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The No Cussing Club

10,375 Views | 158 Replies

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:48:18

At 6/23/09 04:19 AM, AustinBreed wrote: As my English teacher would say, it's just a word. It's all about context.

Exactly. It's one thing to swear for no reason at all, but it's another if you use do it in the right context.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:50:00

At 6/23/09 04:22 AM, MonkeyV wrote: I've thought about this too, and you're totally right. One thing that bothers me about your wording though...

At 6/23/09 04:00 AM, DirtySyko wrote: The worst part is, the media eats it up. They let the kid on, let him talk...
It would be pretty hypocritical to not let him speak his mind, don't you think?

The media is advertising him to the world, tricking gullible little kids into believing his bullshit.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:52:42

Hey, I know! Let's all sign up at the website and start swearing!


Seriously though, I agree with you

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 08:34:19

At 6/23/09 07:52 AM, Frenzy wrote: Hey, I know! Let's all sign up at the website and start swearing!

Seriously though, I agree with you

Raid their site?

Isn't that 4chan's job?

Bread makes you FAT!?

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 08:56:07

Funny how you mention him now as I was talking to my friend the other day about how absurd the No Cussing Club is. As much as I hate the whole No Cussing Club, I'll be grateful that I won't ever come across the kid who brought up this stupid idea and I'll swear if I fucking want to.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 09:14:15

I don't care much for his movement.Nothing wrong with cussing, it doesn''t make you a bad person.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 09:21:33

wasn't there a thread about this club to have a suicide pact?

cherry garcia: its like having an angel cum in your mouth

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 09:25:22

So basically what your saying is that a little kid is going to enslave us all?


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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 09:27:27

At 6/23/09 04:03 AM, ZenOfAnger wrote: Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

that fuck would fuck be fuck awesome fuck.

inb4 shitstorm

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 09:52:41


my good sir

The No Cussing Club

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:19:51

my good sir

keep on preachin.

cherry garcia: its like having an angel cum in your mouth

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:23:20

For all we know, if his no cussing club becomes a resounding success, then he could easily follow up with a "No Arabs club". And people might listen then.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:34:35

If you hang with me...


God damn that kid's such a douche, I hate how he is glorified for starting a club, yet the idea of the club is limiting what we are allowed to say FUCK HIM I say FUCK HIM TO HELL.


BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:44:00

Hey guys, just because he has a club for not SWEARING (Cussing is what it is called in the South) does not mean he is trying to convert the world to his degree of non-cursing. Do all Hunters Clubs try to convert everyone to hunting to obtain their food? Do all Dancing Clubs try to get everyone to dance wherever they go? No. This kid has a legitimate club and is spreading it as far as he can, just trying to get members, just like any other gay little club. So don't worry, I'm sure we can all sleep at night knowing this kid is just another unimportant person trying to get his 15 minutes, just like us.

Well-a Everybody's Heard About the Word, Tha-Tha-Tha Word-Word-Word the Word is the.....

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:47:12

We have freedom of speech in America. Although, threats don't count as "Speech".

At 6/3/11 10:56 PM, BlakeMo wrote:

: I have no sexual orientation


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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 10:47:21

last I heard a brave group of Internet Super Heros had managed to fix that page ;-)

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 11:12:56

At 6/23/09 04:56 AM, DirtySyko wrote:
At 6/23/09 04:39 AM, 36Holla wrote: It's like the DARE program from a few years ago.
Shit don't get me started on DARE. The program is a fucking disaster and does much more harm than good. It's just not a realistic cause, trying to tell kids, "It's as easy as saying NO." It's nothing less than a brainwashing technique.

