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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 00:53:32

At 8/21/06 10:11 PM, InumaAsahiDe wrote: Meaning, it does move fast and is fast pace and the students aren't really that bored but I am. I'm looking for a way to teach that will make it more fun for me and thusly more fun for my students. So I am incorporating other peoples teaching stradagies to try to make my class more fun and a little less structured.

In my Systema class we did random things like zombies (where one person is the target, and the rest have long shield-pads, and the rest walk at the target and when he kicks them they stand still for 5 seconds, and it's the objective to keep yourself free of the mob.) or things like that. We also practiced in strobe lights and stuff, and what we laetned was very student-interest oriented. Maybe that helped.

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 03:01:35

At 8/22/06 12:53 AM, -Lagerkapo- wrote:
In my Systema class we did random things like zombies (where one person is the target, and the rest have long shield-pads, and the rest walk at the target and when he kicks them they stand still for 5 seconds, and it's the objective to keep yourself free of the mob.)

In my opinion...

that's all good for learning to stay clear and set yourself up for defense purposes, but the most any one person could fight at a single time is 2 people, provided they are not zombies :P, but actual people trying to hurt you...you toss in the third person and if they competant fighters the moment you to go take one out, one will attack from your weak point, or from behind...

despite "my master took on 7 people at one time" testimonies...I do not believe any one person can fight more than 2 people at one time...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 11:20:28

At 8/21/06 10:11 PM, InumaAsahiDe wrote: I'm looking for a way to teach that will make it more fun for me and thusly more fun for my students.

What is this "fun" that you speak of ?

No seriously......... When I teach, I make it clear that fun is not something they'll have. (Unless your definition of "fun" is the way satan trains).

The self-defense aspect of martial arts....... it's not fun, this business. I point out the brutality and make it clear that surviving a real-world attack often means engaging in the brutality; not just looking out for it so it doesn't sneak up and bite you on the ass.

What I teach, I teach for free. The older I get, the more and more I believe that it is nearly impossible to make a lot of money simply by teaching the self-defense aspect of martial arts....... only a few students will have the stomach for it. Finding "fun" in one of my lessons is like trying to find True Love, in a Whorehouse.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 12:28:33


I can see have lessons with no fun when it comes to self-defense, that is one of the things that I tend to take very seriously in Martial Arts. However, i can't do that with everything, like with kicks and such you have to add a little something, a spice to it, or students get bored and stop learning to their full compasity. But with self-defense it has to be serious or they don't take anything with them.


Thanks for the idea for the game, that sounds like something I might want to try with my students. I have a hard time being random sometimes but I think that doing stuff like that does do something for the students interest. Thansk for the idea.


My school has 4 instructors. Mr. Holan, Mr. Salvador (the two major ones) Mr. Thomas, and me as the minor ones. Mr. T does more work than me. I'm in training at the moment to become a full fledged instructor, I'm an assistant instrutor already but I'm not allowed to teach to much because I don't hold enough stand over the other ones. I guess though what I have to do to get my class better for myself is start making things more random, or in a better sense make things more flexiable. Thanks for the help.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 12:43:32

At 8/22/06 11:20 AM, Monocrom wrote: What I teach, I teach for free. The older I get, the more and more I believe that it is nearly impossible to make a lot of money simply by teaching the self-defense aspect of martial arts....... only a few students will have the stomach for it. Finding "fun" in one of my lessons is like trying to find True Love, in a Whorehouse.

LMFAO! A lot of people wouldnt find the way we train "fun". But when you've been doing it for a while and you're really into it, you start to develop that sadistic side. Learning how to defend yourself and possibly mutilate anyone that means harm to you or your family is lots of fun. I enjoy every minute of it and carry an insane smile on my face everytime I step into my dojang. I dont think that makes me sick. It makes me human.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 14:21:13

At 8/22/06 12:43 PM, Satanic_Samurai wrote:
At 8/22/06 11:20 AM, Monocrom wrote: What I teach, I teach for free. The older I get, the more and more I believe that it is nearly impossible to make a lot of money simply by teaching the self-defense aspect of martial arts....... only a few students will have the stomach for it. Finding "fun" in one of my lessons is like trying to find True Love, in a Whorehouse.
LMFAO! A lot of people wouldnt find the way we train "fun". But when you've been doing it for a while and you're really into it, you start to develop that sadistic side. Learning how to defend yourself and possibly mutilate anyone that means harm to you or your family is lots of fun. I enjoy every minute of it and carry an insane smile on my face everytime I step into my dojang. I dont think that makes me sick. It makes me human.

