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Reviews for "Gekisen card game"

Could have Been good

I gave it an overall rating of 0 cause the computer cheats, i mean you play and think your going to win with all these good cards in your hand, only to get you butt handed to you no matter what you do, I was playing for quite some time and no matter what i did i could never win, coould have been a great game if not for the fact that you have to wait for cards and have no way to discard other than a crappy card to do so (there for wasting you turn just to discard) then when you get the other guy all the way down to like 10 or less heath he all of sudden has lots of heal cards, wish you could create a better on the idea of it was awesome the rest sucked


Okay this game really plain and simply SUCKED however I have to have constructive criticism from me is this; you had an awsome idea but you didnt make a build your own deck, you didn't set levles for people that are new the trainning computer is almost always going to beat you because they normaly get the best cards right off the bat. So what you should do is creat a build your own deck mode, ristrict the number of cards that you are able to use say 40-60, create a levle monitering unit for different levles of difficult and let me know when you do and then MAYBE you will have a good game on your hands.


This game is shit. Period. I can't see how anyone would give this game more than a 5 rating, and that's being generous. Player icons are taken from Dragon Ball Z, card artwork is taken from Ninja Scroll, and sound is taken from Samurai Showdown. There's not one bit of originality in this game. If you're going to steal material from other sources to make something as your own, at least back it up with some impeccible programming....which also is in shambles. I don't wanna hear people ranting about how its a great game and that I'm being overly critical. This is an open forum where anyone can give thier opinions and this is mine. If you'd like some ideas for improving this game and making it more your own work, let me know, I'm full of ideas.....otherwise, go back to playing with your Yu-Gi-Oh shit.

Had potential but fails, TERRIBLY.

Infuriatingly unfair, unpolished crap.

I have yet to win ONE single battle since playing. I've got opponents down to single digit health whilst i remain at max, and in a few hands i'm dead.

Everytime i have great buffs they are stripped one card after. Everytime i attack with the only patheticly weak attack cards, the AI responds with the strongest. Everytime i debuff the AI it returns the favour 10 fold.

No fun, no fairness and highly frustrating. Great idea, crippled by completly ludicrous coding. I do not suggest this to anyone.. (sorry).

- A5ko

about this

if ur gonna make a card game at least make it with more than 20 cards. it had potential but u ruined it with the badly drawn art, lil variety, and just a lazy effort on ur part.

try again? [ ] yes [ ]no