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Club Evolution

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Club Evolution 2004-07-26 09:44:24

The idea of this club is that it will be dedicated to making flash movies/games as a group by using the skills of the combined users and as the amount of users increases, the club therefore evolves and hopefully the standard of flash movies/games will evolve to a higher standard.
If many people work together and combine their skills some real decent pieces would go into the portal.
If you wish to join just say so, but state what skills you can bring to the club. There needs to be a mixture of skills and not just people who come up with ideas n storylines, which is the only thing im good at. lol.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:06:02

well i join!

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:17:46

so do you have an idea for making
a movie...?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:33:12

Cool, but what skills do you have?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:34:26

I have at least 3 ideas, with one storyline written.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:39:51

The one written storyline is quite similar to the Green Mile but is entitled "The Punishment", and i have other ideas of creating storylines for war type events etc and other fun things.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:41:21

my skills are good enough
my movie is coming out soon

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:43:15

Cool, so whats it about. If you can be the artist and animator for this club i can be the writer and we can co-produce good flash things for the portal.
In the credits of ones we produce together put our names and then a production by Club Evolution on them.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:44:20

sounds great!
do you have aim or msn or something to chat?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 10:52:30

just go to this link

its my chat

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 11:01:59

At 7/26/04 10:52 AM, LockLock wrote: just go to this link

its my chat

don't go to the chat just stay on this forum
cuz it work not so good by me

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 11:10:33

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 11:17:20

If any1 else wants to join, just email me.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 11:21:18

At 7/26/04 11:17 AM, xsmorrisx wrote: If any1 else wants to join, just email me.

well, i havn't no skill on flash, i have never made a movie, i have no intentions on making movies.......

But i have written loads :)

BBS Signature

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:08:05

well you can join if you want

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:23:49

well this is the logo i made

Club Evolution

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:27:18

Whenever I think of a club someone else makes it, well anyway, since I had thought of this, making a club like this, I might aswell join, my skills are claymation, Backgrounds, characters, graphics, I NEED A STORYLINE FOR A FLASH.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:29:54

can i see a movie of yours or something?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:36:59

At 7/26/04 12:29 PM, LockLock wrote: can i see a movie of yours or something?

There is one coming soon that I made BG's and directing and helped and that coming soon, and if you want to see stuff I've done the just ask, and if you don't believe me, when my flash and the ones I'm helping in get high scores you'll be sorry...........

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:39:41

well if you wanna join ask xsmorrisx

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:41:09

Ok, cool guys. Gamehippy and -snare- can join.

Game hippy is a writer like me, so we shall develop storylines together, whilst Lock and -snare- animate.

I already have a storyline ready, so email me and i will give u the script.

Cool logo lock, that shall appear on all our movies, and when the movies are made, all of us should appear as the authors because this a group thing.

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:41:20

At 7/26/04 12:29 PM, LockLock wrote: can i see a movie of yours or something?

I havnt seen any of snare productions either, but i trust him, so i think he'd be great at making them, unlike me, i dont know how to lol

BBS Signature

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:43:57

First flash movie, i believe we need to make is an introductory thing that acknowledges us as a club and will hopefully stimulate some interest and gain us members in the process.
Any ideas on how to go about this?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:45:36

mmm lets think

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:47:53

-snare- and Game hippy if you got msn add me, im mrconfuddled@hotmail.com

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:49:20

At 7/26/04 12:41 PM, xsmorrisx wrote: Ok, cool guys. Gamehippy and -snare- can join.

Game hippy is a writer like me, so we shall develop storylines together, whilst Lock and -snare- animate.

I already have a storyline ready, so email me and i will give u the script.

If your making an animation alltogether then I will help with what I can do, and as proof, check some stuff I have done in the skate flash club.
Some stuff for BG tests on here
And check the later pages to see what I am doing, when it comes out I shall give you guys a link, and when I finish myclaymation, which needs a funny script *wink wink*

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 12:57:07


Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 13:02:53

At 7/26/04 12:57 PM, LockLock wrote: well

Well what?? Seriously, I think that's the shortest ever pos I've ever seen, not a good thing.
Well what then, what are you talking about?

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 13:05:36

Here's some work of me!


sorry for the face color but its in .gif

Response to Club Evolution 2004-07-26 13:20:03

First proper flash movie script here: The Punishment:

The rays of sunlight crept into the cell as a new day began. It was the day of my punishment; it was the end. I slowly rose up from the bed and looked at my surroundings. There was nothing pretty about it; not even the rays piercing into the cell through the gaps in tthe bars made it any more pleasant. It was just the same dull grey, lifeless scenery again. I slowly staggered about in my cell, touching the cold hard walls, and the dusty bars, as i looked out upon the beauty I saw before me. I saw such things that brought a smile upon my face; but that quickly vanished. The outside was out of my reach. I could but only view from afar, never touch, never smell.
Backing away from the view, i opened my book and began to write the final chapter: today. This would be the final chapter of my life for all to read my memoirs and feel such things as i have. The pen flew across the page, as i wrote down, the ending of such a wasteful life. I was on death row; today was the end. I had been found guilty of murdering my family on Christmas day. It is all such a blur still, but as the judge gave his sentence to me i slumped in my chair. True, i deserved punishment for what i had done, but to spend ten years of my life on death row, never knowing when it was time for the last punishment to come. Is such a thing right?
Suddenly, whilst pondering over this question, the sound of footsteps grew stronger and stronger. Along with this came the faint smell of food. My heart beat in rhtyhm with the footsteps as they drew closer, and the smell of the food filled my nostrils. Before me stood one of the prison guards. There was a grin on his face as he handed over to me some food. Not understanding why i had been given this i asked, "What is this?" The reply that followed sent a shiver down my spine,
"This, James, is your last meal."
The grin on his face grew larger and the desire to wipe it off his face grew stronger.
The guard slowly closed the cell door and once again i was alone, but this time i had food: my last meal. It was not much to describe: mushy peas with gravy and disgusting pie. I finished without complaining though. Thoughts in my head fiercely shot around and questions i could not answer. My emotions went haywire as they followed a cycle of fear into anger and then back again.
Time, it seemed, had stopped. The seconds dragged on, seemingly lasting hours as the time ran out. Filled with boredom, i now found myself full of guilt. Why had i done such things to my family? I wanted to turn back the clocks; but alas it was too late. My time had run out. Footsteps became louder and with each step my heart beat even faster. I knew that he was coming for me; my time was up. The familiar sound of keys filled my ears, as my cell door opened.
Before me stood the same guard but this time his grin had gained in size. Deep feelings of regret filled me, as i exited my cell; the cell that had been my cage for ten years keeping this fierce animal at bay. Now it had been unleashed. In my standard orange-prison uniform i slowly strolled forward. About twenty metres away it was there: the door. I still clasped my book in my hands and began to wonder what my final sentence should be. Whilst doing this, prisoners jeered at me. We all were due to go through that door; lucky for some it was my turn first. Step by step i was edged further to my last breath. Such experiences really do make you realise what one takes for granted in this world.
Finally, i was there, my nose touched the door as i tried to gather myself for the end. The door opened and a chair stood before me. Filled with fear i begged for one last request: to finish my memoirs. There are no family here to witness my death. They are already dead. I came into this world alone and i am going out of it alone. So, these are my final words before i get strapped in tightly, and the needles pierces my skin as i draw my last breath. On now to face my punishment...