Wow, this was much more fun than I was expecting from a Prototype. Simple and a bit too easy sure, but still I was entertained none-the-less.
It's got some cute graphics going for it, I quite like the designs for each of the tribes. Plus the music is quite nice.
Of course the game has problems to it, what with it being a Prototype. Like I said, and probably many before me have said, it's very easy. In fact the Ungoy tribe is just about game breaking; their healing ability and much increased HP growth over the other tribes makes them greatly outlast the other tribes. In fact, if your healing ability is greater than the damage you received, you can end up having HP that goes over your max.
Also, like I said earlier, it's extremely simple. Only having three options makes the combat become repetitive after a long while. I definitely think adding more abilities would be good, perhaps having them either be purchasable or unlocked at certain levels. Bonus is there are different abilities depending on each tribe and what they are best at.
The items are also in a sense overwhelming and underwhelming. The defense and power items are underwhelming, as I felt no real increase with them and I never even felt a need to use them. The health however is quite overpowered, what with it appearing to heal fully. Either that or I didn't get quite high enough to see what their limit is, then oops. Varying levels of effectiveness would help with that regard I feel.
A story mode also would be quite nice, just to see why the tribes are battling and just to know just what the hell Goadie is and why it seems to be a priority to defeat it. Perhaps the story would vary depending on the tribe you chose as well.
I'd also think more enemies would be quite nice. Not necessarily new tribes, although new tribes would be quite cool as well, but just to get more variety with the battles it would be cool to have different enemies to face. Perhaps more corrupted creatures that are under the influence of Goadie?
In a more technical sense, sometimes the sound would end up glitching on this game. Sometimes music would play over other music, while sometimes sound effects like the healing noise would continue to play non-stop. What made it worse is that muting did nothing to stop it. In order to stop the sound glitch, I would have to stop my battle progress and go back to the main menu. It's quite annoying when that happens.
Overall, a very nice prototype. Can't wait to see improvements on this.