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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-13 02:14:02

At 6/12/05 04:33 PM, SlipperyMooseCakes wrote: I'd like to join. I'm late in signing up but i'd like to get involved more. I had 9 years of Catholic school and have 4 more ahead. So i'm use to Religion. Any requirements?

nah, just make sure when we disscus things here you do it in a mature, non noobish way.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-13 02:18:44

At 6/12/05 04:26 PM, JetNinjin wrote: you cant eat all of those burgers you silly silly man

Dude, don't spam this thread

At 6/12/05 06:49 AM, ckgordon wrote: GOD RULES!!

Yes God does 'rule'.
But if you're gonna post in here make it something more meaningful than just 2 rules, it goes against the rules also.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-13 02:21:55

make it something more meaningful than just 2 rules, it goes against the rules also.

Damn it, I meant-- more then two WORDS.

sorry for the triple post

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-13 21:02:37

At 6/12/05 04:33 PM, SlipperyMooseCakes wrote: I'd like to join. I'm late in signing up but i'd like to get involved more. I had 9 years of Catholic school and have 4 more ahead. So i'm use to Religion. Any requirements?

woah i would go insane, catholics are way to strict

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-14 04:55:26

i went to a catholic school for 3 years..i'm not catholic though lol.....my grades dropped -_-. it wasnt that strict, but we had to wear uniforms, not like ties and stuff though, that wouldve sucked lol.

i dont like their church services o_O theres like..no "feeling" or emotion. its like..dry..if u know what i mean. theyre like robots, every single thing is planned out, they know when to sit, stand, kneel, go up for ..stuff.. wierd..

Response to NG Church 2005-06-14 21:55:45

At 6/14/05 04:55 AM, Draciel56 wrote:
i dont like their church services o_O theres like..no "feeling" or emotion. its like..dry..if u know what i mean. theyre like robots, every single thing is planned out, they know when to sit, stand, kneel, go up for ..stuff.. wierd..

exactly, very old fashion

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-16 21:14:57

we were disscussing the coming of christ earlier. and I have to say I think it might be sooner than we think. you've probably heard of the earthquakes we've had here in Califoria, and in other countrys. It's actually been kinda freaking me out, becasue we had another quake today. In total that's the fourth earthquake I know about this week bigger than 5.0.

sure some of you might say there just earthquakes. but in mathew 24, it does describe how more and more earthquakes are a sign. (other than all the war, violence, famine, and false prophets)

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-16 21:23:30

lmao this topic is comedy goldmine

Response to NG Church 2005-06-16 21:25:11

i mean comedy gold

Response to NG Church 2005-06-16 21:28:29

At 6/16/05 09:23 PM, AcornClock wrote: lmao this topic is comedy goldmine

Nope, this is: comedy gold

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-16 21:33:44

lmoa true

NG Church

Response to NG Church 2005-06-17 00:57:57

Hey i got a question about God thats been troublin me for years

if god had no begining and had no end then well then were did it all start? If God poped out of nowhere then i must of been his begining, i just cant understand him ya know being just.....there. Look at this timeline


it has to start somewhere.....

Response to NG Church 2005-06-17 01:34:27

At 6/17/05 12:57 AM, ScumOfTheEarth wrote: Hey i got a question about God thats been troublin me for years

if god had no begining and had no end then well then were did it all start? If God poped out of nowhere then i must of been his begining, i just cant understand him ya know being just.....there. Look at this timeline

it has to start somewhere.....

Well, unfortuneatly that's one of those questions that just can not be answered. Our minds can't comprehend it. the thing is that, for God there is no timeline. He just IS. He goes way over what we understand

It's completely understandable why you feel there had to be a begining because we're human. It's all we know, it's all we've ever known since our beginning, but one thing you have to remember is that He has no Begining. He never started and he's never gonna end. He is The most powerful force ever. Period.

so dosn't it makes sense that something that powerful, couldn't just come out of nowhere, it couldn't have had a begining

I completely understand, however, the feeling you have . It's only human. something our tiny feeble minds cant understand. We cant understand anything beyond our laws of physycs and laws of Time and space. But of course The one and only, All powerful God goes beyond it ALL.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-17 01:49:44

At 6/8/05 05:27 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: You fail as a human being

Thats a perspective thing, but go with that if you feel like it.

At 6/8/05 12:52 AM, Enoll wrote: I bet the pope would spank you right now if he knew about this.

