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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

Extra Credits

Pros: The presentation was clear and concise, though it lacked all credible cohesion to sane logic and statistics -- im a conspiracy buff and I never heard of some of things you mentioned. Please tell me what you are on, I want some.

Cons: Complete ripoff of the "Extra Credits" series from the Escapist Magazine. The voice, character similarities, and visual style completely mimic said series. My god, man do you have a shred of dignity? It is astounding how the most unoriginal and uncreative people are the most pretentious. Even more shocking how most the schmucks that inhabit the portal soak it up like it's comprehension-cocaine.

Give credit where "Extra" Credits is due

Please mention that your style comes completely from "Extra Credits" a show that is sponsored on "the escapist" website. I won't give stars away otherwise.

I hate you

Last year my mother started to read a lot about things like that. She became addicted to it really fast. She started to go to meetings about energy and things like that. After some time her personnality changed completely and she became a sort of robot waiting for something beautiful and peaceful to happen. 3 months ago she got the fuck off and I don't talk to her anymore. She is completely brainwashed and I can't believe you did that to her. I'm fucking proud to be atheist and I hope you shit will die soon. Thank you for destroting my family fucking ass holes.

Unscientific...but claims to be

Earlier in these reviews you asked: "What's the harm in that?"
Read people's comments! There are a lot of people out there who tend to believe this crap without even doing their own research! Be aware of your resposibility, you claim this to be researched science, but it's not! And it wasn't in your other SS clips, too (for example water crystals by Emoto Masaru, yeah, interesting stuff, but he isn't a Dr. of science - he studied politics, and his experiments aren't empirically verifiable, means you wouldn't get that nice crystal structure for Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" twice, never ever...).

The topics you chose for your series are quite interesting, because they are mysterious. Problem is, you present these as facts, not as questions. And you do it in a quite bad, unscientific style: First you go "the dogon blabla...they did this, they knew that.." and after that you ask a question "couldn't it be...blabla?
Yeah, sure it "could be" - if you did better research on the dogons and didn't already take that shit you told about them earlier for granted. That's unscientific!

Don't get me wrong, I myself are quite interested in stuff like that but I would never stop my research just because the information I already gathered is oh so exciting. You remind me of old Von Däniken with his "astronauts" on ancient temple reliefs (turn a picture of a king's coronation 90° and you clearly see his "ufo") oO. There are a lot of things in this world we don't (and possibly won't ever) understand, and you remember me of myself in my "mystery-astrology-Däniken-time". Get over it....soon.


Just about the most assumptive I've seen so far.

No actual basis of multi-sourced proof for these various cutesy claims, simply a leap of faith down the rabbit hole.

The bloviation on the subject of the Dogons fails to mention that Sirius's star system is heavily based in their very old tribal religion, over many hundreds of years. Even if it's pretty hard to see, with enough obsessive commitment to study, it can be seen. However, the parts about aliens and EMGs... not exactly the most factual basis.

The Sphinx lecture is at best, a heap of desperate fridge logic. The concentration on one group of scientists and the purposeful ignorance of all the others, as well as the diversionary jab at Islam, and forcefully linking this with some theory about the constellational periods does not make this a winning argument if one actually thinks about this. The origins, makings, and even stylings of the Sphinx are still under heavy amounts of scientific debate that will not cease for a while yet, and claiming anything about it at this time will show nothing but willful ignorance on your part. Far from the "accepted evidence" you claim in this video, I daresay.

Also, I'd like to add that Atlantis's existence, whilst a cute story, will remain so until we actually find it in totality and properly identify it. For all you know, it could have been just a philosophical allegory. By the way, having watched this through a few times (so as to get my cynical rebuttal straight), I find it amusing that you call the philosophers a "dumber" culture than the preceding cultures. Such profound ignorance, I must say...

But, back to going down the chronological list, I will continue on with the posed question about the speeding-up of information. Uh, dude, you've forgotten about the loss of the bulk of the Library of Alexandria. What if that missing collection of scrolls had most of the knowledge we gained up to the time of the widespread Renaissance? You seem to forget that tragedy of humanity.

In any case, linking up the "age of information" with this pseudomystical "age of aquarius" does not make any cohesive sense. If not for anything else, then for the fact that how did this chronological system come into play in the first place? Remember, in those days, everything had a mystical and/or religious explanation, so people will look for supernatural stuff in things even when it isn't there.

Continuing on with this discussion, I'd like to let you in on something: THERE ARE NO "GALACTIC WINDS". Various physical forces are at work, but WIND (or whatever cute term you pop onto something) is not.

What I love about the bit about waking and sleeping is that it shows that you obviously don't know a thing about the studies behind the mechanics of sleep or the how the biological clock of an organism relates to it- or the psyche of the organism, for that matter. Then again, you might be talking in New Age jargon again, so I'll just move on...

And next we have- OH GOD. THIS IS RICH.

You placed values on knowledge as if some knowledge was more valuable than others. Sorry to tell you this, hon', but all [founded] knowledge is important. Just because the scientists of today are not infatuated with how the Earth's rotation moves with the pulls and pushes of the Sun and the Earth's Moon does not mean we are any less intelligent as a human race.

The hating on the deconstructing of knowledgable society and its re-emerging in a different form (the Fall of Rome to "Dark" Ages and Medieval times) is silly, as the human race benefited from in in a variety of ways, such as the studies of things like alchemy, political systems, and economic systems. This probably wouldn't matter to you, seeing as you're all for this "bigger than me" mysticism, but this stuff had some actual purpose in shaping the world and sciences of today(alot).

Now we move on to the concluding statements.

Yet again, you discredit cold logic in favor for overly arty idealism.

Science is the practice of the studying of the world. Get over it.

And that's a wrap.