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Reviews for "Dangerous Dungeons"

*Disclaimer: I know I'm nitpicky in this review and many of my others, but I don't take many points off for minor problems and mention them just so they can be acknowledged and worked on for future games. We're all trying to help make others' games better here.

The Good: Level 6 made me laugh. I'm not going to say why for those who want to experience it themselves, but it was very funny on the first encounter. There were other times where you managed to make me laugh, and I can tell you intended to do just that. The music was good. Not great, but good. It didn't get too repetitive, it actually changed when you entered a new set of levels to give some variety, and it stayed in the background when it needed to. The "level complete" sound effect was good. I liked the way you gave me the small reward of hearing that sound and knowing I had finished another level. Speaking of which, in the cutscenes you actually gave the character some treasure. Not only was this a cool reward as you played the game, but it offered an incentive to keep playing so as to find the rest of the loot. If you had just piled a bunch of gold coins and goblets at the end, it would've been boring having to count how many levels were left before you could finally get something for your efforts, so kudos for keeping me interested in yet another pixilized pile of riches. The actual rewards were nice too; time attack is pretty cool and should be in more games, and the fact that your achievements were also medals is very appreciated.

The Bad:

Not everything needs a sound effect!-While the sound affect that plays when you finish a level is a nice touch, not everything needs a sound effect. Case in point: the "death" sound. It was mildly amusing the first time, but lost all its charm when it played again and again and again every time you died. The "Lolol you died" tone it set would've been fitting in a game like Unfair Platformer or I Wanna Be The Flash Game, but in a game as average as this in terms of difficulty it only made it irritating to hear. The boulder level was quite easy. Indiana Jones could've taken that trophy, had a cup of tea, watched the footy game, and still been able to stroll out untouched. If you planned on making that level hard, you should fix the speed on it so that it actually gives a sense of urgency. Speaking of which, the squid from level 20. How come it waited so long before going after me? It was harder than the first boss, but really only because the level was longer and harder to complete within a time limi, so that actually doesn't make it harder, only more annoying, which I'll get back to later. In fact, the squid level was really just a longer rehash of the boulder level. I am glad you gave a reason he can't swim, albeit a stupid one, but still, what kind of thrill-seeking daredevil treasure hunter can't even swim? That's a real pain in the sewer levels MOSTLY FLOODED WITH WATER! In fact, in the levels with draining/flooding water, you can actually die from going too deep in the water right before it drains away, indicating he doesn't actually drown, but simply dies when he goes too deep in the stuff. Is he so aquaphobic he can't even touch water without thinking, "Oh well, better kick the bucket then..."? I can only put this down as a glitch, seeing as it was just poor programming that caused it. The puzzles, if there even were any I could actually call "puzzles", were too easy. I barely had to think in order to know where to put the box. Also, those blocks from level 14 that alternated between on and off were a good concept, but having to time your jumps a bunch of times was annoying. Not hard, since the blocks took their time in switching so that the window of opportunity was very large, but annoying because you had to do it so darn often. As a side note, the stage select was weird and a little slow to get around. What happened to simple squares with level numbers?

The Fatal Flaw: This is what the whole review has been leading up to. This game is NOT hard. It is annoying. There is a difference and I will explain it briefly with a boss example. Picture a boss that takes 5 hits, but to hit it you have to dodge a large amount of bullets/monsters, grab some item or something, find the weak point after some trial and error, and hit that weak point. The boss gets progressively faster, sends out more enemies, uses more moves to catch you off guard, and/or offers less opportunity to hit its weak spot. That is hard. Now picture that same boss with a somewhat easier to guess pattern, an easier to hit weak point, etc. Better, right? Yes, except it takes 20 hits to kill and there's a time limit. That is ANNOYING. I wish I could think up a more clever example, one that fits with the genre you're pushing, but alas, the definition between hard and annoying is difficult enough to explain as it is. It's really something the game creator needs to practice and experience themselves if they want to really understand that fine line. I personally have no problem with the annoying rage-inducing game genre, in fact it's kinda my speciality, but I do have a problem with an easy game that uses artificial difficulty instead of making the game actually harder, therefore making it annoying. I'd even go so far to say that you tried to make an easy or moderately difficult game, but the fact that you included the tag "hard" forces me to the conclusion that you tried and failed to make an easy game hard!

Conclusion: A promising start, but the artificial difficulty in the "obstacle course with something large chasing you" levels and the overall inaccuracy of your idea of "hard" made me have to quit the game. If it really was hard, I'd have kept playing for the sense of accomplishment, but unfortunately I don't think this game will give me that any more. I think you can do better than this if you could only fix your difficulty problems.

AdventureIslands responds:

Most of the difficulty and other mishaps like weird stage selection come from the fact that this was my very first game I ever made and back then I didn't quite understand game design.

I am aware the game is very flawed, I'm actually working on improved remake with new graphics and piles of other improvements.


Im sorry if you think your game is supposed to be "challenging like an old school game" but have you tested this? I cannot get past level 10 because the jumping is shit and either shoots my ass through the roof or is too weak and I fall in the water, I know the graphics and sound is good, but you made a game too difficult with unnecessary bosses and the difficulty is so bad I could probably do this in real life and im fat. So just a heads up. (P.S) I have been playing for over 3 hours.

AdventureIslands responds:

Yep I have tested this, in fact, I have played it through hundreds of times and my personal best Time Attack time is 15:27:78 with just one death. It's very possible to beat the game and if you read the comments here you will see many people have done it too.

a little harder at roll king roll would make it a little better.

TOO HARD to b fun

The game is beatable but takes like 100 deaths to get the hang of some levels, I gave up at level 20 with my left finger almost falling from my hand

It is as hard as old games like megaman, like the art but I never beaten a single mega man, cuse I give up after I get headache and hand pain.

Put less ninja puzzle and more killing and the game might b awesome!

AdventureIslands responds:

If it makes you feel any better, I have never beaten any classic megamans either.

the keys to a good game

is good controlls. this game has none, i dont really like how the gravitation works, and the keys seem to react strange.