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why does America hate England?

48,163 Views | 523 Replies

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-24 17:46:08

the british stereotype is posh british goon but being from britain... nobodys like that.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-24 19:03:36

At 10/24/06 05:46 PM, BlackEgg-Clock wrote: the british stereotype is posh british goon but being from britain... nobodys like that.

Nobody is posh except the upper class. Although, saying that i come from a working class background and i do speak "proper" English

At 10/24/06 04:55 PM, the-man-who-knew wrote: Boy goes up to his father and askes

Dad can you get pregnant from anal sex?

Of course you can son. where do you think englishmen came from.

I don't really see any point in that...
Anyway according to that how would that mean i came to be? I'm part English (on my mothers side) and Scottish and Irish on my fathers.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-24 20:42:56

At 10/24/06 07:03 PM, neoptolemus wrote:
At 10/24/06 05:46 PM, BlackEgg-Clock wrote: the british stereotype is posh british goon but being from britain... nobodys like that.
Nobody is posh except the upper class. Although, saying that i come from a working class background and i do speak "proper" English

At 10/24/06 04:55 PM, the-man-who-knew wrote: Boy goes up to his father and askes

Dad can you get pregnant from anal sex?

Of course you can son. where do you think englishmen came from.
I don't really see any point in that...
Anyway according to that how would that mean i came to be? I'm part English (on my mothers side) and Scottish and Irish on my fathers.

Really. Im part english on me dads side but scottish on me mums and me gt grandad was irish. Poor sod. died so young. anyway I was born in scotland and scottish woman are fantastic cous if a man hits her unlike an english woman just talking it and being a good girl she'le knock 2 bells of living shyte into ya. Once this bird got me one a beauty at a pub she missed her man and got me. she bought me a drink so all is forgiven.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-25 15:29:21

I'm American and I don't hate England.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 12:14:53

At 10/24/06 05:46 PM, BlackEgg-Clock wrote: the british stereotype is posh british goon but being from britain... nobodys like that.

I no its daft. Theve never heard someone from birmingham ir manchest.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 12:33:40

At 10/24/06 08:42 PM, scottish-cunt wrote: anyway I was born in scotland and scottish woman are fantastic cous if a man hits her unlike an english woman just talking it and being a good girl she'le knock 2 bells of living shyte into ya. Once this bird got me one a beauty at a pub she missed her man and got me. she bought me a drink so all is forgiven.

...I’m starting to hate Scotland....

"Men have had the vanity to pretend that the whole creation was made for them, while in reality the whole creation does not suspect their existence." - Camille

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 13:09:03

At 10/29/06 12:33 PM, ImmoralLibertarian wrote:
...I’m starting to hate Scotland....

Mving off topic on how hard woman acually are whats the name of your record shop

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 18:04:05

I am seriously confused, here.

Do Americans hate the english? I thought they loved us, because we're all supposedly twee and nice and polite and stuff, and that segment of our culture is loved, both in America and in Japan. (Wierd, we find japanese stuff cool, and they like english... meh).

And I'm sure I've heard, from many many separate sources, that american women go nuts over a british accent.

I know we treat the americans with disdain, but I thought that kinda shit just runs off their backs.

I think americans should get out more, into the world. Like spain. Brits love spain. Except me. Too hot.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 18:13:04

At 10/29/06 06:04 PM, Leonardo-Da-Finchy wrote: And I'm sure I've heard, from many many separate sources, that american women go nuts over a british accent.

Note to self, go to america to pick up some sexy ladies...

I know we treat the americans with disdain, but I thought that kinda shit just runs off their backs.

We do treat the Americans with disdain but it is alot more like an older brother treats their younger brother with disdain.. After all, technically America is Britains little brother.

I think americans should get out more, into the world. Like spain. Brits love spain. Except me. Too hot.

I don't like spain... The culture just doesn't appeal to me.. I'd prefer to go to Italy, Greece or someplace in Asia.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-29 22:46:00

I dont hate America and I hope America doesnt hate me.

