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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-11-28 18:32:14

At 11/27/04 07:50 PM, DivineCrusaderFox wrote:
At 11/27/04 07:41 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: soon i plan to do my first sermon here i havnt yet cus im new a christianity.
I really look foward to hearing it. Whats it gonna be on?

probaly the dangers of satism or witchcraft cus ive expierenced them.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-28 18:37:47

At 11/28/04 01:59 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Do you think its wrong to skip Church ONCE or twice and go to a football game instead???

maybe once but dont abuse it

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-28 18:52:19

At 11/28/04 01:59 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Do you think its wrong to skip Church ONCE or twice and go to a football game instead???

You shouldnt, but its not a terrible sin. Just dont do it very often.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 02:10:52

My internet has been down ALL weekend... I didn't use the computer so therefore I never wrote a sermon. I could have done it before I guess, but I never got around to it, which is really ironic because I was going to do a sermon on "sloth". Haha, see it is a deadly sin... sloth goes against God because it stops me from writing sermons.

I'm going to Hell.

Guys, I love God. I think we look at Him immaturely, always expecting that He has to make everything perfect. He created us and He loves us but He's not around to do everything FOR us and He's not gonna give us what we don't deserve! He's like a father, He'll scold you when you've done something wrong... and these days we really need that father because most of us don't have a proper one.

In His own little way, God will let you know when you are doing something wrong... He often makes you feel empty or saddened when doing something wrong... so going against His will will never make you happy. Try having sex with 10 women, drinking and smoking weed, every day, over a 5 day period. Then go to sleep and e-mail me the next morning telling me how happy you feel on the inside. I can bet you ten bucks you might feel sexually and physically satisfied, but you won't have that feeling of longlasting comfort and joy you get from doing God's work.

Now, go help out in a foster home, or help teenagers on the street, or join a non-profit organization that caters to the poor and abused for 5 days. E-mail me on the 6th and tell me if you feel like you've accomplished something and if you feel sucess/joy. I have a hunch that by helping others and trying to be kind or living like Jesus, you will feel joy, as long as its coming from the heart.

Anyway, this was by no means a sermon, just me thinking out loud. I don't really know why I wrote any of this, and if it's stupid, well too bad because this is the first time I'm not reading over anything I post. I don't know what I'm gonna do about the sloth sermon, but I'll try to work hard and post it some time this week, because if I don't, I'd be a hypocrite by writing one. Sloth is equated with laziness, I believe... so I guess it's time to start doing something with my life. I'll start by shutting up.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 05:06:29

At 11/27/04 12:17 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Follow four rules
1. Post a sermon at least once a week

Err... crap. Missed this week.

2. Be prepaired to answer all questions anyone has on it.

Not a problem, people don't even read them so not many
questions are asked :-P.

3. Answer all questions proposed by someone in the club (well not all, but at least all you see)

That will only get redundant if we have too many preachers, but for now I like that idea.

It may not seem it, but if you think hard you'll realize that the gift of free will is one of the best gifts the Almighty graced us with.

In my question, I don't think I even mentioned the phrase "free will". That doesn't really answer my question but I agree with you.

Heck yeah, you are one. You do a great job with your sermons. Other than you, I am the only preacher.

Merci beaucoup, and I promise as soon as I get some organization in my life I'll have better quality sermons and more of them!


Ahah I think that guy is a Muslim or something.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 05:25:35

At 11/27/04 05:54 AM, MetalChicken wrote: Lol, churches are bad enough but now one on a webpage..

Webpages these days are bad enough, Newgrounds is lucky to be graced with a cyber-church that is trying to give an intelligent outlook on the possibility of a supreme being..

Listen to me all you religious fags.

I'm all ears.

There is no god, no Jesus (well perhaps the person excisted but he never accualy made miracles), no Allah, no freakin' Santa Klaus.

To equate Santa Claus to God is a very ignorant statement. Santa Claus is a human character, commercially made to satisfy the material needs of children and essentially attempt to create some happiness in their lives. God is a super-natural being and a true source of joy that we believe created our Universe in all its awe-striking perfection.

