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why does America hate England?

48,205 Views | 523 Replies

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-05-28 02:28:15

Beats me. I mean, it's not like the British insult Americans or think they are better than Americans, or anything like that. It's a mystery.

why does America hate England?

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-05-28 02:57:33

At 5/28/06 02:12 AM, FAB0L0US wrote: Because you stinking Brits think "foorball" is pussy footing around with a ball with your feet.


I blame my mispelling on you Brits.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-05-28 05:45:00

I'm from englad and i go to America every year, everyone gives me sweets, someone even gave me a Bart Simpson poster!!!

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-05-28 18:46:56

At 5/28/06 02:28 AM, Wyrlum wrote: Beats me. I mean, it's not like the British insult Americans or think they are better than Americans, or anything like that. It's a mystery.

Yeah, I wouldn't base British opinion on THE DAILY MIRROR.

Up the Clarets!

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-16 16:58:52

At 3/10/06 07:21 PM, DuffKing wrote: Im from England and alot of people on NG hate us,why?

I hate it when americans stereotype English people

Fucking americans

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-16 17:03:29

OK im from England and i dont really care what peeps from america think. i h8 stereotyping there are smart americans and dumb americans just like us brits. oh yes we dont like Michale Moore because hes against small buisness's well i say fuck him! :)

You see the wine bottle? It WAS full!

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I am the Hydra cut off my head two come back. That's a lot of bad teeth.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-16 17:05:59

At 4/5/06 02:13 AM, Wombat333 wrote: I don't really know why I hate America.
Except that they make fun of us all the time even though we are the only reason they're not still Indians eating mud off the floor.

Um those r native americans the average american is desended from us brits until they declared independance in the american revoloution

You see the wine bottle? It WAS full!

Spore Club- The best game in production. Join.

I am the Hydra cut off my head two come back. That's a lot of bad teeth.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-26 22:37:05

As an American, it really surprises me how often someone can forget their own heritage like that. The Puritans who were expelled from an overly intolerant England at the time sailed in the Mayflower, if you remeber. And as for WWII, the United States never joined until they did, despite FDR's desire, because the American people wanted to stay out of European affairs. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that we declared war on Japan, but I'm sure we all knew that.

I like to believe that I have adamant respect for England and France, and Europe in general. I don't believe they're superior, but the way we keep insulting eachother back and forth doesn't make anything different between us. I think

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-26 22:48:11

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-06-27 00:26:50

How could I hate the country Simon Cowell is from?

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 05:01:39

At 6/26/06 10:48 PM, _Holly_ wrote: This really funny

How to hate the English even more!!!!

Bloody Americans! That just isn't funny. Oh wait an English guy wrote. Bloody unpatriotic bastard!

Lies make baby Jesus cry, bitch.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 05:21:33

i hate tea

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 06:02:14

because the americans are jealous of us europeans because they still have'nt mastered the english language
E.G we say boot of the car they say trunk
we say handbag they say pocket book (says my mum)

there you go
we are superior you and my aussy homies and your england/european homies

BBS Signature

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 06:08:45

At 9/3/06 06:02 AM, dooseyboy wrote: because the americans are jealous of us europeans because they still have'nt mastered the english language
E.G we say boot of the car they say trunk
we say handbag they say pocket book (says my mum)

Not to forget:

Lies make baby Jesus cry, bitch.

BBS Signature

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 08:40:25

At 3/10/06 07:59 PM, <deleted> wrote: I hate England because the English hate us, and they continue to call us "stupid and fat rednecks" even though statistics show there are many European countries with higherobesity rates.

I heard Bush is very unpopular in Europe, but the Europeans love Michael Moore.

Yeah, I mean, what possible grounds do we have for calling YOU stupid. Jesus, we're so unreasonable.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 08:49:22

I'm english and i generally see alot of stereotypical veiws about america and americans. I don't hate any countries people due to stereotypes and prejudice because they are mostly incorrect and its not the right way to think.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 08:51:07

Also thanks america for saving our asses in WW2

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-03 12:21:21

I don't think that America would have coped so well in the situation that Britain was in had they had the germans waiting on their doorstep!

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-04 22:04:33

At 9/4/06 09:41 PM, cellardoor6 wrote:
At 9/3/06 12:21 PM, Nopperabou wrote: I don't think that America would have coped so well in the situation that Britain was in had they had the germans waiting on their doorstep!
Let me remind you that there was nothing but open ocean between Japan and the US. Japan also had the most advanced, largest Navy in the world. Lets see what Britain could have done in that situation since it couldn't even fight the Germans without US donated supplies, materials, weapons, and eventually needing the US to take command and lead them in the war.

