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Sprite Club

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Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 09:53:46

At 7/24/03 09:37 AM, TOPBRICK wrote: i dont think i am but i think i know how .

am using piant got the sheet cut around the pic put opened new paint file put the pic i cut out on it then used the paint buckt and colored it black but i konw how to do it the other way when i get some discks ill show you wat ave done on flash

Oh, okay, I think I understand what you're saying. The thing is, you want to ultimately have a transparent background behind your sprite so you can put it against any background of your choosing. Simply coloring it black only replaces the white block with a black block. Follow the Page 4 instructions when you get your hands on Flash and you'll find it's an amazingly easy process. Good luck!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 09:59:46

i have flash just not aloud to put it on this comp but ave got it on my othere comp but no internet conection on it and am not aloud to get it on that one

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:13:03

with other words,you are fucked.

you need them both to work with flash corectly.
ask your dad to put it on the other computer!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:18:17

He wont let me

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:24:27

At 7/24/03 09:59 AM, TOPBRICK wrote: i have flash just not aloud to put it on this comp but ave got it on my othere comp but no internet conection on it and am not aloud to get it on that one

Yeah, that's a dilemma. I have the same set up - Internet computer (old one) and Freelance computer (new one). I won't hook up the Internet to the new one because far too many friends of mine have had their computers downed by viruses. My business is too important to have to deal with any slow downs. However, I do have Flash on both. Maybe your dad is concerned about Flash taking up too much memory.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:33:43

Yea i am makeing a club/crew UN, and i am trying to get all the clubs/crews to join, all we will be doing is hanging out, and talking about the issues so we can make NG a better place if u wish to join please send a represenative to post in the topic

BBS Signature

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:36:11

its not the memory its that i always fuck his comp up like ave downloaded viruses but soon i may be geting the net on my comp.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 10:53:03

Ask your dad real nice or save up for a new comp..

Where can you get good backgrounds?

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:13:59

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:22:29

wow that is one hell of alot of sprite sites.thanks topbrick im gonna be searchin through tese site later on.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:27:43

do you know of any rom and emulator sites

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:32:34

At 7/24/03 11:05 AM, TOPBRICK wrote: here or some good links whith sprites

Wow! Thanks for the links to the sprites! Next time, if you find a site that has loads of good sprites, instead of giving a link to each individual sheet, all you really have to do is give us the link to the site like AWAnime.com's Sprite HQ - this way it'll save you on time and save NG's space. Thanks again! That's some good stuff!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:35:46

At 7/24/03 11:27 AM, TOPBRICK wrote: do you know of any rom and emulator sites

Niko1uk posted a link on Page 6.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:37:35

well they where of a fourmso i never really noticed there is one or 2 i think wat are not on that sit.

pls tho any one got know any sites whith roms and emulators

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 11:46:20

At 7/24/03 11:37 AM, TOPBRICK wrote: well they where of a fourmso i never really noticed there is one or 2 i think wat are not on that sit.

pls tho any one got know any sites whith roms and emulators

Whoops! Sorry, my bad! Niko1uk posted the link on Page 7, not 6. That site is great for PC users since it's pretty much one stop shopping.

Also, I screwed up with AWAnime.com, it's .NET. I just got used to writing .COM all the time.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 12:07:13

ive been working non stop on this for 2 days.it aint my best but i wanna get these outta the way before i start thinking about doing my first big project
SvM Training Day its the second part to "another sonic v mario" ive been getting mixed responses right now so i dont know how well its gonna do.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 12:07:28

that site hasent the games i want i want zelda mario megaman and drbz

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:03:51

At 7/24/03 12:07 PM, Niko1uk wrote: ive been working non stop on this for 2 days.it aint my best but i wanna get these outta the way before i start thinking about doing my first big project
SvM Training Day its the second part to "another sonic v mario" ive been getting mixed responses right now so i dont know how well its gonna do.

Thanks for the link to your project. When I checked it out, it passed judgement with a 1.7. I also read through the reviews and I agree with some of them. Here are my comments / recommendations:

1) DIALOGUE - You made the words stand out with the white block behind them. Good job! What you might want to do now, as someone suggested, is put the dialogue all in one place - maybe toward the bottom of the screen. To differentiate the dialogue you can either put the name of the character or a close-up of their head next to the dialogue they're speaking. It would be reminiscent of RPG's that deal with talking to characters - like Chrono Trigger. By doing this, you can put the continue button in place which a) keeps the viewer from having to move the mouse around and b) saves you the trouble of always moving the button around. All you need to do is create one button layer and one button that moves the toon to the next frame and stops. Production time will be cut down considerably.
2) SOUND - Your file may be a little over 2meg because the sound may not have been optimized. There really doesn't seem to be enough sound to have this great affect, but sound files are the biggest hogs of Flash file space so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the culprit. More sound fx would have gone a long way to make this more exciting.
3) BACKGROUND - Smart choice of using simple shapes when you had to draw your own backgrounds! Good move! This way, it looks more acceptable in a sprite world than vectorized details. On the actual video game background you used, did you try "Trace Bitmap" yet?
4) SONIC - I'm sure it's the way the sprite sheet downloaded, but Sonic seems to have too many shades of blue on his body. He looks sort of messy. Do you have any way to smooth out his color? As an experiment, bring the original Sonic file into Flash and hit "Trace Bitmap". Set the "Color Threshold" to a high number, like 100, and see what happens.

