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"Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what?

8,393 Views | 106 Replies

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:05:11

People like the OP are why there are so many problems in the world.

So many things have been destroyed by political correctness gone mad, and I would hate to see bastions like Newgrounds falling to the forces of lameness.

Look up 'context' in the dictionary, and start applying it to situations where you apparently see racism and prejuduce, rather than just assuming that every single person who makes any kind of comment against a race which can be deemed offensive also wants to go out on the streets and lynch members of said race.

Being offended by things is nothing but self-indulgent nonsense. EVERYBODY has free will. If you don't like something you can choose to turn it off. There is nothing I hate more than self-righteous pricks who launch crusades against things because apparently THEY didn't like it. I mean, to think that something should be changed or removed just because it offended your sensibilities, how much more self-centered can you get?

People who are offended by things, you are not special. Your opinion isn't more valid because you had some bullshit experience in the past where someone was mean to you. Everyone has actually experienced these things. I mean, to be honest, the OP offends me because he actually took the time to complain about something on a site like Newgrounds, so should he be deleted? I mean, thats the rationale behind these people isn't it? I was offended by something so make it go away, NOW!

Anyway, to quote the immortal words of Dylan Moran:

"There is nothing wrong with prejudice. It reminds us of who we are".

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:08:00

At 1/8/10 10:04 PM, immigrantsong wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:03 PM, TheSilkyjoe123 wrote:
At 1/8/10 09:07 PM, Blush wrote: Don't worry, I got the perfect guy on the job.

I'm Asian.
I'm glad to know you're Asian. I'm Asian too. Word.

Ken Jeong is also awesome.

Did I mention I love that game?

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:12:41

At 1/8/10 10:05 PM, idle wrote: Anyway, to quote the immortal words of Dylan Moran:

"There is nothing wrong with prejudice. It reminds us of who we are".

I heart you for quoting Dylan Moran.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:19:03

Though I don't think the title's that harmful, Johnny-Utah is certainly being a royal douchebag, if your pms are entirely real.

Lol@ people saying that it's offensive and that Newgrounds is completely based on offensive stuff. I disagree. Does Johnny-Utah acknowledge that it could be offensive? No, he isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with racial humor. But JU is clearly being an idiot (an illogical one at that). The thing wouldn't have been funny anyways. You'd have to force a laugh to laugh at any ching chong jokes.

@Free speech people: he has made his title an unfunny joke intended to purely sound asian, so he has accepted the consequences of it. People have the right to voice their opinions.

FYI: I would be fine with this game if it was actually funny and JU wasn't being so dickish.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:25:30

I'm Asian and i don't think that game is offensive. IF you think the game is offensive then you must have slanted eyes , a moustache and the body of a goldfish. You're giving us Asians a bad name, not all Asians are Chinese pricks like you

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:26:15

At 1/8/10 10:05 PM, idle wrote: People like the OP are why there are so many problems in the world.

So many things have been destroyed by political correctness gone mad, and I would hate to see bastions like Newgrounds falling to the forces of lameness.

Look up 'context' in the dictionary, and start applying it to situations where you apparently see racism and prejuduce, rather than just assuming that every single person who makes any kind of comment against a race which can be deemed offensive also wants to go out on the streets and lynch members of said race.

Being offended by things is nothing but self-indulgent nonsense. EVERYBODY has free will. If you don't like something you can choose to turn it off. There is nothing I hate more than self-righteous pricks who launch crusades against things because apparently THEY didn't like it. I mean, to think that something should be changed or removed just because it offended your sensibilities, how much more self-centered can you get?

People who are offended by things, you are not special. Your opinion isn't more valid because you had some bullshit experience in the past where someone was mean to you. Everyone has actually experienced these things. I mean, to be honest, the OP offends me because he actually took the time to complain about something on a site like Newgrounds, so should he be deleted? I mean, thats the rationale behind these people isn't it? I was offended by something so make it go away, NOW!

Anyway, to quote the immortal words of Dylan Moran:

"There is nothing wrong with prejudice. It reminds us of who we are".

