This is totally awesome, very funny !
hi everyone! This is the seonc episode in the "Is That..." Series
What would happen to barry scott if he wasnt doing adverts for cilit bang... why in this cartoon, it explains what happens :D Hope you enjoy!
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
This is totally awesome, very funny !
NIce! XD :P
never heard of that guy, but i find it so hilarious in my mind XD :P
cillit BANG!
i always was taking the piss out of barry scott...
hahahahahahaha! ITS SO F***ING FUNNY
Yes, it is Barry Scott
it's flashes like this thats show why your on my favourites list, and everyone knows barry scott kicks so much arse, he's like a british super hero! i say we build a statue to his glory
now the flash
voices are amazing, you got the barry scott voice down prety well, and i love the villainous voice also, no need to improve here
the animation itself is simmiler to egoraptors "awesome" it works well for this flash because complicated graphics would have ruined this flash
short simple and super sweet, very well done, i look forward to your next flash
for the love of crap, this does not look like the awesome series xP I dont know HOW it does.
In any case, Im glad ya liked it :)