It was all made up by kings and emperors to keep the working peasent on a leash, so that they don't do bad things and work, just to go to a (non excisting heaven). While the king sits on his fat ass laughing and looking how dumb people can be.

To make such a bold and ignorant claim one must back it up with reasonable and rational evidence. However, since you are so obviously intellectually impaired, I'll allow you to get away with defaming Christianity, but first I must pose a question:

What "kings" and "emperors" founded our religion? For as I have learnt and studied, Christianity was founded by the apostles of Jesus who died themselves and lived a life of poverty (without any slaves) so that they would spread the message of salvation. They wanted everyone to experience the joy and eternal life that God offers, and He wants us to, too, but I believe He would rather give us a choice to come to Him or deny Him. Be careful, it is okay to be skeptical, but do not be ignorant to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Plus all those religious stories were just made up for people to give anwsers for unknown things,

Now think, are not all "stories" an attempt to answer unknown things? Even the "stories" in science are just merely an attempt to explain that which we do not understand. While scientific stories can explain the laws of our natural world, theologic stories explain the unseen, yet widely believed, laws of our supernatral world. The life of Jesus is not meant for understanding of things unknown, but to spread the Good News that our lives are not in vain!

but now in this civil world we have the anwsers those unknown things..

What answers could you be speaking of? Science has barely touched the surface when it comes to understanding of our Universe, or the many universes, or dimensions, or realms that there might possibly be. There may be a Universe within every single atom for all we know, and in a sense, I'm sure there is some sort. We cannot answer everything, for if we could there would be need for only one belief, since that belief would be fact. The truth is we cannot be certain of everything, and even in this "civil world" (where people needlessly kill and aimlessly throw insults, without enough intellect to even be truly considered civil) we barely have any answers and we still know so little.

So shut the fuck up with your stories...

After you, friend. Your biased accusations are hardly worth the time of anyone in this forum. Do not spam us with your garbage if you do not want to propose an intelligent and decent argument.

Off with you.

At 11/27/04 07:41 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ps:soon i plan to do my first sermon here i havnt yet cus im new a christianity.

Please don't take any offence in this, but type your sermon up carefully in Microsoft Word, or at least run a spell check, and possibly run it by one of us (me, DC... oh crap... I think that's all lol) before you decide to post it. Now I'm curious about your sermon... don't be like me and keep the NG Church waiting too long...lol... did I apologize yet because:

I'm sorry for not posting a sermon today.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 11:21:10

i saw this NG CHURCH and thought id take a look at the more religious opinions in the world. take in the the other sides aspect sort of thing. but i found your post on defining murder as misleading and hypocritical. you defined murder as " the taking of innocent life. "

The fact of the matter is murder is the willfull taking of another persons life, regardless if this person is your defination of "innocent" or the lowest form of human life. This is why you would consider abortion and euthanasia as murder because of this very fact. Then to try and justify war and the death pelanty reveal your morality to be transperant and hypocritical. One rule for others another rule for yourself.

War is murder, sheer bloody murder. Against the nazis there may have been little choice but many warcrimes were commited nonetheless. These contridictions remain wrapped in this ludacris reality you create for yourself. The death pelanty is willful and organised murder. It is intentional, it is planned, it fits all the criteria for premeditated murder and the person may be innocent, as has been proven in the past. a million gulity men executed, will not bring back one single life they took nor would it justify a single innocent man being killed with them. I think your savour might be inclined never to kill any amount of innocents to rid the world of evil.

You believe in jesus, did he support war or violence for any cause? He intervened when a woman was about to be stoned to death as she'd been sentenced to serve a death pelanty despite her guilt of the crime. Do you think he support that idea. Time and time again the man you believed in taught against retaliation and violent retribution but clearly it falls onto ignorant ears. You support the very things he was opposed to. explain to me how this is righteous ? Hypocrites can never muster adiquate responses in the face of their own lies being revealed.

I may not be religious, but i seemingly know alot more about double standerds than you do.

The only headline i want to see involving 'Big Brother' involves the words rabid lion & no survivors.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 13:01:28

At 11/29/04 05:25 AM, CapnJack wrote: Stuff too long to quote.

