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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

A good insight ...

... into the conclusions drawn by New Age thinking from recent discoveries and new scientific puzzles ... again.
The animation is fluid and entertaining which, I have to admit, makes this exposé pleasurable to watch.
As for the content, well, let's just say it is mind opening ... of course there is always the risk that people take it as Gospel and see answers where there are only questions. But whether viewers make a religion out of it (I certainly won't !)or not is not really your problem ... so well done anyway.

hands with genre symbols

were backwards

but i digress, much of that makes sense except for the thought of light being mixed up with conciusness in the stars or something, and as im a big skeptical fag if you disregard the hypothesis that says we are more concious when aligned with the center of the universe (universe doesnt have a center cuz its endless) the all crumble to ashes

it is interesting though, but if i were to apply both logical and emotional understanding for listening to this then both would rebel

now if i become more concious or even get superpowers on 2012 then ull get a donation from me

RiverJordan responds:

Center of the galaxy, not center of the universe ;) And i PROMISE it's not just light up there. Throughout this series i will do my best to show you otherwise :D

And my paypal is jordanduchnycz@gmail.com, so you can just make that donation out that ;)

Haha, thanks for the review :D

You say your not bashing peoples beliefs

Then you call bible stories ridiculous. As far as animation goes a lot of it was just recycled. I dont agree with most of what your saying but thats my opinion. The fact is that nobody can comprehend all knowledge or know when the worlds going to end except god, so while I am not debating your prediction of the world ending in 2012 I will say that only time will tell so dont get ahead of yourself.

RiverJordan responds:

I didn't say the world would end.. were you paying attention? Were waking up! Were living!

You raise some interesting points.

Purely technically, it was good. I enjoyed the visuals of the sort of rag-doll presenter and such. Seemed very much like a lecture, with pictures of the Sphinx and diagrams as slides to aid the audience.
Now that the technical side of things had been briefly dealt with, I wanted to make a few comments on the content. One of the main points you made was the transition from female- to male-orientated systems of knowledge. A move towards more rational and purely logical methods of understanding the world around us. I think this is a very interesting and important point, but to attribute it to cosmological events requires a large leap of faith from your audience. Historically, humans attributed great reverence to the uniquely female ability to create life. Gaia and Mother Nature are examples of this. The transition from polytheism to monotheism led to the less aggressive female gods being ousted in favour of a more destruction-orientated singular male God. It does seem highly conjectural to state this transition was due to cosmological phenomena.
Furthermore, I am curious why you state that we are currently in a knowledge explosion yet contradict yourself by stating that humanity is near the end of "falling asleep." If "waking up" doesn't happen until next year we should be at our lowest level of understanding and at our most conjectural.
I also question your typifying ancient Greece as purely based on conjecture rather than actual knowledge. Did you not think to mention Archimedes?
You make an interesting point about the Sphinx and it is important to not see ancient civilisations as barbarous or backward. To state that the reason no one really discusses the age of the Sphinx due to their religion does smack of cultural elitism, to an extent. It must be remembered that it was not so long ago that Western civilisation did not accept the world was older than 4000 years old. There are still Christian groups who lobby to not allow evolution to be taught in American public schools. It could well be that, as there is no knowledge of a civilisation around the Nile before the Ancient Egyptians, the Sphinx is simply attributed to the Egyptians as there is no other group it could be. Albeit I am suggesting negative evidence there so it isn't a great argument, but to attribute the lack of discussion of the Sphinx to Islamic culture seems questionable.
You make some interesting points, and the theories put forward intrigued me as I had not heard them before. The theories, however, do not convince me. Maybe it is because I am a product of the masculine logical world which has been created. To me, it just seems like the ideas you put forward are just different ways of explaining the world from different civilisation at a different time. To say that one is better purely due to the cosmological world in which it occured seems too far fetched for me. The transition from Phlogiston theory to the modern scintific understanding took about 350. Does the cosmological position of the Earth change that much in that short amount of time? Can we really say with such certainty that a theory of the cosmos is the reason for civilisations rise and fall?
It's important to note the knowledge of ancient civilisations, but it should not be taken too far.
Interesting stuff though, don't get me wrong. It's just I have not been convinced. I'll take a look at your other animations, I hope they will be as interesting and challenge my way of thinking as well as this one has.

RiverJordan responds:

Ahh, but were already waking up, as were on the other side of the curve. In fact, human history speeding up and learning more and more can be attributed to us coming out of our sleep. We were at our lowest state in the dark ages, then we started waking up slowly, and slowly, but today were on a straight up curve.

Actually, to really get to the bottom of this we must go deeper into what these civilizations knew, only then we can remember who and what we really are

Nice Ending Theme!

But how could you not pick the Age of Aquarius? Ah, maybe you're saving it for later.

Your videos are exceptionally well animated and directed. Your content is titillating and romantically interesting, but scientifically dubious. Nevertheless, I'm entertained by the presentation and its fantastical quality.