"7 slippery chickens"
As the Wonders of the Universe passes by a mysterious Red Cloud in space, they pick up a ancient and dormant virus that attempts to take over the ship. With communications cut off, they have little hope of regaining control.
Watch it on YouTube! http://youtu.be/g39iCJBXm oo
Xander Mobus (Motley-Fool)
Chris Niosi (Kirbopher)
Edwyn Tiong (Omahdon)
Edward Bosco (Darkwolf)
Miranda Gauvin (dellaciel)
Deven Mack (D-Mac-Double)
Fernando Zamora (fthreat)
Mark Schneider (th1rt3en)
Chris Boe (BOE)
Joseph Blanchette (Legendary Frog)
Mark Schneider (th1rt3en)
Joseph Blanchette (Legendary Frog)
Casey McDonald (Xiphon)
Chris Boe (BOE)
Peter Gresser (PeterGMusic)
"7 slippery chickens"
Lost it at the song
Love the series! thanks for the hard work you all put into this.
Very nicely done animation loved the 2001 a space odyssey reference and hal 9000 gave me a good laugh
Don't even speak such lies, I saw that scroll by. Youtube buys newgrounds.