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Reviews for "MOON"

This game, in general, felt lackluster. There was very little actual "Playing" to be done, the sounds were ripped off from every single other "horror" game ever, and quite honestly simplistic animation and pixel graphics just don't work for making a horror game. There were so many grammar and spelling mistakes in the text boxes that it became incredibly obnoxious. Most of the actions the player needed to take to complete the game were utterly nonsensical and no motivation or explanation was provided for them. All in all, this seemed more like a parody of a horror game than an actual horror game.

If that's what you were going for, well, kudos I guess.

well i like it its scary and the pixels look nice but its boring i guess this a game that makes you scared.

This game, I love pixel styled games but this one I honestly didn't like too much. First of all, how slow you walk really got on my nerves, you could have made that a bit faster. Second of all, just the way you talk makes it very hoaky. If something "odd" happens you seem to blow it out of proportion and freak out. I feel like a more rational response would have made this game more "eerie" .
Also, there isn't much interaction in the game, little controls and most all you do is walk to and from each day until the climax, no challenge.

The achievements, I feel as if they're much too easy to obtain, all you really have to do is follow the storyline as expected and you get the achievements, there's no actual challenge to them.

I have to admit though, as the game went on it had an increasingly eerie effect on me. The music was a very good choice, it did define what being on the moon would really be like. Quiet, lonely, static noise sort of feel. So that was a good point. The story overall was great, yes it was a bit cliche but it was a good story but I don't think you took ahold of that aspect completely. This game could have turned out to be a very scary, interactive game.
Also, this game very much reminded me of a movie called 2001 Space Odyssey, very strange.

But an overall rating: It could have been much better, very predictable, eerie at times, little interactivity, and slow movement. 2 stars.

(Sorry if this was a bit harsh, I don't intend to be an asshole.)

This is on a complete wrong category, this should be a movie not a game!

The storyline is so strictly linear that it could pretty much be redone with only 1 button or no button at all.
As a movie it should be good but as a game... ... ... you can't explore, you can't score, you can't die ... pretty much defeat all the purposes of being a game.

So I'll review this AS a movie, not a game:

* Music and sound were good, it felt the atmosphere right.
* Graphics were good too, not much to complain apart of the noise effects, they should had the same resolution as the rest of the graphics.
* Animation was bad... humans don't walk with they legs up and down like that! They blend parts of the leg forward and backward and the walking motion cause the character height to change, go search the web for "walking animation tutorial" and do some practice first.
* Dialogues weren't very good, in some parts they felt over dramatic or badly acted, specially that the personality of the rescue team was exactly the same as the astronaut... "Oh my god..."
* Story wasn't bad, it shows that you had put some effort on it and i love to see random stuff happening instead of something predictable.

Overall, it's a good movie but clearly not a game at all (e.g. if wasn't for the misleading category i should had rated higher).

The only reason I'm here is for the easy medals. The character walks too slowly, the whole story makes no sense, some people are saying the suspense was good and i have no clue what they mean since there is no suspense at all. Unless of course you're like 6. All you do is read text, and walk back and forth the entire game. And the ending was shit as well, it made no sense as to what was shown to John, and why he suddenly started talking and acting like his bloody imaginary self. And the fact that he used the line he himself had no understanding of, just made the ending 10 times worse. Like he sees himself talk weird shit and weird shit appears, then a few days later the rescue team (more like a single medic) come, and he says the same weird shit and the game just ends.

I'll give you 2 stars for the easy medals and the effort to make something.