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NG Mafia

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Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 17:20:12

At 10/15/06 05:00 PM, Speedy wrote: Well, actually they don't need to be at least two lines long. They can intelligent and still be one-liners.

Hey, you have to be a member to post here.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 17:34:47

At 10/15/06 05:30 PM, Britkid wrote: We have a policy where you can stick around until you acquire these posts though.

Not this guy Brit, he's basically disregarded everything l've said and now, unless Charlotte, Strauss, or Ghost says otherwise, he's not joining.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 17:37:54

In memoriam: My vacation 10/7/06 -10/15/06 RIP

Getting Out: Step Eight

Fairy gawked at the car in front of her. Ghanden and Brit were already scrambling insidee it, not bothering to ask for an explanation. Nomad started firing at Stevens' truck to distract him.
"Fairy! Get in!!", yelled The Serf.
"W-what?! What are you guys doing here? Why did you save us?"
"Some bad shit's going down.", said The Serf as he helped her into the car. "Besides, I would never let anything happen to you."
Fairy, Brit, and Ghanden squeezed intot the back.
"You guys okay?", asked Nomad.
"What the hell are you doing?! Drive already!!", yelled Brit.
On cue, Stevens' truck began firing again, to no avail. The glass and metal of the car were bulletproof. The Serf floored the gas and headed to the freeway.
"If we can get him into traffic, we should be okay.", said Brit.
The monsterous truck zoomed after them, at incredible speeds.
"HAHAHA!! THIS BABY'S EQUIPPED WITH NITRO!!", screamed the voice in the megaphone.
"Fuck!! He's insane!!", yelled Britkid. "Get out of there Serf, and let me drive!!"
Just as Brit got into place, the truck hit their side full force. A loud snap sounded as the car hit a building.
"Oh shit, I think that was our brakes!!"
They had no time to worry, as the truck was coming toward them again.
"Well we've no choice, we'll still have to go into the freeway!", said Brit, as he accelarated once again.
The traffic around them swerved out of their way as the two vehicles drove into the busy lane. The truck pulled up against the car again, but didn't try to hit it. To Britkid's shock, it's side door opened and Stevens leaned out with a chainsaw.
"What?!! You're insane!!"
Stevens began cutting into the door, nothing controlling his truck but a brick on the gas. Britkid couldn't try to hit it or slow down now that his brakes were history. In moments the door was gone.
"WHY HELLO THERE BRIT!! ENJOYING YOUR DRIVE?!", yelled Stevens as he swung the saw at him. Brit lunged out of the way and got as far away from the truck as possible.
"IT'S NOT OVER YET!!", called Stevens, taking out the AK-47 strapped to the ceiling.
"Hell!!", screamed Brit. "What is wrong with him?!"
Brit swung the car around, hitting another passing vehicle, causing it to do a 180.
"Oh well, that works out nicely, doesn't it?", said Brit as he put the car in reverse.
"What?! Brit, we're driving backwards down the freeway!!", yelled Ghanden.
"I know!! I can handle it, don't worry!!"
Indeed, now Brit didn't have to worry about getting shot, but he was moving on pure inertia alone.
"We're dead. We're dead.", said Fairy.
"Shut up!! Thirty seconds, just give me that!!", yelled Brit, furiously looking through his rear-view mirror.
Once again Stevens brought out his chainsaw and began his work on the door next to Nomad, who rolled down the window and fired his gun. Stevens ducked back into his truck and responded with more gunfire.
"Brit, do you have a plan of some kind?!"
He didn't have to answer. The truck violently hit a speed bump in the road. It swerved to the side and hit one of the passing cars, then slammed onto it's side. It helplessly skidded toward oncoming traffic.
"Woohoo!! You did it!!", yelled the group to Britkid. Their cheer was interupted by the booming voice.
The harpoon like weapon on the top (now side) or the truck fired.
"Get down!!", screamed Nomad.
It crashed throught he windshield and through the back, narrowly missing them.
The spear on the end was attached to the truck by a long and sturdy rope. To their horror, the passengers of the car were pulled into traffic along with the truck.
The last thing Brit saw before he lost consciousness was Stevens' laughing face behind a wall of fiery wreckage.
To be continued...

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 17:48:22

Double posting- I hate it, but why?

At 10/15/06 05:16 PM, Rabies wrote:
You've been going to the wrong kind of parties: Your own.
No my parties rock, my dad's don't.

