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Welcome your new MODS!

16,368 Views | 341 Replies

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 10:00:17

I have to admit having a few more mods has been a good thing. before the new mods showed up there would be spam topic that would be left open and some outwar topics now with a few extra mods those topics get locked and get locked quick. yup wade did a good thing.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 10:16:48

I guess they're pretty good mods, but I have no idea who they are. I'd rather they would have been people who have been here for a long time, not like 2 months. I think TheShrike has been here since '01, so that's pretty long. Maybe I'm just afraid of change :\

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 10:19:21

At 6/8/03 10:16 AM, alcohol wrote: I guess they're pretty good mods, but I have no idea who they are. I'd rather they would have been people who have been here for a long time, not like 2 months.

Yeah, that was odd to me too. It seems like these mods were pick because they're popular with a few people right now, unlike the old mods who have been on NG for a long time, have been well known for a long time, and were almost always popular.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 11:46:01

At 6/8/03 12:44 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: OMG! I think el_foka may be taking over Tanner's position as most hated mod...

wtf are you talking i loveeeee tanner hes teh funnie

don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 11:48:08

tanner had his funny moments

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 11:54:04

At 6/7/03 05:51 PM, alexsmolik wrote: How come I've never heard of these guys before?

i Sorta have but as ull note there all from the pollitics forums with that lil icon thingy that they love

Am I THAT lame ? Or aren't the just pretty "popular" ?

noone loves them

Anyways, I wonder how come that people like mwtgg, Newgrundling, allpro, format, soulrifter or many other "kewl & leet" people aren't mods ...
Anyways, you're the one to decide who's a mod or not lol.

hey mwtgg always bitches about how ng sucks... Ngling IS a mod??? so wtf? ... now why allpro isnt i dunno i mean he maybe a lil screwd up in the head but i think hed have been a 1337 mod... totallllly...


don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 11:56:42

mwtgg or "golden clock" makes me a sad panda. hes just a stupid attention whore now

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 12:20:05

At 6/8/03 11:56 AM, _miles_ wrote: mwtgg or "golden clock" makes me a sad panda. hes just a stupid attention whore now

well he is like young... but aparently a lot of people liked him...

don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 13:11:47

At 6/7/03 05:51 PM, alexsmolik wrote: Anyways, I wonder how come that people like mwtgg, Newgrundling, allpro, format, soulrifter or many other "kewl & leet" people aren't mods ...

with the exception of mwtgg those are exactly the people that should be your new mods. those arent people that will change into assholes, PLUS people would actually respect them.

am i wrong? anyone?

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 14:39:24

At 6/8/03 11:54 AM, allpro wrote: hey mwtgg always bitches about how ng sucks... Ngling IS a mod??? so wtf? ... now why allpro isnt i dunno i mean he maybe a lil screwd up in the head but i think hed have been a 1337 mod... totallllly...

I think people would have a lot more respect for (and fear of) someone who was capable of basic English. Which you're obviously not. 1337 my ass...

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 14:42:13

At 6/8/03 02:39 PM, FLiXD wrote:
At 6/8/03 11:54 AM, allpro wrote: hey mwtgg always bitches about how ng sucks... Ngling IS a mod??? so wtf? ... now why allpro isnt i dunno i mean he maybe a lil screwd up in the head but i think hed have been a 1337 mod... totallllly...
I think people would have a lot more respect for (and fear of) someone who was capable of basic English. Which you're obviously not. 1337 my ass...

AllPro seems alright to me. He's mellow. Not that I'd say a real opinon about anyone, but AllPro seems mellow.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 14:42:25

Hmmm actually I apologise for my last post. It was alcohol-prompted and I wish there was an edit button. Sorry allpro, you just got my goat when you ranted at me for slagging illwillpress off. Having said that, I still don't think you'd make a good mod.

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 14:59:11

At 6/8/03 02:57 PM, Freakish_Beast wrote: Congrats people. When did this happen? was this a random pick?

Yea, I'm also curious.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 15:10:45

At 6/6/03 02:03 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Based on recommendations we have added Ted_Easton, TheShrike, and el_foka as forum moderators.


We don't need any new mods!


Something tells me that this isn't good,

I don't know why

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 15:19:49

At 6/8/03 06:03 AM, Bomb_Clock wrote: No, i come here everyday and i don't know them.
Only Newgrundling, but he is a fucking robot.

wow... that was great.... ah.... yeah.

don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 15:41:40

These mods kick ASS! I especially like Newgroundling and teh Shrike. I like teh Shrike and Newgroundling is King.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 16:37:12

i can still think of a hundred people that would make better mods. but whatever have fun, hope you dont get demodded and all that

newgrundling seems to have kept his head on his shoulders, the rest all look like fools to me, even though i used to like them

but spacerhead we dont like you and we dont care what you think blah blah blah

and i dont care either, im just saying look at other people too that have done more

format made a page exactly like newgrounds for his top posters list, that must have taken a ton of work

poxpower is on an awful lot, and seems to know his way around just as good as anyway and he wouldnt change just because hes a mod (he already has an ego ;))

oh my god tons of people that would make cool mods if people paid attention to them

i am still voting for format.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 16:47:39

At 6/8/03 04:37 PM, spacerhead wrote: i am still voting for format.

format loves the ¥ ... and he always break the rules with some of his posts...he's a cool dude... but you need to say something better than that...

