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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 02:22:30

At 1/10/06 02:19 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 1/10/06 01:58 AM, -TheFaces- wrote:
Nope. If they didn't get pissed at something posted by another member, then it doesn't count. I was curious because I've seen a few former club members still regularly posting on the NG forums, just not in here. Oh well, that sort of thing seems common on NG. (Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many dead clubs floating around)...... Oh, hey; congrads on getting to keep your brassknucks! Don't worry though........ I'll take over as the club's new Level 10 regular at the end of February. ;)

Oh yeah, DroopyA got pissed and that's why he dosn't come in anymore, but I still saw him once or twice in General after that. He wasn't really a reg to NG anyways though, I think he signed up like in 01 and had less posts than I do now.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 02:32:53

At 1/10/06 02:22 AM, -TheFaces- wrote:

Oh yeah, DroopyA got pissed and that's why he dosn't come in anymore, but I still saw him once or twice in General after that. He wasn't really a reg to NG anyways though, I think he signed up like in 01 and had less posts than I do now.

Oh well, you did mention he was a drama-queen. But damn, signed up in 01 and LESS posts?! Hell, if I signed up in 2001, I'd be hitting n00bs upside their heads with my mighty, Level 29, Pimp-stick! I'd pimp them to death! ;)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 03:15:42

At 1/10/06 02:32 AM, Monocrom wrote: Oh well, you did mention he was a drama-queen. But damn, signed up in 01 and LESS posts?! Hell, if I signed up in 2001, I'd be hitting n00bs upside their heads with my mighty, Level 29, Pimp-stick! I'd pimp them to death! ;)

I had that wrong, I looked him up a minute ago. He had alittle over 3000 posts and it was 02 but i'm sure he only had about 2K.

You wouldn't be level 29, probablly closer to 17 at the highest, because no matter what their is no way you could be here every day. But he's only a level twelve, wich seems about average for somebody from the 01-02 range, and i'm alittle above average though I think for 04.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 03:57:02

At 1/10/06 03:15 AM, -TheFaces- wrote:

You wouldn't be level 29, probablly closer to 17 at the highest, because no matter what their is no way you could be here every day.

Well, that Bronze gauntlet does look sweet....... As for being here everyday; is that a challenge? I might take you up on that. So, if you're still here, I guess we'll find out in the next 3 years! (And, with my memory, you know I'll remind you about this; after 3 yeatrs)! ;)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 17:39:13

you people always get off topic.

AND I am a reg in the audio forum I know all the cool people there and vice versa, it is the place to be on this site.

Woah I would post more but I can't get enough of Denvish's voice on radio...

Not much happened in martial arts around me closest thing is that a fight broke out in my school and the guys did not know what they were doing it was pathetic opened handed punches to the max no stance uhh n00bs...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 18:34:16

Yeah, back to martial arts...

I did a little research on CQC, and it seems that on every website I go to, you have to buy a book/video to actually learn about it. Can anyone (ahem...Monocrom) give me a website that shows you CQC for free??


Is there a better form of fighting/self-defense than CQC? I'm not saying that CQC is the best, but I don't know of any other styles of fighting. Thanks!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 19:34:03

At 1/10/06 06:34 PM, Sul_l_y wrote: Yeah, back to martial arts...

I did a little research on CQC, and it seems that on every website I go to, you have to buy a book/video to actually learn about it. Can anyone (ahem...Monocrom) give me a website that shows you CQC for free??


Is there a better form of fighting/self-defense than CQC? I'm not saying that CQC is the best, but I don't know of any other styles of fighting. Thanks!

Okay, perhaps I didn't emphasize this enough the last time I posted about CQC. CQC = ANY type of basterdized style of martial art. That means that out of 1000 different styles of CQC, you MIGHT find one that actually works! Asking DSM to recommend a good, nationaly-known TKD instructor would be easy. But you're asking me to pick a good CQC instructor from literally thousands of con-artists! Yeah, there might be a good one in the pile, but all of the ones I've seen that use "CQC" in their name are FAKE! So many, it makes me want to vomit!...... You want a site that offers FREE TRAINING? Here's one! www.cqctactics.com Click on it, and a banner opens up offering free training! Do I recommend it? FUCK NO!!! Look at the B.S. on the home page! "CQC to defend against any man, any size, with any weapon, anytime!" WTF!!!..... A civilian might believe that crap! But, I actually have training in self-defense! Anyone who does, knows that statement is a damn LIE! There's no such Art that works 100% of the time! NONE!..... Okay, now click on the topic that says, "The truth about knife defence." Watch the short video. Notice how the attacker extends his arm all the way forward, so that the defender can grab it and over-power him?! That's BULLSHIT! A real knifer isn't going to extend his arm like that! He knows better! Oh, and once the defender takes away the guy's knife, he stabs him in the throat with it! Congrads, now it's not self-defense anymore! It's manslaughter! Enjoy your 25-Life in prison! And, I love how that site talks about how "other places" teach fantasy bullshit! Don't waste your time with CQC!......... Give me 2 days, check back in, and I'll find you something that won't get you fucking killed, in the real world!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 19:44:53

that guy looks like a prick, MonoCrom is right he smells fake...

that picture is bullshit who the hell gets in a position like that the guy on top just like uuhhh nvm pic explains itself

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:08:36

Faces or Nr or Nole, you forgot to mention your many names. Anyways you forgot to mention the Leth vs. Dsmking wars which was the most memorable thing on this club(considering it lasted like 30 pages). It's what happens when an asshole(leth) meets an anti-asshole(Me). Start reading the club from like page 20 to see what im talking about....