The new pope kinda looks like a monster

Response to NG Church 2005-06-17 23:18:55

At 6/16/05 10:39 PM, Tal-con wrote:
Jesus tells us to look for the "3 vultures" and that the time for his return won't be until the world has been taken over by an evil power, by a man who is Satan reincarnate, and claims himself to be God.

this may sound like a whiny little liberal thing, but im not a liberal so it doesn't matter...

anyway if you think about it bush maybe born again satan, probably not but, he claims to be a religous man when he really isn't, also many people voted for bush because they thought he was a born again christian, he of course won't claim to be God because that would be a foolish political move.

but it's almost twelve o'clock over here and i'm a little out of it so this is basically just a crazy theory

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-19 20:01:07

At 6/19/05 04:08 PM, JetNinjin wrote: god is as real as santa claus or the tooth fairy

why because he isn't materialistic? because you can't reach out and touch him? it's your opinion, if you don't want to believe then don't, it's not a fact, it's an opinion...

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-19 22:10:51

At 6/19/05 04:08 PM, JetNinjin wrote: god is as real as santa claus or the tooth fairy

Oh wow. Thanks for informing us with that important information.

Next time you want to say something in this club, back it up, or shut up.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-19 22:59:38

You guys been doing okay since DC left?

I'm back. Call the Police

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-21 08:03:44

At 6/19/05 10:10 PM, Guitardude91304 wrote: Next time you want to say something in this club, back it up, or shut up.

XD man. good job GD

thats what i called "own-ed"

good point too..

Response to NG Church 2005-06-22 03:02:36

At 6/19/05 10:59 PM, MattAC wrote: You guys been doing okay since DC left?

who's DC?

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-22 17:50:31

At 6/22/05 03:02 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
At 6/19/05 10:59 PM, MattAC wrote: You guys been doing okay since DC left?
who's DC?

DivineCrusader you idiot.

I'm back. Call the Police

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-22 22:58:31

At 6/22/05 05:50 PM, MattAC wrote:
At 6/22/05 03:02 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
At 6/19/05 10:59 PM, MattAC wrote: You guys been doing okay since DC left?
who's DC?
DivineCrusader you idiot.

dude relax, I just wasnt sure who it was.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 00:41:10

This sounds like a good bunch of people, i shall join, i need to build my relationship with God up... *but wouldn't NG be considered a Sin with all of the stuff on here ???

A Girl in A Room Halloween Collaboration II -Join Now!-

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 02:36:13

At 6/23/05 12:41 AM, _darx_ wrote: This sounds like a good bunch of people, i shall join, i need to build my relationship with God up...

sounds good man.

*but wouldn't NG be considered a Sin with all of the stuff on here ???

I would say no. unless you're looking at nothing but hentai all day.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 06:38:31

At 6/23/05 02:36 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
I would say no. unless you're looking at nothing but hentai all day.

thats true, so when are the sermons on here?

A Girl in A Room Halloween Collaboration II -Join Now!-

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 07:40:57

It's funny beacuse you're religious.


Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 17:00:25

At 6/16/05 10:39 PM, Tal-con wrote:
Jesus tells us to look for the "3 vultures" and that the time for his return won't be until the world has been taken over by an evil power, by a man who is Satan reincarnate, and claims himself to be God.

"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty."



Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 19:03:58

At 6/23/05 07:40 AM, Enoll wrote: It's funny beacuse you're religious.

wow man. are you back to spam this thread again?

At 6/23/05 06:38 AM, _darx_ wrote:
thats true, so when are the sermons on here?

we don't neceserily have sermons. but if you have some words of God to leave us with that's fine. And I encourage you to ask any questions you have.

At 6/23/05 05:00 PM, afliXion wrote: "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty."

Hey man. it's nice to see you here. Do you plan hanging around this thread?

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-23 22:55:52

At 6/23/05 07:03 PM, Guitardude91304 wrote:
Hey man. it's nice to see you here. Do you plan hanging around this thread?

I'm preparing a sermon as we speak!

Response to NG Church 2005-06-24 01:27:08

At 6/23/05 11:04 PM, Tal-con wrote: Hey, DC, it's nice to see you're back, but your sig says "let's go shroomin`". You said you wouldn't come back until you repented, so I dunno, did you give up drugs or not? Maybe I had a misconception about the situation...?

No dude, not at all. IN fact while I'm typing this I'm tripping out on 740 mg of DXM and tommrow night I'm sneaking out to go pick mushrooms after I smoke out all day at work tomorrow.

I'm back, as in back on NG. As for God, meh, I'm not really a christian anymore. Life's to short to worry about that.