things up in here ??? Ive not really been posting much since ive been drunk....most of the time. Just wondering are all you guys of legal age to drink in your respectful countries ??? I get drunk way too often, then yesterday i read a paper describing the effects binge drinking has on people. It was quite frightening to say the least....Ive been drinking since i was 15 or so and im now 21 so the table says i should be dead or an extreme alcoholic with a liver problems. Shit man, so ive gave up after last nights episode. Any one have any thoughts or stories about drinking night outs ??

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 08:52:20

At 12/5/03 08:32 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Howdy folkaroonies, hows things up in here ???

BBS? Boring. I just went on a posting spree with Roland on madness, heavy chase.

Ive not really been posting much since ive been drunk....most of
the time.

Thought so :)

Just wondering are all you guys of legal age to drink in your
respectful countries ???

Nope, not yet. I'm 14, legal age is 16, but that doesn't mean I can't drink. I can't go out and drink, but I can drink at home and such. Which I mostly do then.

I get drunk way too often,

No kidding..

Shit man, so ive gave up after last nights episode.

You stopped? Rofmao.

Any one have any thoughts or stories about drinking night
outs ??

Yeah, the morning after is real painfull.

On a side note, second exam (history) went rather well. I've got maths on Monday, and I'm not good at that. Then again, I'm in a language class, so maths is not of great importance to me.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 09:24:34

At 12/5/03 08:52 AM, Feelfree wrote:
At 12/5/03 08:32 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
BBS? Boring. I just went on a posting spree with Roland on madness, heavy chase.

Ive gotta get posting soon to catch you mate.

Thought so :)
What do you mean by that ???
Nope, not yet. I'm 14, legal age is 16, but that doesn't mean I can't drink. I can't go out and drink, but I can drink at home and such. Which I mostly do then.

Thats cool.

No kidding..

What do you mean by that ???

You stopped? Rofmao.

You doubt my sincerity ???

Yeah, the morning after is real painfull.

I dont get hangovers anymore because the alcohol is in my blood.

On a side note, second exam (history) went rather well. I've got maths on Monday, and I'm not good at that. Then again, I'm in a language class, so maths is not of great importance to me.

Good luck with that mate, all my wishes.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 12:37:41

At 12/5/03 09:24 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Ive gotta get posting soon to catch you mate.

Well, I guess that would be hard, because I'm on 338 now, and you're on 208. Hah. I'm #3!!

You doubt my sincerity ???

Why yes, I do *grin*

Good luck with that mate, all my wishes.


Mmmmm... Gourmet food's good!

Wow. I made 29 posts today. I think that's a record for me. Hope I can make one more post now..

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 15:11:44

At 12/5/03 12:37 PM, Feelfree wrote:
At 12/5/03 09:24 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Ive gotta get posting soon to catch you mate.
Well, I guess that would be hard, because I'm on 338 now, and you're on 208. Hah. I'm #3!!

Dammit, i could go on a bender though and catch you in about 3 days, if i go back to my old ways.

Why yes, I do *grin*

You know me too well, lol.



Mmmmm... Gourmet food's good!

Im starving now...MMMmmm i think i'll make a few bacon butties with brown sauce, mmmmmmm.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 19:08:32

At 12/5/03 03:23 AM, Painbringer wrote: I guess this would be a good day for you.

Sad, ain't it? Oh well, I'm finally free from school for two days. No more homework, no more studying... Until Monday, at least. Tonight, I plan on celebrating by going out and seeing either Gothika or The Last Samurai. I haven't really made up my mind yet so feel free to give me some suggestions on which one I should go with. Anyways, all that's about three hours away. Right now, I just want a little bit of time to make a few posts and have a little fun here before I go. Is anyone online at the moment or am I just reviving a dead thread again?

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 19:19:57

At 12/5/03 07:08 PM, biteme2514 wrote: Is anyone online at the moment or am I just reviving a dead thread again?

I'm kinda here but am having trouble starting new conversations.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 20:51:56

At 12/5/03 02:56 AM, biteme2514 wrote: It's really a shame about PyROmAnIAc30 though. Then again, I'm sure he doesn't really care all that much anyways. Judging from some of his previous posts, he didn't think all that much of the Newgrounds BBS anyways.

What EXACTLY happened with PyROmAnIAc30, anyway?

I was just clicking some profile shortcuts to check on my poster rank (Pyro had 3919 posts, and I just passed him today), and his profile link is dead now... so, unless he got rid of his profile, I figured... his account's dead.

Searching for his name brought me here, and also revealed some people quoting him spamming.

Did his account just get deleted due to massive spamming? I should really read general more often, but I've only been involved in 3 or so threads there for the past few weeks. eh.

