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Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME!

34,580 Views | 96 Replies
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Stencyl is game creation software that makes game development possible for non-programmers, using a drag and drop editor to build your games and game logic. You can deploy your games for web, Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. For more information, check out Stencyl.com.

Last year we celebrated the release of Stencyl 3.0 with Stencyl Jam 2014. Stencyl 3.3 has just been released and we're celebrating with Stencyl Jam 2015! Check out What's New with versions 3.1 through 3.3.

The event starts today and ends Monday, May 11th. The theme is wide open; make any game you want, just make it with Stencyl. This is a great chance for both new and established devs to get motivated, make something and maybe win some money!

So to sum it up:

1) Make a game with Stencyl.
2) Upload it to Newgrounds by May 11th.
3) Tag it with "stencyljam2015" so we find it.

Your entries will be featured on our Stencyl Jam 2015 page. It would be great if you include a link in your game to the collection, to spread awareness and cross-promotion, although it isn't required. You can also do whatever you want on the side to monetize your game; we happen to have an ads API integrated with Stencyl if you want to try that and if you have rev-share enabled on NG, you'll earn revenue from our native pre-roll video ads. Don't forget you can also wind up selling your game on mobile or Steam!

And yes, PRIZES!

1st Place - $500 + Stencyl Studio License
2nd Place - $300 + Stencyl Studio License
3rd Place - $200 + Stencyl Studio License
4th Place - Stencyl Studio License
5th Place - Stencyl Studio License

If you've ever wanted to try making games, this is a good time to start!

Go to Stencyl.com, download Stencyl and check out the crash course intro!

BIG RULE: You can't use commercial / unlicensed art (E.g. Mario sprites) and audio in your game. There are lots of great musicians and artists on NG and around the web who would like a chance to be involved in a game!

Looking for someone to collaborate with? We have a place for that.

Want to hang out with other game devs? Check out the game dev forum!

Cool story from last year: @dylan picked up Stencyl and made HIS FIRST GAME EVER, about Alzheimers:

It was featured on The Verge and Dylan got job offers, press interviews and digital media festival invites! You can take this opportunity to TOTALLY EXPERIMENT. Show us something that's been in your head that no one has ever seen before. It doesn't have to fit any traditional definition of a game, just got for it.

Examples of other games made with Stencyl:

Give it a shot! YOU CAN MAKE GAMES!

Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Pfft. Game Development's for squares.

Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME!

Click the Squid -> 🦑

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 09:19:20

This time I 'll make it !!

Being a game maker is My ambition And 'tis the starting !!!!!!


BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 09:26:59

At 3/18/15 09:14 AM, squidly wrote: Pfft. Game Development's for squares.

I like your glasses.

At 3/18/15 09:26 AM, liljim wrote:
At 3/18/15 09:14 AM, squidly wrote: Pfft. Game Development's for squares.
I like your glasses.

Thanks, I try.

Click the Squid -> 🦑

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 09:50:18

gee tom what happened to tgf2ng? did clickteam stop supporting it?

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 09:55:53

At 3/18/15 09:50 AM, Gimmick wrote: gee tom what happened to tgf2ng? did clickteam stop supporting it?

It just never really took off for web game development the way other tools did. Multimedia Fusion 2 still seems pretty awesome so it would have been cool to see it go more that route.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 10:00:54

At 3/18/15 09:55 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 3/18/15 09:50 AM, Gimmick wrote: gee tom what happened to tgf2ng? did clickteam stop supporting it?
It just never really took off for web game development the way other tools did. Multimedia Fusion 2 still seems pretty awesome so it would have been cool to see it go more that route.

oh. Well there's stencyl at least :)

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

heck ill try it out

i looked on the wiki but couldnt find it, whats the ideal dimensions of a NG game?

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 11:03:29

Now I need to try making two Stencyl games at once o.O
Only one for the Jam though, as I've already come pretty far with the other one :/

Good luck, everyone ;)

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 11:10:48

If anyone's in need of a musician, I'll be happy to help.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 14:03:00

This sounds like a lot of fun! i'll give it a download and see how I get on with it

Where am I ... wait where ... what?