It also makes you better prepared to deal with the harsh realities of Life than most of the people out there. If for no other reason than the fact you have aquired the proper mind-set to deal with the goblins of the world. Doesn't matter how good you are, how high you can kick, how fast you can run......... if you don't have the proper mind-set, you'll likely freeze up when the shit hits the fan. Good to know you've got it, little sis.

Also nice to know that you do smile. :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 14:56:46

thanx for letting me join

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 16:13:29

Am I joined yet?

I don't know why I'm still here

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 16:59:11

At 8/22/06 12:43 PM, Satanic_Samurai wrote:
LMFAO! A lot of people wouldnt find the way we train "fun". But when you've been doing it for a while and you're really into it, you start to develop that sadistic side. Learning how to defend yourself and possibly mutilate anyone that means harm to you or your family is lots of fun. I enjoy every minute of it and carry an insane smile on my face everytime I step into my dojang. I dont think that makes me sick. It makes me human.

LOL I find the same thing to be true...when you get deeper into your martial are sometimes options appear...Break arm, dislocate shoulder, break wrist, etc...there sometimes are soo many options...it's nice to be able to have that option to choose, but I think it only complicates things when you are trying to be a "civil" fighter, if you are out to mutilate, then it's an easy road to travel...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 23:22:46

Onizero you can join as long as you change your sig. You will get banned for having (pile of sticks) in your sig. IM just giving you a heads up.

O and the whole "fun" thing. That whole sadistic side that you get whenever you are about to spar, the adreniline, the whole thing intoxicates your mind. You just want to fight. I love that feeling. But i only get that when i get hit hard. The main feeling that i get is the strive to do better. I want to go way above my opponent and crush him. In a friendly way of course.

I do think training should be fun though but serious at the same time. In my school the way we do it is we get all the hard serious stuff out of the way first and if we have fun we will do a "game". Although these games are actually work outs in themselves and help alot with various ways like balance, stregnth, and stamina. Its all fun though. but hell i think apchagi is fun.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-22 23:48:36

I don't know what made me think of it but at random I thought about when we hit out 200th page, it was a pretty special day for our club. Then I was thinking of other special days this club was to have in the near future, such as the clubs 2 year anniversary. Much to my dismay I checked the date of the formation of this club and realized that we missed it by 18 days! (19 depending on when you read this.) It came and went without so much as anyone mentioning it, if anyone even noticed (I know I didn't...). So I thought, better late than never!

So happy 2 year anniversary and here's to another 2 years of The New Grounds Martial Arts Club!

*has little party in head*


At 8/22/06 04:13 PM, Onizero wrote: Am I joined yet?

That sounds so dirty, or I'm just a freak. Anyway, all you need to join is a serious interest in martial arts, so welcome to the club! Feel free to jump in to any conversation you like, or just start your own :)

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 00:18:07

Serious or non-serious training?

I can understand everyones different thoughts behind training, I myself have gone threw quite a few. after training for 13 years you start to go threw many stadges of thought. At first it was serious training that I wanted, the instructor was very straightforward and taught us with no laughter but I also have had a very different instructor, he is my favorite.

The instructor who was, at one time, hoping to be a professional comedian.

He is probably the best instructor I have ever had because he makes class interesting while at the same time teaching you the appropaite things and getting them into your head. But, this instructor also can be almost too serious at times, there are some classes that you are afraid to speak because of the topic at hand or the way he is acting but still some days you can't help but snicker everytime he opens his mouth because he makes everything a joke. And if you're in the adult class those jokes can get pretty bad.

Like the time we were practicing for women's assault training, we had two instructors. Mr. Holan and Mr. Hutchins. Mr. Hutchins is a police officer and he was scaring half the older women in the class with the way he was talking about rape and such and such to the point that most of them were to afriad to try the technique. And so Mr. H steps up, this is normally one of his serious topics, and while using me as a dummy just randomly flips me and shows the technique we were trying to teach these women. Then he says this really bad off the wall joke and gets them all to calm down by making them laugh. Once they were calm they were able to learn.