Oh, I see. Then you've been going to the wrong kind of parties: Your dad's.

My birthday is this month. Most freshamn are 14. Explain please.

Um, most of the freshmen at my school are fifteen. It's been like this since I was in kindergarten. Maybe all of them joined a year late? Oh, or maybe they're all degenerates. Who knows?

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 17:58:27

At 10/8/06 03:20 PM, Snype wrote: I like the idea of a sound rifle. Hell, we could use it as a tourture weapon (make it so it will hurt the person, not knock them out). How about any other weapons? Anything else non-lethal?

Can't say I'd thought of this, but it can be done, give me a few days to work on it and then we can go for testing, I'd advise an opposing gang member be used.

Sorry for my absence, I had to leve my computer for a week, damn ceiling had to be ripped down.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 18:03:17

At 10/15/06 05:58 PM, Regus-MK-IV wrote: Can't say I'd thought of this, but it can be done, give me a few days to work on it and then we can go for testing, I'd advise an opposing gang member be used.

Wel, I was always thin king that the rifle woyld be like a metalic white colur, I dont know why. Are there going to be like sound magazines or like a certain charger acsessory?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 18:37:50

At 10/15/06 05:54 PM, Britkid wrote: Who, StrangeBoy? Has he posted here before?

Woops, wrong person. Damn l'm havin an off day. Never mind what l said.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 19:50:00

At 10/15/06 05:20 PM, Boris-4-U wrote:
At 10/15/06 05:00 PM, Speedy wrote: Well, actually they don't need to be at least two lines long. They can intelligent and still be one-liners.
Hey, you have to be a member to post here.

Shit... well lets just pretend i am and then everybody can have a big orgy with me.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 19:53:37

At 10/15/06 07:50 PM, Speedy wrote: Shit... well lets just pretend i am and then everybody can have a big orgy with me.

No. If you want to join, you must have 50 intelligent posts - no stupid one liners or spam. After, if you get accepted, you must join a Dep, for example teh Security Dep or the Snipers Dep. Mkay? If you dont want to join and only want to spam up the club, go to hell.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 19:55:44

At 10/15/06 07:53 PM, Snype wrote:

No. If you want to join, you must have 50 intelligent posts - no stupid one liners or spam. After, if you get accepted, you must join a Dep, for example teh Security Dep or the Snipers Dep. Mkay? If you dont want to join and only want to spam up the club, go to hell.

lol... I like your new members, but if i were still in charge i would slap this guy around a bit. :)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 19:56:37

At 10/15/06 07:53 PM, Snype wrote: No. If you want to join, you must have 50 intelligent posts - no stupid one liners or spam.

If you weren't so quick to "post count +1", you'd notice he definately meets this requirement.

After, if you get accepted, you must join a Dep, for example teh Security Dep or the Snipers Dep. Mkay? If you dont want to join and only want to spam up the club, go to hell.

You also would have known he was a member in the Mafia. Around the time when I was active (if there was such a thing.)

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 20:02:46

When you guys see strauss or ghost tell them i said hi.
+Ask Strauss how our test tub baby is doing.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 20:35:12

At 10/15/06 07:55 PM, Speedy wrote: lol... I like your new members, but if i were still in charge i would slap this guy around a bit. :)

God only knows what this place would be like if you were still in charge ;)

When you guys see strauss or ghost tell them i said hi.
+Ask Strauss how our test tub baby is doing.

Haha, l'll be sure to do that, be good man.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 21:12:08

At 10/15/06 07:56 PM, NGCA wrote:
You also would have known he was a member in the Mafia. Around the time when I was active (if there was such a thing.)

He "was a member". Well, sice he didnt have NG MAFIA in his sig, I assumed that he wasnt in.

Boris Said:

Hey, you have to be a member to post here.

What about Boris? Surely he would have known if Speedy was a member... (Im not accusing you of anything Boris) Besides, it wasnt post count +1, it was just a standard procedure to tell a user willing to join, am I right?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 21:17:09

At 10/15/06 08:02 PM, Speedy wrote: When you guys see strauss or ghost tell them i said hi.
+Ask Strauss how our test tub baby is doing.

holy shit, am i a father AGAIN??
i guess my sperm goes anywhere nowadays

now i've got 2 babies!
strauss jr with sdg, and now one......with you???? man, that can't be right

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 21:17:45

OK, since i wasnt aware that Speedy is a member, I apologise for any stupidness I may have caused, and sorry, speedy. <shoots self in leg as punishment>

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 21:24:04

At 10/15/06 09:12 PM, Snype wrote: What about Boris? Surely he would have known if Speedy was a member... (Im not accusing you of anything Boris)

Don't feel discouraged, my awesome sarcasm even confuses me sometimes.

