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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 18:14:44

Well well, what do we have here...?
A half a page of spamming, courtesy of: lolbear, ngaiox, and a few others...
(I believe Letahlity dubbed these type of people "keyboard warriors" if I'm not mistaken.)

It also appears there is there are a few pages on car specs.. Courtesy of: TheFaces and Monocrom...

Dsm's recount on the old days... Courtesy of DSM of course...

A member overview, Courtesy of TheFaces...

Then we have; crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, ooh wait... nope, still crap.

Finally! some good info and links actually related to martial arts, Courtesy of Monocrom! (that made my day a little brighter. Thanks man)

Now, about this "leader" crap, I'm not sure if any of you remember this, but I made this clan based on an elder system. I decided that having 1 leader led to a lot of problems due to differences in opinions, and would eventually be the downfall of the club. In the elder system, each elder is equal, and everyone’s opinion is considered. Anyone can become an elder by showing/giving; Respect, Discipline, Knowledge, Integrity, and Wisdom and as far as I'm concerned, if there has to be 1 leader, it's going to have to be Monocrom at the moment. He's one of the few, if not the only person supplying us with relevant info at the moment. I've considered him an elder since the day we had those posts which, I might add, yall thought was a big argument between us.

The reason why I haven’t posted lately is because I’ve seen no need to lately are;
No strategies have been discussed,
No pertinent (martial arts) questions have been asked,
And I'm tired of trying to to keep this little train from getting derailed.

Remember, this place is nothing more than what you put into to it. If you post crap, this place is crap. If you post valuable info, this place will be a valuable resource. It's everyones club, so decide what yall want to get out of it.

Wake me up when/if this gravy train gets moving again. Till then..
Semi-Shinro, out.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 18:15:44

At 1/14/06 06:04 PM, dsmking wrote: You can give more information as long as its not to long. I just dont want it to be like 10 pages long you know.

I understand. I hope you don't mind, but the portal is full of submissions today, and even though I have broken into the Top 500 Users for Blam/Protection points; I don't want to pass up this opportunity to increase my NG stats. Give me a bit of time, and I'll e-mail over the info. to the link you provided.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 19:07:51

At 1/14/06 06:14 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:

Finally! some good info and links actually related to martial arts, Courtesy of Monocrom! (that made my day a little brighter. Thanks man)

Now, about this "leader" crap, I'm not sure if any of you remember this, but I made this clan based on an elder system. I decided that having 1 leader led to a lot of problems due to differences in opinions, and would eventually be the downfall of the club. In the elder system, each elder is equal, and everyone’s opinion is considered. Anyone can become an elder by showing/giving; Respect, Discipline, Knowledge, Integrity, and Wisdom and as far as I'm concerned, if there has to be 1 leader, it's going to have to be Monocrom at the moment. He's one of the few, if not the only person supplying us with relevant info at the moment. I've considered him an elder since the day we had those posts which, I might add, yall thought was a big argument between us.

The reason why I haven’t posted lately is because I’ve seen no need to lately are;
No strategies have been discussed,
No pertinent (martial arts) questions have been asked,
And I'm tired of trying to to keep this little train from getting derailed.

Wow...... I appreciate the vote of confidence, Shin. I had honestly believed that the Elder system had been eliminated since it has gotten to the point where we don't have 11 regulars. (I'm currently reading through the entire thread; just a matter of time). As for the issue of leadership, I agree with you about the problems involved in having 1 leader. I think a group of Elders voting on club issues would be best! Your words, refering to me as the closest thing to a leader, have inspired me. I don't make unrealistic promises, so the best I can do is to promise not to veer off-topic as often as I did in the past. I will say that Faces's Member Overview list is a good idea....... Also, I can understand your frustration over trying to keep the club going in the right direction. And the worse-case scenario I mentioned, seems to be coming true! The 2 oldest regulars & Elders are not happy with what's been happening at this club! A stronger concentration on Martial Arts will be needed to bring them back! This club should not become a hang-out for a small group of NG users........ I'll try my best to get the club motivated again! But lets actually use the Elder System. - PROPOSAL- We let ngaiox join. But, because of his previous Spamming, we put him on Probation. If he continues to post the way he's been posting, he's out! I would appreciate it if the other Elders vote on this Proposal. (And, I honestly hope that Shin & PiePie return soon)!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 19:16:21

At 1/14/06 06:14 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: The reason why I haven’t posted lately is because I’ve seen no need to lately are;
No strategies have been discussed,

nor brought up, for that matter, i should probably discuss a few situations i've been in and see how everyone would react.