Ya im the longest member of the club you might have forgotten. Probably the most old schooled martial artist here. I really like the old ways martial arts are done, but i do like the new ways as well.

No the site hasn't been active in forever. I kind of forgot about it till the other day when we where talking about sigs. I guess i could start updating it again but i really dont plan to. I want to design the whole thing from notepad and flash so really doubt ill update it to much.

As for getting off topic from time to time. So what. Martial arts is more than what happens in a dojan or a training area. I know for a fact that me and my TKD crew do more than just obsess over tkd. We play halo and do the most rediclous stuff eva when we arent there. Of course we are always on the watchout for TKD parents cause if they saw us being, well retarded, they would tell my Master.

O and Nole im an assistant instructor, not sinsei. Alot of people also mix this up in TKD. Most people think black belts are instantly qualified for instructors. Not really but they are. Until you are a Master you are considered an assistant instructor, depending on what your Master feels.

Also if you want to know how the leth vs. dsm wars started here is how. First religion then it moved onto is the philosophy in martial arts true. Its really interesting reading. We hated eachother so much.

O and nole.... keyboard warriors.....

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:36:13



You guys take the mob on the left,I'll protect the leader.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:37:44

cant do i got to go see you tomorow.......

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:39:05

At 1/10/06 10:37 PM, manwithcity wrote: cant do i got to go see you tomorow.......

Ok,coward.I'll escape with the leader.Until later,martial artists.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:41:44

We r The Ninja Clan. we have attacked and are currently raiding your base. attack me if you can get through my right hand man.

your hp:1000
my hp:99999999999
both of my right hand mens hp:2000

your attack:100
my attack:995
both of my right hand mens attack: 500

Jamie's fine alt

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:42:49

Master,I'm afraid we must retreat.There is only two of us.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:53:19

We can take em. the leader, maybe not, but the secondary, yes we can. when we beat the secondary, then we will retreat. *star ocean till' the end of time battle music plays* *i take out a death blade* HIIYYYAA!!! 500 Damage delt to leader.

762356 delt to me.

499 delt to him. "damn. im dead."
8000 delt to my right hand man. " i told you i would take a bullet for your pertection"
me:"no. no,no,no. this cant be. no. he cant be dead." you:" i....i.....i can.....i can.....i...can.....make......it.....*stop
s breathing*"
me: nooooo!*starts crying silently gets up and gets up does his "Bring it on" move.

his bodyguard attacks me. misses.
i attack him. he dies.

me:"get the ninja parametics. take him and see if you can keep im alive." some other ninja: "yessir!"

Jamie's fine alt

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 22:55:53

Fuck yeah.We've taken about 3 of them,looks like they're retreating.I'll sniper the 4 over there with shurikens.



Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 23:02:05

Fucking Losers...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 23:07:45

At 1/10/06 11:02 PM, LeBloc wrote: Fucking Losers...

i happen to be a miror and a leader. ha ha. so fucking losers to you too. were just having fun anyway.

Jamie's fine alt

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-10 23:38:28

At 1/10/06 11:02 PM, PiePie wrote: Fucking Losers...

Rolf pwnt.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 00:36:03

At 1/10/06 11:07 PM, ngaiox wrote:
At 1/10/06 11:02 PM, LeBloc wrote: Fucking Losers...
i happen to be a miror and a leader. ha ha. so fucking losers to you too. were just having fun anyway.

1. You spelled "mirror" wrong.
2. If you want to have fun, do it in your own club. Their is no reason to fag up our thread just because you want to act like idiots.
3. Are capitol letters and punctuation that hard to use?

At 1/10/06 11:38 PM, lolbear wrote: Rolf pwnt.

You are an even bigger dumbass for the following reasons:
You fucked up "rofl" and I don't even know how that's possible.
You spelled it like you were saying "Rolling On Laughing Floor", and
you gave no evidence as to how Piepie was "pwnt" you asshat.
Please don't even try to piss off anybody of the club because you will just end up getting
"Rolf pwnt" again.
Oh and before I forget, please remember not to be an idiot and say things like "pwnt" instead of "owned". Neither one of them make you appear very smart but when you say
"pwnt" you just come off as a complete idiot.

This concludes my post.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 01:02:09

Are you an idiot? I posted like an asshole on purpose.Just like people spell OGM instead of OMG.And I meant pwnt as in he pwnt me,not the other way round.

God.People here can't take a joke these days.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 01:21:59

At 1/11/06 01:02 AM, lolbear wrote: Are you an idiot? I posted like an asshole on purpose.Just like people spell OGM instead of OMG.And I meant pwnt as in he pwnt me,not the other way round.

God.People here can't take a joke these days.