Overall, it wasn't too shabby. Best of luck on the next project!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:08:07

At 7/24/03 12:07 PM, TOPBRICK wrote: that site hasent the games i want i want zelda mario megaman and drbz

If you're looking for specific items, you may want to go to a search engine (yahoo, google, etc.) and run a search that looks something like this:

"snes", "rom", "zombies ate my neighbors"

Obviously you'd replace the game system and the game name for whatever it is you're looking for. I don't use emulators or rom's myself so I can't give you any more detailed info than that. Happy hunting!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:23:07

i kinda rushed that animation. i did try trace bitmap on the backround but it didnt help.ill try again using diferent settings.my main problem right now is that ive got loads of ideas in my head for things iwant to do and try to rush my projects but im going to take my time with the final part.im thinking of introducing a choose your own ending for the final part.what i really need is a lot of sprites for mario.ive got a huge sheet for sonic filled with custom and ordinary sprites.thanx again for the tips.i took a look at your animations and there really great i cant wait till you finnish the one your working on.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:39:15

Hi all how is everyone doing?

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:49:49

At 7/24/03 01:23 PM, Niko1uk wrote: i kinda rushed that animation. i did try trace bitmap on the backround but it didnt help.ill try again using diferent settings.

Would you mind e-mailing me that background so I can play around with it? My e-mail is TheDocMonster@yahoo.com

my main problem right now is that ive got loads of ideas in my head for things iwant to do and try to rush my projects

You're preaching to the choir, my friend! I have the same problem. What I do is set aside a day that's just for writing (Monday) and I write down all of my ideas. Once that's done, I prioritize them and then I start working on them the next day. If I grow impatient with one, I move to the next. I give myself a limit of 5 personal projects at once. Once I've grown impatient with the fifth, I find I've got a renewed interest to work on the first so I go back to it. This way, I don't rush any of the jobs. Unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time since I get paid), I haven't had much time to work on personal things because of freelance. It's slowed down now, so I'm building momentum on my stuff slowly, but surely.

im thinking of introducing a choose your own ending for the final part.

Not a bad idea. Just make sure those endings are spectacular so people will want to see each one.

thanx again for the tips.

Any time, compadre! You've got talent worth caring about!

i took a look at your animations and there really great i cant wait till you finnish the one your working on.

Thanks for the good word! I'm glad people enjoy my stuff!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:53:47

Well anything pretty much. Since I can't really find any. But if you know of any that are from RPG's that would be cool. Otherwise anything :)

Yeah, I couldn't find any sites that had ready made sprite backgrounds either Ghaleonx5z. Your best chance would be ripping them yourself using an emulator and the game you want them from. But maybe someone else knows a site.

Zenxin - Do you have any other Flash projects currently in the works?

Yeah, Ive been working on a few, but they are a long way off. Right now I'm concentrating on a Mario parody.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 13:56:57

At 7/24/03 01:39 PM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: Hi all how is everyone doing?

We seem to be doing good! We've got a few more quality members and there's a lot of helpful tips and links flyin' around. I'd say this club is rather successful!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 14:05:10

At 7/24/03 01:56 PM, DocMonster wrote: We seem to be doing good! We've got a few more quality members and there's a lot of helpful tips and links flyin' around. I'd say this club is rather successful!

Yeah started out slow, but it seems to be doing well now, I'm glade :)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 14:21:47

Here is another site for emulators. Just about every emulator out there is listed.


As for roms, I know a few but since this is a heavily moderated board I don't know its policy on posting rom sites.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 16:15:33

This is just a general message to anyone shaky about ROM's, Emulators, or copyrighted information. For starters, emulators are legal for anyone who owns the original game system, and ROM's are legal for 24 hours on your computer if you don't own the original cartridge, and their is no time limit on them otherwise. I've never seen anyone act on the 24 hour time limit, but it's still a law people. As for copyright issues, if your using sprites from a site, credit them in your movie. This is something you should really stick to. Second, the sprite are completely legal under the fair rights act. As long as a video game hasn't been massed produced for a certain number of years (I can't remember how long) it's legal to use those images under certain circumstances (Flash movies, 8-Bit Theatre, etc.) If anyone would like to add anything, or have more questions, be sure to ask.

In other news, as the more observant of you have noticed, I'm on and off this summer when responding to the BBS. Summer is very hectic for me, so I'de like to thank you all for baring with me. And another thing, thanks to DocMonster for all that he's contributed to the thread, you've been incredible helpful man. Theres a lot more people who have been great, but theres too many to list (i.e. I'm lazy)

Be sure to post any Sprite creations you may have coming up, or any custom sprites you have! Share them with everybody. In a week or two for example, I'll be premiering my new series "8-Bit Childhood." Be sure to check it when it's out.

Oh and one last thing. I am considering changing my alias, as this one leads a somewhat false image. Any suggestions?

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 16:23:40

Glad you found a new name Tweekit. Has anyone seen my sprites? I also animate 'em.

Sprite Club

Response to Sprite Club 2003-07-24 16:34:34

At 7/24/03 04:23 PM, ProtoBassX wrote: Glad you found a new name Tweekit. Has anyone seen my sprites? I also animate 'em.

Wrong file... that's the one I made for Pheonix... Here it is.

Sprite Club