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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-09 23:24:25

At 2/9/05 05:36 PM, ROSSI wrote: hey guy's I need you advice in purchasing some items for this indian guy
he has numb chucks, 2 small swords that look like thigns to poke stuff with don't know what it is called and a steel toe tip thingy to put on my shoes so I can kick people.

Let me get this straight... You want advice on purchasing a weapon, which you'll probably use in a street fight and get yourself into a lot trouble... Well... You've proved you're the real piepie alright. Anyways, those "2 short swords that look like they're supposed to poke things sounsd a whole lot like Sais which were derived from farm tools. It's most well known use was to combat the deadly katana, although they carried 3 back then...

Which one do you think is worth it I really want those numb chucks just the name makes you want to by them and does anyone know if numb chucks are easy to use????

No, it thakes most people years of practice to effectively use any weapon in martial arts.

He also has knives and such but I already ahve those.....

How wonderful...

Your suggestions anyone...

Get nothing unless your willing to learn it's art and take full responsibility for your actions with it.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-09 23:40:30

Hmmmmm.......Sais or nunchaku.

I'd say you shouldn't buy anything if you will use it for something stupid.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 04:09:24

At 2/9/05 05:36 PM, ROSSI wrote: hey guy's I need you advice in purchasing some items for this indian guy
he has numb chucks, 2 small swords that look like thigns to poke stuff with don't know what it is called and a steel toe tip thingy to put on my shoes so I can kick people.

Which one do you think is worth it I really want those numb chucks just the name makes you want to by them and does anyone know if numb chucks are easy to use????

He also has knives and such but I already ahve those.....

Your suggestions anyone...

Is he a rebell or something?
Cause if he's preparing for war or is trained in using those weapons, sure... but if he's just planning to swing it at anyone who looks at his direction... please...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 06:41:27

Semi yeah those are the one the sais sword thingy. And dsm for your infomation yesturday I practice with with a skipping rope and sorta made cheap numb chuchks with it and I was pretty good so I am buying those for sure and yes I am willing to to train for me to become good. The Sais bahhhh it is a farm tool like wtf and to fight againestt girly kantana's fuck that shit.

Here is another thing he has that I want to buy but it doesnt come with the case just the sword like that and it isn't the first top one's it is the smallest one he has only.said he had trouble bringing it across the border. So should I get that to it looks like those swrods in Kill Bill with the sushi maseter who had like 20 of them but the short ones. This I won't fight with just train with.....

I got the picture of google...

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 08:01:28

Didn't you just say katanas were "girly"?! Why would you buy them if you think they are?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 08:48:55

At 2/10/05 06:41 AM, ROSSI wrote:


ROSSI... are you actually practicing martial arts or something...?
Cause really, stay the hell away from our weapons if you're not.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 15:09:46

At 2/10/05 08:48 AM, Letahlity wrote:
ROSSI... are you actually practicing martial arts or something...?
Cause really, stay the hell away from our weapons if you're not.

Aww let him have his toys but ya Rossi you should take up martial arts. Boxing doesnt really go into weapons... at alll.....

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 16:18:34

At 2/10/05 03:09 PM, dsmking wrote: Aww let him have his toys but ya Rossi you should take up martial arts. Boxing doesnt really go into weapons... at alll.....

Yeah... but I tell you, the one day I get a kid of my own, he'll get to have any 'toys' he likes, but i'll expect him to use it properly.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 17:17:19

At 2/10/05 08:01 AM, Tombulgius wrote: Didn't you just say katanas were "girly"?! Why would you buy them if you think they are?

uhhh those are kantanas oo well then there cool they look aswom and it is big enough to fit in my pants and shirt....

Leth man stay away from our weapons come on since when were they yours or anyone yes I want to learn how to use them but fuck im not going into some tae kwon do thingy because of it.

me+panzy robes+people who think there better than me becuase they have a pink belt or something=angry me+ violent me.....

but I don't mind taking a course like that if I am with people that are kool or just ok.

