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Chrono Trigger Unglued 18

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Nadia, believing that Crono has long since been executed, goes into despair while being kept captive in her room by the castle guards. However, it quickly turns out that hope is afoot; thusly she formulates a plan to break out and help Crono and Lucca while there is still time! Furthermore, the Chancellor's flair for the dramatic finally manages to bite him in the ass. Lastly, this episode also features a completely redesigned all new credits sequence.


The space bar, as well as the arrow button, is used to advance conversations. When the secret scene is unlocked you select it from the scene selection menu to play it. Restarting the movie by right clicking relocks the secret scene. You can now skip Gaspar's narration if you select the first scene from the scene menu.


Cryo's mostly still around these days, hopefully that continues to last. Sorry this took so long, but working at Wal-Mart can be a real dampener on the soul; however, hopefully the impressive new credits sequence makes up for some of the long wait. Also, you might notice some wonderfully made custom Marle-in-Dress sprites in this episode, you can all thank our new master custom sprite maker for those: Kris Sumrall. I would very much like to say that the next episode will be out soon, but I've long ago learned that I jinx myself when I say such things. So, instead, let's all just watch and hope that it's soon!


Ultra Publications: http://www.ultrapublications.com
Ultra Publications's Forum: http://www.ultrapublications.com/forum
CTU's Personal Hompage: http://www.ultrapublications.com/ctu
My Art Page: http://clovis15.deviantart.com (Okay, so it's not CTU related, but please still look)


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I am glad this is still here.


It was cool to do a different gag with Jaspar and stuff. It was also nice to see that cat show up there, as I have really never had any idea what he was for (I haven't seen every episode, but you should know that). In case anyone wants hints, the scene actually came off as a bit strange. I clicked on everything and nothing happened. It then cut to a scene outside and when I clicked again, it worked. Once that happens and the guard talks, go under the bed. If only I was small enough to even fit under the bed.

It was the first time where clicking on a non-pixellated thing DID NOT help me. Well, maybe it did but whatever. It was also great to see a different theme at the end. The original was always good, but it became so common I skipped past it. The music all around was great and it seemed to be a good story with comedy. There was not much action, still.

you are god to me

this is the best series ever

Clovis15 responds:

Please, don't call me a God. I'm not that great, there are many other flash artists easily better than me. I'm just a guy too stubborn to stop working on something, even if he knows it will eventually run over a hundred episodes. Still, I thank you for your words of adoration and hope that you'll keep liking the series in the future as well.

Metaphorically speaking!

Actually, I wouldn't want to be metaphorically a princess either. Not even a Mission Impossible one. I would, however, enjoy being a knight with a cushy job that didn't involve me having to do anything special. Bit like that guy from the MediEvil games, how he was apparently never called into do anything until Zarok...

Oh, nevermind. So, we have this power-play between princess and chancellor, and...why is the ending theme changed? I thought that was perfect for this show! Oh well...

Clovis15 responds:

The goal for the show was that the ending would change regularly to tributes/parodies of the openings to various other shows. This new ending shall in time be replaced itself as well.

Let's go buy some swords!

Ah now that secret scene really got me laughing at the end of it. This series is just too funny ah my sides lol

Clovis15 responds:

I'm glad you liked it.

Credits & Info

4.40 / 5.00

Apr 22, 2009
1:10 AM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place April 23, 2009