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NG Mafia

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Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 18:25:01

At 1/9/06 06:20 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote:
At 1/9/06 06:17 PM, RedGlare wrote: I don't have a clue to what the hell your talking about?
well you're the interrorgator here, do something about it

normaly i would but by the way your trying to dig yourself outthis you clearly know nothing.

Precisely so why are you squandering your last chance here?
because im not being left without many options because our "fair" head capo expects too much from someone like me.

All were asking is for you to be a fair poster. Everyone here had to prove that. Most deserve second chances but including phantomA you've had 5.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 18:28:30

At 1/9/06 06:24 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: you frigging suck

i may not be given enough time to perfect my storymaking since "someone" decided to make it a good idea to make it a frigging rush job and i usually become better over time but im not being given it.

regus, if you're reading this, this your damn fault so i hope you're happy with yourself.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 18:33:59

At 1/9/06 06:28 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote:
At 1/9/06 06:24 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: you frigging suck
i may not be given enough time to perfect my storymaking since "someone" decided to make it a good idea to make it a frigging rush job and i usually become better over time but im not being given it.

regus, if you're reading this, this your damn fault so i hope you're happy with yourself.

There's someone forcing you to rush? Is that your only excuse? You're blaming someone else? Let me tell you something, it took me perhaps ten minutes to write the storyi just wrote. While not my best, it was still way better than the shit you've posted. You can take the time to write something half-decent, i know you can, because anyone can, even someone with half a brain. Take a look at what you wrote, is it easy to look at? Does it blend well together? Does it present what you want it to present? I'm 15 and can easily ask these questions, trust me, you sound pretty stupid about now.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 18:53:36

At 1/9/06 06:37 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: People come on. Charlotte said that we should give new guys a chance by letting them post for a while and correcting them as they go.

i joined so many clubs it is way to easy to join. This is the only one that i have to actually do something accept for the PS2 crew but i have to but their crews name in my sig and that degrades the sig so i kinda gave up on that one and why destroy someones work {or yours} with PS2 crew across it.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 19:08:39

Mulan Busty, stop blaming me for your shit postings. I'm giving you almost a day to work out how you're going to impress me, and that's a lot of time. I remember there's one person I admitted to the Mafia who made me laugh (with him) in a single post, and that's all I needed to approve him.

Your case is a bit harder, because you've proved to me many times over that you're a complete idiot. A single post won't convince me, but as long as you're patient, you can probably pull something that's seriously funny out of your head by tomorrow if you've got an ounce of intelligence. If you can't, well, it's not my problem. I'm not the one who can't handle being in the Mafia.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 19:55:42