(off topic)
Fucking people out my school think there all good because they have a high belt but even with that they can't fight or do any kool moves it pathetic. IM not saying that all people who do martial arts are fake panzy's its just here im geussing the children and teens here are baby so much its sad.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 17:41:42

If you want to prove someone wrong at your school, you might want to learn alot more before buying weapons. I would recommend that you look for the most authentic information you can find on the internet.

Also, you might want to focus on your knowledge and proficiency in a weapon before you even think of coolness.

If you really want to use the nunchaku, that may take more than self-teaching. They are pretty uncommon in martial arts, and are probably most prevelent in Ninjitsu, of which there is very little real info outside of the dojos.

If you want to use swords, then start out with the most simple form of it: a stick. I used them for two years before I bought a bokken. Do you live near woods with some hardwood? If so, find a good, secluded place, and use whatever authentic info you have found.

Don't take weapons lightly......Honestly, I think if you are just trying to beat someone or prove them wrong, you will probably end up hitting (or cutting) yourself with the weapon. I can advise you on the non-recruitment path, since I went there and was somewhat successful. First, get in a whole lot of experimental use of expendable objects (sticks) first before even buying the safer counterpart of a weapon (IE, a bokken or padded nunchaku). Only get the real thing after a long, long time. Hopefully, this phase of learning for yourself will take place over more than a year. Only modify the basics AFTER you feel like you are more profficient.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 21:09:07

Yo rossie those little martial art kids in your school, if they gloat cause of rank, they probably suck. But ou should atleast try a style of martial arts. Never you know you might like it. And my dobok isnt a robe at all. Its just regular paints and a top. I want to get one of the robe ones but right now im a wee bit low on cash

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 21:54:04

At 2/10/05 05:41 PM, Tombulgius wrote:

blah blah lots of info very nice

anyway's thanks but im not trying to prove a point I just want to learn and then one day carry it with me and then if somehting happens im ready. Note a street fighter can kick a master martial artist sometimes.......

Dsm yeah those kids sucks there so weak ugh just thinking about them makes me want to kick there ass which I could and im not gloating or anything there penne people. And for classes fuck that like I said before even the instructers are full of shit there usally dads who teach that on spare time. Dsm you want to hear something My step dad when he was like young he was a black belt in tae kwon do He gave me this t-shirt he used to train in.... He came from El Salvader
I never asked him but I think he was taught by a dude Named Chung Lee becuase that is what it say's on the t-shirt.......

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-10 22:45:23

Hello. i do not yet have a rank. i am going to get into a profensinal Kendo dojo soon though. i have a variety of styles.....i have some formal training in The Toyamidu and Mugaiyu styles of swordsmanship. and i learn very much from the greatest swordsman who ever lived Miyamoto Musashi. (and yes i have a copy of the book of 5 rings) overall you could say my style is traditional japanese swordsmanship. i also try my best to follow the code of Bushido in my daily life. i am happy that u have found this club. i hope to get along well with all of you

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 11:40:19

At 2/10/05 10:45 PM, Katase wrote: Hello. i do not yet have a rank. i am going to get into a profensinal Kendo dojo soon though. i have a variety of styles.....i have some formal training in The Toyamidu and Mugaiyu styles of swordsmanship. and i learn very much from the greatest swordsman who ever lived Miyamoto Musashi. (and yes i have a copy of the book of 5 rings) overall you could say my style is traditional japanese swordsmanship. i also try my best to follow the code of Bushido in my daily life. i am happy that u have found this club. i hope to get along well with all of you

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Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 12:24:35

At 2/10/05 10:45 PM, Katase wrote:

i hope to get along well with all of you

meh yeah except Dsm hes mean he thinkgs im a numb skull..... Just don't act stupid or else everyone wil hate you like they did to me.