And yes, you may find it surprising that as a mod I don't automatically know what happened, but A) not every thing every mod does gets discussed on our forum, and B) account deletion isn't exactly under the purview of mods... only of admins.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 21:07:57

At 12/5/03 08:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: What EXACTLY happened with PyROmAnIAc30, anyway?
Did his account just get deleted due to massive spamming?

You got it. Here's the thread that you can read for more information. Just click right here. I'm not sure who actually deleted his account though. Still, that thread totally answers any questions you might have...

"Spam run!"

Oh, and to everyone else who might be reading this right now, if you have the time, check out my latest thread, You've Got Questions. I Do Too.. I just want to see a few more replies in that thread, so check it out. By the way, I'll be off watching Gothika in about an hour. Just so you all know where I am.

Obsessive Compulsive Posters

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 21:32:09

At 12/5/03 08:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Did his account just get deleted due to massive spamming? I should really read general more often, but I've only been involved in 3 or so threads there for the past few weeks. eh.

I find it really scarry that a veteran can get deleted for such a small offense as spamming.

Also his "Spam run" posts only occured once per topic and didn't really take up much resources, did they?

Who knows, this is a conspiracy I tell you: I call iy the Pyrogate Scandal.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 22:40:35

well, josh, im sure youve matured slightly, otherwise i wouldnt talk to you at all. i do talk to you sometimes, though... so i know you have. but you still go out of your way to piss the fuck out of me.
what is happening with mal?!?!?! hes one of the only people i talk to on msn anymore, and with him gone ive got a hella less. someone explain to me exactly what happened with him... preferably himself. sorry i couldnt come with you to the movie ben, but im cheap as hell.
but hey, ive been reading alot lately. the first book i read this week was confessions of a shopaholic, which i guess was okay, but im not too into it. the second one, which i finished last night, was called you dont know me, and the cover was all writing and i wierd face in the background. i liked that one... it was really twisted, but not in a twisted way, if you know what i mean. right now im reading a book called son, and its about a psychopath, and everyone around hiim, hisvictims, family, friends... they al actually tell the story. and its a true story, so its even better. course its all about rape... hmmmm... thats a variety.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 22:41:13

Holy fuck, this snow is nuts.

It feels like... Canada over here.

About three inches now, four more said for tommorow.

Now for stuff...


BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 22:52:34

At 12/5/03 10:41 PM, -mad- wrote: Holy fuck, this snow is nuts.
It feels like... Canada over here.

ha! i wish it would snow in canada! i havent gotten any all winter... well, autumn, and i love snow. you lucky bastard. he, i think i just sent you an email that says that. i didnt mean to send you one, though. my computer , i swear to god, made me think it was a AIM. fuck9ing thinkg... whats stuff? wait, do i want to know?

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-05 23:03:21

At 12/5/03 10:40 PM, TearDropped wrote: what is happening with mal?!?!?! hes one of the only people i talk to on msn anymore, and with him gone ive got a hella less.

Does anyone know his AIM? The idiot said he'll be on Aim but dosen't have his name anywhere in his profile.

someone explain to me exactly what happened with him... preferably himself.

Either his comp is still fucked, or he killed himself.

but hey, ive been reading alot lately.

Good for you.

Long time no see, Stash.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-06 00:51:36

At 12/5/03 10:40 PM, TearDropped wrote: well, josh, im sure youve matured slightly, otherwise i wouldnt talk to you at all. i do talk to you sometimes, though... so i know you have. but you still go out of your way to piss the fuck out of me.

How do I piss you off? And if I do, I dont go out of the way to do it. Tell me that.

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-06 01:16:51

At 12/6/03 12:51 AM, Canuckfan wrote: How do I piss you off? And if I do, I dont go out of the way to do it. Tell me that.

Hmmm, there seem to be two sides to this story and from what I can tell is that you have matured and Stash dosen't buy it.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Obsessive Compulsive Posters 2003-12-06 01:17:31

At 12/5/03 10:41 PM, -mad- wrote: Holy fuck, this snow is nuts.
It feels like... Canada over here.

Yeah well, it feels nothing like Canada over here. Just once, just once, I'd like to have a white Christmas. The closest we've gotten to snow this year was just some hailstorm we had about two weeks back. Aside from that, it's just been raining all the damn time. Man, if only I could hang out in New York for Christmas this year. I've always wanted to celebrate Christmas in New York...

Anyways, I just got back from Gothika and well, it was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe I should have gone with The Last Samurai after all. Now that that flick's actually out, I've been hearing good things about it. Oh well, maybe I'll see that sometime this weekend. What's going on here though?