Chapter 6 – Sweet Emotion
Monday, July 9th, 1936

Rocket had taken Said to a fancy restaurant a few blocks down from the Mafia HQ.
Rocket and Sadic had walked threw the front door.
A waitress came around the counter to greet them.
”Hello, and welcome to Lezon’s Italian restaurant. I’m Wendy and I’ll be taking your order tonight. Let me show you to your seats.”
The restaurant was very long and narrow, the front door was located to the left side of the building, close to the back where the kitchen and counter is. The seats were placed through out the entire restaurant from the middle of the building up until the front, which had huge windows which looked out on the street.
”You will be sitting here.” Stated the waitress ”Here are your menu’s, I’ll be back momentarily with your orders.”
”Thank you miss.” Replied Rocket.
Rocket pulled a chair out for Sadic as she sat down, and then Rocket sat down, taking off his hat and coat.
”But tell me, how come we’ve come here?” asked Sadic
Rocket just looked at her, and just smiled.
”Sadic…” he started “We’ve known each other for a very long time now…”
Rocket got out of his chair
”I’ve got something I’ve gotta….”
Just as Rocket was in the middle of his sentence, as gun fire went off outside of the restaurant.
Rocket looked back to see 4 men dressed all in black shooting the windows out and were shooting anything in it’s path. Everyone around them had been screaming in terror and…one by one innocent people were falling over. Two men came in and kicked over tables for cover, while the other two were shooting in from the outside. Sadic looked at Rocket, knowing he had something crazy in mind. Rocket kicked over the table as they both kneeled down behind it. Rocket pulled out two Colt .45’s, checked the magazines to ensure they were full and loaded them.
“Go over behind the counter and cover yourself and shoot anything that’s shooting back at you! I’ll stay here and provide cover fire!”
Sadic nodded
Sadic braced herself…
Rocket stood up shooting randomly while Sadic ran, dodging bullets that were flying as she hopped over the counter to the other side.
Rocket got down behind the table again to reload the guns.
Sadic stood up behind the counter shooting over Rocket’s position. A shot went threw the skull and out threw the other side of one guy. Sadic bent down to reload. Rocket then stood up. Bullets were flying left, right and center. Rocket starting shooting as fast as he ever could. He started to run behind another table which had fallen down. He caught one guy in the chest with a bullet as he fell into a puddle of his own blood. Rocket bent down to reload. Sadic stood up to start shooting, she emptied her clip and bent back down. Rocket stood up again only to be caught in the left arm with a bullet.
”Rocket!” yelled Sadic
”I’m fine, keep shooting.” Replied Rocket
Two of the men were still outside of the restaurant shooting in at them, taking cover from the sides of the building to reload. Sadic kept shooting, hoping to keep them suppressed so when they came out after she was done, Rocket could take one out.
*Click Click*
”Sadic!” exclaimed Rocket as he threw her a full clip.
The two men stepped out to shoot as Rocket shot one between the eyes; he went down like a brick. The other guy drew back. Rocket hopped over the table and snuck up over to the windows. The last guy came back out to shoot when he got a pistol to the face and was out like a light.
Rocket ripped his shirt and wrapped it around his arm.
”Heh, stupid bastards, thinking they could take us out…”
Rocket was interrupted by a single person clapping.
”Well done…” said a voice.
Rocket turned around to see Sadic held captive by a man with a gun to her head. This man looked very familiar to Rocket, but couldn’t quite see his face while the other guy who was clapping had his hat over his face, revealing only his mouth.
”Let her go!” Yelled Rocket
”It’s nice to see you again too…Ken Adams…or should I say…Rocketman” the man looked up to reveal his true identity.
”Thomas!” exclaimed Rocket
”You have yourself a fine looking lady here” started T
as he touched Sadic’s face. Sadic jerked her head away, indicated she didn’t want to be touched.
”It would be a shame if something happened to her…”
Rocketman was raging inside. “ARGHHH!!*”He took out his gun
*Click Click*
Rocket threw the gun at the wall.
”You were going to kill me?” asked T
”You fucker! What do you want with her!?” yelled Rocket
”I’d let you stick around and show you my plan, but your not worth it…” said T
Vince took the gun off Sadic and pointed it at Rocket
”Sweet Dreams” said T

End Chapter

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:00:48

well heres another story, don't like it then shut the hell up because i certainly as hell ain't throwing out my series this early.

Sorrow and Hatred

As i drive home from work, i think about what happened today but i stop thinking about it because i don't want it to get in the way for the rest of the day....or life. When i reach a red light, i see a convience store getting robbed. I start to think about why should i get involved, all it's going to do is get me injured but what the hell.
Once the light turns green, i make a turn and pull in to the parking lot and stealth my way up to the glass door. Begin to pull out my beretta and watch as the robbers torture the store owner, which was an old family friend. I start to get angry at him getting tortured so bust down the door and open fire on the robbers.

I fired six rounds at the robbers but they all had bulletproof vest on so i hid behind the counter as they opened fire with their SMG's. I pull out some grenades but checked to see if there was anyone else in the store and all i saw was a few bodies on the ground, some were old, some weren't. I chuck all the grenades everywhere and covered my ears as they exploded. After the explosion, it became silent........too silent. I checked to see if the clerk was still alive and he was lying on the floor but covering his ears. I smile and search the store for the rest of the robbers. I silently look at one corner of the store and found nothing, so i move on to another side.

