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I made a really stupid mistake.

11,364 Views | 140 Replies

I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 02:54:10

In more ways than one.

I would like to preface the following with the fact that I am an alt. I am not acting against NG policy, however, because my main account has not been banned.

Some of you may have known me as "Petroleum" for the past several months. If you knew me before that, I was "jellofan7". I have two main points to make in this post, which may indeed be among the last posts that I make on NG. They address both who I am and my main intentions.

Before I start, I have to explain how I "made a terrible mistake". I was attempting to change my alias in my profile, when I accidentally, unknowingly, clicked in the e-mail address field and hit the keyboard, changing the suffix of the address to something. Unfortunately, I hit the return key after typing in my password, and now my account is unreachable, as they validation e-mail did not go to the right address. In the words of some unknown geek "It has been lost forever among the sands of time, and only Chuck Norris has the power to retrieve it" Why don't I e-mail Tom to get this sorted out? Because I have decided that it's not worth the trouble it will cause both me and him to retrieve it. Instead, I am typing this post to explain why.

First I would like to clear up the issue of who I am. This is the account of someone formerly known as Petroleum. She signed up on 11/29/05 and began posting on the NGBBS regularly in mid March. (That person being me) In the profile, I stated that I am a twenty year old woman from detroit. If you are especially good at remembering details, you will remember that in the beginning of m stint here, I was listed as "male" in my profile.

Some of you had already begun to suspect that my statement of gender was false by early this month, and my alias quickly became a heated topic of conversation amongst both regulars and "n00bs" alike. Despite slyly staying out of sight for the past two weeks in an attempt to circumvent the controversy, I believe that the time of silence is over.

What I am about to say to you guys may come as a shock to some, a validation to others, and will probably be met with apathy from most. Here it is, my friends. The truth, plain and simple.

I am not a twenty year old woman from Detroit. I am a twenty-five year old man who currently resides in southern California. I am not a graphical designer. I just happen to be particularly handy with photoshop. I am, however, a researcher at the University of Southern California

Now that I have revealed my identity, I feel compelled (and obligated) to tell you my true purpose for coming to this website. I am currently studying the internet, how teens utilize this resource, and how they react to it. So I did some research and came to the conclusion that there are two sites that teens frequent most, and that these teens can be divided into two distinct categories. First, the "Myspace crowd" which most of you would refer to as the Preppy Friends, and then there is, of course, the more underground group of websites, Like NG and *gasp* eBaums.

I decided that the underground group of sites would be more interesting to explore, as opposed to the widely publicized myspace-esque sites. I signed up for NG and eBaums with the intent to gather an idea about how teens minds work and react across the internet. Despite how you degrade yourselves constantly, you're really not as stupid as you think. Believe me. Spend more than four hours browsing thru myspace profile after myspace profile laced with over-animation and lame backgrounds and you'll understand what I mean. I'd pick you guys over them ANY day.

Anyways, I am working on a paper right now about how Newgrounds and eBaums and Myspace attract people and the various clientele, as well as how people's personalities are distorted over the internet (case-in-point: ME).

It amused me, by the way that I received over 530 Private messages from users for no other reason than that I appeared to be a female. Scary, eh? A message to you kids out there: be careful with the internet. You don't know the havoc it can wreak.

So I'm hoping that if my paper is good enough, I can get it published in a scientific journal or something. Many thanks to all those who interacted with me over the past six months, each piece of data helped my undercover research.

I'd like to extend a few personal goodbyes to some people who closely interacted with me.

Truthiness -- thanks for being so damned intelligent. You informed me more about politics than I have learned in the past 25 years of my life. Plus you were really awesome

Tarantino -- Thanks for shootin' the breeze with me in your free time. I'm pretty sure you were my longest regular correspondent through PMs.

modernizenerd -- Thanks for being cool and all that. Our epic PM replies never grew tiresome.

Grubby -- Yes, even you Grubby. Despite the fact that you claimed to hate me for three months, I have a sneaking suspicion that you didn't hate me as much as you think. After all, only a truly devoted follower would make 3, count 'em: 1 , 2, 3 threads about me.

sonicmega -- Always bearing the brunt of my in-character "harassment".

Makaio -- for bringing to light the so-called "cospiracy".

On a final note, I would like to bid the mods a fond farewell--keep on a brandishin' those ban sticks.

And to the rest of the user base:

Fuck you

In a good way.

I made a really stupid mistake.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 02:55:27

pix r it dint hapen


BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 02:58:26

um good luck on your study

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 02:59:16

Oh god, I read all of that....

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:00:46

Wow, It feels like the bbs has been used....

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:05:00

At 10/1/06 03:00 AM, Fatt-Pandaa wrote: Wow, It feels like the bbs has been used....

I don't mean it to feel that way. It was all for a bound for a higher purpose.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:07:29

At 10/1/06 02:54 AM, LardLord wrote: sonicmega -- Always bearing the brunt of my in-character "harassment".

