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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-18 18:21:55

At 7/17/12 10:45 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Knuckstrike, SkyeWintrest, and NimblekidX were unable to do any requests it would seem.

Guess my message didn't get through or something.

Sadly, I will most likely not be able to do many, if any reviews, for several months. Two reasons: One, I've been in Australia/New Zealand for a little while, and will for the next week (very bad internet access), and two, I'm one of the judges for the NGADM '12, so I'll be VERY busy with that once it starts.

As I said before, I'll try to get a few reviews in, but I'm not too optimistic about it...

You can remove me from the list if you want, or maybe keep me there since I have a pretty big excuse? :P


My AIM piece is found if you clicky the image.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-19 05:22:32

At 7/17/12 10:45 PM, SCTE3 wrote: This week seemed to be a little off since a little over half the people were active while the rest were unable to get any done.

Well, at least i was one of the former, this time!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 9813 | 1528 / 3166 | 048.26% || 039 | 06 / 10 | 060.00% | Coop
02 ) 9339 | 1447 / 3171 | 045.63% || 039 | 06 / 10 | 060.00% | Haggard

Pegged, by Haggard. Should have put more effort in on Monday. Damn.

17 requests this week. Sadly no art,.

Well, that's a positive number to review. 9 is the target number for >50%

Flash Requests (3)
Audio Requests (14)

Well, I'd managed to review two of the flash pieces before the list was posted, so one more to take me to a milestone and then plugging away at the Audio. Doable.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-19 12:58:43

Hey guys, I've never done this before, but I would really love some feedback on my latest submission!
Thanks to any of you who can give me feedback! =)

I'm not very good at drawing, yet I like animating. It's not particularly helpful.

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-19 15:12:36

Not sure if it's been forgotten but I posted here and I'm still waiting for a review for my latest audio piece.

Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-20 09:39:47

At 7/19/12 03:12 PM, J-Rex wrote: Not sure if it's been forgotten but I posted here and I'm still waiting for a review for my latest audio piece.

You're not funny.

Either way, could you please review my latest audio submission? I want to know what I need to improve on (my mix, composition, synthwork, etc.)
Thanks in advance!

New tune: Yag

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-20 10:40:37

At 7/20/12 09:39 AM, Syztm wrote: You're not funny.

Either way, could you please review my latest audio submission? I want to know what I need to improve on (my mix, composition, synthwork, etc.)
Thanks in advance!

Not trying to be funny.


Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-20 12:13:07

At 7/20/12 10:40 AM, J-Rex wrote:
At 7/20/12 09:39 AM, Syztm wrote: You're not funny.

Either way, could you please review my latest audio submission? I want to know what I need to improve on (my mix, composition, synthwork, etc.)
Thanks in advance!
Not trying to be funny.


I assumed it was a joke, because how do you expect these reviewers to give proper feedback based on a 2-second loop? I apologize for being so blunt, then. Sorry for derailing btw, moving on..

New tune: Yag

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-20 16:22:40

I assumed it was a joke, because how do you expect these reviewers to give proper feedback based on a 2-second loop? I apologize for being so blunt, then. Sorry for derailing btw, moving on.

A 2 second loop that I want to know sounds good enough to be continued.

Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-20 19:02:57

Well, if anyone is interested, a review of this would be appreciated.


Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-21 20:52:45

Hey guys. This is my first flash in a while. Those of you familiar with LazyMuffin's shorts will recognize this as a parody of Yotam and Fantasia. Didn't get quite the hits I was hoping, so if I could get some feedback, I'd love you forever. Or until something good comes on TV.

Review Request Club

...the four right chords can make me cry

Some mellow jazz

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-22 00:04:24

Song 3

Hello. A review of this would be very appreciated. :) It's a song from my old band, which I scored and converted to 8bit. I'm curious to see what people would think of it, being that the only opinions I've heard were from the people in the band (so of course, already familiar with the original song). I feel like the vocal part (you could probably guess which part is the vocal part) sounds a bit awkward at times, being that it's not an actual singer singing.

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-22 01:16:56

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-22 07:39:49

At 7/18/12 08:17 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 7/18/12 04:43 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/17/12 10:45 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Any ideas for what updates should be made to the rules?
I couldn't think of anything that needs to be updated, sorry.
More than likely to update and shorten the "Be patient" part seeing how wordy it is.

Come to think of it, maybe the first two questions of the FAQ should be left out. "Why a new thread?" - the thread isn't "new" anymore and I doubt too many remember the old club. "Should we have a FAQ?" - I never seen anyone ask that question, so it's not "frequently asked", heh.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-22 14:31:26

Hello, this is my first submission as well as request for review/criticism. Thanks :)


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-23 17:48:18

Check out my flash animations, and games. I've also made some bad music, and art ;)

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-24 00:05:02

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-24 23:34:20

Yeah, this was not a good week for me. I'll try to get more in this time 'round.

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-25 10:39:33

_Embrace yourselves!_

_Newgrounds needs me? I can be a reviewer?_

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-25 10:56:53

At 7/24/12 10:30 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Member's Update #141

Thanks for the update!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 9828 | 1530 / 3183 | 048.07% || 015 | 02 / 17 | 011.76% | Coop
02 ) 9378 | 1453 / 3188 | 045.58% || 039 | 06 / 17 | 035.29% | Haggard

No 50% this time, but I suddendly had no time to do any more reviews. Oh well, at least I got some reviews done.

At 7/24/12 10:46 PM, SCTE3 wrote: 11 requests this week. No extra audio requests!

No extra audio? This has to be a first!

Flash Requests (2)
Audio Requests (8)
Art Requests (1)

Only 10 requests in total this time. Shouldn't be too hard to get 5 of them done at least.

At 7/25/12 10:39 AM, uglybetty wrote: _Embrace yourselves!_

_Newgrounds needs me? I can be a reviewer?_

Sorry. With your reviews looking like they are looking right now, you can't. Your reviews need to be much more detailed. Have a look at the reviews of SCTE3 or Coop for example, to get an idea of what I mean.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-25 12:54:57

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-25 14:56:06

Review please:

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-26 15:46:42

My first song, please let me know how i did!


Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-26 21:04:33

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-27 01:49:17

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-27 21:33:22

At 7/24/12 10:30 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I imagine SkyeWintrest will also sadly fall off the list and if they do I will also await the day they can return to the club.


Yeah, anyway, since I'm pretty much done with almost all the auditions on the NGADM list (only two left at the current moment, and that'll be done tonight), I'll help out for this week.


My AIM piece is found if you clicky the image.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-28 20:39:10

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-29 13:05:05

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/495756 Ive used this club for reviews in the past and it was greatly helpful. Lets try this again. Please and thank you.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-29 13:21:01

Hey there!

I have made a new piano-jazz piece for piano, bass, beatnik guitar, drums and percussion and would be thankful for some feedback :D

Its my first jazz-arrangement, but i am quite comfortable with it. If you could review this it would be very cool!

Best wishes


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2012-07-29 14:56:44

Last week I posted up my animation Funny School Things Redux. I also released a bunch of extras for it in a separate file, but it went largely unnoticed and I didn't get a single review, though I would love to know if people find it appealing or enjoyable at all. If anyone could watch it and tell me what they thought of it, I would really appreciate it =)

I'm not very good at drawing, yet I like animating. It's not particularly helpful.