Britian had the most advanced and largest navy in the second world war. Americans had the largest after the war.

Britain wouldn't have been able to hold out against the Germans in the first 2 years of the war if the US didn't supply them with such enormous amounts of supplies. The British economy couldn't hold up and they would have ran out of ammo, food, supplies, fuel, and everything else if the US didn't come to the rescue.

Fucks sake, Stop Saying you sent supplys to make up for coming in the war at the end.
the Supplys were helpful but not really amazingly important.

But still, the British were getting raped by the Germans even though the Brits got so much aide from the US. So then the US had to take command, lead the war...and from then on the allies started winning on the western front...something that would not have happened as long as the incompetent British were in command.

Britian didn't get much aide from the US and anyway britian was giving so much aide to france. Saying Britain were imcompetent just proves that your talkin bollocks, At that moment Britain had an empire stretching across the world.

Britian Killed 3 times as many enemys as the americans killed but both americans and british had the same amount of casulties.

And america unlike Britain didnt have its country being bombed night after night after night.
America should of come into the war sooner, instead of come in at the last minute and make your selves out as (the heroes)

Everyother country were completly devastated

Britian were the first to stand up to germany And Britain lost everything to the war.
America sneakily came in last couple of years and came out a super power.

For your information, the only major victories on the western front for the allies was when the US commanded and led the compaign. Everytime after D-day that the British commanded an operation it ENDED IN FAILURE!!!

your pathetic and your a disgrace to the americans who died heroicaly in the war because your making people think what a load of fuckin ignorant cunts americans are!

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-04 22:21:31

At 9/4/06 09:41 PM, cellardoor6 wrote:
At 9/3/06 12:21 PM, Nopperabou wrote: I don't think that America would have coped so well in the situation that Britain was in had they had the germans waiting on their doorstep!
Let me remind you that there was nothing but open ocean between Japan and the US. Japan also had the most advanced, largest Navy in the world. Lets see what Britain could have done in that situation since it couldn't even fight the Germans without US donated supplies, materials, weapons, and eventually needing the US to take command and lead them in the war.

Britain wouldn't have been able to hold out against the Germans in the first 2 years of the war if the US didn't supply them with such enormous amounts of supplies. The British economy couldn't hold up and they would have ran out of ammo, food, supplies, fuel, and everything else if the US didn't come to the rescue.

But still, the British were getting raped by the Germans even though the Brits got so much aide from the US. So then the US had to take command, lead the war...and from then on the allies started winning on the western front...something that would not have happened as long as the incompetent British were in command.

For your information, the only major victories on the western front for the allies was when the US commanded and led the compaign. Everytime after D-day that the British commanded an operation it ENDED IN FAILURE!!!

Britian had more victories than america on the western front also canada had victories.

I'm sorry but what you have said is absolute shyte. Britian won the african front the battle of britain many victories on the western front Malta (which won the meddetarian)

What ever you say Britain was more vital in the second world war than america

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-04 22:28:33

"Before Alamein we never had a victory, after Alamein we never had a defeat."-Winston Churchhill

Alamein the battle which won the african front!

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 02:20:17

What ever you say Britain was more vital in the second world war than america

Always good to know that you're dealing with a debator who flat out tells you:

"no matter what you say, I'm right because I'm me, and you're wrong because you're wrong".

Ahhhh, how I missed the NG BBS.........

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 10:02:54

You do seem to no alot but it just shows what bollocks the american system throws into your head. All they teach you in History is AMERICA IS THE BEST, AMERICICA WON THE WAR. You dont care what all the other countries say about it.

Most important battles of the second world war were

Stalingrad, (Russian Victory)

Battle of Britain, (won by the british with no help from americans, Supplys from with in England)

D day, Allied Victory (americans used alot for cannon fodder)

El Agheila, The battle which won the african front (British Victory)

Battle of Malta (british victory)

Americans have a nack of stealing othre peoples thunder.

In the film U571 its americans who find the enigma machine then decode it.
It was atually the British.
In saving private ryan the British forces are completly left out of Dday and are no were to be seen through out france, as if the war was only germans v americans.

America lives in a dream world and you teach your kids to belive what ever the fuck you want.

I'm sorry but America didn't win the war,
America were a huge huge help and maybe if they didnt join the war would of gone the other way.