No pertinent (martial arts) questions have been asked,

Maybe we know everything? Kidding.

And I'm tired of trying to to keep this little train from getting derailed.

You're a little late there on that call.

Alright, you want something other than crap? done.


About a week or two ago, i was in Texas visiting my brother. Now, i don't know who all have been to downtownTexas, but it's a pretty rough place, as far as i've seen. True, nobody has guns, but then again, everyone's too poor and hooked on crack to think about guns. Guy with a truck apparently snapped. As i was walking out of a diner with my brother, talking philisophically and shit, i saw the first actual mugger since i had been down there, the guy wit hthe truck, as i like to call him. He walked slowly at first, and i barely noticed him, dunno about my brother though, and soon enough, he had a knife at my brother's throat in about 5 seconds. As usual, he seemed like he just wanted money. So, as i reached into my pocket to take out any money i had with me, i assessed the situation, Kieth couldn't move, i was about two feet away, and this guy looked crazy, crazy enough not to hesitate to kill. Now, i know what I did in this situation, but first, tell me what you people would do.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 20:22:13

At 1/14/06 07:16 PM, BigLundi wrote:

About a week or two ago, i was in Texas visiting my brother. Now, i don't know who all have been to downtownTexas, but it's a pretty rough place, as far as i've seen. True, nobody has guns, but then again, everyone's too poor and hooked on crack to think about guns. Guy with a truck apparently snapped. As i was walking out of a diner with my brother, talking philisophically and shit, i saw the first actual mugger since i had been down there, the guy wit hthe truck, as i like to call him. He walked slowly at first, and i barely noticed him, dunno about my brother though, and soon enough, he had a knife at my brother's throat in about 5 seconds. As usual, he seemed like he just wanted money. So, as i reached into my pocket to take out any money i had with me, i assessed the situation, Kieth couldn't move, i was about two feet away, and this guy looked crazy, crazy enough not to hesitate to kill. Now, i know what I did in this situation, but first, tell me what you people would do.

Okay, I'll give you an honest answer. But you probably won't be too happy with me! (Just one thing though; the truck-guy, is it the same one you mentioned in an earlier post)? The big thing that my training emphasizes is "Awareness & Avoidence." I've posted this before. Basically, always be aware of your surroundings, and avoid places/situations where $#^t is likely to happen! There's a bit more to it than just that. But, I wouldn't have gone to a diner in a part of town known for being a hang-out for crack-heads! Trouble is just more likely to come down. As for the mugging itself, a hightened level of awareness lets you know if someone who's acting "funny" is getting too close to you. Don't let him get that close! A regular mugger just wants $$$, I'd give it to him. A crazy mugger might want something else....... I'd hand him the $$$ from the side, grab high-up on his wrist, (when he goes for the $$$) pull his hand up & away from your brother's throat while using a snap-kick to the side of the guy's knee. Hold onto his wrist with both hands. When he's down, that's when you take the knife away from him. Nothing works 100% of the time, but this approach is better than most and alot better than hoping that crazy-truck-guy won't use his knife!...... Still, I would have just avoided that part of town, to begin with!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 20:27:24

At 1/14/06 08:22 PM, Monocrom wrote: Still, I would have just avoided that part of town, to begin with!

Ok, that's a fair statment, but, just so you know, there really isn't a "safe" part of town that we can go to with our limited cash funds. It's either a four star resteraunt or a shithole like the place we were at, and neither of us felt like cooking. Also understand, my brother taught me a lot, and i was surprised when he was taken by the truck-guy. Though when i looked at his face, he wasn't sacred at all, not a singel muscle tightened up. It actually looked like he was bored or something, which gave me a clue as to what i could do, and what i actually did. But i won;t say what i did until after a few more responses.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 20:47:59

At 1/14/06 08:27 PM, BigLundi wrote:
At 1/14/06 08:22 PM, Monocrom wrote: Still, I would have just avoided that part of town, to begin with!
Ok, that's a fair statment, but, just so you know, there really isn't a "safe" part of town that we can go to with our limited cash funds. It's either a four star resteraunt or a shithole like the place we were at, and neither of us felt like cooking. Also understand, my brother taught me a lot, and i was surprised when he was taken by the truck-guy. Though when i looked at his face, he wasn't sacred at all

