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Reviews for "A Sweet Typing Thrill"


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

It's fine ahaha! You're officially the first reviewer :D
That's a pretty neat feat ;)

Finally the Lucid Dreamer has graced us with his Absolutely wonderful work. Once again this game blew my mind. All the little tidbits hidden here and there coming together into one. Marvellous.
The last puzzle was very difficult, but through the process of elimination, it was obviously the red herrings. Just.. Coded.

Majority of the puzzles were straightforward.. Except for the secret ending. I wracked my brain for what seemed like hours and finally, through trial and error, i figured it out. I won't say anymore, as i might give away the answer, but let me tell you how i came to figure it out. Everything in the game seemed like a clue. I assumed it would be like your previous one, but i was wrong. As usual.
Then i saw it. And i came to realize: Why would a mastermind name their creation something like THAT? After going through the process of elimination, i finally figured it out. As plain as broad daylight. Is that how the saying goes? what goes around come around. The answer was right there. screaming out to me. very "Sweet" Indeed.

I won't write too much, just know that i am a very big fan of yours. And if you plan on continuing the series (most likely) then i look forward to it, You Cunning Mastermind.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for the nice review, HugoTheFighter101!
I'm glad to see that you didn't find the sequel disappointing, but on the contrary seem to have enjoyed it quite some ^ ^
It's probably a good thing that the final stage is fairly difficult, as it probably would be a bit boring otherwise :)

Great job figuring out the secret ending on your own! It's not something that's easy to do :3
Thanks for not spoiling anything more about it, but it is indeed very 'sweet', isn't it ;)?

I do plan on continuing the series with one more final game. However, I'm afarid it'll take quite a while until I've gathered the energy to create it :)

Thanks once again for pkaying, and for reviewing!

I love this game even more than the last one! Good job on the riddles, for me they're exactly as challenging as I want them to be, and solving one makes me feel like a modern day Sherlock. Also, it seems like the secret ending is hinting towards a part three, if that's the case, I can't wait!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you, redlink106!
It's nice to hear that you like it even more than the first one!
I did spend a lot of time figuring out how I should balance the difficulty, but I think it turned out somewhat okay. There will eventually be a third and final game, but it will definitely take a fairly long time until then :)

As expected, awesome :D

Took me less time to figure the answers on this one, compared to the prequel. But maybe because I love communication? Or maybe the game is slightly easier? Either way it was challenging enough for me to get stuck on the Rotate one.
And I'm still stuck at the ending, but will definitely come back to try again

As for the game revew,
Even though there are no "graphics" to review (aside from the font used), but that leaves more space for you, the player, to imagine yourself as the detective, rackng your brain to find the solution for this weird case, possibly with other's lives (and your own) at stake. And I find this pretty neat. The music fits right in and the voices creeped me out xD
Will recommend to my friends when we talk about puzzle/riddle games!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you, Danpcz!

Intereting that you in general found this instalment to be easier than the second one, as I'm pretty sure it has been the other way around for most other people :O
Great job getting so far in one go!

The ending is a bit of a tough one, but maybe you remember the basic concept from the first game? It's a bit different, but don't forget to pay attention while you play the game again, in order to get back to the last stage.

Yeah, I've decided that even if I could've added some graphics, like a desk and a computer with a screen, I wanted to go with a more "pure" text-based feel. Also, I think indeed think it makes it easier for the player to immerse into the game (within the game) as if they were playing it themselves.

Glad you like the music! :D

Thanks again for playing, reviewing, and for possibly recommending this to your friends!

I love both Playing With Letters and A Sweet Typing Thrill. The music is very nice, and the puzzles are difficult- but not impossible. Thank you for making these games- I am looking forward to the next game in the series, and I'm willing to wait for it :)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm glad you like the music and the atmosphere, since those are the elements that really make the game(s), in my opinion. It's difficult to get the level of difficulty right with the puzzles, but it's great to hear they work well enough :D