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"Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what?

8,392 Views | 106 Replies

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 16:01:45

If you cannot be racsit on the internet then were can you be?

It may be offensive and it may be insensitive, but 'Ching Chong Beautiful' is nonetheless a parody

People are not allowed in society to be conspicuously offensive to any group because of the dawn of Political correctness

Society needs people to utuilize their inalienable right to freedom of speech and press in a society that seems to frown upon it in it's most uncensored form.

If everyone was as much of a buzzkill as you we wouldn't have NG, The BBS, 4Chan, Anonymous, the very groups that allow us to remain open minded and exposed to different ideas.

So yeah, I think you do need a sense of humor, because people like you are a cancer that is killing the internet.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 16:21:06

I agree that it is a little sterotypical, BUT THAT IS WHY IT IS FUNNY!!!!!
When I played, after figuring out that it takes place in Asia, and saw boxes everywhere like it was in a packaging plant or factory I thought that it was really funny.
It is humor, and if you dion't like humor like that, then get the hell off of newgrounds.

"Make art, not war." - Shepard Fairey

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 16:21:54

Is it just me or is OP's username slightly ironic?

"Well shit, Daniel, I just left!"


BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 16:48:53

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 17:40:08

At 1/8/10 09:01 PM, immigrantsong wrote: I do want to argue that I am not one of those guys who think it's totally okay to make fun of white people for their racial identity as well. But unfortunately, any racial slurs for white people do not carry the same negative weight in comparison to racial slurs against people of color.

Until I read this paragraph, I found your argument to be interesting and thought you had a chance.

But you just lost me after this. I'm not saying so because I'm white or whatnot, it's just the fact that you say that racial slurs for whites are not as negative as for coloured. Whether or not that has any truth to it, it still contradics with your entire argument. you had a sense of equality until here. A racial slur is a racial slur. It has the same effect, but us "whates" just have a different take on it. However you look at it, the word has the same amount of negativity as any other. So...

You win nothing! Good DAY sir.


BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 17:42:05

At 1/10/10 05:40 PM, Los-Illuminados wrote: ...us "whites" just...

Typo fix'd.


BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 19:06:39

I would like to see the emails and PM's that you sent before I say that JohnnyUtah is being inordinately dickish. I wouldn't find it hard to believe if JU was in part reacting to an angry rant.

Also, the fact that we're telling you to stop being so sensitive doesn't mean that we are "shooting your opinion down" or that we can't see your viewpoint. I've read your opinion (and two pages of posts along with it) and I comprehend what you're saying. I understand why you would be offended, but that doesn't change the fact that I think you need to realize that this is not meant to be taken seriously. I'm not claiming that your opinion isn't valid; I'm simply countering yours with mine.\

It seems like the only people who can "see it your way" are the people who are agreeing with you. Curious.

At 1/10/10 11:28 AM, ohbombuh wrote: If they made a game with racial slurs against black people, everyone would be all over their asses about how horrible they are. As it is, it's written off as a harmless joke.

You say that like it shouldn't be written off as a joke. It is a joke, like a lot of things are. Whether or not people react to it doesn't change its status as simple humor. Whether or not the masses think it's horrible does not make it so. It is what it was meant to be, not what it's interpreted as being.


whoa art what

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 22:39:08

At 1/10/10 04:48 PM, ThePortalGuru wrote: I think these people agree with you.

I think these people showed why everyone should agree with him.

The simple fact is that some people will never be happy, no matter how good their lives are.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 22:51:16

OP are you telling me that all asians dont look like this?
I refuse to believe it.

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.

Sig by Her

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-10 22:54:43

I totally get where you're coming from, OP.
After the Abercrombie & Fitch protests at Stanford University in 2002, I don't think it's safe to use any stereotypes in a pop culture setting that would anger the Asian community.

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-11 14:33:10

At 1/10/10 04:48 PM, ThePortalGuru wrote: I think these people agree with you.

This atricle states that saying "ching chong" is as bad as saying the N word?
Seriously?Ok, it makes fun of the japanese language, but it's not nearly as bad as that...can someone explain to me wtf are they talking about?

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-11 15:37:57

ChingChong-o-bots, roll out!

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-11 15:40:40

At 1/10/10 10:39 PM, ohbombuh wrote: I think these people showed why everyone should agree with him.

The thing that angers me most about these people is that they claim that anyone who tells them that they're overreacting is trying to "silence their voice against racism." But they don't take into consideration that they're making this big of a deal over a stupid flash game that they themselves admitted had fun gameplay. They don't seem to consider that maybe they are making a mountain out of a molehill. Inordinate overreaction and the act of claiming something is unacceptable due to racism are not mutually exclusive. It's social commentary, not white supremacy propaganda. All of the media and art that makes fun of the dumb American or redneck white stereotype is no different.


whoa art what

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-11 16:49:47

lol JohnnyUtah is fukin hilarious. great e-mail

also u should take it easy like many others have said before me. u shouldnt be gettin worked up over the name of a game or its contents which arent blatantly racist. have u been on the adult section? cause thats the real fuked up shit like the Rebecca video (but that shits so cash)

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-15 06:17:48

You're really stupid.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-15 06:23:43

At 1/15/10 06:17 AM, The-Swain wrote: You're really stupid.

I love this thread.

Tom and I have been working on something hmmm????

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-15 10:54:20

What I kinda surprised me: Ching Chong sounds chinese but what has that to do with a japanese gameshow?
I donĀ“t get it...