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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"


You've attributed way too much "facts" to the Dogon tribe. Sirius is the brightest star and fairly noticeable. They thought it had TWO not 1 (male and female) companions. The fact you decided to omit this fact is telling. They also mention that one of these stars (the one you are no doubt referring too) makes Sirius brighter and dimmer as it orbits, and that it's orbit lasts 60 years. Both are false.

No diagram on any cave 700 years ago either.

The sphinx is not the largest structure, the quran makes no mention of the age of the Earth (any age interpreted from it gives an age of many hundreds of thousands of years), it is the creationist interpretation of the Christian bible that gives an age of 6000 years. Muslims do not believe that, and no muslim archaeologist retrofits their evidence to fit your bogus claim.
All evidence suggests the sphinx was built around 2500BC.

And no, the Earth's axis never points towards the centre of the galaxy, the galaxy has no conciseness, nothing will happen on 21/12/12.

The only people getting dumber are the ones who actually believe this shit. Just go and look at the evidence for yourselves instead of buying into the conspiracy bullshit because you're not smart enough to advance real answers or solutions.

RiverJordan responds:

I dunno man, i can't find proofs for the stuff you just said, so who knows?

Also, the sphinx is the largest "statue", not structure. Also you should watch "The mystery of the sphinx", i linked to it at the end of the video and in the comments. The sphinx was not made when you think it was.

And yes, the earths axis does point towards the center of the galaxy, the galaxy has way more consciousness than you realize, something big will happen in between now and 2015, which is the window that the mayans said it would take place in. (2012 is the exact date when we hit a certain spot on the precession, but they said the window was 2007 to 2015, a window called the end of time which was marked by a giant blue orb in the sky, larger than the sun. In 2007, comet holmes flew into our solar system and blew up in a giant blue orb, larger than our sun).

Remember at the beginning of this one "what you receive, is what you were meant to receive". don't worry, i'm not going to call you dumb. You remind me of myself about a year ago.



Let me first start off by saying, all of this is pseudoscience. It's the hodge podge creation of morons and blithering autistic window lickers who pieced together random parts of other philosophy and culture to make a puzzle where all the pieces were punched in. Point being, it doesn't work.

And no, this isn't because I didn't watch the Sphinx special on Discovery after the two hour program on Hitler's dog's secret birthday parties, or because I didn't pick up every 1/2 off book on sale at Barnes and Noble in the New Age section.

Yours are the rantings of a man whose head is so far up his ass, that he wafts in his own scent and is pleased. At no part in this is there a factual statement made. In fact, I would go as far as to say every single word of it is conjecture about the machinations of the universe on a pseudoscientific scale.

Let me repeat, no where in this entire rant about dolphins from deep space 9 that planted the pyramids did you give a factual statement. Only, you gave canned lines you learned from the New Age community college class, and random clippings from ugly webpages about indigo children and how someone's sister married bigfoot.

What's worse is the fact that you don't acknowledge the opinions of others, spewing your own as fact and inviting everyone to drink the kool aid with you. You look down your nose at all opinions that are not your own, as shown by your condescending remarks to other negative reviews, opting to hold yours up as the one sole truth, to which all others are wrong and moronic.

You remind me of how I was when I was a gullible community college kid who made ugly animations with the help of google stock images to help further my own beliefs and show them to the world, in all their unsupported and not-based-in-fact glory.

RiverJordan responds:

That's cool, i'm glad you have opinions too :)

...how was that?

seriously though, "pseudoscience, insightful, bullshit, amazing", you can put labels on it if you want. I say, it is what it is. It's what i'm interested in, and it's what i'm going to continue talking about.

What's the harm in that?

bromethus I appreciate the intellegent arguement..

...but in this example it's irrelevant. This was boring. Plain and simple. No need to delve any further than that.

RiverJordan responds:

I'm sorry i failed to keep your attention.


not the best animation...
and way to serious... I am not nerd enough for this... :s
If u make the animation better (so let it move with more frames) it would be a lot better


I feel dumber just watching this.