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Ng Viking Army

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Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 05:23:20

WOOT. I got promoted.

Also, about the Norse myths, I would like to know if they had significant standard phrases in their stories that helped them remember like Ancient greek Poetry(for example, in Iliad and Odysey there is a standard following word to Athena).

This may be happen because thay have to remember big stories. Mostly i am interested in how Norse civilization affected the customs of other nations, because everyone was calling them barbarians and stupid but they may have affected the nations prooking them so I want to discover the irony between the view of others about Scandinavians and the true value of them.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 06:33:44

At 6/9/09 05:23 AM, TiberiumCrystalKutu wrote: WOOT. I got promoted.

Congratulation, you've earned it!

Also, about the Norse myths, I would like to know if they had significant standard phrases in their stories that helped them remember like Ancient greek Poetry(for example, in Iliad and Odysey there is a standard following word to Athena).

Old Norse skalds has a choice of several metres. They all had rather strict rules, probably making them easier to remember. They also used alliteration a lot, that's when you "rhyme" on the first letter or syllable, which make things easier to memorise. My guess is that they also use movements and music to help their memories when reciting.

We still use alliteration in Swedish, for example;
"buller och bång" - making a lot of noise, but perhaps not with a lot of effect
"stock och sten" - running over "stock och sten" means leaping quite elegantly over problems, and also quite literally running through the woods leaping over logs and rocks

I was just about to write a small piece on something that might put a little light on this. Let's see when I can get it finished.

This may be happen because thay have to remember big stories. Mostly i am interested in how Norse civilization affected the customs of other nations, because everyone was calling them barbarians and stupid but they may have affected the nations prooking them so I want to discover the irony between the view of others about Scandinavians and the true value of them.

That's a big one and interesting. . I'll have to look closer into that and come back to you in a while. Or perhaps Leidolfr has something he is willing to share.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 06:59:48

The Old Norse skalds had two somewhat special tools when writing poetry, the heite and the kenning. Anyone who's studying Old Norse mythology will sooner or later run into these expressions and therefore an explanation may be in order.

A heite is more or less just another name for a person, place or thing. For example some heiten for Odin are Allfader, Ygg and Gangrad. For Frey some heiten are Ing, Yngve and Frö. Rather straight forward, but a heite can still be something of a code.

Here's were the fun starts. A kenning is a metaphoric name for something, or an allegory, and sometimes you really need to know your myths to decode them. I'll use Odin as an example again. One kenning for Odin is The One Eyed God, since he has only got one eye. A more difficult kenning is the name of the world tree Yggdrasil, while it looks like a name or heite it is actually a kenning. Ygg as mentioned above is a heite for Odin, drasil means horse. So Odin's Horse, but to understand this you have to know about the myth where Odin hung in a tree for nine days, "riding" the tree. That's how kennings work.

A few more. Swords can be called "sarlaukR", meaning wound onion. Why? Well, old bronze age sword had a onion shaped blade (not like a modern round onion, but more like a spring onion), while this shape where no longer in use during the Viking era, the kenning was still alive.

Golden arm rings could be called "gift of kings" since it was customary for kings to give golden rings as gifts to warriors and skalds.

My belief is that both heite and kenning were tools that also helped the skalds to memorise and recite the myths, plus making the audience part of the story telling since to understand it all they had to have a certain amount of knowledge and even perhaps to think a bit. Probably a very clever kenning would give the skald high praise.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 11:06:59

Whoah, thanks vdviking.

Also, does anyone here think that this is the most informing-term valuable thread on Newgrounds?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 11:27:31

At 6/9/09 03:44 AM, vdviking wrote:: `

TiberiumCrystalKutu, I believe you have been with the army for a significant enough amount of time, and have been active enough to be moved to the position of House Carl.

I do agree...

Also, Leidolfr. Your knowledge of Norse lore has been immensely useful to the army. If you so wish, you may move to the position of Blotgodi.

Yeah l saw that one coming as soon as he started posting all that intresting stuff...

The New Battle Order of the NGVA should be like this then (let me know if I made any mistakes)
Current Organisation of the NG Viking Army
Jarl - DeathNoteetoNhtaeD
Stallari - HeavyTank
Stambo -
Thul - vdviking
Blotgodi - Leidolfr


House Carls



I do believe his name is Me-Patch....anyway l remeber that here we also have a honorary title...uh, could ou remind me its name?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 11:37:20

At 6/9/09 11:27 AM, HeavyTank wrote: I do believe his name is Me-Patch....anyway l remeber that here we also have a honorary title...uh, could ou remind me its name?

You are right, strange that it has gone unnoticed for so long. Even by himself.