As i was walking through aisles, one robber threw ninja daggers at me and i pick up a watermelon and block them. Then i run behind the aisle wall and pick up a vodka bottle. i take a few drinks out of it and stuff a napkin into it and lighted the napkin on fire. As the robber approached, i chucked the vodka bottle at his head and watched as he ran around the store on fire. I start to walk to the counter until another robber with a rocket launcher ran at me, i kick him in the face and hold the rocket launcher to his head. As i began to walk out of the store with the robber held hostage, i throw the clerk twenty dollars and say "keep the change, frank and have a nice day."

After we made it outside the store, i ask him "where the fuck is your car?!"and he replies "over there.""now thats a good bitch, keep on moving." He leads me to his car, where someone in the driver's seat listens to the radio. I break the window and told the driver to get out the car or i'll blow his buddy's brain all over him, he got out. I then ask the driver to put his mouth on the curb. He says "what the hell man?!" and i smack him down. I tell the other man to stand next to the car while pointing the rocket launcher at him and when the driver put his mouth on the street curb, i tell him to say good night and stepped on his head hard.

After that, i say have a nice day to the other man and pull the trigger on the rocket launcher and get back in my car and drive home. While i drive to my home, i try to call my wife but she dosen't pick up the phone. So i call again but still get no answer but i keep on calling until i reach home. I walk up the steps and i think about why she didn't pick up the phone. I reach my apartment and begin to search it and walk into my bedroom. When i got in, i was shocked at what i saw next, my wife on the bed......with gunshots in the back. I immediatly rush to her and pound on her so she can wake up but she didn't. "rose wake up damnit, honey wake up goddamnit!!!!" i screamed repeatedly but she didn't wake up still. I start to cry as i pound her chest and kept on pounding harder and harder..........until she coughed up blood. I right away ask if she is allright but she tells me to check the baby's room and i start to feel sick but i walk out the bedroom to go to junior's room.

I slowly open the door and steadily walk to junior's crib. Step after step, pain keeps on building up in my heart. Before i looked into junior's crib, i closed my eyes so i can have more time to have happy thoughts. When i finally opened my eyes, my worsest fear came true, my baby's head was sliced off. After seeing the aftermath, i begin to vomit nonstop all over the room until i heard the rooms toilet flush and all of a sudden, Fragment walked out of the bathroom with a chainsaw and when he saw me, he dropped the chainsaw out of fear. He was scared enough to kill himself and he slowly went for the window until i yanked him over to me. "WHY, WHY DID YOU TAKE EVERYTHING SPECIAL FROM ME?!!". "why the fuck did i have to care?" Out of fury, i punched my fist into his stomach and pulled out his guts and began to strangle him with them. No matter how many times he begged with his gargled voice, that will not bring back whats special to me. I pick up his chainsaw and impale him on it and chucked him out the window.

After a few days, i take my wife to the cemetery in a wheelchair to visit our sons grave. After a while, Ghost came from behind us and greeted us too. I tell rose to go for a stroll so i can talk to Ghost. "Sorry to hear what happened.". "Don't worry, it's not your fault.". "No it is, the store robbery was just to stall you so fragment can kill your family." "why?" i said in a emotionless voice. "I wanted you to feel the same pain i did when i lost your mother." "I see, any last words." "You were the best son and child i ever had in my whole life, you were all i had left ever since your mother was killed, i just wanted you to feel from this so when you pass on the legacy, i am sincerely sorry that this happened". "Well, it was nice having this conversation with you but i have a family to rebuild, goodbye Father." I shot him in the heart and he fell on the grave stone of his own grandson, the grandson he murdered. No matter how much you want to turn back time and change everything to be more perfect than before, you will never move on in life. The only lesson i learned from all these events are "Never trust anyone and Rely on your instincts".


Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:01:32

At 1/9/06 07:55 PM, -Rocketman- wrote: Chapter 6 – Sweet Emotion

Pure gold. I've been looking forward to this continuation. : )

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:11:25

At 1/9/06 07:55 PM, -Rocketman- wrote: Rocket had taken Sadic to a fancy restaurant a few blocks down from the Mafia HQ.

Had to fix that lol

At 1/9/06 08:01 PM, Charrlotte wrote: Pure gold. I've been looking forward to this continuation. : )
Can't wait for the next chapter.

Thanks lol, glad u like it

At 1/9/06 08:00 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: Sorrow and Hatred

Very nice story

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:15:18

If I didn't suck so hard at writing stories I'd probably try one out. But I don't know what to write. I'm creative enough. I just don't have enough info/basic knowledge.

If I wasn't so good looking I'd feel bad about... now.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:41:50

nice im down.. twin uzi's saweettt

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:53:23

At 1/9/06 08:41 PM, sn00p_doggz3 wrote: nice im down.. twin uzi's saweettt

Let me guess......first few posts? like i frigging thought. you know a lot of things change over almost two years, people leave and people come and what you are doing now is pissing off the new people and new people are very easy to piss off, so i suggest you piss off before you get pissed on. blood was spilled to keep this community safe from ignorant people like you, so before you start going gung ho on posting in 2 year old communities like this, check back on the last few pages before posting like it's 2004, aight homie?

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 20:54:33

At 1/9/06 08:41 PM, sn00p_doggz3 wrote: nice im down.. twin uzi's saweettt

Welcome to the 720th page. I see you're not to familiar with the fourms lol
A couple tips for you for the fourms:

1. Read up on the club your going to be posting, make sure you read a few of the last pages that have been done in the club or even in the general section to make sure you know what is happening in the club
2. Try making more to your post instead of just saying things like "Sweet" or "I'm In"
Try making your posts longer then one line.

and for this club, you need 50 Quality Posts which again is more then one line

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 21:01:39

well, this seems pretty awkward.

1. i see you made a name change, a good one at that.
2. it seems i beated you by a minute but don't worry, you made more sense than me.
3. as for the 4.5/5, i give the same to you, it seemed good.
4. nice to know a legendary member still posts here unlike dozens of them.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 21:03:53

At 1/9/06 08:53 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: Let me guess......first few posts?

Guess.. right, because it DOESN'T say Posts: 4, right beneath his name.

like i frigging thought. you know a lot of things change over almost two years, people leave and people come and what you are doing now is pissing off the new people and new people are very easy to piss off

but no one cares... because you're new -- you have no power here, and additionally, no one likes you, and your membership is tittering along the edge as it is.

so i suggest you piss off before you get pissed on.

I suggest you shut up before you piss off some OLD members.

blood was spilled to keep this community safe from ignorant people like you

Irony. Also, no blood was spilt, and it wasn't your blood, so what do you know about it?

so before you start going gung ho on posting in 2 year old communities like this, check back on the last few pages before posting like it's 2004, aight homie?

Ironic how I don't think you did this.

Btw, there's no reason to give people applying here any flak, especially when you yourself are a complete and utter fuck-tard n00b. He's completely new to posting on the BBS on top of it. So the next time you get the urge to act like an asswipe and say something stupid -- just IM it to yourself.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 21:37:02

well people, i gotta call it a night, i got mid terms tomorrow because the hurricanes fucked up the schedule for the mid terms and holidays. lott- nice sig and welcome back.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 21:44:29

At 1/9/06 05:45 PM, Charrlotte wrote: 1. Capo di Tutti Capi (The "Boss of Bosses")

Hee hee, tutti.

I like the Traditional ranks much more than the gay ones we use as well. I guess I'm a footsoldier. I like that. Because the word "foot" is in it.