Hell, at least one person likes sonicmega.

y so srs

BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:09:02

At 10/1/06 03:05 AM, LardLord wrote:
At 10/1/06 03:00 AM, Fatt-Pandaa wrote: Wow, It feels like the bbs has been used....
I don't mean it to feel that way. It was all for a bound for a higher purpose.

Well, I guess so. Good luck with your paper.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:09:07

At 10/1/06 03:07 AM, public-enemy1 wrote:
At 10/1/06 02:54 AM, LardLord wrote: sonicmega -- Always bearing the brunt of my in-character "harassment".
Hell, at least one person likes sonicmega.

I was one of the founders of his hate bandwagon. I'm just apologizing now.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:12:32

We will miss you Petrolium.And an interesting experiment too with the gender.

I do hope someday you return.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:18:21

Eh, she was married so I stopped caring. It's not like she was one of those single girls I could seduce by leaving millions of IM's.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:21:29

You have 1,132 characters remaining, sorry, your post was to short.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:23:14

At 10/1/06 03:12 AM, PessimisticOptimist wrote: We will miss you Petrolium.And an interesting experiment too with the gender.

I do hope someday you return.

Dammit, this is it, I now declaire all females on NG fake, I'm ways too gullible for this. This site is too nerdy of females, there for they must all be 25yr old men looking to study us or other ungodly acts.

Oh yeah, why leave? I mean didn't you get addicted in your 6 months here? I mean Jane Goodall didn't move to Chicago after finishing her paper, she's still living with the monkeys (or is she dead?).

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:23:18


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:26:00

At 10/1/06 03:09 AM, LardLord wrote: I was one of the founders of his hate bandwagon. I'm just apologizing now.

Haha. I didn't know other people found him to be a faggot.


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:26:52

At 10/1/06 02:54 AM, LardLord wrote:
I am not a twenty year old woman from Detroit. I am a twenty-five year old man who currently resides in southern California. I am not a graphical designer. I just happen to be particularly handy with photoshop. I am, however, a researcher at the University of Southern California

So literaly you are having an identity crisis??? LOL, but not at your misfortune, you see the above quote and the nature of the post topic make it able to be punned at will. ha ha .. ha ...HA!!!!!!

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and FUCK the prom queen!


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:28:20

Way to waste your time faggot.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:31:49

At 10/1/06 03:28 AM, Wadezilla wrote: Way to waste your time faggot.

You're going to miss us so much.

I can't stand this place for more than a few minutes a day. There is gold in the mounds and mounds of crap though. Gotta get your hands dirty to find it, that's all.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:38:18

At 10/1/06 03:26 AM, blamurai wrote:
At 10/1/06 02:54 AM, LardLord wrote:

, a researcher at the University of Southern California

So literaly you are having an identity crisis??? LOL, but not at your misfortune, you see the above quote and the nature of the post topic make it able to be punned at will. ha ha .. ha ...HA!!!!!!

hmm well aparrently not ...

if i had only read one line lower ... which brings me to my next point

You back stabbing bastard... how could you???

I hope your study Went Well... really I do

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and FUCK the prom queen!


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:39:13

At 10/1/06 03:27 AM, StarF68 wrote: Fascinating. I don't really know what to say, I mean, I'm intrigued by the idea of NewGrounds being of some use to a scientific degree, and that it actually did come in handy for someone (Has to be one of the more interesting papers to write huh?).

You should post that paper here though. :P

Yeah, I'm considering posting it here when I finish. It'll probably be in politics, if at all.

I hope the people can forgive me. I don't want any bad blood associated with my alias in the future.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:47:10

feels like I just got raped with a ten foot pole.

Goddamn it. When will I be sure of anything in this life? :P

BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:52:35

At 10/1/06 02:59 AM, Rebel-V-Elite wrote: Oh god, I read all of that....

You're not the only one.

BTW Lardlord, how are you going to explain away the older, non-teenaged users who come to NG on a regular basis? Users like Maus, Sarai, Carmilla, disingenuous, tigerkitty, bigbadron, mamatequila, Denvish, Gooch, DanMalo, and me! Along with many, many other NGers. (Yup, I really am as old as Wade. And most of the Regulars on NG know it). Some of the users I mentioned are married, and have children.

How exactly are you going to try to explain us away in your research paper? Going to pretend we don't exist? (I guess that would be the easy way out).

Here's another thing to chew on, I never altered my personality when I came to the NG BBS. With the exception of being known as Monocrom or Mono, what you see is what you get! I'm too old to pretend to be female. And, in case you are telling the truth now; so are you. I've never met any NGers outside of NG, in the real world. Got no clue if they behave the same as they do in Reality. But I know how I behave. The same, damn, way!

If you think every NGer just comes to this site to screw around, then you obviously haven't spent enough time here. If you think you've gotten to know a good cross-section of users, especially the Regulars to NG; then you Sir are sadly mistaken. Your list of users you've gotten to know is pathetically small.

