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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-30 07:52:22

Cute story, Beserker-person.

3 dan when you're 13?
Well... i'm not up for the discussion, but it sounds alot like a McDojo.

Welcome. Go see our other forums, if you like:
Martial Arts Club Forums

I've been doing TKD for about 3-4 years now (started 2001).
I don't believe that we practice techniques in order to not hurt people. Martial arts main point is fighting.
Our ancestors whom had to fight day out and day in order to just stay alive would be ashamed that some people do a watered-down version of martial arts.
I'm trying to be strong cause there is chaos in life.
War will most probably visit our countries again, and when it comes, we must be prepared.

I'm more of a "warrior" in terms that I believe in fighting.
Hand-to-hand combat is just the most basic of combat.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-30 20:04:05

Sorry, I messed up my timeline *lol* it's been a while since I was that age... I'm 22 now and getting 23 this march.

However, I practiced every day in the morning and then after school and as a neighboor I was very lucky to have the Karate Champion of Berlin, Germany. So he taught me the pooms and breaking techniques.
And when the big day of getting a new grade was, after I completed the actual performance, I asked the teacher if I could go on. He asked me going on with what and I told him with my qualification. So he let me, he was quite impressed, but he told me, I may not skip the ranking, but I don't have to wait too long for the next promotion as long as I keep on the track and don't lose control (likebehaving arrogant). And so, I made it :) [sorry maybe for the bad english, cause I'm not born in the states]

Yeah, I know this sounds like McDojo (*LOL* what an expression!), but maybe keep in mind, I started at the age of 6 and it was a two times a week school.

Whatever, maybe it was not right to give me those ranks so early and I did not earn them, but I think this was an upright Korean man named Young and he knew what he was doing.
At the Shaolin Temple in China, there are kids too, who were taught the real rough stuff.

No, me neither believes that this great art is just for fun. It's for building up physical and mental strengtht and with that, you are a warrior, because you have a weapon - further more you are the weapon.

The funny thing, I bought myself a book "hand to hand combat in the united states marines corps" and they are using martial arts very explicit there. They also lean on the Dim mak where you aim at the opponent's body pressure points. And in the USMC they also carry their martial arts ranking on their uniform...

What I can say is, that if I had not entered the world of TDK, those guys in preschool wouldn't have had stopped from beating me up. The Chinese history shows that Shaolin monks were soldiers, too. Sometimes, to fight/defense is the only way to stay alive and protect others.. :-/
Better to have this knowledge rather than not, because it is definitely effective when well studied.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-30 20:38:37

Welcome man very cool to meet you. Im still a 2nd dan and wont get my 3rd till im probably about 18. It's a very good story of your martial arts. I've been in Tae kwon do myself for a good 5 years and im still lovin it. I know alot of people with bad knees and they just make it worse. Not a very smart move by them. So are you close to your 3rd or fourth. I know you have to be 25 for masters but hell thats just a standard. So ya welcome to the club and hope you actually post back unlike alot of people

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-30 21:44:31

hey thanks :) that's a friendly welcoming here :)

I'm 3rd Dan, but long long before the day was near for the next Dan, the school closed :'-(
But definitvely, I think to get the 4th Dan, you really should carry a bit more years on your shoulders. Because, I think here is a big difference between 3rd and 4th. I consider 3rd as master student and with the 4th Dan you no longer are just a student anymore. In the 'qualification' for the 4th Dan one has - among other things - to do a self-defence performance with up to 3 partners.. Does this sound like student? *g*
The required age for the 4th Dan I thought was 21? Maybe it differs here and there.. who knows. I think those age limitations are just for orientation or to make sure that the student is mature enough to handle his power in the right way. I mean, there are some suspects that are driven by adolescent hormone fluctation .. and we don't wanna have them as killer machines *lol*
Nevertheless, I believe that a teacher should go on anyways when he sees that the student is reliable...

yeah, knee problems is a big topic. This Karate Champ had to stop, because he got injured in his last competition. LOL, but trying to keep up the good old fighting spirit: He spent nights at a bar all to often and started - when he was some sort drunk - a brawl (acutally the exact wrong way to go when you're into MA...). Then once he was on the regional TV, because he took down the whole bar *LOL* poor guy. Well, but now he's in a more happier mood again, because after gaining weight after the injury (and getting an alcoholic..), he swapped back on track and lost the weight (and quitted to drink). Well, he's about 55 years old now and I think, he can lean back and be proud of himself.

