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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"


You are certainly very convincing.

I have a problem, though. I often wonder how I can trust people when they make claims like this.

The reactions to a video like this are usually "this is awesome, I completely believe you" or "this is complete bullshit, hate hate hate" with some caps thrown in.

I don't like to jump to those conclusions. The alternative is to experience an anxious distrust of anything - a Pyrrhonian skepticism. I was just wondering how you feel you can put your trust in one point of view over another. What takes you from just thinking something, believing something, and then knowing it?

When met with opposition, I feel my open-mindedness undermines any confidence that I can have in any kind of theory. It's a bit upsetting. = /

RiverJordan responds:

Ultimately it's all in the eye of the beholder right? Is this crap or is this eye opening? You decide.

Most of this information came from a man named Drunvalo Melchizidek. This man is a wealth of knowledge, and i have decided to trust him based on everything that he's brought to the table. Also, when I looked at his information after reading his books, there was definitely incredible backing behind it. (Like the mystery of the sphinx video for example). I'll probably talk more about him later on.

I would appreciate Sources....

While i see you're point with the Sphinx as it does make sense... I would like to see some sources on the other stuff. In regards to the story of Atlantis you can point to the ancient civilization on the Island of Thera in the Greek Cyclades. Keep in mind the Atlantis story was originally an Egyptian story and corresponds with the eruption of the island of Thera. This civilization was before the "Greeks" and were known either as the Akroterians or the Minoans and were advanced in a number of ways. For instance they were doing frescoes and had flushing Toilets. This civilization was a major Naval power and had Palaces throughout the Mediterranian area.

RiverJordan responds:

That's cool, haven't heard that before. There are sources both in the credits and in the author comments of the video though, in case you were wondering.

Highly Informative!


Can you really credit exaggerated beliefs.

There is no doubt that you did your homework on brought together several valid points, but is it really a well planned system of occurrences that have deeper meaning or are we really just blind sighting ourselves into believing the unimaginable. The mayans did make a prediction but certain facts were never calculated. For one, did they ever think of leap year? Lets not forget that our time frame is based off of Caesar's method, the 365. Besides, it seems like a rather over confident belief that it's the rotation of earth that accelerates our learning capabilities. If you really want a good reason as to why we are capable of finding more information it's due ti the internet. What you are forgetting is that religion prohibited a lot of scientific and mathematical discovery. Some of the most brilliant minds were conscious during the time frame "where we got dumber" as you said. If the catholic church did not have such a strong grip over society it would have been notable that some free willed minds would have made discoveries sooner. As technology advanced, our discovery of our selves and our surrounding grew; with technology, tasks become faster. The calculator allows a person to complete math at a faster rate, a Word program gives us the capability of writing stories and books faster. When we habituate ourselves to new technology we lose old capabilities that have become obsolete. To be blunt, with the loss of religious grip and the support of the technological age, we are able to accumulate more information and make more precise estimations about the universe and etc. Now, there is a lot i would dispute with your video but I do appreciate someone taking the time to place less known theories into a video that allows other to think, I really only ask that you consider the flaws in some of this information. Let's consider the calendar of mythological animals and deities; humans made this calendar as a form to determine one's astrological luck, if you try to say that events lined up due to omniscient powers you would have to consider that it is being operated by human principal. Let's face it, humans are made of mistakes, but that's what allows us to do what we are capable of. If you've ever heard the phrase, "Curiosity killed the cat," I'm sure you understand that what it means is that curiosity is a bad thing. Personally I disagree; without curiosity we would not venture into the unknown. This curiosity drive's us to find our own origin and even the universe's. When we find facts that have a similar base we link them and believe that there is a significance to it. Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. If we take time to accept all criticism from open minds we can dictate whether it really is just a random occurrence. Personally I just believe that there were a lot of random occurrences that allowed these events to appear related, though I do appreciate being disproved. Until there are more valid points that have few plot holes in them I will have to disagree with a lot of your findings. Please just take this criticism and rating as a combined thought of the video and animation. 5 of the points are coming from your ideology, the other 1 point is coming from the limited and recycled animation.

RiverJordan responds:

1) The mayans didn't need leap year because they were looking at planetary orbits on multiple magnitudes, their understanding transcended leap years, which we had to have because of our less-accurate 365 calendar.

2) Yes, Religion prohibited lots of learning, because the consciousness of the people in control, and the people being controlled, were very dense. Neither sides understood very much. I'm not arguing with you here, you're argument is essentially the same as mine, just viewed from a different (more specific) angle.

3) No, the astrological signs were not made up to calculate luck. Using advanced astrology, they could pretty much see and anticipate big events that would happen on earth. In fact, it still works today if you know what you're looking at. Most people just don't know what they're looking at. Humans have turned astrology into a sunday-papers "wish me luck" thing.

4) It's hard to do full character animation for a 10 minute presentation every week. I do what needs to be done, to get the message by. It's not about the animation, it's about what i'm talking about.

5) Please use paragraphs next time, walls of texts are hard to read.

Thanks for the review,
Jordan :)


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