But it could of easily gone the other way if britain wasn't in the war.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 10:09:41

Look, you guys want to know why we won the war? Hitler was an idiot.

He was a hypocrite, drug abuser, and arrogant. Which is why he lost the war, maybe if we wasnt those things he would have won.

But he was, so he lost.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 10:27:28

At 9/5/06 01:40 AM, cellardoor6 wrote:

You ignore the fact that the British didn't even engage the 20 million-strong Japanese military in one open engagement during the war, which the US SINGLEHANDEDLY defeated without help from the rest of the allies AT ALL.

Why would Britain attack Japan? The only reason you went to war with Japan is because of Pearl Harbour. Also Japan would not pull out of Indo-China so it was pressured to leave Indo-China by the Americans. Why would we transport our troops either across the Atlantic, across America, over the Pacific into Japanese land? We couldn't have gone across eastern Europe, through Siberia, into Manchuria and down into Japan could we? All America had to do was go across the Pacific and they were there. Much easier for you. Oh and yeah, the Soviets killed way more Germans than you did, after forcing them back from Stalingrad all the way back to Berlin.

In response to the topic starter, the 2 years I spent in America I had a great time and I am considering moving to the U.S. Much better than here (England)

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 16:52:47

I'm sorry, Britain, but the Americans have us this time.
Without any sort of input from America we would have lost. Not immediately, but eventually.
With the supplies, we could have held out (as we did). Hitler would have invaded Russia and then...well, who knows what COULD have happened. Either the Russians defeat Hitler themselves (quite likely after what they managed after Stalingrad) or Hitler conquers Russia.
If(in this alternate universe) Hitler had defeated Russia, I'm not sure who could have stopped him then. The Americans alone may not have succeeded in stopping him. The truth is that no single country was the main factor in the defeat of Hitler (I'm not including Japan because America did that themselves). It was the teamwork and cooperation between all of the Allied nations that pushed the balance in our favour.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 17:54:22

At 9/5/06 05:20 PM, cellardoor6 wrote:
Stalingrad was a defensive victory for the Russians. But lets remember that they were fighting using US supplies.

Just because it's defensive doesn't make it less important.

Battle of Britain, (won by the british with no help from americans, Supplys from with in England)
That was an airwar that was only an act of Britain trying to save its own hide.

Same as above.

D-day was planned and commanded by the US, so it essence is was a US victory because the British failed to invade mainland Europe before that (cough cough, Port of Calais).

While I agree that the US formed the backbone of the invasion, it was still an Allied victory because it wasn't just America invading. If a football (soccer) team in England has mostly French or Spanish players, it doesn't make it a French or Spanish football team. Also, the Port of Calais was the most heavily defended port on the Atlantic Wall because the distance from Dover to Calais is so short that the Germans expected an attack there.

A thhe reason more Americans died on Omaha beach is because it was the most heavily defended. The British also had faulty intelligence that the Germans on that particular beach were reservists, when actually it was the Elite German 352nd Infantry division, and 916th Grenadier Regiment. So the US was unprepared for that particular beach due to the imcompetence of British intelligence. If the Brits had been assigned to that beach, I'm sure the casualties would have equally as high, if not higher.

OK, one mistake in British Intelligence. However, the switch from the reserves to the Elites was only a few days before the invasion. Also, if it hadn't been for British intellignce, we wouldn't have cracked the Enigma Code at Blechley Park, and the Germans would have known that we were invading where we did. Due to British Intelligence, we convinced the Germans that we would attack in good weather at Calais.

THe Brits and Canadians had low casualtie son D-day because they stormed the least defended beaches!!! Sword, Juno, and Gold beach were defended by conscripted German occupation forces which were Static Infantry divisions, not combat troops like the ones on Omaha beach. But when the US stormed the UTAH Beach, the casualties were the lowest of any beach during D-day, even though it was defended by better forces than all the British and Canadian beaches.

So? It's still an Allied victory due to the participation of other countries than the US.

The US was the deciding factor during D-day, composing the backbone of the invasion. So that is actually technically a US victory. The Brits only contributed troops, the US commanded it, supplied it, and did the most, PERIOD.

Yes, America did form the backbone of the invasion in supplies and money. But nothing would have happened at all if we hadn't held out to give everyone a platform for the invasion of Europe. And still, it is not an American victory. You have to factor in the contribution of the French, the Poles, the Canadians, the British, the Australians, the Czechs, the Russians and the Indians. Everyone gave huge sacrifices, not just America.

