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Anti-xbox club! ! !

23,252 Views | 507 Replies
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Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-06-14 23:45:42

Ah so you are liking it? Good good. Want to borrow my crimson skies? I know how u like the airplane games babe.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-06-17 13:30:46

I need to agree with you, it doesn't mather if it sucks it has his good point

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-06-18 20:34:11

Sory for not posting for a while, but I couldn´t enter newgrounds, I don´t know why!
Today I was bored so I decided to give a try and I could!!!
I can enter newgrounds again! ! ! !

Can someone please tell me what has happened those days, cuz I´m too lazy to read all post.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-06-18 20:35:44

At 6/18/04 08:34 PM, Silver-Shark wrote: Can someone please tell me what has happened those days, cuz I´m too lazy to read all post.

Forget about it, I just noticed that my last post isn´t too far away.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-25 18:19:50

When I thought that the xbox couldn´t suck more, Microsoft proved me wrong:

What is that?
Xbox 2 my friend, xbox2.

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 14:27:26

"Ya, all you XBox haters can stick with your PS2s with its memory cards and Suck-Ass Graphics and your LameCubes with its crappy games, limited online support and ok-but-still-not-as-good-as-XBox graphics. I'll be playing the best game that the PS2 has.......on my XBox. Thats right. The best thing the PS2 had going for it is now on XBox and its better. For Xbox, Vice City has better graphics and customizable sound tracks. Oh, let me save my game on the Hard Drive of my XBox. You know what, Im bored of Vice City. Im going to play the game that still hasnt been beated by any other game........Halo. Too bad it didnt come out for your crap assed systems. I know, you have it for Pc dont you, well, XBox has the co-op missions which are more fun than regular missions. Also, there isnt any lag on the XBox version. And, after Halo2 comes out for Xbox on Nov 9, you are going to have to wait to but it for Pc." Thats what I would say if I was an asshole. But im no so Im just going to say this: XBox is better. You people are too stuborn to realise it but it is...........I win.

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 14:50:55

I used to own a PS2, and admittedly, they are a good console. The things wrong with it is they fact that the graphics system for it is too old, Xbox got the opportunity to get some of the bugs worked out and that's why their graphics are a bit cleaner. As far as a hard drive that's a plus but PS2 has some alternatives to that: They have their own hard drive out now, you could get more memory cards, or you could just use one like I did and wipe some other saves off of it. The PS2 is a great machine, as well as the Xbox. In fact, they're pretty close together since they have most of the same games. The thing I'm getting at is this: Yes the PS2 has disadvantages and advantages, all systems do. I'm not saying Xbox is superior to any system, but I'm not denouncing it because if you play it, you'll see a good machine with good games. So let's just gang up on the guys that have a GC and talk shit to them!

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 17:13:57

At 7/25/04 06:19 PM, Silver-Shark wrote: When I thought that the xbox couldn´t suck more, Microsoft proved me wrong:

that looks like the best console ever. think of all the space one can save.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 18:33:21

At 4/12/04 05:11 PM, crunk wrote: I'm not gonna join. No one will. But I hate all these new consoles like playstation 2, xbox, gamecube, even fucking dreamcast. I draw the line at things like Playstation and Nintendo 64. Sega Genesis owns all.

honestly, I enjoy PS2 very much. but u know, you gotta stick w/ your roots. I still own my sega genesis, and that is the best system ever to hit america. the games vary so much it's not even funny.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 20:03:57

i dont see what the problem is with xbox, i like it i think its a good system. i own an xbox and a ps2 and i like both the same.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-07-26 22:03:23

At 7/26/04 06:33 PM, 2RS_Industries wrote:
At 4/12/04 05:11 PM, crunk wrote: I'm not gonna join. No one will. But I hate all these new consoles like playstation 2, xbox, gamecube, even fucking dreamcast. I draw the line at things like Playstation and Nintendo 64. Sega Genesis owns all.
honestly, I enjoy PS2 very much. but u know, you gotta stick w/ your roots. I still own my sega genesis, and that is the best system ever to hit america. the games vary so much it's not even funny.

The Sega Genesis was the best system ever created. I'll say it beats all the new systems as far as fans. I love Xbox, but nothing could ever replace my 16-bit dream machine.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-08-10 02:57:23

Now that the xbox 2 is announced, so what do we do with "our" crappy xbox.
We got the solution! ! ! ! !
The only appropriate use for the X-Box would be that of a boat anchor. Now not only can the Microsoft console create stunning visuals, but it can keep boats from floating adrift too!

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-08-18 21:16:31


Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-08-18 22:07:13


Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-14 13:59:23

ANTI YOU!!!... YOU ARE ARE PATHETIC SHEEP WHO ARE AFRAID OF ANY SHRED OF INDIVIDUALITY!!!...xbox rules!!! Quick and simple online gaming, A BUILT IN HARD DRIVE (for you dumbasses out there that means you dont NEED memory cards), stunning graphics, the option to put your own music on games, and most of the games that have been invested on the xbox are decent unlike sony who just let any old wank onto their console... I have (or had) all three consoles and i can say that the xbox is the best of the three, I have had all three since their release dates and i have had no problems with the Xbox or gamecube at all, but my ps2 broke down for no reason 5 days after the warrenty ran out. COINSIDENSE? I THINK NOT!!! no problems with the game cube... sure the graphics are lame and some of the games are for 2 year olds but some of the games are classic. Dont criticize the xbox for a really shitty reason or for some thing as petty as its size. STOP BEING SUCH CHILDISH CU NTS AND GET A LIFE!!!