Funny how your words betray you. You say that everybody has free will but you slam me down for my opinion just because you don't agree with it. You claim that my opinion has superiority above all others, but you are in fact making your statement that your opinion is superior to mine. That I should be deleted for even bringing this up? How dare I, oh no!

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:28:59

At 1/8/10 10:05 PM, idle wrote: If you don't like something you can choose to turn it off.

Lmao. You and I both know that that's stupid. Being silent has never helped with anything.

And yeah, CCB clearly took effort. No one except the most extreme would demand it to be removed. At most, they might ask for the title to be changed or something.

And you think this is self-righteous? Where do you see anyone saying that cleansing of racism is beneficial to all? Of course eliminating racism would only be beneficial to the victim race! It's purely a selfish thing!

Overall, I don't even think that the flash's title should be changed. It should be acknowledged, however, that J-Utah is being dickish by making an unfunny racial slur as his title.

Would I even be arguing with you if it was genuinely funny? No. If it was funny, like that one parody youtube video on japanese culture about eating sushi out of samurai sandles, this whole controversy (I use the term lightly) could've been avoided.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:29:02

At 1/8/10 10:25 PM, enigmaticone34 wrote: I'm Asian and i don't think that game is offensive. IF you think the game is offensive then you must have slanted eyes , a moustache and the body of a goldfish. You're giving us Asians a bad name, not all Asians are Chinese pricks like you

Thank you for reminding me that the Asian American community is divided on their stance to be accepted as real people and not as perpetual foreigners. I'm only fighting for what I think is right yet at the same time I am not saying that my opinion holds any superiority over any others.

I am only stating my beliefs.

I'm also happy to know that you automatically assumed I was a prick and that I was Chinese. Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope it makes you happy.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:29:09

Its people like you who go into a big fuss anytime something can be perceived offensive, even by a little bit, they throw a total cow. Having "Ching Chong" in the name isnt any way racist, nor would anyone except overzealous drama queens would even come close to thinking so.

Obama isnt a commie, Islam isnt all evil and Ching Ching Beautiful certainly isnt racist.

"Well shit, Daniel, I just left!"


BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:30:19

At 1/8/10 10:26 PM, immigrantsong wrote: That I should be deleted for even bringing this up? How dare I, oh no!

Thats not what he was saying at all.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:33:08

At 1/8/10 10:26 PM, immigrantsong wrote: Funny how your words betray you. You say that everybody has free will but you slam me down for my opinion just because you don't agree with it.

And this is clearly where you fucked yourself. You have an opinion not a fact, and that's it! Nothing is going to be done because your opinion isn't superior, otherwise you would be an hypocrite based on the statement below.

You claim that my opinion has superiority above all others, but you are in fact making your statement that your opinion is superior to mine. That I should be deleted for even bringing this up? How dare I, oh no!

He never threatened to delete you, stop trying to be a victim.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:34:57

At 1/8/10 09:01 PM, immigrantsong wrote: First off, I think I may be alone in the Newgrounds community for expressing this belief.

I find the name of "Ching Chong Beautiful", the game created by The-Swain and JohnnyUtah to be extremely problematic. I've had hostile e-mails written to me by JohnnyUtah and I know for sure I can't get a civil discussion out of him.

While it may be offensive, i think that it should be taken lightly. It isn't like the creators are part of a massive hate group set to destroy Asians. The game was made to play and have fun. It is just the theme that you seem to be upset with.

IF YOU ARE READING THIS, I am not looking for people to jump on me and think that I'm being ignorant and need to "get over it", "stop being a drama queen", or "get a sense of humor", or God forbid, I'm being a "racist" as well. I'm looking for people who agree with what I say. I'm also looking for people who if they don't disagree with me, they will have an open mind and at least understand where I'm coming from.

I'll listen to try to see what your point is, but i can't give any promises.

