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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-11-16 22:55:35

At 11/16/04 09:20 PM, johnnypotsmoker261 wrote: IT doesn't say anything about wax apples in the bible? Or am i mistaken. I think god would condem the consumption of this faux fruit. probably would make you throw it right up, or is that punishment for earlier that night.

Brent, Mike, or John. I cant belive that you signed up just to write that. I made up for that in Church. Plus I think God punished me enough. You know about this crazy cold I got from that driveway. But hey, i'd rather it come up the way it went in than the other way. I'll see you in school tomorrow. :)

Hi, I just wanted to say I don't think I'll be posting here for a few days because I have fallen really behind in my work. I hope to catch up on a lot of posts when I come back :-P.

Hope to see you back soon Jack.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 19:49:47

and ill probably contribute some in the future.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 20:11:54

At 11/17/04 07:49 PM, johnnypotsmoker261 wrote: Brent,
and ill probably contribute some in the future.

Thats who I figured, I asked mike, and of course he said no. Not that I really thought it was him. He only has dial up

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 22:41:03

The Lord is My Shepherd
Psalms 23:1-23:6


Psalm 23 is undoubtedly one of the best-known passages in all the Bible. Most of us learned it as children and it continues to be a comfort to those who are dying, or those who have lost loved ones. Maybe it’s so well-loved because it is so personal and individual. When we read it, we don’t think of David shepherding his sheep 3,000 years ago. It applies to us. "The Lord is my shepherd".

Unfortunately, we live in a society where tending sheep is not your ordinary occupation. In fact, I dare say that none of you even know a shepherd, much less are familiar with what a shepherd’s life is really like. And so I think we have a tendency to lose a little bit of the meaning that David intended when he wrote these words.

This morning, some of what I will be sharing with you concerning the life of a shepherd has come from a book by Philip Keller. Philip grew up and lived in East Africa where he was surrounded by sheep herders similar to those in the Middle East. As a young man he spent eight years of his own life as a sheep owner and sheep rancher. So the insights that he is able to bring into the subject will, I think, help us to understand what David probably felt as he wrote these words, "The Lord is my shepherd."

1. The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want

As you know, David was himself a shepherd. He was known as the "Shepherd King" of Israel. But he saw Jehovah, the Lord God of Israel, as his shepherd. He speaks in this psalm as if he was one of the flock, one of the sheep. And it is as though he literally boasted aloud, "Look who my shepherd is -- my owner -- my manager! The Lord is!"

Because after all, he knew from firsthand experience that the lot of any particular sheep depends on the type of man who owns it. Under one man, sheep might struggle, starve and suffer endless hardships. But under another shepherd, they might flourish and thrive contentedly. As it is with pride that he says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” He chose us, he bought us, he calls us by name, he makes us his own and he delights in taking care of us.

That last aspect is really what this psalm is all about. How the Lord takes care of us. So David continues by saying, "I shall not want." The idea here is that the Lord supplies our every need. The NIV says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not lack anything."

In his book, I Shall Not Want, Robert Ketchum tells about a Sunday school teacher who asked her group of children if any of them could quote the entire twenty-third psalm. A little four-and-a-half-year-old girl was among those who raised their hands. A bit skeptical, the teacher asked if she could really quote the entire psalm. The little girl came to the podium, faced the class, made a little bow, and said: "The Lord is my shepherd, that’s all I want." She then bowed again and sat down. She may have overlooked a few verses, but I think that little girl captured David’s heart in Psalm 23. The idea throughout the psalm is that we are utterly contented in the shepherd’s care and there is nothing else that we desire.

Notice that our Lord supplies our every need, not our every want. As Paul told the Philippians, "And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus..." (Philippians 4:19). The same one who sustained the children of Israel, the one who fed Elijah by the brook, the one who provided the needs of the disciples sent out without staff or shoes, has promised to provide our needs both physical and spiritual.

Let me tell you what a good shepherd is like. He loves his sheep. For him there is no greater reward, no deeper satisfaction, than that of seeing his sheep contented, well fed, safe and flourishing in his care. That’s what his life is all about, and he gives everything he has to it.

He goes to a great deal of trouble to provide them with the finest grazing, ample winter feed and clean water. He provides shelter from the storms, protection from the enemies and the diseases and parasites to which sheep are susceptible.