Damn! There's no middle-ground in that part of Texas at all? One thing I learned early on is that, no matter how good you are, anyone can get to you. I knew about a guy who was really good. He was so good, that everyone who messed with him got seriously hurt! He loved hurting people, (I'm talking life-long-never-going-to-fully-recover hurt). He was so good that one night, while taking out the garbage from the side door of his house, someone blew his head off from behind with a shotgun! He had a habit of taking out the garbage from his side door! Case still open, cops really didn't care......... As for your brother not being scared, he's either crazy (no offense), suicidal, or he was able to read something about truck-guy or the situation so that he knew things would be fine. I've heard of some guys being able to do that. But it's a level that I definitely haven't reached!...... BTW, you forgot to mention if it was the same truck-guy from your earlier post.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 20:52:38

At 1/14/06 08:47 PM, Monocrom wrote: or he was able to read something about truck-guy or the situation so that he knew things would be fine.

That one, and he told me afterward.

BTW, you forgot to mention if it was the same truck-guy from your earlier post.

Yeah, it's the same guy, he was one weird motherfucker.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 21:15:04

Okay im sorry shin but what you just did is spitting on the club. YOu are acting like this club has gone to hell. It hasn't. So we dont always talk about martial arts, or we had 2 spammers (which we really can't control), but it gives you no right to come in and disrespect everyone in this club. I used to have respect for you because you would treat everyone who came in here with respect, and you would calm everyone down when they where arguing, but i would never expect you to come in here once every 20 pages and just yell at everyone for not always talking about martial arts. What im trying to say for you shin is, "grow up".

about your thing lundi. I would give them everything i had including my pin number. I wouldn't risk someone else's life no matter what else i think i could do. Guess im kinda weak like that.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 21:31:03

i'd have to agree with the King on how to handle the truck guy. i wouldnt want to risk my brothers life for anything. though after i gave him the money and he let my brother go, then i might do somthing.. try to initiate an arm bar, take him down from there just by twisting my waist and bending my knees, take him down as low as i can as fast as i can, then try and take the knife from him (if he hasnt dropped it already), then yell at him for being stupid.

and im still waiting for a response on whether i should go with wing chun or praying mantis style, im actually beginning to think i should just stick with ninjutsu for now too...

and can you give me an email address to send to King? for the member stuff? i dont have outlook express or whatever the program is called so i have to use a site to send it from and just having the address is easier for me.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 21:53:06

At 1/14/06 09:15 PM, dsmking wrote:
about your thing lundi. I would give them everything i had including my pin number. I wouldn't risk someone else's life no matter what else i think i could do. Guess im kinda weak like that.

Truthfully, that was the first thing that went through my head. I didn't want to do anything to risk my brother's neck, quite literally, like that. But it was the look on his face that let me know it was ok to do something, i basically got a silent permission to try something with the truck-guy from my brother.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 22:05:35

At 1/14/06 09:53 PM, BigLundi wrote:
Truthfully, that was the first thing that went through my head. I didn't want to do anything to risk my brother's neck, quite literally, like that. But it was the look on his face that let me know it was ok to do something, i basically got a silent permission to try something with the truck-guy from my brother.

Well if your brother gave you that type of a sign then i guess i would do the same thing. Of course i would be careful about it. Most likely i would step back and put the wallet on the floor. Make it so he would havet o release a bit of his grip off the person. Then i would attack as he pickes it up. But i would still be worried as hell about it.

But you still havent completely told us the story.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 22:19:47

At 1/14/06 09:15 PM, dsmking wrote: Okay im sorry shin but what you just did is spitting on the club. YOu are acting like this club has gone to hell. It hasn't. So we dont always talk about martial arts, or we had 2 spammers (which we really can't control), but it gives you no right to come in and disrespect everyone in this club. I used to have respect for you because you would treat everyone who came in here with respect, and you would calm everyone down when they where arguing, but i would never expect you to come in here once every 20 pages and just yell at everyone for not always talking about martial arts. What im trying to say for you shin is, "grow up".