But, problems with the knees.. the folks have to take them as serious business. I know it's kind of hard, because I felt like loosing something when I had my injury and not being able to perfom. But, I had to face it and I think having the faith that it'll be fine again has helped a lot.

I'm writing long texts - book style.... *lol* well, you all have a great day, I gotta go now :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-30 22:48:31

Hey we respect martial artist. We made this club just to discuss it why not make people wanna stay?

As for fourth dan age i read somewhere it was 25 but i probably am wrong.... I view the third dan thing as a preparation thing to master as well. Kind of like bo-dan 0 gup 0 dan to a black belt. It is also very important to make sure that someone would really be willing to stick to it before giving them a 4th dan.

I am actually an instructor and have been doing it for a while. Do you teach? The two most important things about teaching, in my opinion, is to never view yourself better than anyone else. Which is not that hard cause all you need to realize is that they are putting the effort into it just as you do. It is impossible to teach when you see yourself better than the student. The other thing is dont do anything you wouldnt want the students to do. Students view instructors as role models so i refuse to drink, smoke, or any of these bad things cause i for one dont want them to think that there instructor does something i say they shouldnt do.

O and how you said we had a nice atmosphere here i laugh. YOu obviously didnt get to the part where me and leth yell at eachother for like 10 pages

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-31 13:05:41

At 1/30/05 10:48 PM, dsmking wrote: O and how you said we had a nice atmosphere here i laugh. YOu obviously didnt get to the part where me and leth yell at eachother for like 10 pages

Hey, that was fun!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-31 13:07:37

Is Sweden the only country where people graduate 2 times a year, not more, not less, in TKD these days? Geez...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-31 19:52:50

Yay, martial arts club!
I'm not in any "official" clubs or classes, but I hope to be. I know enough about some of them enough to talk about them intelligently. My "thing" is kenjutsu, which the only modern application for is kendo. Heh, I'm horrible at things where there is an actual class. I suffice with internet tips. :)

I see there is alot of stuff here about kickboxing, taekwondo, and karate.....I'm mostly about weapon styles, so I'm neither intelligent about or trained in those.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-01-31 20:34:45

At 1/31/05 01:05 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 1/30/05 10:48 PM, dsmking wrote: O and how you said we had a nice atmosphere here i laugh. YOu obviously didnt get to the part where me and leth yell at eachother for like 10 pages
Hey, that was fun!

Heh heh ya it was. Wouldnt take it back either. What was it about again? I forgot. Think it was about God or atleast part of it

At 1/31/05 01:07 PM, Letahlity wrote: Is Sweden the only country where people graduate 2 times a year, not more, not less, in TKD these days? Geez...

What do you mean? Like for chances for your black belt. Ya here you can only test two times in the year, May and November. IF that is what you mean?

At 1/31/05 07:52 PM, Tombulgius wrote: Yay, martial arts club!

Yay, I Know its awesome

I'm not in any "official" clubs or classes, but I hope to be. I know enough about some of them enough to talk about them intelligently.

Cool and we can hopefully give you more knowledge about it

My "thing" is kenjutsu, which the only modern application for is kendo. Heh, I'm horrible at things where there is an actual class. I suffice with internet tips. :)

Friend of mine teaches me a bit of that with screamer sticks and stuff. Lot of fun

I see there is alot of stuff here about kickboxing, taekwondo, and karate.....I'm mostly about weapon styles, so I'm neither intelligent about or trained in those.

Neither is leth but we love him anyways


*runs and hides*

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 07:42:12

At 1/31/05 08:34 PM, dsmking wrote:

:+: : Hiya!

*runs and hides*

"Hiya" in the context of "hello".

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 15:07:48

Hello everyone and welcome all new members to the club.

It's been quite a while since I've been on the ng forum, so, please give me a little information so I can update our webpage. These are the main categories I need.

Age (optional):



Rank (optional):

Nationality :

Years of Eperience:

Arigato in advance,


Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 15:09:32

Oh boy I got punched right in the friggin ribs last time. We had to spar and I took all of the weak dudes first as a warming up, then My trainer told me to train with the more experienced dudes. I got beat up. In the legs, ribs sides stomach and plexis. YAY.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 15:11:34

Age (optional): 13

Gender: Male

Style: Kickboxing

Rank (optional): N00B

Nationality : Russian Born, Dutch nationality

Years of Eperience: 0.5

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 15:22:34

At 2/1/05 03:09 PM, -Akula- wrote: Oh boy I got punched right in the friggin ribs last time. We had to spar and I took all of the weak dudes first as a warming up, then My trainer told me to train with the more experienced dudes. I got beat up. In the legs, ribs sides stomach and plexis. YAY.