From early dawn till late at night the good shepherd is alert to the welfare of his flock. He gets up early in the morning and goes out first thing to look over his flock. He examines the sheep to see if they are fit and content and able to be on their feet. He can tell if they have been molested during the night, whether they are ill or require some special attention.

Throughout the day he looks over his flock to make sure everything is all right. Even at night, he sleeps with "one eye and both ears open", ready at the least sign of trouble to get up and protect his sheep.

That’s the kind of shepherd we have. Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." (John 10:11). Truly, "the Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want."

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 22:42:55

2. He Maketh Me to Lie Down in Green Pastures: He Leadeth Me Beside Still Waters

It’s not easy to get a sheep to lie down. A strange thing about sheep is that they will refuse to lie down unless four requirements are met. (1) They must be free from all fear. (2) There must be no tension between members of the flock. (3) They must not be aggravated with flies or parasites. (4) And they must be free from hunger.

It is the shepherd who must see to it that his flock is free from any disturbances. Sheep are very easily frightened. A stray jackrabbit jumping out from behind a bush can stampede a whole flock. When one startled sheep runs in fright, all of the others will follow behind it in blind fear, not waiting to see what frightened them. But nothing quiets a flock of sheep like seeing their shepherd in the field with them.

Like sheep, we also are easily frightened. We live in an uncertain life. Any hour can bring disaster. And generally, it is the unknown, the unexpected, that frightens us most. But nothing quiets our souls like knowing that our Shepherd is near. Suddenly things are not half as black nor nearly as terrifying. Our Lord is with us. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (I Timothy 1:7).

In every animal society there is an established order of dominance or status. In chickens, it is known as the pecking order. Among sheep it is called the butting order. Sheep maintain their status by butting and driving away other sheep from their favorite grazing spot. When there is this tension in a flock, the sheep can’t lie down and rest. They must always stand up and be ready to fight. The result is that it wears the sheep out, they lose weight and become irritable. But whenever the shepherd is around, they forget their rivalries and stop their fighting.

That’s a lot like people, too, isn’t it? There is a struggle for status in our society, to "keep up with the Joneses". There is a struggle for self-assertion and self-recognition. Most of us fight to be "top sheep". We butt and quarrel and compete to get ahead. It is impossible to relax in that kind of environment. You have to always be ready to stand up and defend your rights. But things change when our Shepherd is around. The Lord’s presence puts an end to all rivalry.

The sheep will not rest when bothered by the aggravation of insects and parasites. The shepherd must provide them with relief. We’ll talk about this more in a few minutes.

And sheep will not rest until they are free from hunger. A hungry sheep is always on its feet, searching for another mouth of food, trying to satisfy its gnawing hunger. Keep in mind that in Palestine where David wrote this psalm, it’s a dry, brown, sun-burned land. Green pastures didn’t just happen by chance. Shepherds had to search hard for green areas or cultivate them themselves. But when a sheep had eaten enough, when it was free from fear, tension and aggravation, it would lie down.

Our shepherd provides us with the spiritual food we need. If we hunger and thirst after righteousness, he has promised to fill us. All of our needs are met in Christ. That’s why "he maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

He also "leads us beside the still waters". Sheep also need water to survive. And they will not drink from noisy, turbulent water. They require a well or a slow-flowing stream, “still waters”.

Jesus made it clear that the thirsty souls of men and women can only be fully satisfied by coming to him. In John 7:37, he stated, "If any man thirsts, let him come to me and drink." Our Shepherd leads us beside the still waters.

3. He Restoreth My Soul

There is an Old English shepherd’s term called a "cast" sheep. This is a sheep that has turned over on its back and can’t get back up again. It happens frequently. And when it happens, all the sheep can do is lie on its back, with its feet flaying frantically in the air. Sometimes it will bleat, but usually it will just kick.

If the shepherd doesn’t arrive within a short time, the sheep will die. That’s one of the reasons why a shepherd is always looking over its flock, counting them to see if they are all on their feet. If one is missing, he thinks, "One of my sheep is cast and I’ve got to find it." This is the thought behind the parable of the 99 sheep and the one that went astray.

