Awesome game, expecially for a game made in 2009, great music and sound effects, i like the retro style, you probably won't read this, and might have forgotten about this game since its from 2009, but anyways. Here are some ideas and improvements this game could have (most of them are about powerups) FOOD: just like in metal slug, some weird bananas and meat that randomly appear around the map from time to time, they would just give some score soon as you pick them up, around 3000... NOTEBOOK (no idea why a notebook, just coudn't think of something else for the power up sprite to be): gives a little boost for your super briefcase cooldown bar (around 20%). WHITE FLAG: no one is made of steel, gives you a little break from the overwhelming missiles, no missiles for about 10 or 15 seconds. ARMOR: gives you a extra 4th heart, but are pretty damn rare and the 4th heart cannot be regenerated by medkits, only by picking up another armor powerup. KILLER MISSILE: theres the regular small missile with almost no radius and that takes 1 heart, theres that bigger missile with a skull on it, that has more radius and takes away 2 hearts, and then there would be the Killer Missile, considerable radius, and takes away 3 hearts but show up rarely, DIVE: a new movement for the main character, that one wich is featured on many platformers and hack and slash games, where the character boosts himself up for one second, not sure if dive is the actuall name, but, it could be usefull when you are about to get hit in your head by a missile, or when there are missles comming from all the sides, but theres that one corner where you gotta get in to dodge that huge missile wave comming right to your face DIFFICULTY LEVEL DOWN: no idea how that powerup would look like, but it would be very usefull, would be very rare, but would be a life saver for when the dificullty has leveled up so much that you cant even walk 3 steps without losing health, it would decrease the dificulty level for about 1min, untill it gets back to normal
4 stars and a half, great job