At 10/15/06 09:12 PM, Ocelot wrote: Boris, I sent you a PM for the music I wanted on the Mafia FAQ page, if you didn't get it, post here.

No l got it.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 21:32:52

At 10/15/06 09:17 PM, Snype wrote: OK, since i wasnt aware that Speedy is a member, I apologise for any stupidness I may have caused, and sorry, speedy. <shoots self in leg as punishment>

no, you did nothing wrong. speedy was a member a while ago, and left. but, since he left on good terms, we're willing (as with all who left on good terms) to grant automatic membership when they return. the only thing he can't get back automatically is his previous position.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-15 23:37:08

At 10/15/06 11:03 PM, Ocelot wrote: Capoship must be earned, so...
Speedy on your knees. Do not question me!

Are you about to make Speedy do what I think you will?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 01:14:39

I just got the weirdest voicemail on my phone...It was some guy I don't even know talking about how I made a promise to him and he needed the money. It was just weird. Probably a wrong number. Now I'm kicking myself because I deleted it without even listening to it a second time to figure out who it was and what they wanted...Whatever

Nice story Ghandi

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 01:52:01

can i be in? i wouldnt mind bieng captain of drug distribution/sales. sweet gang btw!

My love to the foxes club

JOIN/LISTEN TO NG RADIO!!! you can look it up and hear or subscribe to it for FREE on itunes. just search newgrounds in Itunes store!!!!!!!!!!!

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 07:29:13

At 10/16/06 02:29 AM, Britkid wrote: Having a baby with a scary dead girl sure must be traumatic.

hellz no. sdg is my best woman and having a baby with her is the 2nd best thing that could happen to me

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 08:09:29

The Science of the Mafia, Part Twenty-Two - Step One

Mr. Trivia ponders for quite a while in his office, pacing back and forth on his "pacing rug." The General Purpose Droid insisted on the rug to prevent wearing a hole through the carpet around Triv's drawing board/desk. "All that Gundanium," mumbles Triv as he turns for the 47th time. "How can I put it to good use?"
Mr. Trivia looks at his wall of monitors, some showing live feed of security cameras, but the majority displaying anime and science fiction shows, and the preverbial light bulb over Triv's head switched on. "Of course, another kind of mech!"
In the middle of the lab, Triv meets with his specialists to brief all departments on the project. "Before we begin this meeting, let's take roll call. Regus?"
"Present," replied Regus-MK-IV, 1st Lt and Weapons Expert.
"Here," replied Deadly, 2nd Lt and Vehicle Expert.
Ganondorf, the Armor Expert, apparently missed the meeting.
"Here!" said Warhammer, Gadget Expert, arriving at the last minute in a tropical shirt.
"Here," said PenitentTangent, Jack of All Trades.
"Alright guys, I have an important job that requires expertise in every division of the lab to accomplish. The next project is to build a small-to-medium-sized one-pilot mech..."
"Haven't we done mechs before?" asked Deadly, cutting Triv off mid-sentence. "What's so special about this one?"
"Yes, the lab has produced a Veritech Fighter by starting with an F-15, but this will be a mechanical exoskeleton built from the ground up. It may even be operational indoors, which is certainly an advantage over the giant robots that every other mad scientist cooks up!"
Mr. Trivia then explains everyone's duties. "Armor is already taken care of; Ganondorf isn't at this meeting, but WildCatzTy has already made enough Gundanium alloy to build a 10-foot machine.
"Vehicle Expert Deadly will be in charge of the powerplant and controls. Just think of it as a human-shaped motorcycle.
"Weapon Expert Regus will arm this thing to the teeth once it takes shape and functions as a vehicle. It needs at least one Vulcan Cannon, and try for two or more types of missiles.
"Gadgets Expert Warhammer will be responsible for the guages and instruments; I want you to make sure Radar, Night-Vision and Infra-Red are included.
"Jack of All Trades Tangent and I will do general construction and lend a hand wherever needed. When the prototype is finished and properly tested, we will decide if mass-production is feasible and desirable."
Now that a basic plan was laid out, the real design work could start.