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 16:54:40

At 6/8/03 04:47 PM, Ozcar wrote:
At 6/8/03 04:37 PM, spacerhead wrote: i am still voting for format.
format loves the ¥ ... and he always break the rules with some of his posts...he's a cool dude... but you need to say something better than that...

ok so format loves ¥ and sometimes he breaks rules, but so has every single other person here.

he knows everyone and isnt really close with most people so he would always be impartial to banning people, because hes not worried about friendships.

he takes time to do things for newgrounds users that he doesnt have to do, like the top posters site.

he is helpful to people, shows them how to get around, and he doesnt flame people, or make fun of them.

people respect what he has to say, and he still knows how to have fun while keeping things normal, without turning into an ass about it.

maybe im not the best person to fight for the guy, i dont really know him that well, and i probably never will, but for the people that come here often, and arent arguing that he needs to be mod, then im not sure whats happening.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 17:01:09

At 6/8/03 04:54 PM, spacerhead wrote: he knows everyone and isnt really close with most people so he would always be impartial to banning people, because hes not worried about friendships.

And he knows you spacerhead? He can be worried by friendship.. j3nnica take to the front page all the time old topics If format can be mod, will be able to ban her?

he takes time to do things for newgrounds users that he doesnt have to do, like the top posters site.


he is helpful to people, shows them how to get around, and he doesnt flame people, or make fun of them.

Yes... that's a good point...

people respect what he has to say, and he still knows how to have fun while keeping things normal, without turning into an ass about it.

Well, he's my friend...

maybe im not the best person to fight for the guy, i dont really know him that well, and i probably never will, but for the people that come here often, and arent arguing that he needs to be mod, then im not sure whats happening.

Is ok :) I want him as a mod... but he wants to be a mod?

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 17:07:35

At 6/8/03 05:01 PM, Ozcar wrote: And he knows you spacerhead? He can be worried by friendship.. j3nnica take to the front page all the time old topics If format can be mod, will be able to ban her?

i dont even see her around much anymore, but i know that they used to do something similar to a mod position together at another place, and he had no problem telling her when she was wrong, and she had no problem telling him when he was wrong. and they were very respectful about it. and he doesnt know me that well, i talk to j3nnica on aim, but not format.


but still a lot of work, and if hes willing to do that for no point at all, what would he be willing to do for a real reason?

Yes... that's a good point...

thank you

Well, he's my friend...

im not sure that i have seen anyone who doesnt like him, except maybe the people that dont like anyone.

Is ok :) I want him as a mod... but he wants to be a mod?

if he was asked, at least that choice would be up to him. you guys have the power to decide a mod obviously, i saw you all fight for newgrundling, and i couldnt be happier for him, hell do great. so lets fight for someone else who could do a great job too.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 17:14:45

I know that no-one really cares about my opinion cos I only have a 110- post count but...
From what I've seen and read of format so far, it seems like he would make a good mod. However, I wouldn't be suprised if the vacancies for new mods are all taken now for the next few months, seeing as 4 have just been recruited. And I do think NewGrundling was an excellent choice, he has his head screwed on the right way round, which is always a bonus...
(not saying that the other new mods don't, but I don't know them so well)

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 17:16:01

At 6/8/03 05:07 PM, spacerhead wrote: if he was asked, at least that choice would be up to him. you guys have the power to decide a mod obviously, i saw you all fight for newgrundling, and i couldnt be happier for him, hell do great. so lets fight for someone else who could do a great job too.

Sorry, but only the admins can have the last word... because if all we say: "Make format a mod" they'll say: "We'll think about that" and later you'll never have the answer... When I said "Wade, make Newgroundling a mod" was because he deserve it, more than format, because he's always helping the others... and I was surprised when I saw that him make him a mod :)

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 17:18:07

At 6/8/03 05:16 PM, Ozcar wrote: Sorry, but only the admins can have the last word... because if all we say: "Make format a mod" they'll say: "We'll think about that" and later you'll never have the answer... When I said "Wade, make Newgroundling a mod" was because he deserve it, more than format, because he's always helping the others... and I was surprised when I saw that him make him a mod :)

im glad they did, and i know the admins have the last word, but if everyone who thinks that he should be says so, then at least were doing the right thing.

i really dont care, im not here that often, but i still know an obvious choice when i see one.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 19:30:27

At 6/8/03 05:16 PM, Ozcar wrote: whtewverrrrrrrrrrr

dude ngling should worhip you i mean your the reson hes a mod...

okay im sure somone else woulda said it if you hadnt...

BUT i shur wodunt have...

Serioulsy ide vote solrifter but hes not even here anyway

don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 19:46:43

At 6/8/03 07:44 PM, Hycran wrote: make me a mod. i have almost no enemies and am a nice guy (light aura). i try to be as mature as possible but life is too short to be serious all the time. the chances of a lvl 9er being a mod are pretty small but anyways have a good one peeps:)

you're not very smart now are ya?

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

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Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-08 20:00:06

At 6/8/03 07:50 PM, Newgrundling wrote: You didn't read that thread very well (especially the part about how asking to be a mod won't avail you).

It's weird...

In my mind, I always considered you a mod, but couldn't imagine you actually becoming one...

Never thought I'd live to see the day...

Welcome your new MODS!

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-09 12:29:01

ok for anyone who has just skipped to the last page hoping to find just a topic summary, read the whole thing.

i think thats the funniest thing ive read in a long time.

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-10 14:42:26

At 6/10/03 02:02 PM, soulrifter wrote: lol, and why didnt anyone nominate me? i spend all of my time on the general forum. and if someone did nominate me, then uhh thanks. i didnt read the whole topic like a good boy.

yah i think your name was mentiond 2 or 3 times... me well once... along with yours.. .HAHAHHAHAHA doestn that make you feel sepcial?

don't be trash people

Response to Welcome your new MODS! 2003-06-10 15:16:50

At 6/8/03 07:44 PM, Hycran wrote: the chances of a lvl 9er being a mod are pretty small

Yes, yes they are.

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