Anyway's you have any swords or perhaps some numb chucks???
Sword fightins is veryu cool mate take it up and remember if your a sword fighter that means you like boxing it goes hand in hand so you should think about taking that as well..... Welcome to the club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 14:47:18

At 2/11/05 12:24 PM, ROSSI wrote:

:: Numb chucks

*explodes* FOR PETE'S SAKE!
It's NUNCHUCKS, or if you like, NUNCHAKU'S!

You may think whatever you like about yourself, that you "think you can do it"... "is pretty good with them"...
But dude... with a nunchaku, you're most probably going to swing it right back into your neck and we're just going to laugh at you.

Just go into a dojang.
Hopefully you'll find someone in there who is good enough to kick your ass, wich will motivate you. It does that with me.

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 15:01:26

At 2/11/05 02:47 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 2/11/05 12:24 PM, ROSSI wrote:
You may think whatever you like about yourself, that you "think you can do it"... "is pretty good with them"...

Ok fine but I don' tihnk Nun's use them but whatever ok I got the NUNCHUCKS and well I could swing it really fast but I already hit my writst with them and damn it hurts. Then I span it really fast and then I playe da game with myself an see if I can get my hand threw the spinning chucks and take it out with out getting hit and well I got hit. But these things are awsome there so fun Im going crazy with them there like Bam so good. SO glad I didnt listen to you guy's and bought them any way's and im going to practice everyday Im not doing boxing..... Hopefully in 1 year I could be COme The NUNCHUCK MASTER OF THE WORLD.....

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 15:43:27

At 2/11/05 03:01 PM, ROSSI wrote: Then I span it really fast and then I playe da game with myself

The rest of us calls it plain "masturbation" or "jackin off"...

Alot of mistakes

Dude, one day you're going to hit your head with that thing, and when you do, please inform us so that we can laugh at you and maybe talk you out of it.

Movies about you...


That's what people who think they know martial arts look like to martial artist.

You won't get good trying to do it on your own.
You'll only get very amatuerish at most.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 16:10:05

none of those links work soo touche and yes I did play a game buy myslef but it wasnt jacking offf to Nunchucks...... I would go to a trainer but i know none in my area so touche to that to. And I could get the hang of NUNCHUCKS And ha at least im trying so touche 3 times and your out.

Im good with a blade and I never went to any school same with a bat,rock,rope, hands, and cd's yes cd's I used them as ninja blades they went flying and I new how to aim with them. I never went to any school's for those either......

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 16:14:17

never mind they do work never mind for the touche....

ha that kids a nerd im not like that he was dancing like a ballerienia hahah funny reminds me of you leth.......ahahhahahahaha jk

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 17:25:54

*cough cough*
... oh, I just realised... you're that pie-person...

At 2/11/05 04:10 PM, ROSSI wrote: none of those links work soo touche

You E-touché me?
That is, really... quite ... pathetic.

and yes I did play a game buy myslef but it wasnt jacking offf to Nunchucks......

Take a english-class.
And for pete's sake... you didn't have to admit that you were playing a game with yourself.

I would go to a trainer but i know none in my area so touche to that to.

What's so witty about this? Seriously, how could anyone ever have loved you?

And I could get the hang of NUNCHUCKS

Captain Obvious to the rescue~

And ha at least im trying so touche 3 times and your out.

"Trying" gets you nowhere, son.
And I swear to God, if you continue to be as dorky as this, like with the "touche", I will reach through the computer and slap your head silly.

Im good with a blade

I'd love to see that.

and I never went to any school same with a bat,rock,rope, hands, and cd's yes cd's I used them as ninja blades they went flying and I new how to aim with them. I never went to any school's for those either......,

You have just, by making your biggest error, opening your mouth (...or waking up this morning), confirmed that you are an immature young brat who has never gotten his ass kicked. You could need one though.