So I guess I am saying, sometimes in martial arts, if you are too serious it is actually harder to train someone. From exsperience I have found that if my instructor just stares me down the whole class, shouts, yells, and does not so much as applaude me in my efforts, I walk out of the class forgetting most of what i've learned, mainly because the whole time I am trying to read my instructors mind and find his approval. It is different with a serious teacher who can also be kind and make you laugh when you are low on confidence. I have had both types and personally I prefer the later of the two.

Still I thank everyone who gave me ideas for my class. It has gotten so boring and mondan lately, I think, after hearing you guys thoughts and the thoughts of Mr. H, that I will inlist his help during class and we will actually start a short escape technique run, about a month and a half of nothing but. This will get the class a little more exciting and then when the escape stuff has been done to death we will move on to advanced combo's those can be fun if you just make them up as you go to get people into sparring, which we will start after that.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 12:11:27

At 8/23/06 12:18 AM, InumaAsahiDe wrote: So I guess I am saying, sometimes in martial arts, if you are too serious it is actually harder to train someone.

Sadly, this is quite true. I often get around this problem by teaching only individuals who are totally commited to learning what works, and already understand that it's not going to be pretty. While I do have a kick-ass sense of humor. You won't see it when I'm teaching. This may sound harsh, but I have no time to hold someone's hand and gently lead them through the realm of Violence.
To: f0x-

Sadly, in this Day & Age, restraint in the application of techniques is needed....... lest one get sued by his attacker for mutilating him.
To: Thunder-

Yup, I didn't notice either. To be honest, it's much easier to celebrate Page Milestones than to remember dates.

Still....... Happy 2nd Anniversary NG MAC !!!

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 14:18:08

Mono: Where're the dr0kn college kids in your pic? It's not a celebration without dr0kn college kids... And stoned teenagers.

In my Systema class we were joking around all the time, but every now and then, like when we did conditioning excercises, it got very serious for ten minutes or so and everyone did as well as they could for the duration. Games like the one I mentioned are mostly for conditioning and excercise and not so much technique or form, but are still valuable nonetheless.

I walked into martial arts with the sadistic side, and have curbed it a bit using them. If you want to use martial arts to carefully lay down your opponent and hope they learned their lesson you're not going to have much luck.

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 15:00:28

At 8/23/06 02:18 PM, -Lagerkapo- wrote: Mono: Where're the dr0kn college kids in your pic? It's not a celebration without dr0kn college kids... And stoned teenagers.

I've got them locked up in my basement. I'll let them loose when we reach page 300.

Just kidding....... I don't have a basement. >:)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 15:34:25

At 8/23/06 03:00 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 8/23/06 02:18 PM, -Lagerkapo- wrote: Mono: Where're the dr0kn college kids in your pic? It's not a celebration without dr0kn college kids... And stoned teenagers.
I've got them locked up in my basement. I'll let them loose when we reach page 300.

Just kidding....... I don't have a basement. >:)

Damn, i'll just have to break in to your house (and hope you don't R.B.S.D. me to death, seeing as I would be invading your home and you're trained to deal with me) and let them loose on your furniture.

No martial arts... :(

NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...

MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...

Speak with your actions, come from your core.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 17:36:31

Still....... Happy 2nd Anniversary NG MAC !!!


Also, I'll be gone for the next 2-3 days, so please PM me if you have any specific requests or anything of me (though I don't see why you would).


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 22:15:24

At 8/23/06 12:11 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Sadly, in this Day & Age, restraint in the application of techniques is needed....... lest one get sued by his attacker for mutilating him.

I hate that fact. People shouldn't be allowed to sue someone if they are hurt in training. I mean did they expect to come out of training for the martial arts unscaved? God, if I sued for everytime I hurt myself I would either be a millionare or on the martial arts black list.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-23 23:46:48

O ya the club started in the beginning of August didnt it. O well thats life. We miss things like that. Happy 2 year and hope it dont last anymore :p.

So anyways today i was working on some kicks and all that good stuff. Right after I get 720 nice i wanna try it another way which is actually nicer. *sigh* I'm just never satisfied with myself.

Im also working on butterfly kick. But in order to get that nice i need to start out with a dragon twist. funny that a pre-kick for a butterfly is a dragon. Well these kicks are actually capbrarella(always butcher this name) and i am learning them from a student at my school who has done several styles but its pretty fucking cool, but just as hard.

