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Anti-xbox club! ! !

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Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 16:05:27

.-'´'-.,.->> Welcome <<-.,.-'´'-.,

To the Anti-xbox club! ! ! !
Xbox sucks! ! ! ! Who's with me! ! !

PD: If someone knows If this is against the BBS rules please contact me.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:08:06

I'm with you in all relacionated to this

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:09:39

Hurray! ! !

The first member (besides me)

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:11:21

I'm not gonna join. No one will. But I hate all these new consoles like playstation 2, xbox, gamecube, even fucking dreamcast. I draw the line at things like Playstation and Nintendo 64. Sega Genesis owns all.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:15:28

In this club we don´t care which console you prefer.
This is a club where people from every console join to criticize xbox! ! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:16:16

At 4/12/04 05:15 PM, silvershark22 wrote: In this club we don´t care which console you prefer.
This is a club where people from every console join to criticize xbox! ! ! !


Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:28:06

I'm not saying that x-box sucks,but I dont really like x-box anyways.I'm mostly a PS2 fan.But I think all the consoles are good.But What I hate about the x-box is how they think there acually that good.Which they aren't.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:31:58

how many of these clubs r they going to make?

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:38:06

At 4/12/04 04:05 PM, silvershark22 wrote: .-'´'-.,.->> Welcome <<-.,.-'´'-.,

To the Anti-xbox club! ! ! !
Xbox sucks! ! ! ! Who's with me! ! !

PD: If someone knows If this is against the BBS rules please contact me.

Whats the point?

BBS Signature

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 17:40:26

At 4/12/04 05:32 PM, The_Darkmoon wrote: Some of the Xbox fans are vicious and literlly hate Japanese Consoles cause there Japanese . I own a Xbox though and I love my Ninja Gaiden and Otogi: Myth of Demons .

that is true......i like all the consoles, but u can't just say one sucks just this one has a better game and that other console doesn't. i play x-box more than my ps2, i like the large selction of games on my ps2 and online play on x-box ( and if u havn't played on x-box live then don't just say ps2's online play is better).

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:28:11

At 4/12/04 05:28 PM, lilskater wrote: I'm not saying that x-box sucks,but I dont really like x-box anyways.I'm mostly a PS2 fan.But I think all the consoles are good.But What I hate about the x-box is how they think there acually that good.Which they aren't.


Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:34:41

At 4/12/04 05:28 PM, lilskater wrote: I'm not saying that x-box sucks,but I dont really like x-box anyways.I'm mostly a PS2 fan.But I think all the consoles are good.But What I hate about the x-box is how they think there acually that good.Which they aren't.

well it's not like ps2 players r not saying the same about their system, and what a few players say can't represent everyones opinion.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:40:28

Yeah, that´s why I made this club, so only the people who hate xbox will enter.

This topic isn´t supposed to offend anyone exept x-box itself! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:43:05

At 4/12/04 06:40 PM, silvershark22 wrote: Yeah, that´s why I made this club, so only the people who hate xbox will enter.

This topic isn´t supposed to offend anyone exept x-box itself! ! !

..how can u offend x-box itself?

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:51:24

Well. . . . . . I don´t know.
I just founded this club to expres my anger against x-box and I know many people that will agree with me.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 18:55:26

Yeah, and it´s very big also! ! !

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 19:21:45

XBOX RULES!...but thats just my opinion....no SYSTEM sucks just because YOU dont like the games that are on it....maybe if you would OPEN your eyes a bit and actualy LOOK, and PLAY games from other systems, and alos read a lot of gaming magz, u will realize that the SYSTEMS are practicaly the same.....the only diffrence is the poeple who use them....and the games.....and about the "XBOX people think their system i the BEST", so do NINTENDO, and PS2 players!....i just read a PS2 ofical MAG...well....i realy just looked at the cover atb the store....and guess what it sayd? "HALO KILLER!!!..PS2 IS THE BEST!!!"....also about xbox players hating PS2 because its japanese..that BULLSHIT!...i have an xbox and i love japan, and most of their games.....but i also love abox games....umm...BTW this topic is probably against the rules....because i started an ANTI-POKEMON club and it was against the rules....

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 19:25:42

At 4/12/04 06:55 PM, silvershark22 wrote: Yeah, and it´s very big also! ! !

You got it from my friend...........yeah.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-12 19:33:54

At 4/12/04 05:31 PM, Mr_Iggy wrote: how many of these clubs r they going to make?

With all of the n00bs running around, a lot more.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-13 03:19:27

At 4/12/04 07:21 PM, Danylo wrote: XBOX RULES!...but thats just my opinion....no SYSTEM sucks just because YOU dont like the games that are on it....maybe if you would OPEN your eyes a bit and actualy LOOK, and PLAY games from other systems, and alos read a lot of gaming magz, u will realize that the SYSTEMS are practicaly the same.....the only diffrence is the poeple who use them.

