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Reviews for "Artifission RPG chp0"


That guy before me is a total and complete idiot, CrispiNuggets is his name and he is mentally retarded...He bases this on final fantasy because its an rpg OMG OK WTF??? all rpgs are similar because its not a very expandable game mod, attack, spells and all the like are cool in this game...great job man, I know that dealing with dumb people after you spend forever making something in flash pisses you off, keep on animating my friend...excellent job =)

Fickludd responds:

Thanks for the support!

My Critique

Please make an RPG more original. The music and style reeks of Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is a good thing but this is not. All the good reviews are due to an after affect of playing Final Fantasy that suddenly makes Final Fantasy look-a-likes all the better. Not to mention, first aid takes mana? A single attack option and a boss that eventually one shots you or causes you to run out of mana in the process? I am giving you okay style because it is modeled after a series of high success but overall it lacks any innovation. The graphics are mediocre and should be retouched, but before that you should look into building your own combat system with your own ideas and stop using ideas of 10+ years ago.

This could develop into something worthy of praise but from this tidbit its very under-developed.

Fickludd responds:

It's similar to FF. But I like to play those kind of games so why shouldn't I make one? Using the ideas of 10+ years ago is fine if they are good ideas (like the wheel for example). Also 10+ years ago games where developed by maybe a couple of guys in a month, which makes me much more alike them than the 100-man teams developing games today. On another note I am weaving in my own ideas into this but the prologue doesn't get komplex enough for them to show.

Thanks for taking time to comment my gae though!

dude listen to this

Fun but need improvements! June 24, 2007

Reviewed by: Leon-the-Awsomeness Overall Score: 8

this game was fun except its a bit difficult!
here is what i think you should add! if possible please do so!

Inventory Screen/Status
EXP and a leveling up system
possible sleep option where you start the game at (so you can heal and stuff like that)
Ability to equip weapons and armor

Fickludd responds:

Glad you liked the game!
All you are asking for will actually be added :D. I think RPG's shouldn't be too easy.

Great game!

This review will be in both Swedish and English.

Swedish Review;

Väldigt bra gjort spel! Det ända du behöver förbättra på(enligt mej), lägg till en svårighets ändrare. T.ex; Lätt; Man tar mindre skada och skadar fienden mer. Medel; Man tar vanligt mycket skada och skadar fienden med vanligt inställd skada. Svårt; Man tar betydligt mer skada och skadar fienden mindre/svårare att träffa fienden.


English Review;

Very well done game! The only thing you need to improve(according to me), is to add a difficulty changer. For Example; Easy; You take less damage and damage your enemys more. Medium; You take from regulary set damage and give regulary set damage to your enemys. Hard; You take considerably more damage and give considerably more damage to your enemys.



Lund FTW!

Fickludd responds:

This response will be in both Swedish and English.
Tack för recensionen!
Olika svårighetsgrader skulle kanske vara en bra idé, ska tänka på det ^^.

Thanks for the review!
Different difficulty levels might be a good idea, i'll think about it ^^.


Add menus and stuff in-game. And EXP and stuff. But most of all, faster movement of the character.

I hope each chapter won't be this short. Anywho, the graphics and music rock, and I can't wait for more.

Fickludd responds:

Menu/Exp will be added. Faster movement... maybee.

Chapters will be longer, glad you liked it!