However the good 'ol US of A can be a little arogent sometimes and its consuming a little more crude oil than it needs.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 05:00:48

At 10/29/06 08:13 PM, cellardoor6 wrote::

When I went across the English channel to Paris when I had my European trip, It cost what was equivalent to about $40 US dollars or about 27 GBP. It was quick and easy to go to a very different country.

To go to Paris from the US it costs about over $1000 and takes 9 hours by airplane.

Think about it...

If there were more people actually willing to make the flight, the prices would probably go down. It costs nowhere near that much for someone to fly from the UK to the US.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 05:02:08

At 10/29/06 08:13 PM, cellardoor6 wrote: Gibberish

Me thinks that Mr. Cellar here is a troll.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 05:48:01

At 10/29/06 08:13 PM, cellardoor6 wrote: A little brother that beat in in a war, that saved you from destruction twice. And that continutes to be the foundation of your economy, policies, and military doctrine. I think we usurped you as the bigger brother. WE have 5 times the people you have, an exponentially more powerful econony, military, and political influence.

One war, which, if you'd know anything about empires would have happened eventually..Afterall, empires aren't eternal.
Saved us from destruction twice? Not really... Russia played a greater role in European warfare during the World Wars than America. A more powerful economy yet the GBP does remarkable better than the USD. Also, as for military power, you may have greater numbers and thus have a slightely better global power projection yet the British military is one the the best trained forces in the world. Why we have two seperate special forces (SBS and SAS) with exstentive training in an array of tasks. Also, the British Armed Forces, unlinke the America Military, can actually fight a war on their own and win.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 05:55:50

At 10/30/06 05:48 AM, neoptolemus wrote:
Lots of stuff that cellar is instantly going to dismiss.

Arguing with him is like trying to break a bank vault with your skull. I wouldnt bother.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 05:59:34

At 10/30/06 05:55 AM, SmilingAssasin wrote:
At 10/30/06 05:48 AM, neoptolemus wrote:
Lots of stuff that cellar is instantly going to dismiss.
Arguing with him is like trying to break a bank vault with your skull. I wouldnt bother.

Ah ok, thanks for the heads up.
Hmm.. I want to see someone try to break a bank vault with their skull now...

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-10-30 08:50:39

At 10/29/06 08:13 PM, cellardoor6 wrote:
At 10/29/06 06:13 PM, neoptolemus wrote:
At 10/29/06 06:04 PM, Leonardo-Da-Finchy wrote: And I'm sure I've heard, from many many separate sources, that american women go nuts over a british accent.
Note to self, go to america to pick up some sexy ladies...
You won't get any. American girls don't like British men any more so than women of ANY country like another man of ANY seperate country.

I have a fascination with German girls, that doesn't really mean anything. British women like Americans because we actually smile and laugh when we talk to girls. British guys just go "hmm yes, quite so" and try to hide their hideous teeth.

I don't reckon many british say that, an the ones who do wont get ne girls either side of the pond. And i've yet to see a british girl go mad over an american accent.

I know we treat the americans with disdain, but I thought that kinda shit just runs off their backs.
We do treat the Americans with disdain but it is alot more like an older brother treats their younger brother with disdain.. After all, technically America is Britains little brother.
A little brother that beat in in a war, that saved you from destruction twice. And that continutes to be the foundation of your economy, policies, and military doctrine. I think we usurped you as the bigger brother. WE have 5 times the people you have, an exponentially more powerful econony, military, and political influence.

Americas not the foundaton for anything British. If anything it's the other way round.

the First world war, America wasn't even a major factor to the allied victory. It was the french, the britsh empire an the Russian empire.
The Second world war, British won the Battle of Britain which if we lost would of led to a land invasion. You helped save france and helped win the war. Along with all the other countries who sent men to die,

and Don't start with that bollocks with rememberence day coming up.