First of all when I said Santa Klaus I wasn't serious but rather sarcatic and it was a rubbish attemt at a joke.
You may have studied the stories of Jesus and the apostles but has it ever come to your attention that it perhaps may have been made up?
And those stories have made the world in fear and anger.
This isn't a bold nor ignorant claim but, way too many wars have started and too many people abused the Christian religion. I don't care what you believe and what religion you have as long as you don't bother other people with it, which you have.
In history the pope agreed for a war against the Muslims just because he wanted more teritory. But he used the reason that the Muslims have taken over the city Jerusalem and people need to free this holy city. For the pope didn't have enough soldiers for his little crusade, he used criminals and promised their sacraments if they fight for him. I don't thing Jesus nor God would ever agree with that if they ever excisted.
As for later years in history the priests abused their relgion to get more and more money. While the people starve to death.
And we Dutch people had to fight for their freedom just because they thaught diffrent than the Christian church. They were tortured and burned to death just because they lost their fait in the Christian church.
Well that's Religon for you. I hope I made my opinion clear about the Christian religion.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 15:26:28

Hmmm such long posts... anyways i have a question or discussion if it gets to that matter? Why is there a constant struggle for one global religion... This can be taken all the way back to when Jesus was born and further... But now adays there are suicides, bombings, all for religion am I right? What I am trying to say is whats the point in there being a need for one global religion... We should just leave everyone alone and if we have to do convincing do it peacefully not blow up a building...

I think if i have a day or two to think about what I've said i can develop a better summary of what im thinking... I hope this is fine for now...

Discussions on this matter?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 17:23:35

OK, I'm here to say that later tonight I'm going to adress every post made since my last one. I cant do it now as it will take some time, and I'm late for workouts. So i'll see you guys tonight.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 18:56:38

At 11/29/04 03:26 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: I think if i have a day or two to think about what I've said i can develop a better summary of what im thinking... I hope this is fine for now...

I understand what you are trying to say, and I too have pondered this on different ocassions. However, I always end up coming to the conclusion that the reason that there are so many religions is that many of them are just various ways that God wants different peoples to worship him. I figure that it is just a way of adding a bit more variety to life and give people plenty of choices on how to worship God, while still giving mankind free will.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:01:00

At 11/29/04 02:10 AM, CapnJack wrote: Sermon like thought

That may not have been a sermon, but it was definatly good enough to be one.

you defined murder as " the taking of innocent life. "

Killing someone who deserves death, beyone the shadow of a dout, is not murder. Its justice.
I gave pleanty of examples from scripture that justied what I said about the death penility and about war. They do not contridict eachother, They are God's Law.

the person may be innocent, as has been proven in the past

Thats one of the saddest things that can happen to a person. And I agree that it has happened in the past, probably many times. Many times many. I get solice knowing that those wrongfully convicted people are walking beside God now, for He will take special care of people who had that happen to them.

Do you think he support that idea. Time and time again the man you believed in taught against retaliation and violent retribution but clearly it falls onto ignorant ears. You support the very things he was opposed to. explain to me how this is righteous ?

Even in the New testiment the death penility is accepted and allowed (look at the post(s) I explained that). I am well aware of the Turn the Other Cheek way that Jesus taught, much more than you are. However, I still belive in what I wrote. I know Jesus was anti killing, but I belive what I belive. I truly think I am right, but if I'm not than its something I'll have to answer for it when I die. But I accept that.

I don't care what you believe and what religion you have as long as you don't bother other people with it, which you have.

What the Hell are you talking about? You came in here and bothered us.

too many wars have started and too many people abused the Christian religion.

There will always be people who use God for their own gains. They come in every shape and form. From children to Popes. But remember that religion is only flawed because man is flawed. Sure some of the people who pratice the religion t=have used it for their own gain. But that dosent make Christianity bad or evil. It makes the offender evil. It reminds me of a quote from a book I read a long time ago.
Dont lay a cloak of guilt around my shoulder, just because other people are evil

Why is there a constant struggle for one global religion

I have also thought about that, but as with Palidan I come come to the conclusion that its just ways that God wants different people to worship Him. Its all acording to His will.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:21:29

I claim this thread in the name of Samael.

NG Church


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:23:20

At 11/29/04 09:21 PM, Enoll wrote: I claim this thread in the name of Samael.