It's been a long time since I got my @$$ kicked...
Your so lucky... How eperienced were these guys?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 19:13:37

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Style: Assorted Kenjutsu; Iaijtsu

Rank: Pre-recruit. Not even 6 Kyudan.

Nationality: American

Years of experience: 2 (but unnoficial, so I shorten it to about 0.5)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 19:21:34

Age (optional):19

Gender: male

Style: Jui Jitsu, Tai Kwon Do

Rank (optional): Black Belt (both)

Nationality : American

Years of Eperience: I beleive its almost 10 now... I cant remember though (I got hit in the head pretty hard last night with a pipe)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 19:39:17

I have been taught Judo for 8 years sense the age of 7. My mom wanted me to learn self-displine. I then at the age of 12 joined kickboxing. You see kickboxing itself is a form of martial Arts. The degrees are put this way White,Green,Purple,Brown,Black
I have a third degree black belt. My instroter thought that i had great potineal and i passed my white, and green with a ease. The Other ones took a couple years. And that's what i have to say Thanks!

In order to become a Leader... U must first serve as a follower

History Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-01 21:17:56

YAY PEOPLE ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!! I hope my email had something to do with it. So i guess ill fill it out too but it has been a while and i did a more in deph one on the site..... shit i just found out i deleted it. O well ill do it again

Age (optional): 16

Gender: Male

Style: Tae kwon do, some weapon styles.... forget how to spell names

Rank (optional): 2nd dan

Nationality : Irish

Years of Eperience: 5-6

So shin the forgotten leader has returned, same with akula and Nr. What a great day for the club

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 10:10:20

At 2/1/05 03:22 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:
At 2/1/05 03:09 PM, -Akula- wrote: Oh boy I got punched right in the friggin ribs last time. We had to spar and I took all of the weak dudes first as a warming up, then My trainer told me to train with the more experienced dudes. I got beat up. In the legs, ribs sides stomach and plexis. YAY.
It's been a long time since I got my @$$ kicked...
Your so lucky... How eperienced were these guys?

2 to 3 years of kickboxing, on of them said he was going to start fighting for matches.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 10:24:20

Aikido....3 months, then i moved to germany as an exchange program, so its on hold right now.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 10:50:03

At 2/1/05 03:07 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:

Age (optional): 16
Gender: Male
Style: TKD WTF
Rank (optional): Blue belt
Nationality: Sweden
Years of Eperience: 4 years.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 13:25:35

Hey, i might join Kung-Fu, sweeet!!
Anyways, sorry for being dried with my posting :P

Age (optional): 14.1.

Gender: Male.

Style: Krav Maga.

Rank (optional): Blue belt tommorow, not sure.

Nationality : Israeli.

Years of Eperience: 4.4.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 14:58:07

At 2/2/05 10:24 AM, beatuwitmyski wrote: Aikido....3 months, then i moved to germany as an exchange program, so its on hold right now.

That sucks. YOu could always look for another martial arts style while you are there. It's good to think of more than one type of martial arts.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 18:35:17

At 2/1/05 07:39 PM, WildCatzTy wrote: I have been taught Judo for 8 years sense the age of 7. My mom wanted me to learn self-displine. I then at the age of 12 joined kickboxing. You see kickboxing itself is a form of martial Arts. The degrees are put this way White,Green,Purple,Brown,Black
I have a third degree black belt. My instroter thought that i had great potineal and i passed my white, and green with a ease. The Other ones took a couple years. And that's what i have to say Thanks!

hmm, this gives me an idea why dosnt everybody post why they started martial arts.

ok well the reason I started martial arts was because, my freand was gettin jumped by abonch of dudes while I was still living in the orphanage. I think I was about 9 at the time and I jumped in to help and we apparantlly were right out front of my soon to be dojo. and the instructer had some of his students step in... after that the fight was just about over. (me and my freind were alone against like 6 other guys he got beat up pretty bad and I had a few bruises, well anyways he said that since we had no money and didnt want us to get hurt in the future he would teach us for free. he was pretty cool to he was pretty much my dad untill I was adopted. and afterwards he was still a very good freind and still is to this day.

so tell everybody about why you got into the martial arts. even if it is boring I would still like to hear about it

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 19:43:44

Age : 16

Gender: M

Style: Gung-Fu its more or less the original martial art. No i didnt mean to say Kung-Fu, there is no such thing. Also do some Muay Thai and Brazillian Jujitsu. Basically mixed martial arts.

