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Reviews for "The Guardian"

Good Job, copying The Iron Giant. Great. Despicable.

Extremely Artsy
Very Frustrating gameplay
Takes away from it

In all seriousness this game was great. A lot of people aren't going to like it because the gameplay isn't "fun", but then again that's not really it's goal. My understanding is that the goal of this game is to tell a simple story, and it accomplishes just that. The music is great and the art is absolutely phenomenal. Very reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus, even if the themes are slightly different. The story, while simple, is very well told and both engrossing and gloomy.

All that being said, the gameplay is quite frankly, terrible. The platforming mechanics are absolutely abysmal and as a whole, detract from the experience. Even with the gameplay, the game as a whole is worth it if you like beautiful pixel art, great music and a gloomy atmosphere.

I found it amazing. Great deep story and challenging gameplay (sometimes too challeging, haha). I liked it's simplicity, those small texts explaining the plot are much better than that long boring ones. Awesome soundtrack too, made it even better. But the glitch when the giant goes to the village is disappointing.. I want to know what happens next, lol. Great upload.

OMG Dis game is like the graeetset hting ever, i lov the frekin art and the musc so chilling i wis i culd see da pixe beeter but other then that its gret

When I first saw the giant I thought it was obvious that you would eventually control him, so that's all that motivated me to continue holding left and up for an eternity. Then finally when completing the same deed 5 times, I find out that the controlling the giant is just a piss to the face. Gave up after destroying 2 buildings, remembering how long of a journey it is to return to the village. I even used cheat engine to try to speed things up, still far from adequate speed. There is no way, at all, that I'm gonna hold a button for potentially hours of frustration.