Okay DSM, I know you're upset with Shin about what he posted. But, I don't think he was spitting on the club. (And, I'm not just saying that because I came out looking better after he posted). Shin is upset because very little actual martial arts discussion has taken place lately. And, he's right. While the club hasn't gone to Hell, it has turned into a casual hangout for a handful of NG users. Honestly, that's how I've always looked at the club since I became a regular. I didn't realize that was a problem, until Shin posted his frustrations, today! And, that's what they are; frustrations! I don't believe he was being disrespectful; just really frustrated being the guy EVERYONE expects to keep the club on track, and play peacekeeper among the other members. (I know what it's like to be that guy, in real-life)! Lets not forget that if it wasn't for Shin, PiePie and I never would have returned to the club; during the seperate times we asked to join. (Chances are, the last few pages would have been mostly a 2-way conversation between you and Faces)......... But you're right about the spammers, DSM. Unless a Mod directly steps in, we can't do much about it. I think I came up with a good idea about how to handle the one spammer who wants to join the club. Probationary membership. Let me know what you and the other Elders think about my idea.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 22:33:35

No man i dont thnk your spammer thing is correct. Your banned from the club for a lil bit. what the hell would that do. Mono if you have read my post from the last couple of weeks i've been encouraging martial arts discussion butyou decided to talk about cars. And im cool with that. I couldnt care less. Okay lets imagine if the club all we did was talk about martial arts, how long do you think the club would last. There have been several martial arts clubs before this one and they all died. Why, because they where too uptight, no one wanted to stay. All of a sudden you decide that, "o these are the actions we need to do in order to fix the club" as far as im concerned the club is fine. We talk about martial arts and thats all that matters. It doesnt have to be every discussion though. but i want you to think about something, how often do you talk about martial arts. Shin i want you to think about something, how often do you contribute to the club. I feel the club is dying but not because martial arts isnt always discussed , its because you forgot what martial arts is. I've been in this club since page 2 and the only times i didn't post was when i wasn't near a computer. I feel that our club is dead.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 22:40:22

At 1/14/06 09:31 PM, Tsuchiya wrote:

and im still waiting for a response on whether i should go with wing chun or praying mantis style, im actually beginning to think i should just stick with ninjutsu for now too...

Sorry for the double-post. Lundi was talking about handling a mugger who wanted more than just $$$. In a case like that, you got to do SOMETHING inorder to survive....... In the first 10 pages of this thread, one of the past members (Sakurazukamori) took Southern Praying Mantis style. He described it as being effective for in-fighting. He also made a distinction between Southern style vs. Northern style (fighting in an open field). If you are choosing between Wing chun vs. Mantis, you might want to read that past member's previous posts before deciding.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 23:08:28

At 1/14/06 10:33 PM, dsmking wrote:

:I feel that our club is dead.

That makes 2 of us. I have read your posts for the last couple of weeks. Yeah, I got off track about cars. But my last few posts, especially in regard to Sully's CQC question, more than made up for those posts! But doesn't it tell you something when the Founder of this club doesn't think it's fine?! As for me, I'm going to try to help make the club better. (I've got an idea that I'm working on right now). You're right that the club doesn't have to be about martial arts ALL the time. But that is the issue we should deal with MOST of the time!...... As for how often do I talk about Martial Arts? Be honest with me; cause you're starting to sound like one of those guys who dismiss R.B.S.D., and all the Western Arts as being a joke. Also, lets remember that EVERY martial art started out with self-defense as the goal. The Spiritual aspect, the exercise aspect, and the tournament aspect all came later. Whenever I talk about Self-Defense, I AM talking about martial arts. If you disagree with that statement, let me know. For me, my art is all about Self-defense. The other Western Arts I study are more for my personal enjoyment & the challenge of mastering them...... But I do agree that this club feels dead. Considering that PiePie and Shin have refused to come back over what's recently been happening! No, it's far from fine.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-14 23:37:58

I suggest we let the club die. Mono you try to act like the high and mighty type and your not. I never once dismissed RSPD as a martial arts, in fact im usually the type of person who would defend that. In fact i've defended western martial arts countless times in the past so you dont know shit.
The reason pie left is cause pie doesnt stay for to long. he'll leave and come back. He is about one of only a few people in this club i still respect. Why cause he knows what martial arts is even though he really doesnt practice it the way others do.

Shin has left the club a while ago as much as he would like to say he hasn't. He was a cool guy and would never treat people the way he is now. And shin i remember along time ago about your sensei that got extrememly sick and how you used to have conversations with him. Didnt he say he would give up martial arts just to live his life for just life. I know he said for his wife but his wife was his life. He realized that martial arts is not important at all but life is.