Rank: Brown Belt

Nationality : Canadian

Years of Eperience: 7

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 20:52:44

At 2/2/05 06:35 PM, nr5714k wrote:
At 2/1/05 07:39 PM, WildCatzTy wrote: I have been taught Judo for 8 years sense the age of 7. My mom wanted me to learn self-displine. I then at the age of 12 joined kickboxing. You see kickboxing itself is a form of martial Arts. The degrees are put this way White,Green,Purple,Brown,Black
hmm, this gives me an idea why dosnt everybody post why they started martial arts.

I have on several accounts. Well when i was wee old and the first time i did it was cause i was a crybaby.
The second time i wanted to do it so i could stick up for myself. Now i dont have to worry about that since most kids wouldnt dare to fuck with me.
It all started in the 6th grade and i was in home ec. Ya i know gay but i had no choice. Well for some reason he thought i called him a name so he threw me and i hit my head on the corner of the tabel. I got up and i started screamin the fuck out of him and chased the little bastard. So ya thats my story, wish it was something a little more honorable but its true non the less

:well anyways he said that since we had no money and didnt want us to get hurt in the future he would teach us for free. he was pretty cool to he was pretty much my dad untill I was adopted. and afterwards he was still a very good freind and still is to this day.

You know i actually talked to my Master about stuff like that. I was thinking one day how some kids would never be able to do stuff like that. So i asked him if we could go to orphanages and homeless shelters to teach tae kwon do. He said we could but we still need to get the school back in order after we moved. I cant wait till we can though.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 21:44:43

Age (optional): 22

Gender: female

Style: Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and if this counts: it's something meditative like Tai Chi, but I perform it with 10 lbs ankle wrist weights on my feet and 20 lbs barbells in my hands

Rank (optional): TDK 3rd Dan (black belt), Kickboxing (nothing officially)

Nationality : two citizenships: American & German

Years of Eperience: since I'm 6 years old.. *LOL.. gotta calculate.. wow, 16 years already?!

My mother got me started, because I had gotten beat up so bad in preschool. Since my parents house was so friendly and non-violent I didn't know how to handle the brawl. But as soon I was shown, I teached them not to mess around with me anymore *stRRRRRrrrike! *ggg* Somehow, later on, we got best friends alltogether *LOL*
:At 2/2/05 08:52 PM, dsmking wrote:
:So i asked him if we could go to orphanages and homeless shelters to :teach tae kwon do.

Wow, that idea is so wonderful! I do not teach officially just help to get some friends of mine and the of my family in shape. It's more Tae Bo I'm showing them, but with more martial arts stuff in it. And I have to say, I observed their confidence developed a lot. So, I'm kinda proud *g* It's so much fun and fulfilling to see that you can help people to feel better :)
In my city, there are two Capoeira Clubs where they are teaching for free just because they want to expand the Brazilian tradition and keep it alive. I find that very noble!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-02 23:42:30

Tae Kwon Do is not a martial art! It is a sport! The only time you can win a fight with it is when your fighting others trained in Tae Kwon Do. YOU ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-03 08:12:43

At 2/2/05 11:42 PM, -PelvicThrust- wrote: Tae Kwon Do is not a martial art! It is a sport! The only time you can win a fight with it is when your fighting others trained in Tae Kwon Do. YOU ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!

......................................you.......will.........die........... Okay well you are entitled to your opinion, and i respect that however since tae kwon do was founded in 34 B.C. and has been considered a martial art since i disagree. Now last i checked you can fight eachothers outside of tae kwon do, and considering many people here have, i disagree. I teach tae kwon do and have been for 3 years and i teadh how to use tae kwon do outside of tae kwon do classes. Just because it is mainly a self defense doesnt mean you cant use it. Tae chi, and yoga are considered martial arts and they have no contact in it. So what seperates tae kwon do. Fighting does not make a martial arts, and tae kwon do is fighting, but its more of the philosophy of the martial arts that makes it. YOu obviously have never studied tae kwon do so dont say that its not a martial arts.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-02-03 10:30:14

At 2/2/05 11:42 PM, -PelvicThrust- wrote: Tae Kwon Do is not a martial art! It is a sport! The only time you can win a fight with it is when your fighting others trained in Tae Kwon Do. YOU ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!

Is that so?
I'd love to introduce you to a couple of badasses down at my dojo, along with myself, but then again, you're just a pathetic keyboard-warrior, so... who cares.