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Reviews for "Closed In Addendum"

Cool interactive story

****SPOILER ALERT****** Don't read this review if you haven't played the game yet.

Really, don't.

I like the concept - interactive story - gets the viewer more interested than passively watching an animation. Also, you do have a choice, right at the end.

I'm a little bothered by the objects you pick up for no reason at all (especially the seringe, why?).

What really has bothered me, though, was the black&white view at the end. You can either choose to jump after your love and die with him or leave and carry on with your life. |Then comes the verdict: You choose fidelity or You choose betrayal.

Don't know about you, but I'd rather have my love carry on with her life if I died, that would be very faithful to me. I would feel betrayed by such a coward move as to jump after me in the chasm. Romeo and Juliette were just two teenagers who didn't know the first thing about love. Very intense infatuation and passion can lead to tragedy. People who really love each other, who are bothered by the fact that they never have breakfast together anymore, they can carry on with their love in their hearts and their lives ahead.

Or maybe I'm not romantic.
All in all. Very good work. Thought you might like to have some feedback on the plot.

Good game

I didn't expect "betrayal" if i leave. Thats not fair.

I think I understand the end choices.


As much as I disagree with everyone else about the whole committing suicide for a loved one thing, I do kinda understand the reason the author chose the words 'Loyalty' and 'Betrayal'.
Before the guy tries to cross the pit, he tells her that he'll never leave her again, and she replies that she'd want nothing else other than to be at his side. After he falls, you're given a choice to leave or follow. If you leave, then you are going back on what you just said not 10 seconds ago and leaving him forever, so you would kinda be 'betraying' him. But if you follow, then you stick with what you said, that you want nothing other than to be at his side, so you'd be 'loyal' to your word and to him.


Other than that, I think this was a very deep game. The simplistic pixel graphics emphasizes on the dark world theme that you have going on. I gave this an 8 instead of a 10 because the interaction with things led me to think that this would be a point and click type game, and the slow walking mixed with the back and forth traveling kinda cheesed me off a bit.

A bit slow.

I know that it has a lot of meaning behind it, but it seems a bit cruel to make you do the entire thing again just to get the other ending while walking as slow as you do. Otherwise it looked nice.

Kinda good..

It's good, and has deep meanings to it. I enjoyed it,but maybe you could have made the game a bit more longer? And the dialogue more precise? But,never mind the game's quite good as it is and I'm sure it isn't easy to do games like those. Good game,all in all.