Did you know either one of those things. No. So quit being fake.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 00:18:04

At 1/14/06 11:37 PM, dsmking wrote: I suggest we let the club die. Mono you try to act like the high and mighty type and your not. I never once dismissed RSPD as a martial arts, in fact im usually the type of person who would defend that. In fact i've defended western martial arts countless times in the past so you dont know shit.
The reason pie left is cause pie doesnt stay for to long. he'll leave and come back. He is about one of only a few people in this club i still respect. Why cause he knows what martial arts is even though he really doesnt practice it the way others do.

Shin has left the club a while ago as much as he would like to say he hasn't. He was a cool guy and would never treat people the way he is now. And shin i remember along time ago about your sensei that got extrememly sick and how you used to have conversations with him. Didnt he say he would give up martial arts just to live his life for just life. I know he said for his wife but his wife was his life. He realized that martial arts is not important at all but life is.

Did you know either one of those things. No. So quit being fake.

Gee, nice to see you finally decided to be honest! As for being the "High & Mighty" type, no that's you're job. And what the Hell is RSPD?! Thanks for not dismissing my Art as being a joke, oh wait; that's what you just did. You didn't even take the time to make sure you spelled the letters correctly! I never disrespected you or your Art that way!...... Maybe you should actually bother to read PiePie's last post. Yes, I know he leaves and comes back; but this time he left because of the crap that was happening here! By the way, what is Martial Arts, oh great and wise master of the Truth? Please tell us, since you obviously believe you have a monopoly on the Truth. You know, I had a feeling that you never liked me. Even after Shin pointed out to everyone that I wasn't some random Flamer. You know what? Guys like you are common as Hell in the martial arts community. You think you know everything, but you PRETEND to be tolerant of other Arts....... I've been doing Martial Arts since youwere crawling on the floor in diapers. And, if you honestly think Shin is fake or that Self-Defense has very little to do with Martial Arts, then you're the one who's full of shit! (I've always respected honesty, even blatant honesty). I've posted useful links since I've been here. Hell, I even posted a couple of useful ones when you had a problem! What have you done lately in this club, except to JUST encourge people to talk about martial arts?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 00:48:33

At 1/15/06 12:18 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 1/14/06 11:37 PM, dsmking wrote: I suggest we let the club die. Mono you try to act like the high and mighty type and your not. I never once dismissed RSPD as a martial arts, in fact im usually the type of person who would defend that. In fact i've defended western martial arts countless times in the past so you dont know shit.
The reason pie left is cause pie doesnt stay for to long. he'll leave and come back. He is about one of only a few people in this club i still respect. Why cause he knows what martial arts is even though he really doesnt practice it the way others do.

Shin has left the club a while ago as much as he would like to say he hasn't. He was a cool guy and would never treat people the way he is now. And shin i remember along time ago about your sensei that got extrememly sick and how you used to have conversations with him. Didnt he say he would give up martial arts just to live his life for just life. I know he said for his wife but his wife was his life. He realized that martial arts is not important at all but life is.

Did you know either one of those things. No. So quit being fake.
Gee, nice to see you finally decided to be honest! As for being the "High & Mighty" type, no that's you're job. And what the Hell is RSPD?! Thanks for not dismissing my Art as being a joke, oh wait; that's what you just did. You didn't even take the time to make sure you spelled the letters correctly! I never disrespected you or your Art that way!...... Maybe you should actually bother to read PiePie's last post. Yes, I know he leaves and comes back; but this time he left because of the crap that was happening here! By the way, what is Martial Arts, oh great and wise master of the Truth? Please tell us, since you obviously believe you have a monopoly on the Truth. You know, I had a feeling that you never liked me. Even after Shin pointed out to everyone that I wasn't some random Flamer. You know what? Guys like you are common as Hell in the martial arts community. You think you know everything, but you PRETEND to be tolerant of other Arts....... I've been doing Martial Arts since youwere crawling on the floor in diapers. And, if you honestly think Shin is fake or that Self-Defense has very little to do with Martial Arts, then you're the one who's full of shit! (I've always respected honesty, even blatant honesty). I've posted useful links since I've been here. Hell, I even posted a couple of useful ones when you had a problem! What have you done lately in this club, except to JUST encourge people to talk about martial arts?

K, now, first of all you two, it's called paragraphs, second, stop arguing. Every time you make a good point, and this is either of you, you make another point that is just stupid in an attempt to furthur make the other look like an idiot. First DSM spells the style wrong before he says what is supposed to be said, which is that DSM was here first, and knows some shit that happened here. He's not saying he knows MORE than you Moto, but he IS saying he's more experienced in this club;s history than you.

