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Newgrounds Police Dept.

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Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-23 23:26:28

At 3/23/09 11:08 PM, Elder500 wrote:
At 3/23/09 11:02 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:
On the note of economics, I honestly want to hear what you have to say. Seriously, go ahead; I'm listening (I'm not trying to start a fight, I really want to hear your opinion. However long it is, I'll read it, so...if you're willing, go ahead!), I want to get an opinion from everyone.
On another note, the whole hateful thing, wouldn't giving a description filled with f bombs and those other f words be considered hateful? Can we whistle that, or does it have to be in the flash?
I believe it has to be in the flash, but maybe you could whistle if the description uses seriously hateful things, like the "n" word.

I hate ranting. But whatever if you want to read it.
Here's the deal with the economic situation right now. Everyone liked to blame the republicans for not doing stuff right, when nobody realized that dems had control of the house and the senate, and passed everything that happened in government for the last few years. The auto companies and the banks should have been let go bankrupt. If I recall well, airline companies went bankrupt a while back, and they pulled out of it just fine. In fact they came out even better for it, because they learned their fucking lesson. Do you honestly think that a child who breaks your dishes will stop breaking dishes if you give him more. No, the way that capitalism works is if a company fails then another one takes over.

Yea there should have been a lot more oversight into what was going on, but the banks reaped what they sowed. They knew they were overextending themselves with bad loans and bad mortgages but now they don't even get punished. Hell, they even get fat bonuses for their execs. You should get payed by what you perform, not just for holding a title.

And now stupid dems want to burn more cash, throw away more money, for what? IT'S NOT GOING TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. People can't get any loans at the low interest rates because the banks don't give them out. Nobody can get money. What they needed to do is tell the banks that they would give them money only if the banks were to then loan out money to people again.

I know a guy who is probably worth ten million and who owns a bunch of property and he tried to get a loan and he couldn't. So he just paid for the property he was buying in full cash. A man who can pay property with his own money, can't even get a loan for that amount?? The banks are now going to the other extreme of needing too much security. They need to find a just middle again.

And bailing them out was the worst thing they could've done.

And don't even get me started on the idea of socialism and what Bobama is trying to do. I lived in fuckin Quebec for 19 years of my life, and socialism does not work. It doesn't work in Canada, and it doesn't work in Europe. It works if you want to have a crappy lifestyle, a shitty health care system, and even crappier jobs. Even the europeans are currently electing left wing people because they are finally realizing that socialism is an impossible concept.

Why? because people are completely fuckin lazy ass pigs. If you spoon feed them, they will not put any effort forth. Capitalism worked in the U.S. for so long because people actually worked hard to get where they wanted to be. Socialism, every works for the government, has job security and don't have to put out. So all you get is minimum effort. That gives you crappy service, slow waits for all governmental services, and no good job possibilities.

It's human nature, that's all.

And don't get me wrong, socialism is a great idea. I'm all for an utopian world where everyone is happy and has a great life and there is no poverty.

But it is what it is : an Utopia. A completely unrealistic world because we are humans, and humans will only do what they need to do, nothing more, unless they are pushed to do more.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-23 23:28:58

At 3/23/09 11:22 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: Okay, clarification. I was told wrong, you can't contact forum mods to do anything.
And since PM'ing Wade or Tom is out of the question, HOORAY --
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/48 8333
is going to stay on the site.
Wonderful bunch of staff we have here. Newgrounds, Porn for Everyone.

Yea you know, they really need to get portal mods. So we can delete that crap right away.

Elder - don't worry about offending me, it was a crappy review, I was just trying to prove a point.
But it was a crappy movie too. I usually give good reviews, you can look at my reviews. I've only had three deleted since 2002.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-23 23:33:46

If it was a 8 or 10 star review it would have stayed. The thing was, it was a 0 star review without constructive criticism. I've said crappy things in 10star reviews, that stay, but the 0star'd got removed.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-23 23:43:59

At 3/23/09 11:26 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: But it is what it is : an Utopia. A completely unrealistic world because we are humans, and humans will only do what they need to do, nothing more, unless they are pushed to do more.

Thanks, I read the entire thing, and I agree with you for the most part, especially socialism; it's good on paper, but the practice is when it messes up.

Boo about lack of Admin deletion. They should be a little more active about spam flashes; I know they're busy, but they barely reply to any PM.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 00:31:30

I got a Gauntlet finally! Now I can go medieval on myself when I go to stroke it.

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 00:37:19

At 3/24/09 12:31 AM, Phobotech wrote: I got a Gauntlet finally! Now I can go medieval on myself when I go to stroke it.

Aren't you scared of having it rust from the juice.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 00:51:33

At 3/24/09 12:31 AM, Phobotech wrote: I got a Gauntlet finally! Now I can go medieval on myself when I go to stroke it.