Many times a shepherd will search for hours for a single sheep, only to find it on its back, lying helpless. He will turn the sheep over on its side, rub its legs to restore circulation, then lift it to its feet. After a while the sheep will stumble and stagger, and then eventually walk steadily and surely.

That’s probably what David had in mind when he said, "He restoreth my soul" because that’s how our Lord treats us. We stumble and fall, we become so helpless. And yet our shepherd is patient and tender and helpful in getting us back on our feet.

I read the gospels and see the tenderness that Jesus showed toward sinners. I see how he restored Peter’s heart after his denial. And I understand that Jesus also restores my soul.

4. He Leadeth Me in the Paths of Righteousness For His Name’s Sake

If sheep are left to themselves, they will continue to graze the same hills until they turn to a desert waste. They will gnaw the grass to the very ground until even the roots are damaged. They need a shepherd who will lead them to good grazing area.

We are a lot like sheep. As humans, we prefer to follow our own fancies and turn to our own ways. "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way." (Isaiah 53:6).

And so we need a shepherd who can lead us in paths of righteousness, and our Lord does just that. Notice that our shepherd is not a driver but a leader. He doesn’t stand behind us with a stick, saying, "Go on, and do that." No, he goes ahead and leads the way for us. "For to this you were called, because Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps." (I Peter 2:21).

In the Civil War, in the battle of Franklin, the Rebels charged, were shot down and fell back. One man rode back to the general to get instructions. The general ordered, "Charge them again!" That’s easy to say from behind the lines.

Our Lord leads and he always leads us in the paths of righteousness. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 22:45:02

5. Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will Fear no Evil: For Thou Art With Me

This section marks a new tone in the psalm. Up until this point, it is as if the sheep has been boasting to its unfortunate neighbor across the fence about the excellent care it receives. But now it turns to address the shepherd directly.

There are going to be valleys in life for all of us. Some of us have many valleys, some few. Some of us have deep valleys, some not so deep. But, somewhere in our journey, we must all cross the valley of the shadow of death, for "It is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment." (Hebrews 9:27). Its time may be unknown, but it’s certain to come.

And we must walk it one by one, unless we walk it with Christ. We cannot walk this valley with our husband or wife. We cannot walk it with our business partner. We cannot take our friends or relatives. As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we walk with Christ or we walk alone.

Remember how when you were a kid, you considered yourself to be big. You didn’t understand restrictions. You could take care of yourself. But whenever a thunderstorm came up, you climbed in bed with your parents. We needed to know our loved ones were close. So it is in life. As adults, we often don’t feel like we need God. We can take care of ourselves. But as death approaches, we all run to someone stronger.

However, you can only be close to the Lord at death if you are close to him during life.

6. Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me

When a shepherd is out in the fields with his flock, he carries very little with him. Today’s shepherds will carry a rifle, a staff and a small knapsack. In the Middle East the shepherd carried only a rod and a staff.

The rod is kinda like a club. The shepherd learns from childhood how to throw it with amazing speed and accuracy. It becomes his main weapon of defense for himself and his sheep. He uses it to drive off predators like coyotes, wolves, cougars or stray dogs. In the brush it is used to beat away snakes.

But it is also used for discipline. If a sheep wanders away or approaches poisonous weeds, or gets too close to some danger, the rod is thrown to send it back to the flock.

The staff, on the other hand, is a long, slender stick, often with a crook or hook on one end. The shepherd will use the staff to guide sheep along a new path or through a gate. He doesn’t beat the sheep. He just nudges them along. At times, the staff may be used to get a sheep out of trouble, to pull it from the water or to free it from thorns.

To those of us who are God’s sheep, the authority, power, might and guidance of the Lord are indeed a comfort. "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

7. Thou Preparest a Table Before Me in the Presence of Mine Enemies:

This has always struck me as an unusual image. I’ve never seen sheep sitting at a table. In much of the world, though, the high plateaus of sheep pasture are called "mesas" which is Spanish for "tables". This seems to be fairly common language and David probably means the pastureland has been prepared.

In the spring, after the snows melt, the shepherd will take his sheep up the mountain to finer pastures. But first he will go up into the rough, wild country to check it out. He will take along a supply of salt and minerals to distribute over the range. He will decide where his camps will be located. He will make sure the vegetation is sturdy enough. He will check for poisonous weeds and uncover any snakes.