Saying D-day was a British victory would be like saying the German defeat of the British at Calais was a Victory for the French traitors, because you know a small portion of the people who repelled the Brits at Calais were French defectors.

And saying that D-day was solely an American victory would be just as foolish. Also, the British were never defeated at Calais. We held a "practice-run" of D-day in Dieppe and didn't invade. You may have even been thinking of Dunkirk.

No, the US has a nack of articulating its own contribution, and refusing to exagerate the less significant contribution made by the little guy, like Britian, for the mere purpose of allowing them to feel better about their country.

No contribution to defeat the Nazi occupation of Europe was small. You are insulting the memories of every man who gave his life for the freedom of Europe.

Plus, Europeans have a nack of being ungrateful for what the US did for them. Or doing things like you do, distorting history so that you can feel ungrateful to the US with a clear conscience. Europeans love to bite the hand that feeds them don't they?

Not ungrateful, just annoyed that you think that America did absolutely everything. The British captured Pegasus Bridge the night before D-Day in one of the best executed operations of the war. The small squad then held out against German Armoured Divisions for over a day without rest until reinforcements arrived. That bridge helped keep the Allies in France.

I disagree, I think people like YOU live in a dreamworld, where your society distorts history to glorify YOUR own country, and undermine the US. This all stems from the history between our countries. The US defeated you, then the US saved you, and now the US owns you (economically that is).

No, we just realise that a small contribution is every bit as important as a large contribution.
Again, you appear to be insulting the memories of the brave men who died for the world.
Oh yes, and you only defeated the British with the help of the French, so don't go claiming that as an "all-American" victory either.
And look what happens when you go in on your own. Vietnam anybody? What a mess that was. Well done.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 18:05:53

At 9/5/06 01:40 AM, cellardoor6 wrote:
You ignore the fact that the British didn't even engage the 20 million-strong Japanese military in one open engagement during the war, which the US SINGLEHANDEDLY defeated without help from the rest of the allies AT ALL.

Yeah, the British didn't fight Japan...sure..whatever.
You appear to be forgetting the war in Burma and other Far Eastern countries. Ever seen "The Bridge Over The River Kwai"? British fighting Japanese (although the British are in POW camps in the film).

My own grandfather was a British Marine Commando fighting the Japanese in Burma. So don't go saying he didn't count.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 18:23:16

Fuckin hell cellardoor, your an ignorant cunt, So are you saying america was the most important nation of the second world war? or are you just saying america had far more victories and were far more important than the British? I don't push japan out of the war at all, my grandad was a japanese prisoner of war and if it wasn't for the americans dropping the bombs on japan He would of been executed and therefor I would never be! :)

But i do know America was no more important, if anything less important(even so it's hard to say something like that) than the British.

And yes British were using some american supplys the same sort america supplyed to the germans! Just as apparently the allied forces couldn't win without the americans supplys maybe if america hadn't supplied germany they wouldn't of even got to france.

And D-day was a mainly american victory, because there wasn't many British troops left, only conscripts and D-day howether greatest and largest invasion in history it wasn't the most strategic.

Battle of Britain was important, If Germany had succeded then the axis would have a tremendous foothold on the rest of germany. And the Allies couldn't of reinvaded France.

The 'Defense of Malta suceded in keeping the Medittaranian'

And the battle of El Alamein did prevent the germans regrouping and therfore won the african front.

The British and canadians and the rest of the commonwealth and allied forces already had suffered huge casulties at the start when the AXIS were at at there powerfulest.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-09-05 19:05:30

I absolutely love how this topic always goes back to World War II. Don't you think the whole 'my country did better than your country' argument is just a tad childish? If you're going to talk about WWII, why not talk about something that hasn't been said yet.

For example, new claims by leading historians seems to support the theory that the RAF's 'victory' in the Battle of Britain was just a propaganda tool, and it was in fact the Royal Navy who really 'kept Hitler at bay' To be honest, I don't think he was ever going to invade, since the most likely outcome was the utter anhialation of German invaders, who would be caught between the Army and the Navy.

Oh and for those of you talking about the Russians winning the Eastern front (if you can call it a victory), one of the main factors for the win, aside from blundring Hitler, was the vehicles that the Russians had acquired. What were they? Dodge Trucks! Compared to the shoddy and numerous types of vehicles the Germans had acquired through the years, they were far superior.

Up the Clarets!