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 14:31:24

I never do shit to give back to NG, I think I'll give it a try.

I'm just some dork who's loved NG since 2004, yet isn't very artistic himself. You should check out my massive favorites lists.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 14:47:52

oooo, hopefully I can finish something this time.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 15:02:05

At 3/18/15 02:47 PM, Kcori wrote: oooo, hopefully I can finish something this time.

Excited to hear you're on board!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 15:02:52

At 3/18/15 02:03 PM, lukegreencubeco wrote: This sounds like a lot of fun! i'll give it a download and see how I get on with it

With all the pixel work you did this past year, this should be a really cool next step for you.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 15:03:36

At 3/18/15 11:03 AM, LucidShadowDreamer wrote: Awesome!
Now I need to try making two Stencyl games at once o.O
Only one for the Jam though, as I've already come pretty far with the other one :/

That's always a weird part of having an open theme, hard to really know what was already in the works... But it's cool to see Stencyl games get finished and released regardless. :)

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 16:01:58

Time to publish my current game then and work on something new. Should be interesting; there is always a surge in good Stencyl games.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 16:18:01

Hope I can make one! But I have school and a lot of other projects. Maybe I'll make one.
Good luck to everyone!


BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 18:29:03

Okay Newgrounds. Okay. You've tempted me.

Might have to give this a try. Any general tips for making games in Stencyl for Newgrounds? Like, file size and dimensions, etc.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 19:15:42

Even though the computer I normally use cannot support Stencyl, I have a secondary one that I might be able to do this on!

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-18 21:56:32

Neat! I'll consider trying this. I'm studying game programming, so maybe this will help somehow.

Oh hai.

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 03:57:18

Sweet. I've been looking forward to this. Now that I'm almost done with Tiny Dangerous Dungeons' mobile version, I have an excuse to start some new project now.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 06:04:34

I'm in! Any Wiki pages setup on speculations for the contest with regards dimensions, file sizes etc?

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 08:25:27

This is great! I just started learning how to use stencyl recently and I started work on my first game when it was first announced there would be a stencyljam soon...
Hopefully this is when I start giving back (games) to the community.
Good luck to all who enter.

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 09:26:13

Hey Tom,

I've been working on my game for quite a while already, long before Jam announcement.
But it is an iOS game, which requires a lot of changes to be ported to WEB.
My game is not complete yet and was not published anywhere.
Btw it is sequel to my Stencyl Jam 2012 entry - Moonlight

Will that be OK if I participate? As it will be quite a challenge to make a WEB port in addition to finishing iOS version.

Thank you
Good luck to all the brave devs out there!
Cheers =)

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 10:09:43

At 3/18/15 03:02 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 3/18/15 02:03 PM, lukegreencubeco wrote: This sounds like a lot of fun! i'll give it a download and see how I get on with it
With all the pixel work you did this past year, this should be a really cool next step for you.

thanks, I've been thinking about getting into games for a while so i'm very excited about this

Where am I ... wait where ... what?

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 10:35:52

At 3/18/15 06:29 PM, Bladebrawl wrote: Okay Newgrounds. Okay. You've tempted me.

Might have to give this a try. Any general tips for making games in Stencyl for Newgrounds? Like, file size and dimensions, etc.

I can raise your file size if you need an extension. For dimensions, anything over a width of 910 will visible break out of our layout, although our next layout design will have a wide open space for content.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 10:38:01

At 3/18/15 07:41 PM, vixuzar wrote: *logs off* (jk)
*goes to stencyl*

but no really... i just have a question
is it ok if i use sprites from other games (metal slug, mario , etc...) in my game ?
i mean will this get me into any sort disqualification (bad spelling ?) or something ?

If you need sprite work, you should look for an artist to team up with here on NG! I should add that as an official rule now, we can't accept commercial sprites.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Stencyl Jam 2015 - MAKE A GAME! 2015-03-19 10:44:03

I'll give it a try.