With that said, this is my main beef with CCB:

First off, the name was something I could not get JohnnyUtah and The-Swain to understand as the former told me that: "i think you're completely overreacting, id already had plenty of asian people tell me they thought it was funny. if that makes me a dick then so be it." The latter gave me a more long-winded explanation to why it was appropriate.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if they find it funny or not. It is a game and nothing more. It wasn't created to show disrespect in anyway, it was all for comedic value. How can you complain about this when movies like "Gran Torino" were in the movie theaters which many more people saw than played this game.

In "Gran Torino" they actually used racial slurs.(i am not going to post them in this thread though)

Arguments that other Asian people find this hilarious or acceptable DOES not mean that racist slurs & imagery are okay. While it obviously complicates the matter and makes people like me be put on the spotlight for not having any humor, it only avoids the simple issue that once again, racism (whether subtle or overt) is still very much real.

Subtle? It isn't like the main point of the game is to be racist against Asians. You seem to feel this way, but it clearly isn't the case. Would anyone complain if there was a game where you play as an American chasing a burger down the road? I don't think so.

A racist slur is STILL a racist slur. And on top of that, the game is loaded with incredibly demeaning stereotypical images that makes the Asian person and culture look like a less-than-desired foreign object.

I can't say i saw any racial slurs in this game. Stereotypes, yes, but i don't recall any racial slurs.

There is an incredibly large fanbase around the world, and a good part of the fanbase are people of Asian descent. Imagine what it's like for them to check out their favorite flash website, and only to have a game featured on the front page that blatantly mocks their identity and their culture. If they protest or question about it, they are immediately dismissed and ridiculed for not having a sense of humor or that they didn't "get it". Incidents like these are repeated over and over and while the mainstream media isn't aware of this, these people of Asian descent become conflicted whether or not it's appropriate to stand up for their beliefs when everybody tells them making fun of Asian people is okay.

No one is forcing them to play the game. If they feel it is offensive, there is a review button on the flash page and they can say what they felt about it. They can also vote on it whatever they want. That is the great thing about Newgrounds, you have the freedom to express your opinions.

I don't want to do a comparison test but if the game was called "Negro Paradise" or "Wetback Wonders", I do not believe that would fly so well with the general public. However, the name of "Ching Chong Beautiful" comes in and nobody breaks a sweat. Newgrounds, like the mainstream media, has allowed the idea that it is acceptable to mock Asian culture and identity, as part of a punch line.

Because "Ching chong" isn't a racial slur. It is just a stereotype that people have for Asians because of their language. Instead of "Wetback Wonders" the game would be called "Hola Hotel", you see?

I do want to argue that I am not one of those guys who think it's totally okay to make fun of white people for their racial identity as well. But unfortunately, any racial slurs for white people do not carry the same negative weight in comparison to racial slurs against people of color.

And that is right? I think all racial slurs should be equal. You pretty much nulled what you were fighting for. You say slurs against white people don't hurt as much as for other races? That is a completely ignorant thing to say.

I understand that Japanese game shows are indeed ridiculous and over the top. JohnnyUtah responds: "Why don't you go spend your time boycotting those japanese gameshows that are making their culture more of a fucking joke than swain or I ever could."

But understand that these game shows IS their culture and just because people happen to find it stupid does not mean their standards or culture compared to another one are any better or worse.

If there's anything I want, a goal, I hope that if there are people who express my same beliefs, that they are not afraid to speak out. I hope there are people out there who at least see where I'm coming from, even if they don't agree with me. I can only hope.

Ching chong chang ching chong.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:35:00

At 1/8/10 10:28 PM, Kyothine wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:05 PM, idle wrote: If you don't like something you can choose to turn it off.
Lmao. You and I both know that that's stupid. Being silent has never helped with anything.

And yeah, CCB clearly took effort. No one except the most extreme would demand it to be removed. At most, they might ask for the title to be changed or something.

And you think this is self-righteous? Where do you see anyone saying that cleansing of racism is beneficial to all? Of course eliminating racism would only be beneficial to the victim race! It's purely a selfish thing!