It's not a point of "we can't take a joke" it's the point that you just randomly come in here and act like idiots. Right now, i'm half out the door and need to get going so I can't argue this pointless subject with you, but something told me you guys were going to do this from the second I saw that "Ninja Club" or whatever. Their is a reason that this club has been around for so long, because we don't act like complete idiots... all the time.

Anyways, a mod will be informed of this. I don't like people randomly spamming clubs that I am in, because it seems like it always ends with the club getting locked.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 04:30:05

At 1/10/06 10:08 PM, dsmking wrote: Faces or Nr or Nole, you forgot to mention your many names. Anyways you forgot to mention the Leth vs. Dsmking wars which was the most memorable thing on this club(considering it lasted like 30 pages). It's what happens when an asshole(leth) meets an anti-asshole(Me). Start reading the club from like page 20 to see what im talking about....

You were the one who went all Oprah about your little christanity.
Well, that's all in the past.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 13:25:43

At 1/11/06 04:30 AM, Letahlity wrote:
You were the one who went all Oprah about your little christanity.
Well, that's all in the past.

You where the one who went Swedish and thought you where cool. :p (I am aware that made no sense)
And yes that all was in the past.
Keyboard warrior.

Anyways um ya bro dont just pop in once a year.

O and that little bitch who kept coming in here and spamming like the biggest mother fucking loser ever. Shut the fuck up. You arent wanted here. This is, for the most part, a serious martial arts club and we dont need no wannabe mother fucking losers coming in here.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 16:15:08

I take Shaolin Lohan under a badical Lao-Shih, and I want to learn Ninjitsu, or, as far as I can tell, there's not an academy for it in america; however, there is one for Bunjinkan, the modern form of it.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 16:24:47

At 1/11/06 12:36 AM, -TheFaces- wrote:
At 1/10/06 11:07 PM, ngaiox wrote:
At 1/10/06 11:02 PM, LeBloc wrote: Fucking Losers...
i happen to be a miror and a leader. ha ha. so fucking losers to you too. were just having fun anyway.
1. You spelled "mirror" wrong.
2. If you want to have fun, do it in your own club. Their is no reason to fag up our thread just because you want to act like idiots.
3. Are capitol letters and punctuation that hard to use?

At 1/10/06 11:38 PM, lolbear wrote: Rolf pwnt.
You are an even bigger dumbass for the following reasons:
You fucked up "rofl" and I don't even know how that's possible.
You spelled it like you were saying "Rolling On Laughing Floor", and
you gave no evidence as to how Piepie was "pwnt" you asshat.
Please don't even try to piss off anybody of the club because you will just end up getting
"Rolf pwnt" again.
Oh and before I forget, please remember not to be an idiot and say things like "pwnt" instead of "owned". Neither one of them make you appear very smart but when you say
"pwnt" you just come off as a complete idiot.

This concludes my post.

HAHAHAHAHA Some one got owned! Stupid asses think they are funny cause they come into SOMEONE ELSE'S forum and start saying stupid shit like ATTACK!! Look under the ninja crew to see some of my very own ownage. Lol, fuckers took my favorite being, a ninja, and turned them out to look like a bunch of assholes. Stupid fucks.

Ninja-Assassin Comin out Thrashin and Slashin in a disorderly fashion

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 20:13:10

At 1/11/06 04:15 PM, Uru_Baen wrote: I take Shaolin Lohan under a badical Lao-Shih, and I want to learn Ninjitsu, or, as far as I can tell, there's not an academy for it in america; however, there is one for Bunjinkan, the modern form of it.

Tight tight. Well welcome to the club. Please post more than once, unlike most of these a holes. So how hard is your style. Is it still more traditional or very westernized.

Also Ninja,

You have not been here in forever and then you go ahead and yell at the spammers. For shame. Also when you quote something if its that long delete alot of it. thats kind of spamish.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 22:21:25

First off wow! what an amazing club. i took tae kwon do for a year i got to blue belt and now i am taking bok yong kong soo doe now i am yellow belt (going to orange) and sijo isnt a jackass. he's actually a great man.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 22:24:16

At 8/4/04 11:48 AM, Johnnyack wrote:
At 8/4/04 10:43 AM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Has anyone got to the breaking part of their training. If so, what is harder to break? A 3 inch thick board or a10 inch thick cement block? Think about it.
board breakin is bs. thats something you def dont need.

i agree and i asked my old sensi whats the point of board breaking and he responed it shows that you can break a bone in the body.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-11 22:38:46

At 1/11/06 10:21 PM, reacon341 wrote: First off wow! what an amazing club. i took tae kwon do for a year i got to blue belt and now i am taking bok yong kong soo doe now i am yellow belt (going to orange) and sijo isnt a jackass. he's actually a great man.

That is nice, welcome to the club.
As for board breaking, it is not meant to show that you can break a bone in the body, it is meant to demonstrate concentration and the gathering of chi.

And to Ninja, I tend to do that when people piss me off, and I did alert a mod but asked them not to ban, just to keep an eye on them. So lolbear and the other guy if you read this, know that I ASKED them not to ban you HOWEVER you are being watched.