The DARE program doesn't exist anymore, at least in my area, and I was trying to get at that it was a useless program that failed, much like how I picture that this kid's club is useless and is going to fail. And in my head, an anti drug program is trying to get a good message across, but their methods of doing so were ineffective and focused more on fear than education of how the drugs affect you if I remember correctly. They would say not to do a drug but not tell you what it exactly did to you and how it could affect your body.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 11:38:53

we should spray paint the word FUCK all over his house,his dad's car, school, the houses beside his house in BIG BOLD RED BLOODY LETTERS then send him a note telling him what he is actualy doing. (what you've said)


BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 11:42:26

I hate that guy i'll swear if i want FUCK FUCK SHIT TWAT CUNT CUNT TWAT SHIT FUCK FUCK!!!! >:(


Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 11:45:25

At 6/23/09 04:19 AM, AustinBreed wrote: As my English teacher would say, it's just a word. It's all about context.


Those who come here with hate (and if your a douchebag) leave now, for hatred will only betray you.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 12:00:55

Bill Hicks would have had a field day with this little 'do-gooder'

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 12:10:17

At 6/23/09 10:44 AM, Buffalow wrote: Hey guys, just because he has a club for not SWEARING (Cussing is what it is called in the South) does not mean he is trying to convert the world to his degree of non-cursing.

Well actually this kid IS trying to convert the world into his degree of non-cursing. He got cursing banned in his hometown and I believe he has the ambition to get cursing banned in all the states of America.

Although I have no idea how they are actually going to enforce such a law. First off, does the law define certain words as swearwords? And can I not call a donkey an ass anymore then? What about contexts? I think it actually won´t be too diffecult to win the case in court, because the law is probably too vague about this anyway.

Secondly, how are they gonna catch me if I swear and how are they gonna prove that I did? I can say fuck right into anyone´s face and he can report me all he wants, but unless he has a tape recorder strapped around him he can never prove anything. Only if an officer catches you redhanded you might get arrested, but otherwise it again doesn´t seem too diffecult to win the case in court.

Thirdly, even if he could get a few words banned and people stopped using those words, new swearwords are gonna come up anyway. And then you could continue banning those words until pretty much every single word that´s ever made up is banned. How is that gonna make the world a better place?

So.. how he actually managed to get this law in his hometown is really beyond. I wonder if the politicians there have given this any thought or have any capabilities at all. As far as I can see, it can only waste a whole lot of time for the police and the local justice system there and can only be a total annoyance to everyone that lives there.

All in all, this kid is on a hopeless mission. But I guess he isn´t old or smart enough to see that yet. Either that or he is only desperatly seeking for attention and doesn´t care about swearing at all.

I hope for his sake it´s the latter.

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 12:28:19

At 6/23/09 04:03 AM, ZenOfAnger wrote: Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

that fuck would shitbe ass a titties great crap club!


BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 12:29:29

I hardly ever fucking swear but this no cussing club is a piece of mfing shit why dont they call it the no cursing club and anyway how would not swearing help any fucking one. It'd be better to have sponsored curseathon to raise money fo' starvin' marvins in Africa and for to show the no cussing club cursing can help people.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:06:47

If there was a no cussing club on NG, I'd probably join it, as I never swear on the forums (well maybe to copy someone, but not as a way of meaning it).

You know the world's gone crazy when the best rapper's a white guy and the best golfer's a black guy - Chris Rock

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:10:29

Cussing makes you noticibly cooler than kids that don't

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:10:55

I actually feel real hate for this faraway shitstain to society.

BLU Wins


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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:13:47

I joined them.

When asked for the following information, this is what I said:

First name: Fuck
Last name: Shit
City: Ass
State: Piss
Country: Bitch
Comments: (this is the part where I spammed the f-word)

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:16:40

This kid is going to wake up one morning and realise that all his website stands for is comunism and he is opposing the greater freedom of human kind
i hope that day dosent take too long

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 13:17:02

At 6/23/09 01:13 PM, AndrewGlisson13 wrote: I joined them.

When asked for the following information, this is what I said:

First name: Fuck
Last name: Shit
City: Ass
State: Piss
Country: Bitch
Comments: (this is the part where I spammed the f-word)

put a better name like Phuck Lee lol

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