Serious training, eh depends. If im working on something and i want to get good at it, im very serious. But i love goofing around. Thats just what i do. Its a ton of fun to just mess around. My motto is this, train hard to get it and fuck around to have fun with it.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 12:11:24

Serious and non serious training-

My sense of humor shows best when Im teaching becaue I dont like to treat every class like a life or death situation. In that kind of environment you arent going to be the most relaxed. In the street it could very well be a life or death situation but you have to be relaxed about it or you will never make it through. Like R3d said, you do get into a mind set when you're training and find options that appear in your techniques. Going into a standard arm bar you might be able to throw in a shin kick and find a way to break the wrist in the entry, and find a way to dislocate the shoulder on your way to the ground. But I dont see the harm in laughing at yourself when you start thinking you're insane for wanting to try that on someone.

Attacker sues-

I think I might have broughten this up before. Once an instructor of mine came into her house with her kids and found this guy stealing their stuff, he called her a few bad names and pulled a knife on her. Her kids got out of the house and called the cops while my instructor took the guy down. She did one hell of a number on him too. Now here it is 20 years down the road he is sueing her because he cant work because of perminent injuries he got during the fight. Since the statute of limitations was up the case was dropped. And if it hadnt of been Im sure the judge would have laughed in his face. But the arguemnt his attorney was going to make was that she was a black belt and should have been able to control herself and take it down without causing damage. This guy was lucky he was still alive after breaking into her home and attacking her and her childern. Overkill laws for martial artists are bullshit, I say if they attack me its fair game, but it always looks good if you call the police first. :P Just make sure that if you have someone in your house and you are going to defend yourself, dont let them get out. Keep them there. If the cops get there and find the guy out in the street dead its not going to be good for you because you cant prove they were ever in your house. If they run away after you defend yourself drag their ass back into the house until the cops get there. This way you can say you were defending your home. Ive seen martial artists go to jail (despite the self defense plea) because they messed someone up, but if its in your own home is a totally different story.

Capoeria stuff-

DSM, tell Flying J to get off his ass and put some of his stuff on youtube. He has the prettiest butterfly kick and btwist Ive ever seen. And you get a nice close up when its flying towards your face. :p Him and a few of the other guys I train with can double leg and au batido (sp?). Its really cool stuff, very graceful.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 13:54:32

To: Inuma-

Sorry for the confusion. By "Attacker," I mean an actual attacker out on the street. Not a fellow practioner of your Art who is your opponent during a sparring match. Although it is amazing that an "opponent" will sometimes sue, if he gets hurt during training.

But that's what liability waivers are for......... And, sadly, quite necessary in this Day & Age. >:(

To: satan-

Your legal advice would be sound......... depending on what the Law happens to be in a particular State. In NY for example, you are legally required to let an attacker flee your residence; if he decides to do so. Once he gets past your front door, if you physically do anything to him (or point a weapon at him [firearm]) it's no longer considered to be self-defense. God help you if one of your neighbors sees you dragging him back into your home, and mentions that fact to the cops! If he runs away, the Law no longer considers him to be a threat........ so you have to let him go........ even if he's running out the door with your T.V. set. (At least that's how it is in NY. Especially N.Y.C.).

As far as what happened to your Instructor, I know what her attacker was going to say in court. He was going to claim that because she injured him, he was no longer able to work or support his family in any way shape or form. As stupid as it sounds, without the statute of limitations in place; he might have actually won! Even low-lifes and degenerates have families. Even they have a wife (or a baby's momma) and kids. Yeah, they probably stole and mugged the money to support their family........ But the Law actually recognizes their "right" to earn a Living!

IT'S RETARDED AS FUCK!!! ..........