I can't stroke myself with a hammer, much to my dismay. I hope the blood on it isn't mine.

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 01:00:36

At 3/24/09 12:51 AM, TailsPrower wrote:
At 3/24/09 12:31 AM, Phobotech wrote: I got a Gauntlet finally! Now I can go medieval on myself when I go to stroke it.
I can't stroke myself with a hammer, much to my dismay. I hope the blood on it isn't mine.

Haven't you seen those movies where guys hammer nails into their urethra?

That's where my blood came from.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 01:53:48

At 3/24/09 12:37 AM, SpiffyMasta wrote:
At 3/24/09 12:31 AM, Phobotech wrote: I got a Gauntlet finally! Now I can go medieval on myself when I go to stroke it.
Aren't you scared of having it rust from the juice.

Dude, I'm Phobotech! I'm a freakin' robot that can jizz oil!

Oh, and Tails.

Pain Olympics.

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 06:45:32

At 3/23/09 06:39 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/48 8334
Things like this just make me want to cry. I mean, AIDS is no laughing matter, so I blew my whistle and said it was hateful. Honestly, some of the stuff people tend to joke about, how dare they?

Four words: Get used to it. AIDS is one of the things that people joke about the most around Newgrounds. It's wrong, though it isn't going to change. Unless something is strongly racist, sexist, or otherwise very offensive, I wouldn't blow the whistle on it. You're free to make your own decisions, though.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 06:48:47

At 3/24/09 06:45 AM, mwmike wrote: Four words: Get used to it.

Sorry for late reply. I started that post last night, when it was the most recent post, but while I was writing it I started to puke (a lot). When I woke up this morning, I finished it off and posted it, before realizing that a lot of people had already replied.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 07:05:07

At 3/24/09 01:53 AM, Phobotech wrote: Pain Olympics.

Wasn't there a thread about that? I want to see someone try level 18. ;)

At 3/24/09 06:48 AM, mwmike wrote: Sorry for late reply. I started that post last night, when it was the most recent post, but while I was writing it I started to puke (a lot). When I woke up this morning, I finished it off and posted it, before realizing that a lot of people had already replied.

It was weird waking up and finding someone posting 4 minutes ago instead of 4 hrs ago. Are you alright, though?

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 07:15:44

At 3/24/09 07:05 AM, Elder500 wrote: Are you alright, though?

Not really. I've been lying here for hours drinking water and throwing up, and nothing else. Thanks for asking, though. How are all of you?

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 12:58:31

At 3/24/09 12:09 PM, Lizzardis wrote: I was just going to say why didn't you go to school. You sound bad man. Any idea what it is?

Not really, but it's likely to be a bug going around my school, as a friend of mine was sick on the bus to there this morning, and there was some around the school grounds, so more than a few people have been puking recently. I also recently had my head knocked against a metal gate, so that could be the cause of it as well.

I'm good. I got 75% in a maths test today, it was on Pythagoras' theory thing and trigonometry!!
I'm chuffed!

Well done with that!

I'm also ill, got the common cold. (Heavy arms, blocked nose, bad throat etc etc)

I hope you get better soon.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 14:31:48

At 3/24/09 02:00 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Why did you get your head knocked against a metal gate??

I was hit by a football while I was leaning against it. It pushed my head backwards, and the side of my head hit it quite hard. It wasn't bad, though I felt pretty dizzy for the rest of the day.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 14:40:51

sorry, american. by football did you mean football or soccar ball?

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 15:04:35

At 3/24/09 02:40 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: sorry, american. by football did you mean football or soccar ball?

Soccer. If you see me, or most British people, referring to Football, then the chances are that they're referring to what you will know as soccer.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 15:12:48

At 3/24/09 03:04 PM, mwmike wrote:
At 3/24/09 02:40 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: sorry, american. by football did you mean football or soccar ball?
Soccer. If you see me, or most British people, referring to Football, then the chances are that they're referring to what you will know as soccer.

i figured, i just wanted to make sure.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 17:04:41

At 3/24/09 07:15 AM, mwmike wrote: Not really. I've been lying here for hours drinking water and throwing up, and nothing else. Thanks for asking, though. How are all of you?

Aw, sorry to hear that. A speedy recovery to you. :(

Sorry for the delay, I posted that right before I had to leave. I'm fine, but right now I'm a bit pissed off because I almost had my car towed (had to pay $100)! *Sigh*

At 3/24/09 03:04 PM, mwmike wrote: Soccer. If you see me, or most British people, referring to Football, then the chances are that they're referring to what you will know as soccer.

It makes more sense that way. I don't understand why the US still holds onto our "football" and English number system. It would be a lot simpler if we used metric, now we have to learn both English and metric. Also, the English is messed up; 12 inches in a foot, 8 oz in a cup, etc.......why can't we just use tens?