Overall, I don't even think that the flash's title should be changed. It should be acknowledged, however, that J-Utah is being dickish by making an unfunny racial slur as his title.

Would I even be arguing with you if it was genuinely funny? No. If it was funny, like that one parody youtube video on japanese culture about eating sushi out of samurai sandles, this whole controversy (I use the term lightly) could've been avoided.

Thank you, Kyothline. It's people like you that I continue to fight for myself, my ethnicity and racial heritage. People may call it bitching, but I call it just not being afraid to speak up. If we were taught that we should be silent for the things that we thought were harmful to us, I'm guessing the Civil Rights movement would've never happened.

"Ching chong" does not have such a negative racial connotation as chink but they both come from an orientalistic perspective that Asians are perpetual foreigners. (This is not to you but just to all the people on this forum. Oh man, why am I still here).

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:35:11

At 1/8/10 10:33 PM, Maverick-Alex wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:26 PM, immigrantsong wrote: Funny how your words betray you. You say that everybody has free will but you slam me down for my opinion just because you don't agree with it.
And this is clearly where you fucked yourself. You have an opinion not a fact, and that's it! Nothing is going to be done because your opinion isn't superior, otherwise you would be an hypocrite based on the statement below.

...What? You've completely missed the point.

You claim that my opinion has superiority above all others, but you are in fact making your statement that your opinion is superior to mine. That I should be deleted for even bringing this up? How dare I, oh no!
He never threatened to delete you, stop trying to be a victim.

I think he was trying to be funny. Either way, idle had a larger strawman by saying that OP was trying to be self-righteous.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:38:25

At 1/8/10 10:35 PM, Kyothine wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:33 PM, Maverick-Alex wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:26 PM, immigrantsong wrote: Funny how your words betray you. You say that everybody has free will but you slam me down for my opinion just because you don't agree with it.
And this is clearly where you fucked yourself. You have an opinion not a fact, and that's it! Nothing is going to be done because your opinion isn't superior, otherwise you would be an hypocrite based on the statement below.
...What? You've completely missed the point.

I completely agree. Where does it say anywhere in his post that "everyone has free will?"

This kid's messing with words and trying to make it seem like he's being specifically targeted by the game.

All I can really say to you, immigrantsong, is, ching chong wonton honorable general.

I hate Poozy.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:38:52

At 1/8/10 10:34 PM, AerodynamicFunk wrote: Ching chong chang ching chong.

Your argument was fine until you threw it all out the window in the end and just mocked me with more ching chong's. Thank you.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:40:37

At 1/8/10 10:26 PM, immigrantsong wrote: Funny how your words betray you. You say that everybody has free will but you slam me down for my opinion just because you don't agree with it. You claim that my opinion has superiority above all others, but you are in fact making your statement that your opinion is superior to mine. That I should be deleted for even bringing this up? How dare I, oh no!

Haha, after reading through your continued replies in this thread, I'm almost inclined to think you are an alt account doing some artful trolling. If not, then I feel for you, really I do. It must suck to be stuck inside the box.

I would construct an intelligent reply, but you have clearly missed the point of my post. Your quote above verifies this.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:41:06

You're mistaken, racism is when a certain ethnic group is discriminated because of their race. The terms "Ching chong" Aren't racist, Asians aren't being discriminated in any way, shape or form when it's being used, it's considered ignorant more than racist, and even that is eliminated because this was used as a form of comedy.

I'm asian btw and I liked the game :P

PM me if you think I am good at MS paint. PMs: 9 Newest By:

darkspartan000 Siggy, made by ME :3

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:41:51

At 1/8/10 10:38 PM, immigrantsong wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:34 PM, AerodynamicFunk wrote: Ching chong chang ching chong.
Your argument was fine until you threw it all out the window in the end and just mocked me with more ching chong's. Thank you.

Chingety chong.