Its sad to see someone who has strayed so far from God

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:25:29

At 11/29/04 09:21 PM, Enoll wrote: I claim this thread in the name of Samael.

Yeah, fuck that god guy! I'm worshipping this Samael character!

Don't worry guys. I'll pray that you christian heathens are converted to The Path.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:28:59

At 11/29/04 09:25 PM, JohnnyBeagle wrote: Yeah, fuck that god guy! I'm worshipping this Samael character!

Since you guys have an NG church..
I'm off to start an Ng satanist movement.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:30:51

At 11/29/04 09:28 PM, Enoll wrote: Since you guys have an NG church..
I'm off to start an Ng satanist movement.

Its been done twice at least, and also two Athesists clubs.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:31:45

At 11/29/04 09:30 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Its been done twice at least, and also two Athesists clubs.

Oh yeah? Well I'll do you at least twice!

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:34:46

At 11/29/04 09:31 PM, JohnnyBeagle wrote: Oh yeah? Well I'll do you at least twice!

You are a reatrd

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:35:18

At 11/29/04 09:30 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Its been done twice at least, and also two Athesists clubs.

But you know what the difference is?
They weren't well organised.
I probably won't be bothered doing it though.
The guy I worship doesn't threaten to spank me
with a flaming sword if I decide not to.
..Hell...sloth is a good thing.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:37:16

At 11/29/04 09:34 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: You are a reatrd

So says god boy.
I'm pretty sure you just commited some sort of sin.
...well..sucks to be you.
Looks like you're comming to hell where I get to
poke you in the butt with pointy things.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:38:22

At 11/29/04 09:35 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 11/29/04 09:30 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Its been done twice at least, and also two Athesists clubs.
But you know what the difference is?
They weren't well organised.
I probably won't be bothered doing it though.
The guy I worship doesn't threaten to spank me
with a flaming sword if I decide not to.
..Hell...sloth is a good thing.

If there was such a club I would do all my bidding for satan for he is my father

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:40:51

At 11/29/04 09:35 PM, Enoll wrote: The guy I worship doesn't threaten to spank me
with a flaming sword if I decide not to.

Satan will do alot worse than "spank you with a flamming sword"

So says god boy. I'm pretty sure you just commited some sort of sin.

Please point out to me where I said that I had never commited a sin.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:48:16

At 11/29/04 09:40 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Satan will do alot worse than "spank you with a flamming sword"

GOD will not punish you for your earthly sins he will punish you for your sins before we were sent here to earth.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:52:34

At 11/29/04 09:40 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Satan will do alot worse than "spank you with a flamming sword"

Yes he might. But he doesn't cast people into
a neverending hell for sitting in thier chair.
God is a whiny little child.

Please point out to me where I said that I had never commited a sin.

You should lead by example.
Go on..be perfect...wait,
you're human..you can't be.
Well..looks like no matter what you do you're
damend so..hahahaha.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:55:16

If you follow his laws and keep his day of rest holy you will not suffer in hell.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 21:59:32

At 11/29/04 09:55 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: If you follow his laws and keep his day of rest holy you will not suffer in hell.

Have you ever swatted fly or something?
huh..looks like you killed something..too bad.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 22:08:52

At 11/29/04 09:52 PM, Enoll wrote: You should lead by example.
Go on..be perfect...wait,
you're human..you can't be.
Well..looks like no matter what you do you're
damend so..hahahaha.

(this is like talking to an 8 year old)

I cant be perfect. I am a human being. Therefore I am flawed. There are only two being in excistance that are perfect. God and Jesus.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 22:16:06

At 11/29/04 10:08 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: There are only two being in excistance that are perfect. God and Jesus.

God is not perfect.
and I seem to remember Jesus crusing a
date tree when it didin't have any fruit on it.
...haha he had a cry.


Response to NG Church 2004-11-29 22:19:10

At 11/29/04 10:08 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I cant be perfect. I am a human being. Therefore I am flawed. There are only two being in excistance that are perfect. God and Jesus.

But you do know that god and jesus are the same being right? and there is a 3rd but I will not go that far because thats for advanced studies.