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--- The Anti Rap Crew ---

7,807 Views | 150 Replies
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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-08-31 15:31:44


You got yourself a member!

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-08-31 16:27:47

rap = no musical talent
you got my vote whenever you need it

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-08-31 17:28:51

Oh, wow. I didn't notice this was back up. Alright, everybody who wanted to join is in. And no, I'm not racist Seriously, you can't hate anything that black people like without being called a rasict these days...

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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-08-31 19:30:20

At 8/31/04 05:28 PM, That-Is-Bull wrote: Oh, wow. I didn't notice this was back up. Alright, everybody who wanted to join is in. And no, I'm not racist Seriously, you can't hate anything that black people like without being called a rasict these days...

it matters how you say it....you can't run around sayin i hate black peoples music cause it's not only there music its black,white,yellow,purple.....whatever you have it.....thats like someone sayin i hate white peoples music..they can't...cause its not only their music.

--- The Anti Rap Crew ---

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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-08-31 19:39:58

rap :( techno :), since this is hating rap mind if i join?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-01 12:20:18

At 8/31/04 03:09 PM, Metal_Maggot6sic6 wrote: i have nothing against black people or anyone else who like rap,

That's all I wanted to know :)

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-01 13:58:19

Can I join?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 15:48:07

good I thought this place got loked

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 17:07:42

rappers are allways bichtin about being from the streets, well fuck them and there streets!

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 17:11:58

let me join

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 17:29:57

Rap music is becoming nothing more than a large Negro man making up words to rhyme and speaking these words very quickly over a prerecorded bass lne that was probably from an old 80's rock song anyway. None of today's music has any true meaning. It's all just copies of the things done in the past. It is true that nothing is truly original, but that doesn't mean they can't stop trying. All the 'White Rappers' popping up all over the place should have brought in something different to it, but they have conformed to be just like the others. I truly have a difficult time telling the difference between an Eminem song and a P.Diddy song. I'm not making this post to be racist or fascist or anything like that, I'm just trying to say that the stereotypes are really becoming more than just stereotypes...

And on another note, you can't say black people have not done any of this because of race either. They have their own language, even. Ebonics is becoming it's own language, and even the name suggests racism. Ebony- Black, Phonics, sounds... the name 'ebonics' literally suggests 'black' sounding words! And you can not tell me that it's not another language, either. Best example, the word '(not allowed on BBS)' to most people it's seen as a slur against black people... it truth, the English language defines it as an extremely daft or ignorant person. The word was first used against blacks in the days of slavery in the US because most blacks were very uneducated, therefor they fit it's meaning. Now, black people refer to eachother as 'Niggaz,' this being because of their education level, they have somehow forgotten how to pronounce an 'r'... it's essentially the same word, but it has so many different meanings. Like 'gato' in spanish is 'cat', but if you say the same word to a Frenchman, he get's hungry... not because of the feline, but because 'gateu' is the french word for 'cake'... same pronounciation, two completely different results. Please, people... see my point... Rap is really destroying our society more than just because of it's 'bad messages' but because it is destroying everything that we are supposed to learn and grow upon as a society.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 17:52:18

At 9/3/04 05:29 PM, I3IackSabbath wrote: stuff

So........rap destroys our society?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 17:53:32

why make a crew if no 1 going to post any thing after 2 hours

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 18:14:11

At 9/3/04 05:53 PM, crapmaster10 wrote: why make a crew if no 1 going to post any thing after 2 hours

Why spam in a crew when there's so many tpics in the General section.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 18:30:45

At 9/3/04 06:14 PM, RavenGage wrote: Why spam in a crew when there's so many tpics in the General section.

why even call this a crew if it does not last long!?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 19:23:01

At 9/3/04 06:30 PM, crapmaster10 wrote:
why even call this a crew if it does not last long!?

It did last for long enough for a lot of users to notice it and join or to come here and get into a discussion. Besides do you want to say that only a crew that lasts for long is a crew, if it last for just a day it's something else?

If words were wisdom, I'd be talking even more.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 19:41:44

that's because all these little preppy ass white kids wanna be cool, and like rap music is all that MTV and other like things shove down all our throats.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 19:45:18

At 8/20/04 01:37 PM, da_pope wrote: So what are you guys gonna do? Talk about how much you hate rap? thats just fucking stupid.

It seems like alot more people like Rap then any other kinda of music. Rap albums on avarage sell 120,000 more copies then any other genre of music.

my above post is in reply to this statment

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 21:59:00

At 9/3/04 06:30 PM, crapmaster10 wrote: why even call this a crew if it does not last long!?

Because it IS a crew. Succesfull or not, it's a CREW. And u are SPAMMING.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 22:17:22

hey any black people in this club?or anyone whos not white?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 22:18:36

I probobly already asked but can I join?

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-03 22:39:17

At 9/3/04 10:18 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: I probobly already asked but can I join?