In similar fashion, our Lord takes care of us in the presence of our enemies. In effect, he has gone ahead and checked things out. He has already been "tempted in all points like as we are." (Hebrews 4:15). He has known our sorrows and endured our struggles in order to help us through. "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies".

Response to NG Church 2004-11-17 22:49:29

8. Thou Anointest My Head With Oil; My Cup Runneth Over

A particular problem sheep have is insects -- flies, mosquitoes, gnats. Sheep are especially bothered by the nose fly, or nasal fly. These flies buzz around the sheep’s head trying to deposit eggs on the damp nose of the sheep. If they are successful, the eggs will hatch to form small worm-like larvae. They crawl up the sheep’s nose and cause a great deal of aggravation.

So, at the beginning of fly season, shepherds will mix up an oil concoction. In Palestine, they used a mixture of olive oil, sulphur and spices. It would then be applied to the heads of the sheep. Oil is also used to cure scab, which is a highly contagious disease among sheep. This is just another way of saying, "Our Lord takes care of us."

In fact, our Lord gives us everything we could need and more. Paul expressed that thought in this way, "Now to him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to power that works within us." (Ephesians 3:20). It is true that "my cup runneth over."

9. Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me All the Days of my Life: And I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Together."

The sheep with a shepherd like this knows that he is in a privileged position. Our Lord truly cares for us as a good shepherd. No matter what else may happen, we know that goodness and mercy will follow us.

And we are so content in our flock and in our shepherd that there is no desire for a change. "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." But we can only confidently state this last verse if we can state the first one -- "The Lord is my shepherd".


The Lord desires to be our shepherd. He wants to bless us. He wants to care for us. But Jesus never hesitated to make it clear that when we come under his management and control there would be a new and unique relationship between him and us. There would be something special about belonging to this shepherd. There would be a distinct mark upon the man or woman that would differentiate them from the rest of the crowd.

Let me tell you what a shepherd does when he buys his sheep. He takes a large, sharp knife. And each shepherd has a distinctive earmark that he cuts into one of the ears of his sheep. In this way, even at a distance, it is easy to determine to whom the sheep belongs. It is not an easy thing to do, for either the sheep or the shepherd. But from that mutual suffering an indelible lifelong mark of ownership is made that can never be erased.

For the man or woman who recognizes the claim of Christ and gives allegiance to his absolute ownership, there comes the question of bearing his mark. The mark of Jesus is the cross. Jesus stated emphatically, "If any man would be my disciple, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

It’s a sad fact, but I think a true one that many people who have never submitted their lives to him in obedience still try to claim that "the Lord is my Shepherd". They seem to hope that by merely admitting that he is their shepherd, they will enjoy all the benefits of his care without ever being marked. Not so.

The Lord is my shepherd. What a difference that little word "my" makes. It is all the difference between joy and sorrow, purposefulness and meaningless, eternal life and eternal death.

A famous actor was once the guest of honor at a social gathering where he received many requests to recite favorite excerpts from various literary works. An old preacher who happened to be there asked the actor to recite the twenty-third Psalm. The actor agreed on the condition that the preacher would also recite it. The actor’s recitation was beautifully intoned with great dramatic emphasis for which he received lengthy applause. The preacher’s voice was rough and broken from many years of preaching, and his diction was anything but polished. But when he finished there was not a dry eye in the room. When someone asked the actor what made the difference, he replied "I know the psalm, but he knows the Shepherd."

Is the Lord your shepherd?

Written by Alan Smith

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 03:21:55

So I disappear for a few days and this is what happens?

Actually I'm still not technically supposed to be here, but oh well. DC, that was a really long sermon, too long. Maybe that's because it's 3 AM, but I couldn't read the whole thing. I liked the conclusion though, I pretty much couldn't focus on any more than the conclusion and introduction.

Anyway, what happened to the website? I can't think right now, I'm going to leave before I say something stupid.

Take care.

Oh, before I press "Post It", I want to know what you guys think of the fourth (I think it's fourth) commandment: honour thy father and mother. Does it apply to everyone, of any age group? What does it mean to honour them? Just respect, or completely following their will? Can anyone give me a good explanation of that commandment? Thanks in advance.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 07:08:53

Is masturbation a sin?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 19:30:34

At 11/19/04 07:08 AM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Is masturbation a sin?