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-14 15:38:26

Hey where do I sign up

personally seeing how glitchy several versions of windows are I owuldnt trust an XBox if they paid me to play it

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 03:56:09


Sigs are for losers

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 04:01:52

Hello? Xbox owns PS2, let alone GC. Not only by system specs, the games the Xbox offers are much more diverse and realistic. Plus it doesnt have Mario. PS2 and the GC is like MacDonalds. The Xbox is like a five star restaurant.

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 05:30:14

At 7/16/05 04:01 AM, MeMB wrote: Hello? Xbox owns PS2, let alone GC. Not only by system specs, the games the Xbox offers are much more diverse and realistic. Plus it doesnt have Mario. PS2 and the GC is like MacDonalds. The Xbox is like a five star restaurant.

what have you been smoking?

Halo is a standard FPS at best only XBox live morons keep it hyped up
Fable was too hyped and turned out crappy

PS2 and GC have great franchises

Soul Caliber is the perfect example

both PS2 and GC used characters from THEIR OWN GAMES XBox cryed ((and paid)) to Marvel to give them Spawn because they have no creativity on their own

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 06:24:08

Jesus. You're a moron. You act like Halo is the only game for the Xbox.

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 19:28:41

At 7/16/05 06:24 AM, MeMB wrote: Jesus. You're a moron. You act like Halo is the only game for the Xbox.

you missed 90% of my post didnt you

Conker live and reloaded is the only thing going for it which confuses me the origional was for the N64 I guess the makers of it are blatent sellouts

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 19:34:42

No, they finally got to their senses, thats why.

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-16 19:40:16

At 7/16/05 07:34 PM, MeMB wrote: No, they finally got to their senses, thats why.

If they had senses they would of stuck with the console that launched them or made it a multiplatform release

But back to point one XBox is for pansies In the multiplatform thing Soul Caliber PS2 and GC used CHARACTERS FROM THEIR OWN GAMES XBox CRYED TO MARVEL FOR SOMEONE

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-17 17:29:28

RIGHT!!! I have tried to be nice about the subject but now im going all out on you cunts!!!
GAMECUBE IS A BLOODY GOOD UNIT BUT NINTENDO NEED TO WISE UP AND MAKE GAMES FOR ALL AGES!!! NOT EVEN MY 7 YEAR OLD SISTER FINDS ANY OF THE GAMES INTERESTING!!! The ps2 is a pubble of cunt discharge they break incredibly easily and sony are fucking sell outs... they wait until their sales start dropping and WHOOP Lets paint our console silver and shiny!!! and what do you know??? their sales go up because small childeren are attracted to shiny colours!!! and about another bloody year later the release a "smaller" console which in my opinion is fucking stupid and is a waste of money! but then again stupid fucking fanboys like you guys buy it because it is "smaller" and "more practical"... ITS THE SAME CUNTING CONSOLE BUT IT LOOKS A LITTLE SHITTER! I am not being biased at all because i have The ps2, xbox, and the cube so dont even fucking start! I but half of you people got a ps2 or gamecube becase your friends got one and your afraid of being diiferent!!! I HOPE ALL OF YOU FAN BOY CUNTS CHOKE TO DEATH ON YOUR OWN SALIVA! CHRIST CANNOT SAVE

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-17 17:36:59

At 7/16/05 07:40 PM, TheReveiwer wrote:
At 7/16/05 07:34 PM, MeMB wrote: No, they finally got to their senses, thats why.
If they had senses they would of stuck with the console that launched them or made it a multiplatform release

But back to point one XBox is for pansies In the multiplatform thing Soul Caliber PS2 and GC used CHARACTERS FROM THEIR OWN GAMES XBox CRYED TO MARVEL FOR SOMEONE

XBOX IS FOR PANSIES?? GO AND FUCK YOUR SELF YOU PATHETIC LITTLE CUNT!!! XBOX IS THE PROUD OWNER OF MOST OF THE VIOLENT GAMES AVAILABLE ON CONSOLES!! I like the ps2 but i cant stand it wen people like you guys take it too far and fuck every things else over that doesnt have "sony" written across it!

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-18 02:31:38

At 7/17/05 05:29 PM, gwyn666 wrote: Rant

Well put my friend. Care if i adopt you ?

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-18 03:44:58

Oh my god. This conversation is really funny. Seeing three people fight amongst themselves like 2 year olds... I love the internet.

But on to topic, about the whole PS2 is better, XBox is better. The truth is that those are just opinions, simple ideas that come out in a hateful, cap filled post. It really depends on what games you prefer, the majority of quality games run for both systems. And each platform has their own individual game, X-Box's most popular is Halo. PS2's used to be GTA until X-Box did something cunning by buying rights to it. So PS2 lost their upperhand. X-Box does indeed have better graphics, but PS2 isnt far behind in their new console PS3 (if you look at some of the screenshots you will know what I am talking about). X-Box has a lot of popular games, but PS2 has a bigger selection. There are so many positives and negatives between them both I will end my post right now with my conclusion.
If your undecided and have a lot of extra cash, buy both. Or buy one that your freind doesnt have so you can buy both. Or save up some more money and buy a Computer because that is what really ownz.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-18 18:12:17

YEAH WHAT VELOCITOM SAID!!!! And yeah you may adopt me.... my best friend ali says she wants to come as well.... can she..... OH yes i must take care of my parents first.... i will get back to you when every thing is set!!!
CHRIST CANNOT SAVE Talk to the hand because the face burns with hatred!

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-18 18:18:38

Every time you exclame your love for XBox, god kills a kitten.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2005-07-18 18:24:23

GOD SATAN AND JESUS AND OTHER RELIGOUS ICONS ARE FIGMENTS OF SAD PEOPLE IMAGINATION! Kittens are GAY! And stop piss taking the xbox.... just because you dont own one... i have said i own all three consoles... so im not biased.CHRIST CANNOT SAVE I LOVE ALI