When Ghost comes around he can confirm it, but as far as I go it'd be a nice convenient title. "Head capo" is sorta stodgy IMO.

"Head Capo" sounds like a goverment position, even though the word "Capo" is in it. Only those old geezers use Head titles.


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 21:46:18

Well, ok. On to choosing a profession. Ok, I read the first part about professions, and since I have always had a little place in my heart for burning things, I guess Demolitions would suit me. But I read the post about who leads what, and I am not sure if that would go under any catigory. If I can't get a spot in Demolitions, I guess I could go the scientist route.

Just lead me on, and I will follow.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 22:20:16

At 1/9/06 08:00 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: well heres another story, don't like it then shut the hell up because i certainly as hell ain't throwing out my series this early.

Hey, don't tell anyone to shut up! Seeing your position and reputation, you barely have the right to say Hi! You shut up.

Sorrow and Hatred

I killed a baby? Ugh, I feel sick. 4.5/5


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 22:22:07

At 1/9/06 09:46 PM, BlunderJoe wrote: I guess I could go the scientist route.

We would love for you to join the science departement.
Triv. maybe i can take him under my wing like you did for me when i first joined?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 22:25:07

Alright, I'll admit. I'm an addict to Newgrounds.

It's no use. I've been able to get in contact with the mod who graciously filled out my user requested ban, and was able to get it off.

Meaning, I'm finally free to post.

So, expect to hear more from me soon - finally...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 22:28:42

At 1/9/06 10:25 PM, Nomader wrote: Alright, I'll admit. I'm an addict to Newgrounds.

I have more posts than you/ bigger PPD. You try being me.


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-09 23:06:18

At 1/9/06 05:45 PM, Charrlotte wrote: I suppose that would work. Traditional Mafia ranks go like this:

1. Capo di Tutti Capi (The "Boss of Bosses")
2. Capo di Capi Re (a title of respect given to a senior or retired member; chairman emeritus)

2.5. Pezzenovante (The big shots, .90 caliber guys.)

3. Capo Crimini (Don or Godfather)
4. Capo Bastone (Underboss)
5. Consigliere (Advisor)
6. Contabile (Financial advisor)
7. Caporegime' or Capodecina (Lieutenant who commands a crew of Sgarrista)

7.5. Button men (Highly trusted men who carry out the Capo's orders)

8. Sgarrista or Soldati (foot soldiers)
9. Picciotto (low ranking member)
10. Giovane D'Onore (associate member)

Well it's a great list and i'm amazed that you took the time to pull this out. Well done. However l made a couple of changes where l think are necessary.

In other news l think a part of me died today. My friend that l announced who had past away. Well it seems that l was very close friends with him and didn't know it until his wake which was today. Let me explain. I usually know people not by their names, but by their faces. So when l heard that this kid died, l thought it was some one from my school l didn't know and should pay my respects anyway. When l got to the wake and saw his face, l swear on my brother that it felt like some one hit in the chest with a hammer. This kid was on the wrestling team with me for 2 years and l became good friends with him. That was the first time l really cried in 3 years, honest.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 06:23:22

At 1/9/06 05:45 PM, Charrlotte wrote:
At 1/9/06 05:03 PM, BORIS-4-U wrote: I see that everyone has overlooked my important post despite the BOLD LETTERS, so i'll bting it up again.
I'm sure people have seen it, they're just waiting for someone in authority to say something.

I suppose that would work. Traditional Mafia ranks go like this:

1. Capo di Tutti Capi (The "Boss of Bosses")
2. Capo di Capi Re (a title of respect given to a senior or retired member; chairman emeritus)
3. Capo Crimini (Don or Godfather)
4. Capo Bastone (Underboss)
5. Consigliere (Advisor)
6. Contabile (Financial advisor)
7. Caporegime' or Capodecina (Lieutenant who commands a crew of Sgarrista)
8. Sgarrista or Soldati (foot soldiers)
9. Picciotto (low ranking member)
10. Giovane D'Onore (associate member)

Ghost is the Capo Crimini here, and Strauss is the Capo Bastone. That'd make me the Consigliere here, and I suppose since we don't really make any money we could call the retired capos Contabiles (wouldn't make sense to give the title of Capo di Capi Re, since that'd be above Ghost).

