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Reviews for "Gekisen card game"

Great premise, but flawed play.

I liked this game. I was playing for hours even with the flawed systems and interface. The layout it great, the cards are nice. I enjoyed the power-up system involved and the strategies that could be presented in a match. That said, here are the problems as I see them:

• No discard option. I often ended up with cards that I just used up to no effect because I had no use for them. There were also cards I was trying to avoid using, and ended up using one card out of six over and over again hoping for a discard. I doubt anybody wants to reset thier offense/defense when they have a 10 point lead over the opposition. I didn't want to use up all of my Hazumi points on a cure that I didn't need, after I racked up 84 of them just trying to see how big of a hit I could land.
• Not enough attack draws. There were matches in which I could not defeat my opponent because I could not hurt them. They were regenerating two health each turn, and I could do no damage at all, in any manner. I think the same can be said for the Hazumi cards also. Sometimes I'll end up in a increase/decrease match with my opponent without having an option to do damage or not.
• When the opponent discards, or uses a double attack card, it does not refresh your hand. It's also troublesome to know when you can go again, or if the computer is still choosing, because the cards they use in this process do not get removed from thier hand immediately.
• I found myself never using the poison cards. It seemed every opportunity I tried them out, the computer used the card that turns it into bleeding damage on me. For all the times I ended up bleeding, I could hardly ever find a cure. For every "poison to bleed" card I saved, I never got hit with poison.
• The one-turn effects are virtually pointless to use. They always work against the player also. Timers cycle after a card has played, before the effect. If I reduce the opposition's defense to 0 from 6, it doesn't last long enough for me to attack on my next turn. This makes the card dependent on the double attack one.
• When the other player uses the "see opponent's hand" on you, you can see thier cards. Just a wierd thing to do.
• When using multiple cards, it's slow to react. I'm not sure when I can use the next card or not. A text message notifying you when it's your turn would be helpful here.
• Spelling errors, simple ones. Strenght, Taclke, Typhon (Typhoon); another minor error that could improve.

no strategy in this game whatsoever

I like the general idea of this game, but without at least some semblance of an actual deck (as opposed to cards being randomly generated), there is no way to have a strategy. For that you would have to be able to make up your own deck that has some central theme to it. With this you just have to work with what you get (which is good for tactics), and what you have already gotten has no bearing on what you could get, which removes any possible chance to effectively plan ahead.


dude wth? why do u make the game "not fair"? its not cool to do that, i mean come on, its hard enough that the enemy gets 5 HP every belt upgrade, and u make the enemy get the right cards at the right time and u screw us up by making our "luck" rate very low and get crappy cards and cards that we dont need at a certain "critical" moment? not cool man, 1/5 cause it kept me going for a while...


I wanted to add a higher score man.. i played this game for a day. but when i get to silver belt by having in hand only 2 cards was sheer luck. Love the game but the random crappy cards are killing it. from silver i descented to brown and then blue again. I mean at least I should be able to keep my +5 life points in each round! good and hard game but very strickt. it even detects that I refresh my browser and drops me a belt! I cant even steal some joy out of this game!
I aslo see that you didnt reply to any of the reviews here. thats not good imo

Needs some work

Very addictive, lots of potential, but some serious issues.

-bugs when enemies play certain cards
-too many useless cards, reduce the frequency of high level cards in low level tournaments
-hazumi was almost useless at lower levels, either reduce the points to benefits, or increase the gains by order of magnitude. After a point, this attribute was completely ignored in favor of anything else
-I made it to orange belt and never got any offense, defense, or healing bonus points, what was the point? (pun intended)