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Funniest thing you did in school?

28,024 Views | 520 Replies

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:53:40

At 8/10/06 11:51 AM, RedCoin wrote:
At 8/10/06 11:47 AM, Clunes wrote: What the hell you little punks, I've already won this thread.
Technically yours doesn't count because you didnt actually do it in school.

Aargh you guys have tiny balls.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:54:16

At 8/10/06 11:52 AM, -Notorious- wrote: Farted really loud on this kid who never gave me his bagel the entire school year.

*On the kids bagel.* The bagel was on the edge so it feel over.

And just like that....he was gone...

BBS Signature

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:55:24

when i was in 6th grade...i made brownies for the entire class...and i hated my teacher so i put exlax in his brownie...my plan worked too cuz he had to go home and we had a sub for the rest of the day!

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:57:39

In my honors science class, we don't get to pick our partners so the teacher paired me up with this loser that I hate. So I decided to play a little joke on him. When he got off the chair to get the goggles I had my foot on the bottom of his stool and when he came back i kicked it out of the way and he feel on his ass and bumped his head on the desk behind him. After that I got excluded from todays class.

Techno IS overrated

BBS Signature

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:57:57

At 8/10/06 11:55 AM, okatiebobatie wrote: when i was in 6th grade...i made brownies for the entire class...and i hated my teacher so i put exlax in his brownie...my plan worked too cuz he had to go home and we had a sub for the rest of the day!

That never happened you motherfuckin liar.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:58:06

My science teacher lets me get away with anything.
I shouted F*ck in the middle of a a science class.
He blamed the person next to me and they got a detention.

Please stop the Rickrolling!

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:59:12

Banged my forehead on a plate full-o-french fries. XD It flew all over the table.

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 11:59:23

mhmm...yea whatever...

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:00:43

Once I also popped a juicebag. Apple Juice flied nearly everywhere!

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:01:15

this was back in high school but,i hacked into my shop teachers computer and erased windows replacing it with a thing called


Its real too! its a trojan filled-to-the-brim OS but its full of porn

the next day he went to put something on the projector,AND IT WAS PORN!
he couldnt turn off the projector cause a friend had shorted the plug somehow,but kept it workin,there were a few kids in the back that you could hear faping

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:03:04

At 8/10/06 10:29 AM, -DareDevilGuy- wrote: Most likely this:

I've got many more of that shit with my music teacher.. we hate eachother..

man my music teacher is an ass to he kicked a kid out for farting the kid got 3 days of in school susspinsion for farting in class he didnt even make it a big deal either so the next day we wore shirts that said jesus for gives farting we hated him and fought with him for a year

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:03:19

Pshhh yeah right, me and my friends shoved a teacher down the stairs and ran, we almost pissed ourselves laughing afterwards.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:04:35

At 8/10/06 11:36 AM, Mr_Pope wrote: One of my mates little brother was having a fight with another little one, so about 10 of us went over kicked the fuck out of him, he ended up with a fractured jaw, damaged left eye socket and had to shit out of a colostomy bag for 4 months.

That's not funny atall. Neither is it true,

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:09:27

omg i seen many stink bomb their the worse prank you can pull in school. they stink real bad!

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:11:53

i have a little book on how to make a stinkbomb that can get you high then knock you out


Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:12:23

At 8/10/06 11:52 AM, -Notorious- wrote: Farted really loud on this kid's bagel

That made me LOL.



BBS Signature

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:17:17

Another one with my music teatcher,
when we have a piece of music to assess, he puts it on his ipod and plays it, once when he left the room we decided to have a look through it. We found Fuck her hard bye tenacious D and played it really loud.

It' s really funny when he tells us off because he has a stutter and he sounds like a robot going hay-wire.

BBS Signature

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:21:02

Well I did once waste almost 2 periods of scince on a fucked up story about some superhero named fecies man and the constipation cunundrum, and other fucked up things like that.

I also know someone who got sent out every music period cus he pissed the teach off so much trust me it was so hard not to laugh.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:24:05

Oh shit I forgot the funnyest one:
In our caffeteria there is an anex where we can eat so there is only one moniter who is in that room at a time so we fuck around and get em angry. we went through 4 moniters in 3 months and tought the most reacent ones kid curses by accident, then the moniter screamed at us the next day and the kid goes around now telling people fuck you asshole if you bump into him.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:26:09

I made first person shooter movies with my cell phone after school. I got into the ventilation system and discovered that it's been done before because there were chairs down there. I also wrote my initials on the wall in there. At the homecoming football game I went to the visiting side to cheer for the home team really loudly until I eventually got kicked out.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:31:14

thats so hardcore...


Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:34:51

At 8/10/06 12:24 PM, DarkSytze wrote: Your stupid, where did you get the pube from? Yourself, from expierence I know it hurts as hell to pull a pube out. Besides that, you were kicked out of class. I wonder how you got the chance to pull a pube out and drop it in her coffee.


Actually if you just rub your pubes for like 10 seconds, you can get get one easily.
And I never said I got sent out, I got the chance to do it because he went out of the room to take the register back.


BBS Signature

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:39:34

At 8/10/06 12:37 PM, -TheGodfather- wrote:
At 8/10/06 12:31 PM, -Shadow-Sniper- wrote:
It's true...

i was bullshiting the guy over you >_>

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:39:53

It was during a school dance and I had let one of my friends borrow my Slayer Reign In Blood CD. So he went over to the DJ and handed him the CD, which he played. The room went from about 300 to 20 people in a matter of 30 seconds.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:40:39

smoked a bowl on the bleachers, during an assemebly

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:45:36

At 8/10/06 12:24 PM, DarkSytze wrote: Your stupid, where did you get the pube from? Yourself, from expierence I know it hurts as hell to pull a pube out. Besides that, you were kicked out of class. I wonder how you got the chance to pull a pube out and drop it in her coffee.


you are an idiot...

wow.... you are supposidly 16 right.... dude.... if your 16, then you would know that you prolly lose like at least 15 pubes a day, not even trying to get them out

you sir, are a dumbass... its easy to put stuff in teachers coffee's and shit, they leave it alone all the time

im not saying this story is true, im just saying your being a dumbass

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:48:27

i used to take my guitar right,we used to have a class for things like that (drums bass anything really)

so this thing is a LTD series,my favourite fucking guitar,(looked like the one from fooly cooly only diferent...) so i take it to the class,in about 5 periods when i get there,its fucked up.
this is a pic of it before it broke

Funniest thing you did in school?

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:49:14

well we one of our friens was in a weelchair and we put him i a normal chair and we made a tower out of chairs, and we put someone in the weelchair and pushed them in the towers.
One started crying and we were never caught cause he was too scared and there we no teacher around.

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:49:49

i forgot to finish the last post but,when i went in there,it was broken,some little 6th grader had trashed it,i procede beating the shit out of him with it,we sued him and got double the price for my guitar :D

Response to Funniest thing you did in school? 2006-08-10 12:51:47

shadow sniper, I really didnt understand your story, but thats ok

this thread is just crap