The other honorary title - perhaps it is skald you're thinking of

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 16:40:12

At 6/1/09 11:25 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
At 5/31/09 11:40 AM, smeagol1 wrote: Im look at buying a nice viking shield that has dragon designs on it.
Here's what you should've done:

1.Can l join?Yes you can
2.Thanks!No problem
3.Im look at buying a nice viking shield that has dragon designs on it.

Now, shall we try again?And next time, read the first page :/

First off asshole I been here since the start. Second I rarely post in this club. Third you should seriously get off my nuts. Fourth I mistyped that I ment to say Im looking for a nice shield with dragon designs any links?

There, that better asshole. Shall I send you to hall up high?

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 16:57:46

At 6/9/09 04:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote: First off asshole I been here since the start.

You seem to have some serious issues if you start to insult people over a shit thing like that. Ever heard of a thing called netiquette?

Second I rarely post in this club.

It's not very easy to know if you're a member or not if you post once in a blue moon. You have never even bothered to correct me about your omission from the members list.

Fourth I mistyped that I ment to say Im looking for a nice shield with dragon designs any links?

Since the Vikings didn't use emblazoned shields as such, this is not the right fora. Try the Medieval Club.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 17:11:46

At 6/9/09 04:57 PM, vdviking wrote:
Since the Vikings didn't use emblazoned shields as such, this is not the right fora. Try the Medieval Club.

Lies! I've seen a shield with dragons on it in a documentary! Im just...... fuck it. Whats the point.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 17:31:56

At 6/9/09 05:11 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Lies! I've seen a shield with dragons on it in a documentary! Im just...... fuck it. Whats the point.

It would be nice if you could remember what documentary that was, I'm always willing to the proven wrong.

Here's a few links to Viking shields:
http://www.viking-shield.com/shields.htm l
http://www.viking-shield.com/shields2.ht ml
http://www.viking-shield.com/shields3.ht ml

There's one with dragons painted on it, but those is not of Viking ornamental style.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-09 19:13:50

Sorry if I was being an asshole earlier. I often get those pissy mood attacks.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 02:13:41

At 6/9/09 07:13 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Sorry if I was being an asshole earlier. I often get those pissy mood attacks.

Not a problem, but please try to control yourself here in the NGVA.

And I hope you will become more active in the NGVA, questions and facts are all welcome.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 07:03:16

At 6/9/09 04:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
At 6/1/09 11:25 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
First off asshole I been here since the start. Second I rarely post in this club. Third you should seriously get off my nuts. Fourth I mistyped that I ment to say Im looking for a nice shield with dragon designs any links?

There, that better asshole. Shall I send you to hall up high?

First off l want you to get off this fucking army right now, if DeathNote will allow me to do so...
Okay, l got it wrong, but how could l know it when you only posted 2 or 3 times?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 14:52:45

At 6/10/09 07:03 AM, HeavyTank wrote: First off l want you to get off this fucking army right now, if DeathNote will allow me to do so...

Hold on. He apologized, and that'll get him absolution as far as this little incident goes. But, if it happens again, you may do what you will.

Okay, l got it wrong, but how could l know it when you only posted 2 or 3 times?

True, it's easy to overlook people who scarcely post.
Just try to control yourself Smeagol. I wan't no in-fighting, or baseless insults of the more esteemed members. Or any members, for that matter.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 21:49:35

i would like to join!
does anyone know much about throwing axes?

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 21:59:13

At 6/10/09 09:49 PM, dooseyboy wrote: i would like to join!

Welcome the the Army. First off, read up on the rules, which can be found in vdviking's sig from the link titled "Thul of the NG Viking Army".

does anyone know much about throwing axes?

They hurt.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 22:02:44

At 6/10/09 07:03 AM, HeavyTank wrote:

First off l want you to get off this fucking army right now, if DeathNote will allow me to do so...
Okay, l got it wrong, but how could l know it when you only posted 2 or 3 times?

I rarely will exsist here. Look at me as a Loki figure, nah better yet look at Sirtom as a Loki figure. When he is released him and I will board Naglfar and bring Ragnarok here. lol

But, I apologize for my pissy mood attack. That happens I ask you to forgive me.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-10 23:49:51

At 6/10/09 10:02 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
But, I apologize for my pissy mood attack. That happens I ask you to forgive me.