Note: The members mentioned in this story can feel free to write their own parts.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 11:06:25

At 10/15/06 06:03 PM, Snype wrote:
Wel, I was always thin king that the rifle woyld be like a metalic white colur, I dont know why. Are there going to be like sound magazines or like a certain charger acsessory?

Ermmm sure it can be metallic white and it uses a kinetic dynamo to charge it and has an inbuilt Lithium Ion power storage array. Thinking of making one that uses a micro nuclear cell for power, might be a bit dangerous though. Any other weapon types you want with that? I have a pulse rifle here somewhere, uses a blast of raw energy to overload the subjects nervous system and stun them.

I have some Bio-Toxin ammunition for various caliber weapons, they arent fatal, unless a subject is allergic or it enters the blood stream, they release a powerful vapor, should have em out in about 10 seconds. These rounds are a variant of the Morphwin ammunition that I have been developing since I got here, we have many variants now, some made by Power Prower, not sure if he's active or not.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 11:28:25

At 10/16/06 11:06 AM, Regus-MK-IV wrote: some made by Power Prower, not sure if he's active or not.

I don't think he is he seemed to be really active a while back and suddenly dissapeared again so I think he's went back to his rarely active status, I could be wrong though.

Okay so as many of you, well those who pay attention anyway, will have noticed I'm now a member of the security department and hitman has asked me to be his second in command. Now I would like to stay in the sniper divison as well but I thought this time I would ask if that's allowed since last time something like this happened it pissed off deadly.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 16:00:09

Everyone alright today? No? Well suck it up because neither am I. I have exams this week on that stuff the teachers are talking about when I'm sleeping. So, I might not be as active. But as you see I have asked System to come on as my 2nd in charge. His title will be the Head Bodyguard. Which means he will protect Capo's and the Don. Snype has also come into the Security Department as our Security Scientist. I am not sure if this should be in the Security Dep. or the Science Dep., even though its specifically for the SD. Anyone else having a shitty day?

Hey look, clever words

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 16:07:08

At 10/16/06 04:00 PM, TheHitman14 wrote: Anyone else having a shitty day?

Yeah I am, Ive waited 27 days so far for an answer from a girl I asked out, Ive had a head ache, got up late for school, ate very little and walked into the goddamn window/door in the conservatory.

Also, I'd say its more of a joint project, not on one side or another but in the middle.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 16:51:30

I watched Sin City last night. Man, who knew there could be so many dismembered heads in one movie. I'm telling you this because I just know that you're all so interested in my personal life.

At 10/16/06 11:28 AM, Systems-Error wrote: I don't think he is he seemed to be really active a while back and suddenly dissapeared again so I think he's went back to his rarely active status, I could be wrong though.

He hasn't posted anything, anywhere since 9/22. He's probably dead or hibernating (or whatever it is foxes do in winter).

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 16:54:47

At 10/16/06 04:07 PM, Regus-MK-IV wrote:
At 10/16/06 04:00 PM, TheHitman14 wrote: Anyone else having a shitty day?

well sort of becuase I just started to get the flu today. So I can look forward to bright red aching nose, sneezing untill I bleed, hot sweats, cold chills and my favourite absolute agony in my throat for the whole god damn day!

Yeah I am, Ive waited 27 days so far for an answer from a girl I asked out

fuck that man 27 days! The longest I had to wait was 2 and a half days that sucks I can't even imagine what that's like. Hope the answer you get at the end of this is the answer you want.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-10-16 17:06:05

At 10/16/06 04:54 PM, Systems-Error wrote: well sort of becuase I just started to get the flu today. So I can look forward to bright red aching nose, sneezing untill I bleed, hot sweats, cold chills and my favourite absolute agony in my throat for the whole god damn day!

Yea, i know what you mean about the cold. I has a stuffed nose for about 2.5 months now. It fucking sucks. Every minute, I have to suck in the air (kind of when you are ready for hawking someone), and I cant breath whenever I drink or chew. I also had 2 important tests today, and didnt bother for studying any of em. I think I did good though. How's that for a shitty day.

I keep picturing that little bitch from the Grudge whenevere I close my eyes at night. Any help with that inconvenient matter? Long post.

BBS Signature