How is Britain the bigger brother? You may be older, but you're a withering old man in that case.

I think americans should get out more, into the world. Like spain. Brits love spain. Except me. Too hot.
I don't like spain... The culture just doesn't appeal to me.. I'd prefer to go to Italy, Greece or someplace in Asia.
Its easy for people to say that Americans need to get into the world more. But the only countries that border us are Canada and Mexico, which many Americans go to. And it costs many thousands of dollars to get round-trip tickets to Europe. or Asia. Europeans have the luxury of travelling shorter distances to reach a different country because Europe is small and divided by many countries. The US is much larger, and the surrounding countries aren't nearly as interesting or hospitable as European countries.

Americans don't want to go to Central or South America because their countries are poor and don't have very good tourist areas. Therefore Americans don't have the luxury that Europeans do of going to many different countries in less time and with less money.

When I went across the English channel to Paris when I had my European trip, It cost what was equivalent to about $40 US dollars or about 27 GBP. It was quick and easy to go to a very different country.

You could of flown to rome for that amount.

To go to Paris from the US it costs about over $1000 and takes 9 hours by airplane.

Think about it...

Travelling around europe is nearly as easy as travelling from state to state these days.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-09 06:38:58

At 3/10/06 11:05 PM, Adam wrote: We hate you because you get afternoon tea and crumpets.

we dont eat crumpets, thats steriotypical
just like americans eat more than just burgers and donuts

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-10 11:08:57

It seems that whenever there's a topic like this you get the usual inbred hicks coming out saying "OMG WE SAVED UR ASSES IN WW2". Even if America did single handedly save us, you people didn't. You just like to sit in front of a computer taking credit for the work of previous generations. You people are a disgrace, taking credit for the people who made real sacrifices fighting Nazi domination.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 06:33:43

Im British and i fucking love tea. Not so much crumpets. Anyway I think that England and the english fucking rock.Thats probs coz im a patriot. Our ancestors made Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand and so on. but that dont really matter. I love America and i wanna live there one day, coz everythings so big and cool, and americans are alright people, even if their humour sucks. And especially if the gals dig our 'posh' accent. WOO HOOO. We love u America, the same way you love us. we are always here for you... brothers forever. WOOO ROCK ON.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 07:58:20

i beleive there is no hate between america and england, just politics and government, if one thing scares the other they have a big 'serious' debate on whos the bigger country, and they try to scare each other with war and how many gunz they have, in the end, its just a kiddys tiff because they involve other people into it to side against each other except between 2 countries so i say this between the 2 countries, we all need to grow up....

Play the hand life deals you, other people could have been dealt worse...

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 12:43:07

At 12/9/06 06:38 AM, tommy-crosby wrote:
At 3/10/06 11:05 PM, Adam wrote: We hate you because you get afternoon tea and crumpets.
we dont eat crumpets, thats steriotypical
just like americans eat more than just burgers and donuts

That's bollocks, some of us bloody well do eat crumpets and drink tea, not me, personally; but some of my family are great fans of them- just as the majority of American's like fast food.
It's not stereotyping, it's statistics.

Soon enough, it won't be a problem, mind you. Considering England is pretty much becoming another state of America.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 12:49:12

At 12/17/06 07:58 AM, tom12262 wrote: i beleive there is no hate between america and england, just politics and government, if one thing scares the other they have a big 'serious' debate on whos the bigger country, and they try to scare each other with war and how many gunz they have, in the end, its just a kiddys tiff because they involve other people into it to side against each other except between 2 countries so i say this between the 2 countries, we all need to grow up....

America, as a country, is ignorant towards the outside world, and as much as it pains me to say it, Britain is full of either smartass bastards like Tony Blair, or crude assholes like the majority of teenagers nowadays.