Uh, well, l guess l had to read the posts below because, the truth is, l responded to the post as soon as l read it...well, you would've done the same, wouldn't you?
Eh, anyway, as long as you're aware of the fact that you overreacted you're forgiven :)

Also, a warm welcome to our new member!
By the way, l have some questions about viking weaponry too:
Did the Vikings had any ormanetal weapons that they only had for decoration?
And did they use any weapons other than axes, spears, shortswords, shields and bows?
What kind of sieging equipment did they use?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 00:50:46

At 6/10/09 11:49 PM, HeavyTank wrote:
By the way, l have some questions about viking weaponry too:
Did the Vikings had any ormanetal weapons that they only had for decoration?
And did they use any weapons other than axes, spears, shortswords, shields and bows?
What kind of sieging equipment did they use?

I know:)

Vikings first invented the Ballista. That thing that throws huge arrows. They used it to fight the poor fortifications of their Swedian enemies. Also, after doing trades with Byzantine Empire, they used the Mangonel(that thing with the barrel) that was used so they can conquer the big Swedian cities. The war between Vikings and Swadians ended when Viking nations migrated to Moscovy and create( in combination with Moravs(or smth like it), the nation of Russia.

The vikings added the culture and the customs and the war training and the others added the political aspects and the language.

Then, the vikings were weak and the war between the Viking nations and Swadia ended. Then the Vikings were not progressive and they had a little techinical outbreak when trying to conquer Britain(there, they learned more things about Mount&Blade(fighting in a horse).

hey also created cannons at 1723 when Swadians were friends with Russia and brought the cannon making art to Scandinavia.

But then, the Vikings started dissappearing and slowly, they were transformed from a nation, to an old way of thinking. This was all I knew.

(At last, I post smth useful:D)

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 00:57:16

At 6/11/09 12:50 AM, TiberiumCrystalKutu wrote:
Vikings first invented the Ballista.

The Vikings invented it?That's awesome!

The vikings added the culture and the customs and the war training and the others added the political aspects and the language.

hey also created cannons at 1723 when Swadians were friends with Russia and brought the cannon making art to Scandinavia.


(At last, I post smth useful:D)

There's always a first time :D

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 05:03:57

And.... to prove that info right:

Scandinavian countries have tons of wood and they were using it for almost everything. They were even heating it and using it as fishing net.

So, they were cutting trees, they were making them sharp and they were making balliistaes from wood too.

(Vikings were first to use ballistae in North Europe. In South Europe, ballistae or Spearthroaener(in Persian) was created firstly by Persians using the woods of India).

And, because you asked about weapons, the most classic Viking weapon, the double Ax, was created, because soldiers deep in enemy trritory could cut woods and make fortresses and because Vikings were mostly facing Moscovian wolves, who attack in packs surrounding the enemy, Vikings needed a weapon that can attack from both sides quickly.

(In south Europe, the Double Ax or "Thiplos Pelekys" in Greek was created by Minoans for religious purposes).

As you see, the Vikings are representing the inventions of the Southern European Nations and they bring them to barbaric Franks and Spaniardse.t.c.

(Here's a pic of a Double Ax at my dad's country house at crete:D)

Ng Viking Army

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 10:11:51

At 6/11/09 12:57 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
At 6/11/09 12:50 AM, TiberiumCrystalKutu wrote:
Vikings first invented the Ballista.
The Vikings invented it?That's awesome!

Hmmm, I never would have thought. I mean, anytime you really hear about viking warfare, siege weaponry is rarely brought up. But damn, that's impressive.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 15:35:11

You are right. Scandinavia was a lone place. A place where people had to face the nature itself. That is why the Vikings were so hard-made.

A note. Vikings are often being mistaken for Norwegians. Originally, Vikings were barbarians( nomads) in all over Scandinavia. The first Scandinavian nation to follow a constitution was Swede, and that is why Swadians were fighting the Vikings.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 18:38:28

I find it bullshit that theSamurai was a better warrior than the viking. But then again it's spike tv who would use that as a good resource.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-11 22:19:38

Going back to the question of viking weapons, I just found this http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles /manufacturing/text/viking_sax.htm a minute ago. Apparently the vikings used a special kind of blade called a sax, I have never heard this before so maybe one of you guys could enlighten me.

Thanks to Turkeybean for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-12 02:21:55

At 6/11/09 10:19 PM, HaveUbeenFooFighting wrote: Going back to the question of viking weapons, I just found this http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles /manufacturing/text/viking_sax.htm a minute ago. Apparently the vikings used a special kind of blade called a sax, I have never heard this before so maybe one of you guys could enlighten me.

The sax or seax was a pre-Viking or perhaps early Viking bladed weapon. It had one cutting edge, no point for thrusting and was traditionally hammered into shape cold. To sax were usually made in two sizes, a smaller short sword called scramasax, and a long sword called langsax. Viking (Scandinavian) knifes were made with this shape for a very long time.