Well. . . . . . I can tell you that I´ve "opened my eyes" and played games from other systems and I´ve found that there are many diferences beetwen consoles.

1-Games: The main and most important diference (in my opinion) is first and second party support, the console don´t make the games, are the games who makes the console.
You will never find any mario, metroid, kirby, zelda, starfox, DK or F-zero games on a console other than nintendo´s. (Thats why I prefer nintendo than every other console), But you can find "HALO" on PC, so why buy an xbox when you could play every "good" xbox games (being as there aren't any, exept halo) on your pc?
Sure, every console has its share of shitty games, but the Xbox has a disproportionately higher percentage of them.

2-Size: The xbox is EXTREAMLY big, and so the controler.
What were they thinking? Over 25% of the surface area on the controller is wasted by a giant green Xbox jewel--you know, in case you forget what system you're playing in between loading screens.

3-Philosophy: Many people prefer the xbox cuz it's powerful, Saying the Xbox is a good system because it's powerful is like saying you made a great painting because you used the best set of paints.
Another factor is that while our beloved nintendo (or sony) sez that gamplay is what a game is about, micrsoft in other hand thinks that everyone knows that it's graphics, not game play that makes a great game. I mean, why play a game that's actually fun when you can waste hours watching rendered, uninteractive intros instead?

There are more but I´m to lazy to write them now.

PD: I don´t hate M$, I only hate xbox, so so quit emailing me!

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-14 15:58:25

Check this out! ! ! !
Our Anti-xbox national flag! ! !

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-15 23:07:58

Or this one!

Anti-xbox club! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-15 23:23:58

Xbox ownz you.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 00:08:18

Xbox is my favorite system out there. Yes, i know its big, but it is a good system. With PS2 you get lots of disc read errors after extended use. Nintendo made a mistake by making gamecube use discs because the disc can get scratched up and a cartridge can get scratched and still play fine. Xbox has an internal hard-drive, which means NO MEMORY CARD NEEDED.I know that the PS2 is getting a HD, but you have to buy it. The only reason to get a memory card for Xbox is to take game data with you to your friends house if he has an Xbox. The controllers have a break away function so that if you drag your controller with you somewhere, it will break off and wont make the system fall. The graphics are impressive. They had to tone down Splinter Cell for PS2 and GC. Xbox is the only console that will have the power to play Doom 3. And shark.......never say you wont see Zelda, DK, F-Zero etc on other systems. A while back, people were saying that about Sonic.....and we all know what happened.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 12:44:10

At 4/12/04 04:05 PM, silvershark22 wrote: .-'´'-.,.->> Welcome <<-.,.-'´'-.,

To the Anti-xbox club! ! ! !
Xbox sucks! ! ! ! Who's with me! ! !

Sign me up!

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 14:16:07

At 4/16/04 01:52 PM, The_Darkmoon wrote:
At 4/16/04 12:08 AM, BladeGunner wrote: . With PS2 you get lots of disc read errors after extended use.
With Xbox you get more disc read errors after a year use so ya..
Thats the one thing I hate Xbox for is because of that cheap ass Thompson drive that was worth shit they put in there .

they put another drive in now.....i tihnk its samsung or something. They were mentioning it in the Elder Scrolls forums.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 16:58:52

I´m working on a "Destroy your own x-box" flash game right now! ! ! !

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 19:41:02

I hate XBOX and XBOX Users for many reasons... First off:

The XBOX is a huge Microsoft piece of junk running off of Windows ME, if people aren't sure what Windows ME is... Well, lets just say, it may possibly be the worst Operating System ever made.

Halo? What the fuck is Halo? Another piece of shit game that is WAY overrated.

The XBOX has a HDD? Yeah? So... Who cares, if you want to play a saved file at your buddies you're fucked, good luck. Memory cards for life. Controller is a lump of shit better off just using a joy stick.

The only XBOX title I like is Ninja Gaiden, that's all!

I hate XBOX Users for their ignorance, they think XBOX is their God and master; they go off bashing other Consoles such as PS2/GameCube saying it's far superior. Grow up kids; you've just supported the Nazi empire of Microsoft. Little do they know, Microsoft sets dead lines for certain games, dead lines = Less quality gaming, not to mention the gay architecture and weight, buy an XBOX? No, go buy a computer. They buy an XBOX because it looks cool and they see the spec’s and go “Wow” don’t be fooled morons, don’t be so easily tricked.

You’re probably asking why XBOX is starting to get so popular now? Mass advertising is the answer to that, mass advertising and ignorance, they turn their blind eye. I was so happy when XBOX first came out; 300 Million Xbox’s had to be remade due to a Video Card malfunction, darn… Too bad it didn’t go out of business.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 23:13:48

Fucking PS2 fanboys.

Response to Anti-xbox club! ! ! 2004-04-16 23:46:57

At 4/16/04 11:13 PM, PunishedOne wrote: Fucking PS2 fanboys.