I'm pretty sure u can. But I'm not exacly an established member myself.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-04 01:35:08

At 9/3/04 05:29 PM, I3IackSabbath wrote: ...Rap is really destroying our society more than just because of it's 'bad messages' but because it is destroying everything that we are supposed to learn and grow upon as a society.

Answer me this question: What type of music did the columbine kids listen to? What type of music most inspires violent/suicidal behavior. Rock and roll in known for being a dark genre, thus all the "gothic" kids where black. Now, tell me that Rock isn't destroying our society as well. And just because somebody listens to Rap music doesn't mean they're uneducated to the point where they cannot pronounce words. I'm in the top of my class and i am fluent in English, Spanish, and ebonics, on top of that i listen to rap music. Now, rap music isn't making me ignorant, therefore one must have already been ignorant when they started listening to rap.

Before i go off on a tangent, i'll just say this: Rap doesn't incite harmful behavior, but merely points out the finer things of life, the night scene if you will, while Rock or whatever you want to call it is very violent and results in violence. I am not saying though that every person that listens to rock is violent, because that isn't true. Just like i'm saying not every person who listens to rap goes againt your stereotype.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-06 23:48:37


Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2004-09-17 07:25:32

At 9/6/04 11:48 PM, KillMichelle wrote: dont let this topic die.. RAP SUCKS AND THERE SHOULD BE PEOPLE THAT KNOW THIS

I'm with you but I have nothing new to say. I hope someone else comes here who will try to argue with me over rap being crappy. I love inteligent debates.

If words were wisdom, I'd be talking even more.

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2007-10-08 00:51:24

At 9/4/04 01:35 AM, Deathcon7 wrote:
At 9/3/04 05:29 PM, I3IackSabbath wrote: ...Rap is really destroying our society more than just because of it's 'bad messages' but because it is destroying everything that we are supposed to learn and grow upon as a society.
Answer me this question: What type of music did the columbine kids listen to? What type of music most inspires violent/suicidal behavior. Rock and roll in known for being a dark genre, thus all the "gothic" kids where black. Now, tell me that Rock isn't destroying our society as well. And just because somebody listens to Rap music doesn't mean they're uneducated to the point where they cannot pronounce words. I'm in the top of my class and i am fluent in English, Spanish, and ebonics, on top of that i listen to rap music. Now, rap music isn't making me ignorant, therefore one must have already been ignorant when they started listening to rap.

Before i go off on a tangent, i'll just say this: Rap doesn't incite harmful behavior, but merely points out the finer things of life, the night scene if you will, while Rock or whatever you want to call it is very violent and results in violence. I am not saying though that every person that listens to rock is violent, because that isn't true. Just like i'm saying not every person who listens to rap goes againt your stereotype.

Actually country music has been proven to bring out the violent nature in people. And those little street gangs, what kind of music do they listen to? rap?! no way!... your a f-ing tool if you think that rap points out the finer things in life. As ashamed as i am to say this i used to listen to rap and i can honestly say rap in no way points out fine things unless your idea of a good time is abusing women, driving shitty cars and shooting inocent people. Lyrically some rap isn't half bad when there talking about real things there going through like public enemy but now-a-days all these rappers like 50 cent, jay-z, and lil jon don't even have messages it is all just a bunch of computer generate BS. go on youtube and look up a live rap video almost guaranteed they sound like they are suffering from some type of speech impediment or neurological disorder. As a parting gift I thought i would leave you with a snippit of lyrics to the song get low by lil jon "Shortie crunk so fresh so clean can she f*** that
Question been harassing me in the mind this b**** is fine
I done came to the club about 50th 11 times now can I play with yo
panty line club owner said I need to calm down security guard go to sweating
Me now n**** drunk then a motherf***** threaten me now

Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2007-11-24 18:09:20

I dont want to be racist but rap has no talent to it at all, and if someone says anything bad about rap they think there being racist... Wtf? People bitch at me about liking metal and i dont call them racist, i think black people are becoming a little to controlling over everything we do, i mean its was years ago they were slaves! We freed them, we gave them rights, we helped them up and all they do is bitch when anyone says anything about what they like, rap.

and another thing...


Communism, Socialism, or Anarchy, these three above Capitslism.

Americans, let's change, now!

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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2007-11-24 20:16:58

rap sucks, this is what the majority of rap songs are , "sex, drugs,women,cheating,crime,and being a stupid little shit." now how does that song sound to you? i dont think its very apealing.

Member of the Death Note Club

the A.A And The FMA club

click HERE for a good time

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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2007-11-24 20:54:56

yo yo death to rap metal fucking rapes it in the fucking cornhole. I support yew!!! :)

fucking clamedia hookers in there videos with teh obscene shorts and tops on blasphamy says the white man!!!

Enter Thy Metal Hell

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Response to --- The Anti Rap Crew --- 2007-11-25 00:55:20

Why the hell was this topic bumped???

the mods obviously missed it 3 years ago...




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