And DSM, I know for a fact that you would never agree that Self-Defense isn't a martial art, or at least wouldn't ever say it without a substantial amount of proof. But the idea of "letting the club die" and that Moto is being fake are a bit ludicrous and unnessecary, aren't they?

If you two have problems with eachother...No clinching no hitting below the belt, and no accusing the other of saying shit they never said, GO!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 01:14:08

At 1/15/06 12:48 AM, BigLundi wrote:

K, now, first of all you two, it's called paragraphs, second, stop arguing. Every time you make a good point, and this is either of you, you make another point that is just stupid in an attempt to furthur make the other look like an idiot. First DSM spells the style wrong before he says what is supposed to be said, which is that DSM was here first, and knows some shit that happened here. He's not saying he knows MORE than you Moto, but he IS saying he's more experienced in this club;s history than you.

And DSM, I know for a fact that you would never agree that Self-Defense isn't a martial art, or at least wouldn't ever say it without a substantial amount of proof. But the idea of "letting the club die" and that Moto is being fake are a bit ludicrous and unnessecary, aren't they?

If you two have problems with eachother...No clinching no hitting below the belt, and no accusing the other of saying shit they never said, GO!

With all due respect Lundi, I believe you mispelled my user name by accident. I also believe that DSM mispelled my Art as a direct and blatant insult. I will admit that DSM has been here longer than I. But, how difficult do you think it would be for me to go to page 1 of this thread, and read all of it until I reached the 1st post I made in this club. I already started doing that before DSM got so offended by Shin. Realistically, I could be done by Sunday night! Then, I'd know as much about the history of the club as he does...... As for the issue of Self-Defense being a very important part of martial arts; well, I asked him for a direct answer, and his response was to post a personal insult! He made his views on Self-Defense very clear to me...... Hell, all I was trying to do was say that perhaps we should focus a bit more on martial arts, and that I understand why Shin became so frustrated! DSM is the one who decided to turn this into something personal. But, I do believe flame wars are a waste of time. You won't have to worry about that from me. It's just that, when someone turns a discussion into something personal; well, I respond. Just human-nature.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 01:40:41

At 1/15/06 01:14 AM, Monocrom wrote: With all due respect Lundi, I believe you mispelled my user name by accident.

Yeah, sorry bout that.

I also believe that DSM mispelled my Art as a direct and blatant insult.

Think about that for a second, think about a regular arguement about just that "HOW DARE YOU MISPELL MY ART! YOU MUST DIE!" Response: Uhhh, sorry?

I will admit that DSM has been here longer than I. But, how difficult do you think it would be for me to go to page 1 of this thread, and read all of it until I reached the 1st post I made in this club. I already started doing that before DSM got so offended by Shin.

You can do that...but even doing that, you won't know the exact thoughts that transpired through each man's head. It's like a "You had to be there joke", you can hear about it, but that's just not enough.

As for the issue of Self-Defense being a very important part of martial arts; well, I asked him for a direct answer, and his response was to post a personal insult!

Either that or you just TOOK it as a personal insult.

He made his views on Self-Defense very clear to me...... Hell, all I was trying to do was say that perhaps we should focus a bit more on martial arts, and that I understand why Shin became so frustrated! DSM is the one who decided to turn this into something personal. But, I do believe flame wars are a waste of time. You won't have to worry about that from me. It's just that, when someone turns a discussion into something personal; well, I respond. Just human-nature.

Well, i can understand that, because i've gotten in many a flame-war unintentionally because i just want to respond.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 02:25:52

At 1/15/06 01:40 AM, BigLundi wrote:

Well, i can understand that, because i've gotten in many a flame-war unintentionally because i just want to respond.

Thank You for understanding, Lundi. Your post did make me feel a bit better. You do have a valid point about the mispelling of my art. It's not that I hate DSM or wish him a painful death; it's just that I've posted the proper spelling of my Art a few times in this club. Now, I'm honestly not sure if he meant it as an insult, or if he just honestly mispelled it. But you're right! I won't make a big deal over one mispelling...... As for taking his response as personal insult; you got to admit, it looks like an insult when a question is asked and the response is, "You don't know shit," and "Your not so High & Mighty." Huh? But you're right, Lundi. It's not worth me getting upset over........ If DSM has a REAL problem with me, I'll just ignore his posts, and he can ignore mine. Thanks again for making me feel better, Lundi.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 11:44:34

