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Reviews for ""Strange Fruit""

The UN Anti-Racism Conference is a joke..

..and is only used by ass-backward countries like Iran to try and outlaw anything that may be deemed too offensive to their ass-backward religion..

..which is EVERYTHING. They accuse Israel of being "cruel racists."

The people that deny the existence of the holocaust and call for Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth have the temerity to accuse the Jews of being racist.

Rage aside, the song was wayyyyyy toooooo slooooowwwwwww...I could only pay attention to the flash for about 30 seconds before I killed it. 5-10 second intervals between lines that is meant to make it have "more of an impact" just makes it "long and tedious."

Also: Anti-Racism is Anti-Free Speech. If you give any world power the ability to limit its' peoples free speech, then you end up with a country like Iran/ China/ Evildoer Korea, where saying anything not on a pre-approved list gets you life in prison/ killed.

Also: There's no such thing as Racism. There's only one race - the Human race. Blacks/ Whites/ Asians/ Hispanics/ and even Canadians share no genetic dissimilaritys with one another.

Also: None of this will matter in a few very short years and is more likely than not just being used to distract you from what is really important, just like all the major religions out there. The people at the top spew forth garbage to convert the masses to a sense of dumbed-down bliss, while they themselves prepare for the awakening. Look up the Vatican/ Pineal Gland/ Pine Cone/ the statues in the Vatican Court Yard.

I gave you 5/10 because I liked the artwork.

J-qb responds:

I did not make this movie to start a discussion on racism, I believe that it is a shame that poeple are judged on what they are/look like instead of what they did. I agree with you that the conference is not a big succes. I did not make this animation especially for this conference, but since I released it this week I felt it worth mentioning.

I knew that I made a risky choice for the song, it is not as 'mainstream' as other music, or even as other versions of this song. I knew that would lose me some points from certain poeple. I still kept the song because I always try to make something I like, not something "the poeple" like.
Thanks for the five points for the artwork


I love it when the philistines flock to a place of unfamiliar and seeming profoundness in order to drag themselves out of their own monotony and to pretend that they have matured having whitened something majestic. Before you blam my review and label it unhelpful read and understand that everything may not be as it seems. A dead pigeon painted gold is still a grotesque sight and it may be easy for people to be taken in by its cheap and false splendour yet it is still a dead pigeon after all. My metaphor runs as a parallel to this video as it seems like a profound piece of majesty yet it is simply a pretentious piece of drivel coated in gold. The video simply lacked subtlety I agree with the racism message but not the way you put the message across. The lyrics and the way the song was sung itself lacked any form of tact or subtlety although the animation itself was good it was unfortunately hampered by the song. Viewers please watch but do not become bloated by the cheap sense of power and so-called profundity offered by this piece because it is simply hollow. I am 100 percent against racism but I don't think this piece does that message any real justice.

J-qb responds:

Thank you for your (colourfull) input. It is much appreciated. I knew beforehand the song would upset some poeple, I chose to use it anyway. I'm sorry you could not appreciate the song, thanks for the compliments on the animation.

controvertial pity

the pictures where very good but its not rele an animation is it?
also the song wasnt atall a good song it was just contravertial IN ITS TIME and if ne thing it was offensive to the ears


Really, I found your art plain and common. Excellent idea, but not expressed in the most creative way. Really (to me) it's more like a music video, that follows the song word for word.

I dont see the big deal.

This flash has been givin alot of praise for a "half ass" flash. Anyone can slap some charcoal drawings up and zoom in on them. Music wasn't original. Personally I did not like this presentation. It had a tone that"African Americans" are still being mistreated and getting the short end of the stick. Hate to tell you but, they have a hell of alot more to use in court, college, and job wise. Me being indian I dont get anything unless I live on a reservation that the white man made for us when they took over our land.

All the kids on Newgrounds gave this a 10 as if it was the "Best" thing they have seen in there 13 year old life.

I get the meaning, but the flash was not well done. learn how to brighten your pictures instead on inconviencing the audience.

J-qb responds:

The pictures where very well visible on both computers I tested it on (one laptop, one old pc). I'm sorry if they weren't bright enough for your flavour.
I agree with you in that it isn't a amazing movie animation-wise.
As for the certain group issue: Hearing the song inspired me to make this movie, the song is about african americans. I didn't feel this issue only matters to african americans, esp. since this issues this song is dealing with are a bit outdated. That is why I explicitly mentioned that it is not about a certain group of poeple. it is just as much about you.