Card themed flash. Graphics use pixel art and detail well. Gameplay suffers from bad mechanics and way too many fights. If the card fights were easier to control, and you removed the repetitive fights than this could become Top Notch.
Entry for the ld43. Theme was: Sacrifices must be made.
Art: Ivan Papiol, edU Verz, Mohammed Bakir Khawam, Laro "LarkkK" Saiz
Music: Beicoli
Code: Quike Zárraga
Narrative Intern: Josué Monchán
Card themed flash. Graphics use pixel art and detail well. Gameplay suffers from bad mechanics and way too many fights. If the card fights were easier to control, and you removed the repetitive fights than this could become Top Notch.
I tried multiple times, only did fights that were forced and I couldn't beat it, maybe I don't have good strategy but there should be a way to heal cards or get more
I know that goes against the theme a bit, but it would make the game much more satisfying
How much acid was consumed while making this game? Mind = blown
the controls are a bit too slippery
Love the art, music and feeling of this game. Kids talking about their future careers while playing with card game about careers, pretty neat.
The gameplay is a little funky sometimes in the overworld and sometimes is not really clear what to do to progress.