First of all, some religions say that it is a sin, while other religions say that masturbation is not a sin.

Personally, I do not feel that masturbation is a sin. It is a 'pretty' normal thing for humans to do.

Furthermore, I do not recall anything written in the Bible that says not to masturbate.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 19:34:03

is witch craft a sin?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 19:40:18

At 11/19/04 03:21 AM, CapnJack wrote: Can anyone give me a good explanation of that commandment? Thanks in advance.

Basically, it means that you should give the respect that is due to your parents. That is because your parents are the ones who have brought you into this world, have raised you, fed you, cared for you and given you a place to live as well as many other things.

Even if you were orphaned as a child or as an infant, you still should show respect for your biological parents (as well as your foster parents) regardless of your relationship with any of them, because they are the ones who have brought you into the world and taken care of you.

A much simpler way of putting this is that the fourth commandment basically means, "respect your parents."

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 19:50:27

At 11/19/04 07:34 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: is witch craft a sin?

That is a very good question.

Many religions (especially Christian religion) believe witch craft to be evil, and thus a sin. It is believed to be evil because it is associated with worshiping Satan.

In reality, witch craft is little more than wishful thinking. Although this does not detour many people from believing that witch craft exists and 'practicing it'.

Personally, I believe that people who were accused of being witches in the old days because they had supernatual powers that could not be explained, were actually people who posessed psychic abilities.

Anyways, in my personal opinion witch craft is only a sin if the person who practices it does it in Satan's name and/or for personal gain.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 20:23:13

thanks cus i practice it and i dont wanna go to hell. and i agree noone should do it in satans name.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 21:23:03

At 11/19/04 07:34 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: is witch craft a sin?

I think that witch craft is a very grave sin. The bible talks about it.

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Is masturbation a sin?

I honesty dont think it is. The evidence is more leaning twards it being a sin, but I honesty dont think God will condem you for it.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 21:31:13

ok who should i beleive?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 21:34:11

if i quite now will i still go to hell?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 21:46:33

At 11/19/04 09:31 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ok who should i beleive?

Witchcraft Makes God Sick
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Preached May 4, 2003


Our culture is rapidly turning from the Judea-Christian values it once embraced in exchange for pagan ideals as seen and practiced by witches and the occult. No one would even dream of the possibility of a Bible believing fundamental pastor being able to lead prayer for students at Torrington Middle school, but last year a representative from Wisdom House addressed a female deity, a goddess in an invocation for the students on take your daughter to work day. Goddess worship, Wicca, witchcraft and other occultic practices are more and more part of our main stream American culture. Chaplains in our prisons are required to facilitate witches, warlocks, and druids, just as much as any other religion.

Since it is very evident that paganism, witchcraft and other magick is growing in popularity, it is important that we understand this dark craft from a biblical perspective and keep ourselves pure from its seductive influences. There is much that we could say about the demonic world. It is not our aim to give these unclean beings that inhabit our world very much honor or fear. The blood of Jesus Christ binds every unclean thing and they cannot enslave born-again Christians against our will. There is much ignorance, however, on the part of many Christians, about exactly what the Bible says about this subject. Tonight we will seek to expose the craft for what it really is and give you the equipment that you need to answer people Biblically with regard to this subject.

Often well meaning Christians use the wrong terms or even the wrong philosophies in order to combat the spread of witchcraft, but their ignorance only serves to empower the forces of darkness further. We know that if something is opposed to the cause of Christ, that Satan is behind it, but that does not make every false doctrine Satanism. There are those who embrace paganism who have been called Satanists by Christians. This is not really the case. Some of these pagans do not even believe in a devil! The pagans defend their craft by saying that they are good witches, and bringers of the light. Tonight we will see that God lists the types of crafts and magick that he hates, and both the white witches and the dark crafts are mentioned. Moses was given very specific instructions about paganism. God’s people were warned to stay absolutely pure from its influences.

I. Do not imitate the religion of the pagans that surround you.

Deuteronomy 18:9-11
9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

A. Baby sacrifice.

1. Still practiced by hardcore Satanism today.
2. Moloch would promise riches and prosperity in exchange for the lives of children.
3. Abortion is the same wicked practice where people murder children in the pursuit of wealth and happiness.