I hate Poozy.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:42:58

So what do you want us to do? Take it off? Now you're impending on free speech, jackass. If this is a problem for you, create a flash making fun of caucasians, or fat americans, instead of crying to us. And then acting like a victim when people give you advice.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:44:11

At 1/8/10 10:38 PM, immigrantsong wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:34 PM, AerodynamicFunk wrote: Ching chong chang ching chong.
Your argument was fine until you threw it all out the window in the end and just mocked me with more ching chong's. Thank you.

Hey,how about countering his argument instead of avoiding it :)

At 1/8/10 10:40 PM, idle wrote: I'm almost inclined to think you are an alt account doing some artful trolling.

Oh god,Id actually congratulate him on his trolling skills if he was a troll.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:45:55

Looks like both sides are represented by debaters who exaggerate and use strawmen.

And I was hoping for a mind-opening argument about racism and prejudice and philosophy. Too bad this is Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:46:58

I'm glad you split up your text.
Johnny is very civil, just defensive...

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:47:46

At 1/8/10 10:45 PM, Kyothine wrote: Looks like both sides are represented by debaters who exaggerate and use strawmen.

And I was hoping for a mind-opening argument about racism and prejudice and philosophy. Too bad this is Newgrounds.

More like 'too bad this is the internet'.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:48:06

At 1/8/10 10:38 PM, immigrantsong wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:34 PM, AerodynamicFunk wrote: Ching chong chang ching chong.
Your argument was fine until you threw it all out the window in the end and just mocked me with more ching chong's. Thank you.

See? This was exactly the reaction i was looking for. I knew if i threw that in, you would say something stupid exactly like what you replied with.

You see, you have nothing for your side of the argument really. Everything that you said really doesn't make any sense, and i proved it all in my first reply to your post. Everything i said was the honest to god truth.

If you are an alt, well played. If not, you really need to take a chill pill. Think about it, he didn't make the game with the intention to offend people, he made it so people would laugh. While some may be offended, they need to learn that it was done with good heart. I'm sure you know Johnny Utah isn't a racist and in fact makes quite a bunch of funny flashes on Newgrounds.

So grow a pair, and accept the game for the game play and not the theme.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:50:58

Protip: Johnny Utah is immigrantsong.

I hate Poozy.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 22:58:29

At 1/8/10 10:52 PM, Dew wrote: ad hominem argument

just letting you know.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 23:06:57

At 1/8/10 10:46 PM, Excursius wrote: I'm glad you split up your text.
Johnny is very civil, just defensive...

Thanks :D

For the others, sigh. Look, I'm not here to accuse JohnnyUtah is racist. I know that a lot of time and hard work was put into this game. I am merely just asking why the game was called the way it is. The point of the post was not me demanding to remove the game or anything of that sort. I was only asking for the opinions of others who agree with me and for those who don't, why they don't in a civil constructive manner.

With all the response and comments that I've received, I've gotten what one would typically expect from the Internet. Confused responses, angry ones, annoyed ones, and the intellectual ones.

I'm re-reading all the comments you guys left and despite whatever anger I might've felt to some of the responses, even for those who are telling me to GTFO, thank you for your opinions. I've learned a lot from this when it comes to posting things about racism. I know that I won't be doing this again, being fully aware of the nature of Newgrounds, so for all you guys who want me to shut up and go eat some wontons, you have reasons to be happy now.

But especially thank you for those who defended me or at least saw where I was coming from.

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 23:25:16

At 1/8/10 11:06 PM, immigrantsong wrote:
At 1/8/10 10:46 PM, Excursius wrote: I'm glad you split up your text.
Johnny is very civil, just defensive...
Thanks :D

you're welcome Johnny.

BBS Signature

Response to "Ching Chong Beautiful"...say what? 2010-01-08 23:36:32

Well, I'm American of Asian decent, and I find it hilarious. When people actually whine about racial insensitivity, it just shows how much you lack a sense of humor. Racism is the belief that one race is superior, and Ching Chong Beautiful is not racist, it just pokes fun with stereotypes. Wars are started because people can't laugh. Do you know what that means?

You're Hitler.

sandwich-eater: you know shits about to go down when you're taking a shit, and gravity is present.

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