When Ghost comes around he can confirm it, but as far as I go it'd be a nice convenient title. "Head capo" is sorta stodgy IMO.

Then what exactly would that make me? A Caporegime? And there's no way on Earth that I could apply those titles the Science Division as a whole; I'd rather just call Regus_Mk_IV "Weapons Specialist" and Speedy1234 "1st Lieutenant". I'm prettty sure I had a 2nd Lieutenant as well, but I seem to have forgotten who he is (I'm sorry about that - I'm not too good with names).
While I'm on the subject, these are the positions available for anyone who wants to join the Science Division:
Armor Specialist (1 slot available)
Vehicle Specialist (1 slot available)
Gadget Specialist (1 slot available)
Jack of All Trades (multiple slots available)

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 07:31:05

heres another story.


The mansion was being shot up by bullets and napalm, the only one in the house was the boss himself and yet no one broke in (due to triv's security system.). The rest of the members were hiding outside in the woods. strauss goes over what happened and it seems that someone was a snitch, who may be in the house with Ghost. I was able to find them but i when i greeted them, they all accidentally shot at me. After a few moments, they remember it's me. They go over what happened with me too. I decide to save the boss. They all think i went crazy but i assure them that everything will be all right and begin to walk over to the mansion.

When i was out of the woods, napalm showered above me but missed, but then bullets were firing at me. Luckily all the bullets and when i made it to the long driveway, the attackers surrounded me but then started unloading on each other and kept on walking to the front door. When i got in
the mansion, two people were waiting and charged at me. I kicked one in the face and shot him while the other one, who was holding a stun gun, i took it and stuck it into throat and went up the stairs to the boss' room.

When i got up there, it was quiet and i knocked down the door. What i found was what i least expected, Joic standing over the boss with a gun. "YOU BASTARD!", he just smiled and pointed the gun at me until i kicked him out onto the balcony. He shot me in the legs and stood over me, i closed my eyes and heard a gunshot, it was ghost firing a gun into the air. It was a test the whole time and when i found out, i pushed joic off the balcony and stormed out.


Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 07:51:35

Mutnat_baloney, when writing, making yourself the only hero is one of the lamest things possible... Find inspiration and only then write... About your posts to other people. Shut the fuck up. You have absolutely no authority what so ever to say anything to any one unless spoken to.

BTW: nice list of ranks Charlotte and nice second version Boris. I like it...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 10:18:51

lol, charlotte? http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Mafia

Mutant try making your sotrys with other heroes, and not only you ..... you know?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 10:32:42

Hey guys, I took a little vacay from NG to do some school related stuff but i'm around. I may not post as much but i'm still here.

Charrlotte, i'd be glad to partner up, but i'm not wearing ugly fishermans boots, i'm wearing a pair of airwalks :p and don't bother training any new recruits for assassin, were good on our own.....kaslhdlhasdfsf.

Mutant, your single man stories are soon becoming a bore, use more people, it turns up the excitement.

Rocketman, your story is great, hope to see more.

NGCA, stop being lazy and write a goddamn story lol.

Others, bleh, I don't have anything for you : (

Later guys, i'll be on later when schools over and done with.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 10:40:15

At 1/10/06 10:18 AM, Speedy1234 wrote: lol, charlotte? http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Mafia

Fascinating... I love reading any thing about the mafia. I knew that I have heard the expression Cosa Nostra before but I wasn't sure...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-01-10 10:55:31

Right all stories 5/5.
Mutant, How in Hades did I cause a problem for you? Please tell me or better yet, Post a link.