But I have got to admit, I do enjoy playing American football more than soccer. Depends on who I play with, but that's usually it. ;)

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 17:12:35

At 3/24/09 05:04 PM, Elder500 wrote:
But I have got to admit, I do enjoy playing American football more than soccer.

hell yeah. i play football for my school, and i love it, lol.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 17:41:47

At 3/23/09 11:26 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:

lol, ok, I see some of the points in this, but I want to say this fist before I start in saying that: No one political party is to blame. Not one. Just look at Hoover during the Depression; he received the same rap as the Big R's: not doing enough.

What I want to say is this: that Recessions have occurred before. they occur every ten or twenty years (i can't remember which right now :S) We will get through this one just like the others; we'll just be a little smarter this time :)

And as for the money: Obama gave a large amount to bail out the big 3 auto companies. The question is this: should he have let them die and had all those people they employ lose their source of income? Would that help at all? no, it would not help. At least with people still making money, they can still buy product.

Cycle of economy!~~~~

1. Person buys product.
2. company makes profit
3. people make money working for company.
4. repeat step 1 and continue cycle.

~~~Reasons for recession and depression~~~
1. people buy on credit. Therefore, they have to stop buying product to save money to pay loan.
2. company makes no profit, therefore makes cuts to save money.
3. person loses job and is unable to pay loan.
4. Company goes, "FUUUUUU-"

Or at least this is what happened with the Great Depression.

In my opinion, no one is to blame for this recession, but whether your a D or an R, the president is the one making the choices and we have to wait with baited breath in hope that he makes good on his word of helping us all.

(I ARZ A DEM!!!! XD ARRRRRRR!!!) lol

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 17:46:41

At 3/24/09 05:41 PM, sinskae wrote: Or at least this is what happened with the Great Depression.

It looks like you took history class too. You just simplified my big bad rant that I posted earlier. :)

In my opinion, no one is to blame for this recession, but whether your a D or an R, the president is the one making the choices and we have to wait with baited breath in hope that he makes good on his word of helping us all.

And then comes AIG's bonuses, and corruption in business. At least half of the injections went into their pockets, and that's no good for the working people. We need more money circulating, but they just try to increase uneven distribution of wealth (also a cause of the Great Depression).

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 17:52:40

My God, too much history. ARRGGHH!! I go to NG to get AWAY from Euro :(. Anyway, I'll put in my two cents later, I go a Euro assignment to finish.


Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 18:22:33

At 3/24/09 05:41 PM, sinskae wrote:
At 3/23/09 11:26 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:

(I ARZ A DEM!!!! XD ARRRRRRR!!!) lol

Yea I see where you're going with this. And we obviously will not agree on our opinions here. Cause I do think they should've let them die. Just like the Airlines went bankrupt, they would've survived. I don't want to pay for other people's errors, i.e. the unions people started at GM and Ford that made them get paid way too much for the shitty job and work they did. I have a big problem with unions and that kind of stuff. Yea workers have rights, but unions push those rights way too far and workers get to feel like they are owed things, not that they have to work for them.

There's a fine line where a privilege is not a right, but people confuse that very often and turn privileges into what they feel they have as rights.

And honestly, giving every family in the US a couple thousand bucks rather than wasting it on a stimulus package that will not stimulate the economy whatsoever and waste a bunch of money, would have been much more effective.

If I recall Bush delayed a recession this way last year. I know I got my bonus and spent it.

Economic cycles are so futile. The whole concept is nothing but thin air. It likes to implode once in a while.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 18:27:27

Hey, guys! Sorry to interrupt the economy talk, but this was submitted by a BBS regular! I'm sure you all know him!

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 18:32:09

that guy actually seemed pretty funny. the flash was just a pivot, but i liked his back story, lol.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 18:46:34

I see all of your lengthy economic discussions, and raise you...


Want my girlfriend? Well.. how old is that cow, and does it still produce milk? Fuck yeah seaki......er....bartering.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 18:54:57

At 3/24/09 06:46 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: I see all of your lengthy economic discussions, and raise you...


Want my girlfriend? Well.. how old is that cow, and does it still produce milk? Fuck yeah seaki......er....bartering.

I'll give you my magical beans for that hot girlfriend. Tell you what, i'll even throw in the bag to hold the beans. That's quite a bargain.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 19:01:07

This is stolen from somewhere, just like this guy's previous submitted lfashes... Can't find where the original is though...

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-03-24 19:03:10

At 3/24/09 07:01 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: This is stolen from somewhere, just like this guy's previous submitted lfashes... Can't find where the original is though...

OOPS I know double, even triple post holy crap but I forgot to put the link in


Anyone have a clue where it came from?