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Reviews for "Relic"

The game looked neat and was fun.

SamNelos made some great suggestions but I want to reiterate filling up hp&mp upon leveling up, an undo selection in battle, and the alchemist cat only starting with 1hp (immediately dying in the first battle while I was trying to figure things out).

My suggestions/issues:

1. Have a bestiary (that ties in with the scanner - i.e. the monster shows up in your bestiary when you encounter them but with ?? as stats and you can see the stats of enemy creatures once scanned).

2. Journal - Just some prose that tells you what you've already accomplished and what you're current goal is.

3. Item Economy - This is definitely just preference, but the item economy should be set up so that once you are able, you want to purchase higher level healing/mana items. As it is now, it's simply more economical to just purchase the cheapest items (i.e. the next item costs 2x as much but only does 1.5x the benefit; my preference is for there to be a slight edge in purchasing up - if the next item costs 2x as much it should do 2.1x the benefit or something like that).

4. In Battle:
It shows a bar for hp but only the current MP (would be nice to know the max MP off-hand).
Would like to be able to see skill descriptions by hovering over them in the skill select part of battle.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks! I'll try to fix it!

Obviously a lot of work went into this, but there are several problems. First, the bugs. For example, someone below mentioned that the menu didn't work after they entered the forest - same here. It worked before, but once in the forest mousing over the MENU button would make it brighten up, but clicking would have no effect.

The random fights even when you're not moving are irritating. Also, I find it weird that your party is always looking away from you during the combat and all you ever see are their backs. Yes, you are controlling them and generals always lead from behind or whatever, but it also makes the experience more impersonal (compared to, say, epic battle fantasy...). Regarding the "real-time" combat system - too much waiting. Even when you win, you have to wait while your party does their little victory dance.

Great graphics and atmosphere though. The story seemed ok, at least in the beginning (I couldn't keep playing beyond the first chapter because of all the irritants mentioned above). Just work on the gameplay!

i see you worked hard on this but something about it doesn't keep it interresting very long
or that just me?

Hyptosis responds:

Yeah, it's possible I concentrated too much on the code and let the story get stale, I'll try to do better next time.

The animation is so dam slow, you should put quality option in the game cuz it take longer than 1 min for me to kill 2 enemies when I can 1 hit k-o them both.
When I play this game. I feel like I am playing kiddie game. Where you have to follow everything throughly and that's it. Even though I don't want to continue with the mainstory line yet but I have to because there is nothing else to do in this game except from leveling up your group and i get bored of it so easy.

+good art
+good storyline
-must play exactly like the game want you to
-no quality option+animation bug
-getting bored very fast

It's a decent game, and would be great by most standards. However when i compare it to hood, or to alice is dead its just hard, yes it's a different style game, but those previous metioned seemed like your heart was really in those a lot more, a lot more effort to a much better game, just my opinion. and when is hood 4 coming out!