Mono you read me like a book. I blantently mispelled your 4 letter style on purpose because i think it is the 1337 thing to do. Dammit, what do you think im 10.If i really felt like making fun of it dont you think i would type something like R.B.S.D. stand for blah blah blah blah. I would. And the only reason i went back and chedcked how it is spelled is so you dont throw another temper tantrum over this. The whole reason i am upset over all of this is the way shin comes in here and says noone is talking about martial arts in the club. We do but its not alll we talk about. Then he says that mono is like the only one that isnt. Im sorry but ever since he got here he's talked about cars. O well, w/e f shin and f mono. I seriously am doubting us getting to a 100 pages now at the way its going. Kinda sad considering we used to not even think it would get to the next day.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 12:29:56

At 1/15/06 11:44 AM, dsmking wrote: Mono you read me like a book. I blantently mispelled your 4 letter style on purpose because i think it is the 1337 thing to do. Dammit, what do you think im 10.If i really felt like making fun of it dont you think i would type something like R.B.S.D. stand for blah blah blah blah. I would. And the only reason i went back and chedcked how it is spelled is so you dont throw another temper tantrum over this. The whole reason i am upset over all of this is the way shin comes in here and says noone is talking about martial arts in the club. We do but its not alll we talk about. Then he says that mono is like the only one that isnt. Im sorry but ever since he got here he's talked about cars. O well, w/e f shin and f mono. I seriously am doubting us getting to a 100 pages now at the way its going. Kinda sad considering we used to not even think it would get to the next day.

*Yawn* Like I said, I respect honesty. Even blatant honesty. Too bad it took you so long to be honest. By the way, intentionally mispelling another practioner's Art is not 1337. It's actually petty & childish. You can't honestly say that sort of thing is not considered a huge insult in the martial arts community. So, even though I know you're not a 10-year-old, you definitely acted like one. And, we both know it........ Jealousy sure is an ugly thing. Faces and I did talk about cars, for awhile. You said you didn't care about that. Obviously, you did care. Otherwise you wouldn't bring it up again. Faces, in Shin's eyes, broke even because he did create that accurate member-overview list. But, I was the only one who came out smelling like roses. I did provide useful links to martial arts related websites. I did help out someone who came in here with less experience, and asked for help. (He even asked for me specifically). When Leth needed ideas for a gift for his girl, I provided a link to a place where he could get martial arts gifts. I'm not saying that other members of this club don't contribute.......... I am saying that you got pissed off and jealous because Shin pointed out that I did a better job than you of keeping this club on-track. My latest martial arts related posts were 1337; your's weren't. (And you know it)....... As for you and me, well; I promised Lundi that I wasn't going to turn this club into a giant flame war for several pages. I'm keeping that promise. If you want to ask me an honest question, I'll answer it. Until then, hey; this club is big enough for both of us....... By the way, you're 100% wrong for thinking that self-defense and martial arts have nothing to do with each other. I'm just glad you finally decided to be honest about it; instead of saying what you thought the other club members wanted to hear.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 13:24:15

Where the hell are you getting these things about me. I never once in my life said that self defences are not considered a martial arts. When Nole said those things about me i know for a fact he was just fucking around. And the fact you are taking when i said 1337 seriously is fucking hilarious. I never speak like that i was just making fun of the situation> What the hell is there to be jealous about. Sure leth was looking for a gift for his girl and i didnt post a response to it but SO FUCKING WHAT! Go ahead put Elder of the martial arts club in your sig just remember one thing. The club is GONE. Almost everyone left. You know what fuck you, fuck this. This isnt the martial arts club anymore. It's monocroms big fucking head getting shoved up his own ass club.

I for one dont want to be part of this clubs fall. Sorry guys but Mono made this club no more fun. Same with shin. The creator killed it. You know this club made it a year, and which is completely cool but now its not.

Mono you are always saying that people are saying RBSD or w/e the fuck you want to call it is not a martial arts. But you know what one of my favorite people who ever joined this club, lethality, once said

I'm not the one to judge.
Only the individual oneself can make the decision to call it a martial art.
I say that the style a martial artist preform is what defines it as a "martial art".
If a boxer consider himself a martial artist, then boxing is a martial art.
If a kickboxer consider himself a martial artist, then kickboxing is a martial art.
To him.
And that's what matters and always will matter.