Your research paper will fail, miserably. For the simple fact that you do not possess enough data to make any informed conclusions about NG or those who frequent it. Good Luck to you, Sir............ You're going to need it when you present your (poorly) researched Paper.

BTW, my real first name is Dave. (Actually, it's pronounced Da-veed). Got altered to David when I came to America with my family from Communist Russia. I'm not Jewish, but a lot of folks think I am. My friends in Reality call me Dave. My buddies on NG call me Mono. There's a bunch of Daves on this site, so I prefer Mono......... and unlike you, I have no problem being honest about who I am; from the start.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 03:59:05

I really have nothing better to do than read BBS posts @ 4AM

yes I do
I should do those things

but I might not

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:00:12

At 10/1/06 03:52 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 10/1/06 02:59 AM, Rebel-V-Elite wrote: Oh god, I read all of that....
You're not the only one.

The vast majority of this website is based on the teenage demographic. I reviewed those who fit that demographic. This website mainly panders to those people. You'll notice that I barely mention mods in my post. Why? because they have don't fit with the age group that I am researching. Scroll down to you list of users browsing the forums and see how MANY of them are under 20.

You must understand that in any field, there will be those who fall outside the test range. The same is true for myspace, and eBaums, and frankly any website that exists.

Besides, There are many other users that I Interacted with that aren't mentioned in the first post, due to the 6,000 character limit.


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:01:20

At 10/1/06 03:52 AM, Monocrom wrote: I've never met any NGers outside of NG, in the real world.

I have, but had no exp, only 1 post, no reviews... wearing a Foamy shirt at an mc chris concert. Little kid.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:02:07

At 10/1/06 03:52 AM, Monocrom wrote:

BTW Lardlord, how are you going to explain away the older, non-teenaged users who come to NG on a regular basis? Users like Maus,



Too far away

Carmilla, disingenuous,



commited realationship





Denvish, Gooch, DanMalo, and me!


None of them are breeding opretunities? Why should they matter to me in internet dicussions were the purpose is clearly butting horns to determine mating rights?

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:03:42

*Gasp* yeah It doesnt really matter to me what your sex is your still cool person. I can honestly say for like maybe 1 day I thought you were a guy when I still thought you were a girl. Im just really glad you aren't a pedophile or any shit like that. Well anyways Ill keep on PM'n you and try to be as good of a NG friend of yours as I can.

Sincerly Yours,


Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:06:08

Fascinating. I remember we corresponded a few times over the time I have been here. It never once crossed my mind that all this was happening. Your right, I probably would have been more reluctant to reply to you if you put 'male' on your profile.

I found it a bit strange that you didn't have a myspace account, or an AIM account OR an MSN account.

What can I say, you sure fooled all of us. Good luck with your research - and hope you enjoyed your time at newgrounds as much as I have.

BBS Signature

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:24:42

At 10/1/06 04:00 AM, LardLord wrote:
At 10/1/06 03:52 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 10/1/06 02:59 AM, Rebel-V-Elite wrote: Oh god, I read all of that....
You're not the only one.
The vast majority of this website is based on the teenage demographic. I reviewed those who fit that demographic. This website mainly panders to those people. You'll notice that I barely mention mods in my post. Why? because they have don't fit with the age group that I am researching. Scroll down to you list of users browsing the forums and see how MANY of them are under 20.

Ah........ So you do plan on ignoring us. You just use double-speak to get around that fact. You should consider a career in politics. I believe you would do quite well, Sir.

You must understand that in any field, there will be those who fall outside the test range. The same is true for myspace, and eBaums, and frankly any website that exists.

"Outside the test range." What an excellent, professional-sounding way to say that your Paper will be horribly skewed to fit the pre-conceived notions you had when you first came to NG! The needle on my bullshit detector just went off the scale. Now there's smoke coming out of it...... just like there's smoke coming out of a particular orifice of your's.

Besides, There are many other users that I Interacted with that aren't mentioned in the first post, due to the 6,000 character limit.

Oh yes, how unfortunate that you reached the limit. How interesting that (with all due respect to them) most of the users on your list are NOT Regulars. Perhaps someday they will be. But not until after you've written your now admittedly biased Paper. I will give you credit for your blatant honesty about presenting a biased Paper. Even though you tried to hid it under the double-speak.


I WISH YOU WOULD. Please feel free to mention my User-name, along with my real name. And, along with what I think of your Joke of a research Paper. I believe you should feel free to write out a link to this topic in your research Paper. Hell, I believe you should have the balls to give a link to this topic in your Paper. But just like your female alter-ego, your last post has shown me that the 2 of you clearly lack THAT feature.

Response to I made a really stupid mistake. 2006-10-01 04:40:43

So the Truth Comes out....

And ther Was much Rejoicing...


I made a really stupid mistake.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and FUCK the prom queen!