Just put seax or scramaseax into a google picture search and you'll get plenty of good pics.

The name sax is closely connected to the north German area Saxony (Sachsen in German), from were the Saxons migrated to the British Isles. The word sax can also be found in scissor, and that's why it is called a pair of scissors, or as it is a pair of saxes.

The webpage were you found the info did cover most of the facts, I just tried to fill in a few blanks.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-12 03:09:19

At 6/11/09 06:38 PM, smeagol1 wrote: I find it bullshit that theSamurai was a better warrior than the viking. But then again it's spike tv who would use that as a good resource.

Well, not really because samurais dedicated their life to the mastery of the weapons since the other social classes weren't allowed to use them, so the country relied on them for its defence...

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-12 06:13:51

There is an analogy between countries. We can find out many same things to extremely different places. Samurais were the type of the Defender, the one who was loyal to his country and would face even an army of Americans to delay the doom of his country even by one second.

The same loyalty can be found in the oath of the Knights Templars. They were swearing that they will do everything it may take to fullfill their duty. The difference here is that Templars were not only warriors byt physisists, poets and artists that wanted to accomplish the will and deliver the Templar ideas through works of art and text.

The same loyalty but only in its military aspect was found in ancient Sparta, a place not very different from Scandinavia.

Greece was full of mountains. Its people was living divided by wars and by nature. That is why Greece is like Scandinavia. A lone place where men and women had to be hard fighters that will save their homeland.

That is why in Marathon e.t.c. the Greek army of ~5000 men fought the Persian Royal army of ~1000000 men.

Sparta was a nice example of loyalty to the country. Spartan boys were taken to live in the nature at 7 years old. They could only eat by stealing. There was a military test that children had to steal cheese wedges from an altar of Artemis, the same time that other men had to whip them till DEATH!

The "winner" with the most cheese was allowed to wear a small cape for the rest of the day, because boys from 7 till 20, during their training wore only a robe without changing it and with no shoes. They were sleeping at rocks and they were stealing(with biger punishments if they were caught) and they were hunting.

I want to show that in amny different places like Greece, Scandinavia and Japan the beliefs were the same.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-12 06:21:37

At 6/12/09 06:13 AM, TiberiumCrystalKutu wrote: There is an analogy between countries. We can find out many same things to extremely different places. Samurais were the type of the Defender, the one who was loyal to his country and would face even an army of Americans to delay the doom of his country even by one second.

Even if Americans were not a big thread at that time XD

The same loyalty can be found in the oath of the Knights Templars. They were swearing that they will do everything it may take to fullfill their duty. The difference here is that Templars were not only warriors byt physisists, poets and artists that wanted to accomplish the will and deliver the Templar ideas through works of art and text.

And let's not forget that they had some cool helmets...

The same loyalty but only in its military aspect was found in ancient Sparta, a place not very different from Scandinavia.


That is why in Marathon e.t.c. the Greek army of ~5000 men fought the Persian Royal army of ~1000000 men.

Then will shall fight in the shade.

Definitely in the top 10 heroic words ever to be said by a human being.

I want to show that in amny different places like Greece, Scandinavia and Japan the beliefs were the same.

Pretty much the same, although there were some small variations...


The Vikings rowed themselves to battle.

Unlike the Greeks and Romans, who used galley slaves to row their great warships, the Vikings took full responsibility for this strenuous activity. This tells us two things: 1) the Vikings didn't feel that rowing was beneath them-they pursued competence in every area pertaining to their success, and 2) they were seriously ripped. No wonder the people of Europe were afraid of these guys-their muscles were moving twenty-ton boats through the water!

Here's The Rebelution's challenge: Do hard things. Learn a lesson from the Vikings. Do hard things and you will carry the battle every time. If you are willing to take on responsibilities that others delegate or neglect you will gain the benefits of that exertion.
The Vikings rowed themselves to battle.

Unlike the Greeks and Romans, who used galley slaves to row their great warships, the Vikings took full responsibility for this strenuous activity. This tells us two things: 1) the Vikings didn't feel that rowing was beneath them-they pursued competence in every area pertaining to their success, and 2) they were seriously ripped. No wonder the people of Europe were afraid of these guys-their muscles were moving twenty-ton boats through the water!

Here's The Rebelution's challenge: Do hard things. Learn a lesson from the Vikings. Do hard things and you will carry the battle every time. If you are willing to take on responsibilities that others delegate or neglect you will gain the benefits of that exertion.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2009-06-12 06:26:58

At 6/12/09 06:21 AM, HeavyTank wrote:

Oops, l pasted it twice :P