What is a martial artist?
You could spend your entire lifetime trying to define this.
It all has to do with interpretations, as always.
I think that a martial artist should hold certain codes, standards and what so ever...

But out of all things that marks out a good martial artist, I believe that will is the most important one.
"It's first when you refuse to give up with your entire heart that you transcend your own humanity."
Facing our human characteristics... mortality.
We are indeed fragile and we are going to die.
As martial artist, we should, no matter how difficult or hard it feels, never give up!

We work ourselfs through bitter training...
Cause unless you're in "to the death"-fights everyday, we must train untill we puke blood.

Why did I choose the martial way?
Probably cause it makes me feel alive.
Fighting other people and knowing that you got something to lose.
Fighting in order to find out if you're truely alive.
"It's first when a human has faced his own mortality that he knows that he is truely alive."

Sorry - I just had to write something long.

You yourself doubt that what you do is not a martial arts. So shut up.

Go ahead give yourself the title of elder of the martial arts club. Go ahead call yousself 1337. Go ahead and call yourself sally. None of that will give me any respect for you.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 13:46:55

At 1/15/06 01:24 PM, dsmking wrote:

You yourself doubt that what you do is not a martial arts. So shut up.

Go ahead give yourself the title of elder of the martial arts club. Go ahead call yousself 1337. Go ahead and call yourself sally. None of that will give me any respect for you.

Since there's a clear misunderstanding, I'm posting in order to clear it up. I don't doubt that R.B.S.D. is a martial art. It emphasizes self-defense. That was the original goal of every martial art. I merely stated that it is usualy not considered an Art by some other martial artists. And, even though you might not like it, Shin bestowed that title onto me. I didn't say I was 1337. I said my latest posts are. I still stand behind that statement....... As for getting respect from you, the truth is; I stopped caring about that when you showed your true colors several posts ago. All I did was ask an honest question about your real opinion regarding the issue of self-defense as it relates to martial arts. You're response was to make a personal insult. YOU calling ME arrogant is laughable. You know DSM, if it makes you feel better; go ahead and lie to yourself that I'm the one who ruined this club. Even though we both know better.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 14:07:01

DSM, Mono! STOP NOW! Martial arts takes patience, correct? Masters of martial arts have infinite patience. This world has many points of views, many philosophies. To argue like you two are doing is, not only pointless and childish (sorry, but it had to be said), but it is also proving that you don't know too much about the basics of martial arts. Please you two, lighten up, no blaming anyone for anything, and no insulting another person NOR blatantly assuming things about another, please! If there's anything i've learned from my brother, it's that if you truly have a disagreement from someone, settling it with power is one good way to work it out.

Put it simply, my brother, when insulted in school, would just say, "Making fun of me? Listen, if you wanna fight, let's go, but if not, get the hell out of my face." Now i admit that's not the most patient thing in the world to say, but it IS what he said, and it works. If you won't work it out with violence (this is his philosphy, not mine) then shut up.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 14:18:20

At 1/15/06 02:07 PM, BigLundi wrote:

Put it simply, my brother, when insulted in school, would just say, "Making fun of me? Listen, if you wanna fight, let's go, but if not, get the hell out of my face." Now i admit that's not the most patient thing in the world to say, but it IS what he said, and it works. If you won't work it out with violence (this is his philosphy, not mine) then shut up.

Fair and honest statement, quite accurate. But, you got to admit Lundi, that's a lot easier to do in real life than over the internet. As for me, I really did think that things could be worked out. But DSM's last couple of posts made it obvious that things could not be worked out. Based on what he posted, I've lost ALL respect for him. So, from now on, I'm just going to ignore every post he makes. If he wants to keep insulting me; that's fine. Like I said, this club is big enough for the two of us.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 14:57:14

Huh well im tired. This is the fucking internet dammit. one who is semi to say anything two quit putting words in my mouth. Lundi i really do apologize i know i've been a bit immature but you have to understand mono is acting like dick to me and im not gonna stand for it. Even if that means leaving the club. I've been here since page two and i always wanted to be here till the clubs end. However i really dont feel like it anymore. that is why, i dsmking, Thomas, resign from the martial arts club. You know pie probably saw something worse when he quit. He probably saw this coming. I had alot of fun with this club, but its over now. no more fun.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-15 15:05:57

My god DSM...please...don't do that! I've only been around half the time of you, and i know for a fact that in that time you've proven yourself over and over as a very good person! I gotta tell you, if there's anything that can be done to keep you here, PLEASE tell me.