Britain is nothing like it is in the movies, it's turning into America. We don't like Golf, we like Football (Soccer) and Rugby (American Football).
We eat more Mcdonald's than we do crumpets.
We drink Tea just as much as you drink Coffee.
Our teeth are no worse than yours.
Nor do we speak with an upperclass tone, most of Britons are uneducated slobs-- hey! Another thing Britain and America have in common.

Gee, we're not so different after all.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 12:49:39

I don't think i've had crumpets except in Mc donalds. lol or is that english muffins. might be

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 19:28:53

At 3/10/06 07:21 PM, Fuckle wrote: Im from England and alot of people on NG hate us,why?

I don't hate you, or your country man. I just hate what your government is doing and the fact that the Parliment was actually responsible for sending the Post-WWII Jews into Israel and causing the Palistinean-Israeli conflicts.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 20:53:02

At 3/10/06 09:41 PM, HighlyIllogical wrote: As much as I like the english, I want to say that this sort of thread is a waste of valuable space.

I still wanna put in my 2c.
I have no quarrels with the English, nor do I of what they've done in the past as a country.
Why not talk about Bosnia, Iran or something?

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Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 20:58:53

I didn't know i hated england... Thanks for telling me!

Um... Down with england! england is evil!

On a moving train there are no centrists, only radicals and reactionaries.

Response to why does America hate England? 2006-12-17 21:08:21

At 12/17/06 08:58 PM, SmilezRoyale wrote: I didn't know i hated england... Thanks for telling me!

Um... Down with england! england is evil!

Ah, the power of suggestion.

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Response to why does America hate England? 2007-07-20 16:32:25

At 3/16/06 05:44 PM, Me-Patch wrote:
At 3/16/06 05:38 PM, LegendaryLukus wrote:
At 3/16/06 04:33 PM, lenf wrote: precisely. it's in the UK, not Great Britain.
ah its all horses for courses.
Well it shouldn't be to begin with, you damn English and your damn protestantism.

i am english i am from manchester with irish parents from county longford. I am not protestant i am catholic and i know very few protestants. the ones i do know are noce people.

Response to why does America hate England? 2007-07-20 16:41:38

A little brother that beat in in a war, that saved you from destruction twice. And that continutes to be the foundation of your economy, policies, and military doctrine. I think we usurped you as the bigger brother. WE have 5 times the people you have, an exponentially more powerful econony, military, and political influence.

How is Britain the bigger brother? You may be older, but you're a withering old man in that case.

I think americans should get out more, into the world. Like spain. Brits love spain. Except me. Too hot.
I don't like spain... The culture just doesn't appeal to me.. I'd prefer to go to Italy, Greece or someplace in Asia.
Its easy for people to say that Americans need to get into the world more. But the only countries that border us are Canada and Mexico, which many Americans go to. And it costs many thousands of dollars to get round-trip tickets to Europe. or Asia. Europeans have the luxury of travelling shorter distances to reach a different country because Europe is small and divided by many countries. The US is much larger, and the surrounding countries aren't nearly as interesting or hospitable as European countries.

Americans don't want to go to Central or South America because their countries are poor and don't have very good tourist areas. Therefore Americans don't have the luxury that Europeans do of going to many different countries in less time and with less money.

When I went across the English channel to Paris when I had my European trip, It cost what was equivalent to about $40 US dollars or about 27 GBP. It was quick and easy to go to a very different country.

To go to Paris from the US it costs about over $1000 and takes 9 hours by airplane.

Think about it...

america didnt win ww1 or ww2, they came in during the last years of conflict when the war was already nearly won and took all the glory. you have a population 5 times bigger, england is way more than 5 times smaller so in comparisant we have more people. your only military advantage is numbers and you throw bombs at countries you are the monsters that you have been fighting in asia.

Response to why does America hate England? 2007-07-20 16:42:09

At 3/10/06 09:38 PM, cuddlessap wrote: The bad teeth thing is just a stupid stereotype that isnt true. And I'm Canadian and I dont hate ppl from England.

But if you're from Quebec you hate Americans.