But it exists none-the-less. Rather than getting laughed at by the judge, he'd be "getting" to legally sleep in your Instructor's bed that very night........ in HIS brand new home! ......... In NYC, that's exactly what would happen. >:(

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 18:28:35


Different states have different laws. I can tell you for sure (unless my job makes me) that Im never moving to NY. My neighbor in ATL is retired Special Forces, he would be out there with me so I wouldnt have to worry about it. As for the rest of my neighbors, they can always be killed. :P

The problem with this attacker that was robbing my instructor's house is that there was nothing medically wrong with him. There was no reason he could not get a job to support his family. He just didnt want to work for it so he found the first person he could sue. Which is very common now a days. In GA the laws are a bit more relaxed as far as what you can do to an attacker. If I walk into my home and hes in it, I am well within my rights to keep him there until the cops arrive. Now what happens to the guy in the time I called them and they get there is between myself and my new friend.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 21:33:31

Serious and non-serious training:

I dont generaly like the idea of having all work and no play in training, but i also slightly share the same sadistic view as satan.

We have fun at times in our class, but in general its really "enjoyable work".

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 22:25:12

At 8/24/06 01:54 PM, Monocrom wrote: To: Inuma-

Sorry for the confusion. By "Attacker," I mean an actual attacker out on the street. Not a fellow practioner of your Art who is your opponent during a sparring match. Although it is amazing that an "opponent" will sometimes sue, if he gets hurt during training.

But that's what liability waivers are for......... And, sadly, quite necessary in this Day & Age. >:(

Yeah, I guess I jumped to conclusions mainly because we had a case in our Dojo not to long ago where a student who broke their arm sued my master. Messy business by Master Holan one because he didn't touch the student tecnically, it was the students own fault for his injury because he did the kick and landed badly and fell.

Sueing/Legal Stuff

About the legal stuff, I love the state of Texas. If they are on your property you can shoot them for all the law cares. It is legal to shoot any form of trespasser and/or hurt them as long as you can prove that they were trespassing under the legal use of the term. I love Texas.


You said it man, all work and no play makes Becky want to cry!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 22:53:35

I jammed my toe at Tkd before. I think im gonna sue.

People are to much of little bitches nowadays. Sue, sue, sue it seems that this is all people do nowadays.

If you rob a house you should get your ass beat if you get fucking caught. Stupid assholes think they have burglaring rights. But you know what, if i saw a judge being attacked by a person i will do shit because i dont want that same judge to convict me for "to much force".

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-24 23:43:49

At 8/24/06 10:53 PM, dsmking wrote: I jammed my toe at Tkd before. I think im gonna sue.

People are to much of little bitches nowadays. Sue, sue, sue it seems that this is all people do nowadays.

If you rob a house you should get your ass beat if you get fucking caught. Stupid assholes think they have burglaring rights. But you know what, if i saw a judge being attacked by a person i will do shit because i dont want that same judge to convict me for "to much force".

i agree there so many whiny babies sue for things that dont even make cense and when they do go to court most of them get enough money to last them a life time the majority only get three hundred dollars or somthing id say stop whining and freaking grow up

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-25 13:46:38

To: satan-

Even if your job told you to go work in NYC, you'd be better off finding a new job!
Seriously, the number of good things about living in NYC can be counted on one hand..... with a few fingers left over!
To: lnuma-

Yeah...... I think I like Texas too!
To: DSM-

Sadly, the way the legal System works in NYC, technically they DO have burglarizing rights. Not officially........ but for all practical purposes, they really do.

As for the example with the Judge, he'd have to excuse himself since he was directly involved with your case.

But yeah......... the whole thing is fucked up!

I just posted chapter 1 of my BBS story on the General forum. (This time, my long post is actually a novel. LOL).

In case anyone is wondering, I didn't ask any of you guys if you wanted to be in it because I didn't have enough parts for everyone. And I didn't want to offend ANYONE who might have felt left out.

Anyone who's interested, here's the link: http://www.newground../topic.php?id=555535

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-25 22:37:59

Well next time i rob a house i want the right to bare arms, and no resistance at all.

I know that the judge will have to excuse himself but i meant that i hope that the judge gets jumped and i refuse to do anything in fear of being sued.

Anyways in 2 days i got the dragon twist down and the guy said it usually takes 2 weeks to a month to get. I have to brag to him next time i see him. On to butterfly kick.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-26 10:19:50

At 8/25/06 10:48 PM, -Orange- wrote: Hi guys, I do Ju-Jitsu at my local dojo.

I wanna join :)

Welcome to the club!

Could you tell us a little bit more? Mabye how long you have been taking martial arts?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-08-26 13:24:17

...Im Back!!!!!!!!

Also, I'm testing for my second degree on the 9th....


Hell yeah


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

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