B. Divination = the practice of using omens or magick powers to foretell the future.

1. Tarot cards
2. Tea leaves
3. Rune stones
4. Crystals
5. Divining rods

C. Observer of times = one who looks to the sky to foretell the future, astrology.
D. An enchanter = one who casts a spell.
E. Witch = a woman having supernatural power by a compact with the devil or evil spirits.
F. Charmer = (from the Hebrew word which means to join together, or to couple) One who protects from harm by the use of magick.. The noun form of the word is a chanted word or phrase or object used to have magick power to help or to hurt.
G. Consulter with familiar spirits = One who communicates with spirit guides.
H. Wizard = sorcerer – one who exercises evil supernatural powers over people and their affairs through the use of block magick.
I. Necromancer = communicates with dead spirits.

II. God hates all forms of paganism!

Deuteronomy 18:12-14
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13 Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

A. Witchcraft is an abomination to God. = something that is loathsome, detestable, repulsive.
B. This is why God allowed these people to be driven out of their lands.

1. The land of Palestine.
2. Te Egyptians
3. The Aztecs
4. The Mayans
5. The Native Americans

C. God’s people are to be perfect, or wholehearted toward Him.

D. God tolerated this behavior among the unsaved heathen, but His children must be clean from these abominations.

Acts 19:18-19
18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 21:56:49

ok this aint helpin its actually scarring the crap out of me....please tell me im not going to hell i dont wanna burn forever is there away i can repent for wat i have done im truly sorry!!!!!!

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 22:00:59

and also if i become christian doese that mean i cant listen to music like korn or other metal bands

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 22:02:17

At 11/19/04 09:56 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ok this aint helpin its actually scarring the crap out of me....please tell me im not going to hell i dont wanna burn forever is there away i can repent for wat i have done im truly sorry!!!!!!

Thats a sermon that I found on witchcraft when I was looking on a christian site. Thats what witchcraft is, a sin. And a very grave one.

But fear not my friend, God forgives anything. As long as you ar truly sorry. Right now, as your reading this, pray to God. Tell Him you are sorry for your dealings and He WILL forgive you. All it takes is asking Him. If you ever want to try witchcraft again, just pray instead.

Remember God is with you, Hes just a prayer away.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 22:05:39

At 11/19/04 10:00 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: and also if i become christian doese that mean i cant listen to music like korn or other metal bands

Just make sure you keep it in moderation. No anti-God music. I'll ask around on another web site for you. The people there know the bible better than the back of their hands.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 22:14:56

alright thanks

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 22:54:57

At 11/19/04 10:14 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: alright thanks

No problem, I hope this helps you to find God.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 23:16:05

At 10/18/04 09:19 PM, Hammurabi3 wrote: Hate to break it to all of you guys, but this is Newgrounds. You're not going to find many Christians on a site that is a haven for violent, blasphemous flash and porn!

dip wad im catholic and im here

Response to NG Church 2004-11-19 23:27:43

At 11/19/04 11:16 PM, backalleyforums wrote: dip wad im catholic and im here

Is that your way of saying you'll join? If so welcome to the NG Church.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-20 00:51:13

At 11/19/04 10:14 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: alright thanks

My personal opinion on the music is that it is ok to listen to it as long as it is not blasphemous (anti-God).

Also, if you are still interested in the occult then maybe you should consider switching over to practices that use psychic abilities. The usage of such abilities is not considered a sin by either the Catholic church or any Christian churches that I am aware of.

Furthermore, I am a paladin and serve God faithfully, and God has blessed me with psychic abilities.

In my opinion, that is a sure sign that God does not frown upon the usage of psychic abilities (unless they are used for evil or sinful purposes).

If you would like to learn more about psychic abilities and how to learn how to use them then just click on my sig. It is a link that will take you to the web site of the holy order that I am a part of. On that site you can find a training guide under, "training".

Also, feel free to use the forums on the New Holy Order website.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-20 08:53:11

thanks uno i used to think of christians as nothing but loosers but now that ive actually read this forum i have a hole different oppinion and i am trying to become a christian myself.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-20 09:11:43

wat can u do with phyckic abilitys

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-20 09:54:17

whos god?lol