So just get the fucking thumb out of your ass and find a school before acting like you know anything. You'll most probably find out that it may look easy, but it sure as hell ain't.
You've seen too many movies. So, go to a school, any school, even if it's 200 miles away before trying anything...

At 2/11/05 04:14 PM, ROSSI wrote: never mind they do work never mind for the touche....

w00t teh hellxzors r u tlking 'bout, d00d?

ha that kids a nerd im not like that he was dancing like a ballerienia hahah funny reminds me of you leth.......ahahhahahahaha jk

Your sense of humor is that of a five-year old.
So is your insults.
You can't fucking hi-jack someone's diss on you on the internet if you'd like to stay "witty".

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 17:30:52

I could see why DsmKing hated you........

I would argue but my intellect is to high for people like you....

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 17:45:01

At 2/11/05 05:30 PM, ROSSI wrote: I could see why DsmKing hated you........

I can see why your mother hates you.

I would argue but my intellect is to high for people like you....

Right... you're the guy who coulnd't spell "nunchaku's" untill recently...
The guy who was called the "village idiot"...
The guy who throws weapons around him thinking he's cool.
The guy who didn't know what a katana was untill recently.
The guy who either can't use a keyboard or write in english.

I think you're just avoiding me cause you're too damn stupid
(Captain Obvious to the rescue~)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 17:54:47

At 2/11/05 05:45 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 2/11/05 05:30 PM, ROSSI wrote: I could see why DsmKing hated you........
I can see why your mother hates you.

I would argue but my intellect is to high for people like you....
Right... you're the guy who coulnd't spell "nunchaku's" untill recently...
The guy who was called the "village idiot"...
The guy who throws weapons around him thinking he's cool.
The guy who didn't know what a katana was untill recently.
The guy who either can't use a keyboard or write in english.

ooo so you met my mother wow that's something. Village idiot ok fine im an idiot your an asshole so were both even on that part.

Throws weapons and I think im cool first I enver said im cool im cool I use weapons ahahaha im better than you. So fuck you stop saying things that never did or say. So your a loser on this part

I can use a keyboard and your right I don't know english very well but then you know if you hate my writing so much why do you read my fucking posts.

Kantana your right on that I thought it was a different sword I got mixed up with the too so sorry for not knowing what a kantana is o and too the new guy forget about what i said about Dsm he could be mean sometimes but he is usally joking watch out for this guy Leth you say one thing he gets offened and goes on a bitch spree so be careful with this motherfucker right here.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:02:48

Not another war... Plz have the decency to take your feud to the chatroom at least.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:06:44

At 2/11/05 06:02 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Not another war... Plz have the decency to take your feud to the chatroom at least.

ok I will I don't know if Leth will I tihnk he will though he is not that incompetant. Your the boss Semi but man I can't stand him.....

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:09:34

At 2/11/05 06:02 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Not another war... Plz have the decency to take your feud to the chatroom at least.

It's not like I give a shit.
I should just give up on the human race alltogether.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:14:02

At 2/11/05 06:09 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 2/11/05 06:02 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Not another war... Plz have the decency to take your feud to the chatroom at least.
It's not like I give a shit.
I should just give up on the human race alltogether.

if you don;'t give a shit why are you still argruing with me..... Just don't post about it anymore then when you don't respond I will stop too.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:20:31

At 2/11/05 06:09 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 2/11/05 06:02 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Not another war... Plz have the decency to take your feud to the chatroom at least.
It's not like I give a shit.
I should just give up on the human race alltogether.

if you must do away with yourself do so quietly, but if you hate everyone so much why dont you leave? if you have nothing better to do but flame us and point out every little mistake everyone makes in typeing you must have a pretty sad life.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-11 18:20:38

At 2/11/05 06:14 PM, ROSSI wrote:
It's not like I give a shit.
I should just give up on the human race alltogether.
if you don;'t give a shit why are you still argruing with me..... Just don't post about it anymore then when you don't respond I will stop too.

Look at my post again. I did stop, turd.