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The No Cussing Club

10,571 Views | 158 Replies

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 08:19:52

Here's what I noticed:

- People who never swear do appear smarter
- People who takes an explicit stance AGAINST swearing are usually retards.

Real smart people avoid swearing without having to take a stance against it and do idiot crap like a swear jar or print out t-shirts that say you're part of a club started by a mentally challenged pokemon trainer.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 10:39:19

At 6/24/09 09:24 AM, AdDeOWN wrote: Shit rap video, makes my ears bleed.

Beware, Might make you sick.

His dad looks like hes gonna fucking kill himself. Poor guy

DKhands OG XBL Gamertag

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 10:45:14

He's trying to force others to be like him and impose censorship?

Kind of nazi-ish don't ya think?

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 10:50:31

That music video made me die a little inside.

On a further note about this NC club it does seem rather sad, to have taken such a "crusade" if you will to such an extent does seem rather pointless. I don't swear that much but i can't see the a problem with it, hell the C word(vagina) seems to be worse to use than the f for some reason these days.

It's great that people take up things like this for what think is right, at the end of the day though they arer just words. They only seem wrong or dirty anyway because people make them out and believe them to be.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 10:54:26

Somebody's probably going to kill him, then the media is going to honor him by never forgetting this shit.

Honestly I don't think this will turn into anything big, there's been a lot of stupid crap like this before and I can't recall a single time something actually got pushed through.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 11:06:59

Honestly, I think the kid is just doing it all for attention.
Ask yourselves this, have you ever met a kid in your entire life that is against cussing as much as this?
Kids his age cuss constantly, fuck, I know all my friends, kids that I went to school with, and I did at his age.

And, would any kid with plenty of friends and a caring family do this?

Hes obviously an attention whore or someone that is trying to make something out of his nothing.

Let it die

DKhands OG XBL Gamertag

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:04:51

oh will you stop

this is seriously getting old
all this kid is trying to do is improve the level of communication, he's not forcing you to do anything

I for one support his cause because he is actually brave enough to take a stand and say that we need to improve our morals and your just slobbing on the internet whining over his success and how you dream of beating him up.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:11:38

Let's burn him!Yay!

every day I look out the window to see if the zombie apocalypse has started.so far it hasn't.

and I'm pissed.

Look at it...Look at it god damn It!!

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:49:32

That club is retarded.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:56:08

I was sittin in the schoolyaahd hangin with mah crowd
When some kids came by, talkin really fowl
Every other word was burnin in my ear
So I took a new stand
And I challenged all my peers
If ya wanna hang with us I dont wanna hear ya cuss X2
If you wanna be my peer then please respect my ears

I was sittin in the park
Talkin with my friends
When we heard adults cussin, man rarhrhar
I said " I know im just a kid, but ill challenge you too"
They said " Kid we're really sorry, can we hang with you?"
If ya wanna hang with us I dont wanna hear ya cuss X2

If ya wanna be my peer, then please respect my ears

Blankity blank
Bleepity bleep
I dont wanna hear that speak
Bloopity bloop
Yakity Yak
Stop your cussing
Clean your act

(Passing waahhmbulance)


My dad was watchin news
I was tryin ta chill
When I heard about the language on Capitol Hill
So I guess ill write a letter to my congressman
Id like to give a challenge to my government

If you wanna hang with us I dont wanna hear ya cuss X2

If ya wanna be my peer, please respect my ears

All across the nation, we'll start a new sensation

Let me restate it, keep it G-Rated
Come on, everybody
Fading out

Peace, mothafuckin bitches

DKhands OG XBL Gamertag

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:56:17

Fuck this fucking club.

I agree with you, it's our freedom and just because you were raised a panzi it's other peoples right.
"hey what the fucks up?" "EXCUSE ME? I want to lift you into heaven and make you a better you, don't curse" .... "Fuck you"

tiananmen squar'd!

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 14:58:30

At 6/24/09 09:24 AM, AdDeOWN wrote: Shit rap video, makes my ears bleed.

Beware, Might make you sick.

I think I might shoot myself now..

tiananmen squar'd!

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 15:23:50

At 6/23/09 12:10 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/23/09 10:44 AM, Buffalow wrote:

And what about the first amendment, Freedom of speech?
This is HIGHLY unconstitutional


Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 16:04:19

OK, your a mod, Dont you think you should have posted this in the "Clubs" section of the BBS? other than that, seems like a pretty ok club, but id be out in a few minutes.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 16:11:11

At 6/23/09 04:03 AM, ZenOfAnger wrote: Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

What a fucking stupid idea, fuck you.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 16:29:31

For fucking fuck's sake, this is fucking pathetic.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 17:02:05

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!! your worry that this kid will prompt censorship?

with national drills that going to take place around july, an economy that is
ready to bust, and wars and civil unrest abound. your mad at a kid that want everyone
to stop cussing.

i think there is a tap more important things to get work up about.

man i could go for a burgar right now :/

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 17:23:58

Am I the only one who thought it was cursing and not this "cussing" bullshit?

Maybe later.....

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 20:23:44

The kid either must be a religion freak because of his parents or a stupid kid trying to make a quick buck.

Yes, my name is shit.. I would change it if I could.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 20:58:55

At 6/23/09 04:03 AM, ZenOfAnger wrote: Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

I like this idea.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 21:26:35

Why don't we just go RIck Santorum on him and make up a horribly profane term and assign it to his name?

What's a K-Hatch?


Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 21:36:28

Quite possibly one of the dumbest clubs ever made. I've heard some pretty ridiculous clubs before but this one tops it off. I quite frankly hope they never get any further than they are now.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:11:56


Seriously, Was this kid like beat as a child to do such a think.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:19:30

That's fucking hilarious because it's so fucking retarded. Just wait till they go to college, what are they going to start doing next. Taking away their cigarettes and alcoholic beverages lol

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:21:57

At 6/24/09 10:13 PM, Krypto-Diapers wrote:

Seriously, Was this kid like beat as a child to do such a think.
Brainwashed by his religious guardians. He is a victim, in a way, but now he's old enough to snap out of it if he wanted to.

Kill it.

I don't think he will snap out of it unless someone shoves their fist up his ASS.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:23:05

"Clean language is a sign of intelligence."
So, just because a mentally retarded 4 year old can't say anything, but only screams, he's intelligent? In my opinion, McKay is just a butthurt teen with nothing to do but bitch at others about words.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:29:01

At 6/24/09 10:23 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: "Clean language is a sign of intelligence."
So, just because a mentally retarded 4 year old can't say anything, but only screams, he's intelligent? In my opinion, McKay is just a butthurt teen with nothing to do but bitch at others about words.

Basically yeah, you can be someone who lives a life without bad words and still be dumb as a limp dick, to be honest. This guy doesn't make any fucking sense.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 22:34:31

If I ever see them walking around I wouldn't spite them.

Maybe they'll let me hang out with them.

And I can walk around with them being hated and feeling caged up because i can't curse about my problems to relieve tension.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 23:18:04

its ok when mods rant, god bless newgrounds


BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-24 23:23:23

At 6/23/09 04:03 AM, ZenOfAnger wrote: Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

Fuck yeah.


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